View Full Version : Sweedish Guy dies in Sunee Plaza

June 21st, 2006, 17:43
I have been informed that a Sweedish Gent passed away today in the Green Bar, or the corner bar opp Ex Spotlight.
All told me a heart attact. More later.

June 22nd, 2006, 05:01
I can hear the waiter now..."wait...check pin - check pin - checkpin"

June 22nd, 2006, 09:24
Was his wallet still intact when they recovered the body?

June 22nd, 2006, 14:58
I think you already have the answer.

June 24th, 2006, 18:51
[quote="let me tell u"]Its was only Old Jack 62 God Rest His Sole,../quote]

How patronizin can u be obviously not one you pattaya elite
not owe 500,000 baht not worth anyting

June 25th, 2006, 02:28
Its was only Old Jack 62 God Rest His Sole,../quote]

How patronizin can u be obviously not one you pattaya elite
not owe 500,000 baht not worth anyting

I think he was masking reference to another post which mentioned some toe-rag farang who borrowed 500,000 baht from another farang then refused to pay it back.

Ring any bells now? :drunken:

June 25th, 2006, 10:55
Billy all Monty's staff are trained in mouth to mouth, And Mouth to Cock.
Chow, has been trained in CPR, by that Bondi life saver , you were chasing down Sunee, he was lucky , he got away.
The only one you dont want mouth to mouth from is Monty,,,
Billy give your self 2 upper cuts, to save me the trouble.