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View Full Version : Good news for Hydras: You're getting Mooned at Jupiter!

June 22nd, 2006, 17:52
That's the planet, Jupiter, not the Bangkok bar but, never mind, you have your very own moon!
Jupiter's two recently discovered moons have been offically named, Hydra and Nix.

Nyx Nixed in favor of Nix: The spelling had to be changed because there's already a Nyx.
Fortunately; there is no existing, Hydra, or the other moon might have been named Hiedi.
(I hope you didn't think I was going to say, Hydrangea.)

June 23rd, 2006, 11:54
Hydrangeas wilt horribly here, and I wanted a whole luscious frothing hillside of them. They come in techno colours, especially the Japanese varieties. What a waste of cash that was. Oh so lucky is wasn't mine.

Full moon man! Shisha pipe talk. I still am not fully recovered from my Arabian night.

June 23rd, 2006, 13:56
That's the planet, Jupiter, not the Bangkok bar but, never mind, you have your very own moon!
Jupiter's two recently discovered moons have been offically named, Hydra and Nix.

Nyx Nixed in favor of Nix: The spelling had to be changed because there's already a Nyx.
Fortunately; there is no existing, Hydra, or the other moon might have been named Hiedi.
(I hope you didn't think I was going to say, Hydrangea.)

These are two moons of Pluto, not Jupiter, the other being Charon.

In Greek mythology, Pluto ruled the underworld and Nyx was the goddess of night and the mother of Charon, the boatman who takes souls across the River Styx and into Pluto's grasp. Hydra was the mythological nine-headed serpent that guarded the underworld - and the name of several posters on this board.

Maybe NASA, having discovered two new rings around Uranus, will also deal with the problem of Klingons, too.

June 23rd, 2006, 14:52
Accuse me, please; when I read the article I was thinking of Jupiter...The bar, not the planet. :redfaced:
:ufo: Oh, but that we could be beamed up--And dropped in Patpong.. :sad6: .. for a Bangkok injection. :sex:

I don't have 'rings' there, do you?
Assuming you mean, circles, & not that you've found a novel place to carry your cell phone (Ring tones) and an even more novel 'answering service.'
Should one venture close enough; would counting the rings reveal your age?
....never mind...I think I'll accept your word for it--But do watch out for boygorge :fart: he's fixated.

(And try blue ointment...to get rid of those nasty little Klingon's.)

June 23rd, 2006, 16:33
(And try blue ointment...to get rid of those nasty little Klingon's.)
Do you know how the starship Enterprise from Star Trek is like toilet paper?

They both circle Ur-anus looking for Kling-ons.

C'mon. Edith made me remember it!

June 24th, 2006, 07:31
(And try blue ointment...to get rid of those nasty little Klingon's.)
Do you know how the starship Enterprise from Star Trek is like toilet paper?

They both circle Ur-anus looking for Kling-ons.

C'mon. Edith made me remember it!

Ohhh.......... imagine if the whole crew was Thai and wore those tighty uniforms!! More than a man could take! :tongue8:

June 24th, 2006, 08:17
Hydrangeas? I prefer pansies

June 24th, 2006, 09:53
Pansies? They wilt before you even get them into the car. No, give me the Amorphophallus titanum, any day, pity it smells like a rotting corpse but hey it's a variation on Tuna. I have one of these aroids in the garden, the spadix or phallus is creamy yellow and the cock head is like a large intact purple ox heart. Luckily it smells just like chocolate. Enough to tempt the garden gnomes! I bought the football sized tuber at Chatuchak, they travel very well.

June 24th, 2006, 10:12
Pearl is usually after something footballer size

June 24th, 2006, 16:10
No, give me the Amorphophallus titanum, any day, pity it smells like a rotting corpse but hey it's a variation on Tuna.

You might try anthuriums (No bad smell) commonly known as, little boy flowers. :male:
In your climate, (white) peace lillies may be easier to grow. :triplets:

June 24th, 2006, 19:36
yes I have been tempted with anthuriums.....may colours to choose but a bit plastic looking still,just havn't got the right spot,think they look good with a minimilist landscaping. Peace lillies what do these look like, I like the sentiment :flower:

June 25th, 2006, 17:46
They look a bit like (all) white anthuriums. Abundant, showy foliage.
Easy care but don't over-water. They do well in very little light (north or east window) or on a shady patio once temps stay above 40┬░C

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001W ... e&n=284507 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001WYNDM/103-9491746-5439825?v=glance&n=284507)

http://www.letsgogardening.co.uk/Inform ... ect2/Peace (http://www.letsgogardening.co.uk/Information/connect2/Peace) Lillies.htm

June 25th, 2006, 18:16
The comment "Peace Lilies were rated among the top ten air-cleaning plants in a NASA study" on the page from the first link Edith posted picqued my curiosity and a Google search revealed:

Top 10 Air Cleaning Plants
1. Areca palm
2. Reed palm
3. Dwarf date palm
4. Boston fern
5. Pothos
6. English ivy
7. Australian sword fern
8. Peace lily
9. Rubber plant
10. Weeping fig

Ain't the internet grand?

June 25th, 2006, 19:37
Where's Gaybutton when you need him?

June 25th, 2006, 21:23
Where's Gaybutton when you need him?I believe he's working on his autobiography, to be called "Memoirs of a Grand Ayatollah"

June 26th, 2006, 20:20
It's gone from moons to flowers to gaybutton and the ads at the bottoms are for Jupiter's finest florests.

Are you sure about that (book) title?
I thought it was: A House Is Not a Home? Who Needs a House! I Was an Internet Madam.

June 26th, 2006, 21:19
Aah Spathyphylum, yes I like very much. I went "peace lily" mad last year,planting shimmering pools of them beneath all the trees. Inspired by some planting at the Hyatt on Bali. Lovely things, sadly they did not take to the wet season here or the fruit bats that dropped vast quantities of rotten guavas all over them, fell over one by one, root rot! So much for giving peace a try. :blackeye: Working on a substitute though. For extended flowering season they really are very hard to beat.

This heat is sapping my energy, it's 36%C with 90% humidity tonight. I am even too hot to sleep. The dog caught a Rednecked keel-back snake. Frogs fucking rejoice, between the frogs and the heat I think I will have no sleep at all. Might catch some football later down Mong Kok or Hung Hom. I kid you not.