View Full Version : At all costs be calm if you see a BIB

February 16th, 2015, 20:51
The latest "report" carried this time on the website of that insignificant broadsheet The Bangkok Post as recently as yesterday, brings qualified good news for the harassed foreigners of Thong Lor.

The newly appointed Police superintendent Col Khojohnpong has issued a protocol document which states that unless a foreigner is acting suspiciously "his officers are prohibited from conducting random searches"

He went on to declare that if a foreigner "is startled by the presence of police" he may be searched- but in public and under the supervision of 2 senior officers.

For method actors or those on valium or whatever there's nothing to worry about cos those who "appear calm" won't be questioned or searched.

February 16th, 2015, 22:21
On the other hand, bad news if you have a twitch.


February 18th, 2015, 11:49
I was actually just discussing this with my neighbor yesterday. I honestly can't remember the last time I seen a uniformed police officer. Think I seen a cop truck about a month ago, and that was it.

Yet, our area remains very peaceful and secure. We do have the mafia around, because I know they own the pool hall down the street, which is fine with me. I view them as good, not bad. They don't mean any harm, unless you're the one causing problems. Plus just the way society here works -- I can't do anything or go anywhere without a few dozen people knowing about it, but once you get over that loss of privacy, you realize it's actually a great way to live.

February 18th, 2015, 13:59
KK? I thought you had totally given up on Thailand.

February 18th, 2015, 19:38
On the other hand, bad news if you have a twitch.
. . . and presumably also if you wear a bowler!
