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View Full Version : Poor Moby

January 11th, 2015, 01:24
Was sitting in a bar in Sunne, that sells doubles, when...

A waiter at the Green Chairs bar opposite, stacking the said green chairs, seemed to accidentally puncture the fish tank with a chair leg. Locals will know that this tank accommodates what is probably the fattest goldfish in Thailand.

The water poured out faster than any known Thai tap (faucet to some).

Another waiter attempted to stop the flow, rather like the little Dutch boy trying to stop the flood in Holland by putting his finger in the dyke. Waiter remained there for some time holding back the flow while Moby swims around and takes more than a keen interest in proceedings. Water everywhere.

Suddenly theres a crash, like a Korean Boeing landing at San Francisco, and the whole tank collapses. Poor Moby is then seen laying still at the bottom experiencing his first taste of gravity. Even more water everywhere.

Green chairs waiters scurry around, find a bucket, and attempt to lift Moby into it. Moby immediately starts to flap like an untipped Mamasan.

Fortunately there is another fish tank below and our friend is dumped unceremoniously into it.

Ten minutes later poor Moby can be seen laying at the bottom of his new home, alive, but panting like a 65 year old in bed full of twinks.

Added to a fun evening!

By the way, anyone know what happened to that poor Turtle that lived in a filthy tank for years and years, opposite Marina swimming pool?

January 11th, 2015, 16:14
Thanks for that...much enjoyed. And a happy ending, too!

January 11th, 2015, 22:36
Great story telling! I never noticed the tank and the fish, will take a closer look next time.

January 12th, 2015, 05:06
Poor Moby-what a dick (the waiter).
Moby became whale size because he's alone for years. He started off with many friends but Jai's brother thought it a good idea to add some shrimp to the tank and they proceeded to devour all and sundry. Mobi was saved by the timely and ruthless intervention of Ma Ma who dashed the crustaceans' brains against the wall.
Mobi's large new tank was recently donated by a fish- loving farang. I wonder if his altruism will stretch to buying a replacement?

January 12th, 2015, 15:16
By the way, anyone know what happened to that poor Turtle that lived in a filthy tank for years and years, opposite Marina swimming pool?

Hopefully the turtle died and was reincarnated as a hot thai boy. Also hope the turtle's owner died and was reincarnated as a turtle living his life out in a cramped tank.

January 13th, 2015, 01:00
francois u r evil :)