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View Full Version : Let's get our priorities straight, eh ...

January 9th, 2015, 13:16
So for some strange reason I was thinking lately ~ obviously not clearly ~ that, having vaguely accepted that the Thai military took over the country last spring and pretty well pushed aside the 99% of Thai politicians who are complete wankers, no-hopers, deeply inept (can one say: "Mrs Yingluck"?), up to their bad toupees in various levels of corruption, do-nothings, know-nothings, Thaksin-haters, Thaksin-lovers, megalomaniacals (can one say: "Mr Suthep" & alter-ego "Mr.Jatuporn"?) that there might actually be ~ on the part of Mr Prayuth ~ some kind of 'agenda' which would actually be focused on doing Good Things for the Good People of Thailand.

Eh, things come to mind, right?: E.G. the completion (no, forget that ... the start actually) of the massive infrastructure needed to assure that the Great Flood of 2011 would never be that devastating again; a serious attempt at stemming, then killing, Thailand's ridiculous level of corruption; a complete reform of the laughable Thai justice system; a focus on environmental issues ("Eh, "arai kup"? What's 'environmental'?); etc etc etc ... you know, shit like that.

But oh no, not the Army, not getting into that, better, more important things to do, (WHAT was I thinking?). No, numero uno in the Thai elite priority dialectic is a charmingly simple and seemingly never-ending gambit: forget all that other boring stuff, let's just have a good old fashioned Power Struggle shall we? It cleans out the sinuses. I learned that in Class #17.

" ... The military source, who requested anonymity, said the current Army might seem to be united but in fact potential conflict is brewing under the surface. This is because the Army is now controlled by three different and powerful figures.

The first person is Prayut, who was the previous Army chief and now serves as prime minister and leader of the NCPO. The second is General Prawit Wongsuwan, deputy prime minister and defence minister who commands Prayut's respect as his former boss and senior at the military academy. The third figure is Udomdej, the current Army chief.

Unlike his predecessors, Udomdej also serves in the government as deputy defence minister, and therefore is obliged to follow orders from the prime minister and the defence minister, who are his former boss in the Army and his ex-senior in the military school respectively.

The sources warned that conflict could stem from a contest to become the next Army chief between two leading candidates - Prayut's brother General Preecha Chan-o-cha and General Teerachai Nakwanich - who are both assistant Army commanders-in-chief. Teerachai is Udomdej's former classmate from the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School.

Preecha is from Class 15 while Teerachai is from Class 14.

The Army source said the Army chief would feel uneasy having to choose between his former classmate and the brother of his boss to become his successor ... " http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politic ... 51125.html (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Army-needs-martial-law-to-shield-itself-30251125.html)

January 9th, 2015, 17:23
Jeez Smiles have you been on the turps for the last year? Everyone else knows that Prayuth took control with only one aim. It is to make sure the Red Shirts can never again control corruption in Thailand thats for the born to rule mob the Yellow Shirts. There busy now writing a gerrymandered constitution so the majority can never get a Red Shirt government in the future however they vote. And the army will be in control when your neighbour kicks the bucket so the Red Shirt son will not become you know what. You do know that the only police who have been arrested for corruption are the male relatives on the now divorced third wife????

January 9th, 2015, 20:21
" ... Everyone else knows that Prayuth took control with only one aim. It is to make sure the Red Shirts can never again control corruption in Thailand thats for the born to rule mob the Yellow Shirts ... "
That dearest Brisbane is an opinion, not a fact.
My little piece was also an opinion, but one fueled at least by living on-the-ground here for some years now and many discussions with Thai friends (and yes, their's are opinions also).
Whenever one starts off a sentence with words like " ... Everyone else knows ... " it's usually hyperbole and not much else.

January 10th, 2015, 03:37
many discussions with Thai friends.I have many discussions with farang friends in Brissie and believe me there level of general ignorance or prejudice about politics in that city is mind boggling so listening to other peoples opinions isnt always worth the paper its written on. Next thing you be telling us you value the opinions of the people back in Canada about Canadian politics because there Canadian so they must be accureate. Most people are fools. They get there opinions from the mass meeja which in Brissie means Rupert Murdoch. I done think Thailand would be any different. They believe what they read in the newspapers.

Not only that you live in the South which is Democrat Yellow Shirt heartland so of course your gonna be hearing jaundiced opinions but your too ignorant of the country where you of lived for so many years that you done discount that.

Brad the Impala
January 10th, 2015, 04:09
Not only that you live in the South which is Democrat Yellow Shirt heartland so of course your gonna be hearing jaundiced opinions but your too ignorant of the country where you of lived for so many years that you done discount that.

Accusing someone else of being ignorant of the country is a mistake when in the same sentence you describe Hua Hin, which Smiles has frequently written about as his home, as being in the South. Which it isn't, "As any fule kno!"

January 10th, 2015, 07:30
Accusing someone else of being ignorant of the country is a mistake when in the same sentence you describe Hua Hin, which Smiles has frequently written about as his home, as being in the South. Which it isn't, "As any fule kno!"Whatever pedantry makes you happy old cock. Its south of Bangkok towards Malaysia and in Yellow Shirt heartland thats all I care about.

The main point is that Smiles believes he has opinions and I have opinions and therefore there equal. Thats like the Creation Scientists who say Evolution is just a theory. Its a hypothesis that is a theory that most closely fits the facts. My "opinions" are a hypothesis that fits the facts Smiles opinions are simply Yellow Shirt propaganda.

January 10th, 2015, 09:09
" ... The main point is that Smiles believes he has opinions and I have opinions and therefore there equal. Thats like the Creation Scientists who say Evolution is just a theory. Its a hypothesis that is a theory that most closely fits the facts. My "opinions" are a hypothesis that fits the facts Smiles opinions are simply Yellow Shirt propaganda ... "
What a mish mash of hazy, convoluted logic attached to a conclusion which is so laughably far from reality one can only wonder what planet you learned the alphabet on.
Me? Yellow shirt? It is to guffaw.

January 10th, 2015, 10:55
Me? Yellow shirt? It is to guffaw.Are you basically stupid or just obtuse. I never said you are a Yellow Shirt I said your opinions are Yellow Shirt propaganda but perhaps if you cant recognise your own biases then I suspect the answer is "basically stupid". Don't worry as I said before most people are fools so your in good company.

January 10th, 2015, 11:01
:ymhug: #-o Do carry on Bris-brain Gai . . .

January 10th, 2015, 11:19
Every time Smiles posts, i often wonder what he has been smoking Often he makes sense to himself but not to others.

January 10th, 2015, 11:21
Oooohhhhh....Such excitement today...

Carry on Ladies....
tomorrows soap opera chapter should be even more exciting ...

BTW... Frankly I appreciate your OP Smiles...and the opinions expressed.
A nice change of pace here in the LOS


January 10th, 2015, 12:51
I get my opinions from the School of Asia-Pacific Studies at the Australian National University in Canberra where my cousin works. They specialise in SE Asian studies especially Thailand. They also have a web site called New Mandala http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/

Smiles seems to get his opinions from a few probably uneducated Thais (who probably sell their votes to the Democrats) plus the English language press which is almost holely pro Yellow Shirts and pro Army