View Full Version : Pattaya Report

January 2nd, 2015, 02:05
Arrived in Pattaya today, courtesy of Mr Toom. It was the quickest trip I think I've ever made from Bangkok - 2 hours, including a stop at 7/11. There were hardly any cars on the road, but the road to Bangkok was one huge traffic jam.

I was in my room about to have a quick nap when there was a knock at the door - it was Boi, my regular guy! we chatted for an hour and then headed off to Central Festival for dinner - Japanese, again! Spare me!

We came back and I decided to drop into the new Krazy Dragon to have a look. What a revelation! It has been renovated and has a much better atmosphere. We arrived at 10 and there was only one other customer. A boy came over and, lo and behold, I recognised him from Eros. And then another, and another. And another. i also recognised some of the other guys from a couple of the Sunee bars. One of the waiters used to work at Sunny Boys. It was though I was amongst family...lol

At about 10:30 customers started streaming in; I counted 19.

The show started at 11. They basically lost me with the very first act - a bare-breasted ladyboy. I don't visit gay bars to see boobs. The other acts were all the same; a ladyboy backed by two rather amateurish guys who couldn't dance to save themselves. But who cares - they were great eye candy.

The funniest part of the show was when one of the ladyboys sang a song called 'Mama." And then she came down from the stage and handed out instant noodles to everyone. Why would she give us noodles? Boi told me that the Thai word for noodles is "mama."

Other acts also wandered amongst the crowd. I was sitting between 2 groups of surly old farang who wouldn't even acknowledge the girls. Sad old fucks!

Although I didn't enjoy the show and wouldn't rush back to see it again, it's great to see something different in Sunee. And good on the owner for trying something new. It was hard to work out exactly how many guys are working there, as they kept coming and going. I counted 15, but one of the guys said they now have 20 boys. Maybe some had been offed.

In the past, KD has featured older masculine types, but now there is a good mix - someone for everyone.

Judging by the number of customers, the owner is definitely on the right track and should enjoy considerable success.

The boys I spoke to were full of praise for the way the bar is managed and the way they are treated. They get 200 baht for each night they work, or a monthly salary of 6000 baht, 100 baht for an off ( a waiter told me the off fee was 300 baht, but I heard a farang sitting nearby complain about the 400 baht off fee, so I'm not sure which is the correct amount) , 40 baht if the farang orders spirits and 20 baht for each beer.

Beer 120 baht.

After the show we dropped onto 7/11 to pick up some condoms. Last time, the condoms I bought were too small, so I got him to choose the size. Walking back to the hotel I was a bit worried about bottoming, as the guy who topped me in Bangkok (number 11 from Classc Boys) caused me quite a bit of grief, and he wasn't particularly well-endowed.

It seems that a bottom needs regular servicing because the pain was quite acute, but just when I was on the verge of giving up, the pain suddenly disappeared.

After he fucked me, I chuck-wowed him and he came in torrents!

"I not cum for 3 days."

More like 3 months...lol

January 2nd, 2015, 22:07
Good to hear a positive report about a new Sunee bar. Thanks a lot. It's good to know that Sunee isn't quite as dead as some people think.

January 3rd, 2015, 00:04
People have been predicting the demise of Sunee for years, but I can assure you it is well and truly alive and kicking.

Tonight we dropped by Krazy Dragon at around 9 and they had about 10 customers. Not bad for a new bar. Like last night I suppose there will be more arriving for the show.

Sunny Boys was virtually standing room only. And they had lots of guys on offer.

We ended up at Eros and again, they had a steady stream of customers and I saw 3 guys being offed.

As usual, the beer bars were doing a good trade - better than last night.

January 3rd, 2015, 02:32
....GASP......for a change i gotta agree (oh this does hurt) with ak47...sunee was real busy when last i was there in mid December....

January 3rd, 2015, 02:49
Always great to hear news about Sunee ...
Keeps me warm on these cold UK nights ..
( Pity you just missed Latintop A447, lol )

January 3rd, 2015, 11:12
Well, Latin, here's some more pain for you.

I spent an hour or so last night in Eros. Blondie wasn't there, but I spoke to many of the guys and a couple of the waiters, all of whom I know very well.

They laughed when I told them your account of what you reckon you did there. "No, no! Never happen! Cannot!"

All the guys said they'd never seen a farang fucking in the open bar, although a couple did recall the night when some of the boys fucked a Russian woman. Unfortunately, that seems to have been a one-off, but I live in hope...lol

BTW, this time I've seen a number of young western women walking around with Thai guys, some of them absolutely gorgeous - the guys, I mean! I've never seen that before. And the number of Russian visitors is definitely down. On the other hand, Krazy Dragon is attracting some young Russian customers. If only they'd employ some as gogo dancers! Again, I live in hope.

Halfhansum, I sometimes think those who are forever predicting the end of Sunee may have vested interests. Sure, there are times when it's very quiet, but I've been to Boyztown many times and have often been the only customer.

This time in Sunee it appears more farang are going into the gogo bars, rather than sitting in the beer bars. And there are more younger visitors, too - just like I witnessed in Bangkok.

Is there a change in the wind?

January 3rd, 2015, 11:40
....ak47...plse stop embarrassing yourself...get over it....I simply have more fun than u...and i dont need to get drunk or the help of renta-crowd....As for the gogo bars being more popular....simple...the " boys" are much more " playful" ....maybe they've realised that saving their " virginity" for after the off fee is not very profitable...better to earn 100 to 300 bht tips fooling around with customers...plus drinks naturally...like a beer bar...just more risque...when I was at eros at least 2 of the boys danced naked....OR is this also NOT possible....

January 3rd, 2015, 12:04
Oh goodie another installment of The Fishwives Duet.

January 3rd, 2015, 13:02
Last night the boys at Eros were a little subdued - result of the recent crackdown??

Only one boy was dancing naked. He'd been drinking since 7 pm and was quite drunk. Unfortunately, he was not all that attractive.

Although the short time room has been closed, they have another room just to the right of the toilets. It used to be a store room. Where there's a will......

And sorry to disappoint, Kommie. I was merely following up on a comment I made previously - that I'd go to Eros and check the story. That's all I did, so we can now move on from Eros.

January 4th, 2015, 03:56
Get away a447 you love these little scraps where you can quote every post anyone has ever made to prove some fantasy your having.

January 5th, 2015, 15:34
Sunny Boys seems to have taken over as the top gogo bar in Sunee. The other night they had a total of 68 customers and, apparently, people were standing at the bar around midnight waiting for a seat. The vast majority of the guys are gay and they have two or three ladyboys prancing around on stage. Yuk!

Last night I dropped into Power Boys around 9:30 and there was only one customer. They had 7 tired-looking boys. Back in October the bar was very busy and they had heaps of guys, many sitting on the edge of the stage chuck-wowing. The annoying mama-san is still there. She's one of the reasons I don't go there very often. One bar opens, another one dies.

I've also been twice to Goodboys, but each time I was the only customer. I chuck-wowed my favourite guy - the one with the huge cock - and I looked up to see a forest of hard wood staring me in the face...lol. They were literally lined up waiting for their turn!

The Queens Bar has been doing a roaring trade recently; they now have quite a few freelancers working there. Last night they had 9, including a couple of boys from Sunny Boys - a great way to attract customers.

Despite the dire predictions, Sunee is alive and well, evidenced by the number of hotel renovations going on, especially in Soi VC. A massive laundry has also opened on the Soi.

January 6th, 2015, 00:34
" I've also been twice to Goodboys, but each time I was the only customer. I chuck-wowed my favourite guy - the one with the huge cock - and I looked up to see a forest of hard wood staring me in the face...lol. They were literally lined up waiting for their turn!"

I can only imagine the wave of less than positive comments the above paragraph would have attracted from ak47 if I had posted it :) Imagine....a FOREST of HARD wood....LINED up waiting.....

Brad the Impala
January 6th, 2015, 01:28
I can only imagine the wave of less than positive comments the above paragraph would have attracted from ak47 if I had posted it :) Imagine....a FOREST of HARD wood....LINED up waiting.....

The trouble is you wouldn't have posted it because it wouldn't have happened to you, even if we were to believe your exploits! Your version would have have had the guys begging to be fucked for the loose change that you threw on the floor.

I rather like the image of looking up to find a forest of hard wood, but I wouldn't find your fantasy at all appealing!

January 6th, 2015, 06:38
" ... the huge cock - I looked up to see a forest of hard wood staring me in the face...lol.
In a world awash with metaphors this one gets a middling B- ... if only for the central theme, of which all here share an acute attraction. Try 'harder' next time a477 :)) =P~

Gives rise to some epistemological philosophisin': "If an erection falls down in a gogo bar, does it make a noise if no one is there?"
He looked around for his intended 'off' but "he couldn't see #29 for the cocks"

January 6th, 2015, 16:59
What?? Only a B?? And a minus at that? Come on, now!

I dropped into Eros last night but it was a bit of a waste of time - few customers and only about 7 guys. Considering we are in high season, that's very disappointing. The owner from Berlin arrived yesterday so maybe he can get the place jumping again.

I was talking to Blondie outside. He's hit the jackpot with his farang boyfriend. Apparently he's off to Switzerland with him next week. He showed me some photos of him and the boyfriend back in his village - he's Akha. Mum and Dad are also being taken care of, so everyone's a winner.

He also showed me some photos of a gogo boy who has ended up in prison. There he was, head shaved, standing behind bars, talking on the phone. Apparently, if you want to visit you have to wait hours on end and only get to speak for 10 minutes. I won't mention the guy's name, but he's been working as a gogo boy for a long time and lots of guys in Sunee know his story. He's been sentenced to 2 years and 7 months, but he can get out earlier if someone is willing to buy his way out. Apparently, he got high on ice and got into a fight. The long sentence would suggest he is a repeat offender.

I also had a long chat today with the owner of Sunny Boys. He was telling me the ins and outs of running a bar in Thailand, and his story closely resembles what Neal used to tell me. Fascinating stuff. Obviously, to be successful here it's not what you know but who you know in high places.

He not only looks after the welfare of his guys, but of other boys, too. He loves his job and when I see the number of customers who go through the door every night, I can see why.

I just wish he'd employ a few more masculine types.

He told me how he won a bet with two young German friends who were here visiting. He had them dance in Happy Boys. At first they put on their underwear beneath the 'skirt" but he insisted the dance with the skirt only - just like everyone else. I would have lived to have seen that!

January 6th, 2015, 17:11
Gives rise to some epistemological philosophisin': "If an erection falls down in a gogo bar, does it make a noise if no one is there?"Surely "If a447 goes down on a boy down in a gogo bar, does anyone care?"

January 6th, 2015, 20:57
Kommentariat, I think you're on the right path. If you just stick to commenting on me you can save yourself from embarrassing clangers....like this one.

Chavez at least had Argentina's oil revenues to rely on.

Two questions:

A). When did Chavez invade Argentina?
B). How on earth did he keep quiet about it?


Before you accuse others of inaccuracy, perhaps you should get your own stories worked out for consistency.

Now let's see; where have I read that before? 555

Quick now! No hanging about....there are more important things to do in your life - you've got to go look for another YouTube video. I'm sure the board members are waiting with bated breath!

January 6th, 2015, 22:35
I dropped into Eros last night but it was a bit of a waste of time - few customers and only about 7 guys. Considering we are in high season, that's very disappointing.

I also was in Eros last night about 10 pm and had a ball or rather several of them. Met a newbie who seemed shy at first but managed to seduce me. The other customers seemed to be enjoying the pleasures of amour. :D

January 6th, 2015, 23:20
Did they have many customers and boys at 10pm? Maybe I was too early, but I've never seen Eros like this two nights in a row, especially during high season.

On the other hand, Sunny Boys was, at times, standing room only - like Eros in its heyday. Some customers saw there were no seats and left. At 11 I looked up from my friend's cock to see that the bar was deserted. But a few minutes later, the customers came streaming in again. Most of the guys were sitting with customers.

BTW I saw the 2 German guys who were dancing on the stage at Happy Boys. One of them is really hot, but comes across as being very arrogant.

January 7th, 2015, 00:39
what a silly argument, the bar was busy...then it wasnt?!....anyone who has been to these bars knows that they can fill up and empty within 2 minutes...so relax...as for blondie...is the euro boyfriend blind...I would have selected fresher produce...

January 7th, 2015, 12:22
Did they have many customers and boys at 10pm? Maybe I was too early, but I've never seen Eros like this two nights in a row, especially during high season.

On the other hand, Sunny Boys was, at times, standing room only - like Eros in its heyday. Some customers saw there were no seats and left.

First went to Sunny at 10 pm but standing room only so then to Eros which was somewhat empty but the three of us soon found someone to satisfy our desires. And yes, Blondie was there displaying his assets and was suitably rewarded.

January 7th, 2015, 12:53
Francois, ask Blondie to show you the photo of the boy in the "monkey house," as he put it. You may be surprised.

The boy's "benefactor" - well, after this latest incarceration probably "ex-benefactor" - told me the boy got high on ice last year and attacked his friend (the benefactor's) with a broken beer glass in a hotel room. Luckily, he wasn't injured. I always thought he was a regular nice guy but, of course, ice can lead to a complete personality change and make people do crazy things.

Best to be forewarned in case he starts working again after he is released from prison.

As we all know, the working guys and the customers are putting themselves in some danger, as we have no way of knowing each other and there is an element of trust involved on both sides. It's one of the reasons I look for a guy who I think I can trust and just stick with him.

It turns out that the guy I've been spending my last couple of holidays with has an excellent reputation with everyone, from the other boys and staff in the bar, the manager and staff at the hotel I'm at, the manager at the bar I drink at and, disturbingly, with many farang I've spoken to...hehe. This boy gets around! But when I first met him, I didn't have a clue about any of that.

January 7th, 2015, 13:36
I'm sure the board members are waiting with bated breath!The only board member waiting with bated breath of whom I am aware is your good self, a447. I write for my own entertainment; I suppose some people read some of my posts but I don't care one way or the other - you're the needy one, not me. I doubt that I have anyone - apart from you - who reads and remembers every one of my posts as you do.

I've found the avatar you asked me to look out for you. Not quite the terrier yapping at someone's heels, but the yapping terrier on a soapbox - and all the more appropriate.


January 7th, 2015, 16:00
I doubt that I have anyone - apart from you - who reads and remembers every one of my posts as you do.

No, Kommie; I only remember the clangers.

January 7th, 2015, 16:38
No, Kommie; I only remember the clangers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQZYuSx1284

It's going to be an interesting fortnight isn't it?

January 8th, 2015, 01:11
" It turns out that the guy I've been spending my last couple of holidays with has an excellent reputation with everyone, from the other boys and staff in the bar, the manager and staff at the hotel I'm at, the manager at the bar I drink at and, disturbingly, with many farang I've spoken to...hehe."

Ok, let me see if I get this...U

- spend multiple holidays with the same " boy" --> dont u tire of the same fuck toy, lord, I change mine at least twice daily, whole idea of a holiday is change, new venue, new country, fresh meat
- u discuss/verify his character with other boys, bar staff, manager, hotel staff, random farangs --> have u no shame, discussing your whore with anyone that will listen, do u get off on this?? what ever happened to that famous Asian inscrutability??? do u also discuss how much you paid for him, how well he performs, does he fill out a questionaire, do u take polls.


January 8th, 2015, 02:00
As for sticking with the same guy holiday after holiday, I've already explained why.

First of all, I'm looking for a nice, quiet 'jai dee" guy who speaks reasonable English; it is not always easy to find such a guy and when I do, I keep hold of him. Of course, he must also be handsome, have a swimmer's body and a big cock that he can always get up and keep up.

Secondly, I find going from bar to bar looking for a guy with the same qualities very tiring and time-consuming. I'm not a drinker and there are only so many Cokes I can drink in a night! I never tire of the same "fuck toy" if he has the qualities mentioned above. Does the sex get boring? To be honest, it can sometimes, but that just means we try different things. That's half the fun.

Thirdly, if you stick with the same guy you get to know each other and the guy can relax and do the job he's being paid to do. Is my guy a friend? No, of course not, but he's very friendly, and that's what I want.

And no, I have never discussed or verified anything about the guy with anyone; it's none of their business what I pay him, what we get up to, etc. Where on earth did I say that?? If you read my post again, I said others commented to me about him, not the other way around. And he has always been with me when they've said such nice things about him.

The "random farangs" are his customers, too, and some have told me what a nice boy he is. No need to tell me - I established that very early on.

let me see if I get this...

Obviously, you didn't.

Brad the Impala
January 8th, 2015, 06:02
Does this forum want to encourage trip reports or discourage them? If posters providing reports get snide and facetious comments after all their posts, that seems to be a considerable disincentive.

January 8th, 2015, 06:55
Does this forum want to encourage trip reports or discourage them? If posters providing reports get snide and facetious comments after all their posts, that seems to be a considerable disincentive.

You are right. Who has so much free time in their life to attack and argue with others because they had a good and others say it didn't happen. How many times have we been in Thailand and saw things with our own two eyes only to be told it didn't happen.

January 8th, 2015, 15:40
...ak47...r u listening???

Brad the Impala
January 8th, 2015, 19:44
...ak47...r u listening???

As usual you missed the point. None so deaf as those that will not hear. Or should that be none so dumb.

Bucknaway I was sorry not to see your reports last trip, but I understand it's not worth putting up with the hassle.

Anybody listening out there......?

January 8th, 2015, 20:10
Bucknaway rarely gets " hassled" for the contents of his trip reports. Everything is believable and his posts reflect the Thailand experiences that I have had. He tends to get hassled for other things.

January 9th, 2015, 01:41
I went to Krazy Dragon at 9:30. They had about 12 customers and 11 guys. It's early days, but it seems to be hanging in there. I reckon they'd do better if they had an equal number of fems and masculine guys, and somehow managed to make the bar a little smaller and cosier. The guys on the other side of the bar just seem so far away. Tonight a farang opened a bottle of whisky and most of the boys gravitated to the other side.

I then headed off to Sunny Boys only to find it was about to close! It was 10:00. (edit) They were left with 5 Thai boys but the owner decided to close, as lots of potential customers went inside but came straight out.

My guy told me that Nice Boys and Krazy Dragon have both been "visited" in the last two nights. Will Eros be next tomorrow night?

So I walked on down the soi to Eros. As expected, it was packed. Plenty of guys, too, and lots of fun to be had.

We ended up at the Queens Bar, where my guy gave me the lowdown on police raids and pee-pee tests. It was fascinating, but makes you wonder why anyone in their right mind would consider running a gogo bar.

January 10th, 2015, 01:17
I went to Eros around 9:30 and it was fairly busy. A lot of the boys have now returned and many were being "serviced" by farangs - lots of groping and one boy chuck-wowed for his customer. Seems like it's back to normal.

I moved on to Sunny Boys and it was full - I had to wait at the bar until I could get a seat. Tonight they had 26 guys on stage. I sat with number 15; he's a friend of a friend. He's a lovely guy and really, really attractive, but he doesn't speak a word of English, so it was quite awkward. He put my hand on his cock and it remained hard the whole time I was in the bar (about an hour.)

I must make a greater effort to learn Thai. I haven't bothered recently because my regular speaks reasonable English. I haven't gotten much past "nit noy!" ....lol. He's a great conversationalist and never ceases to amaze me with what he knows (and sometimes what he doesnt know.). The other night in the restaurant the conversation topics included Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great (WTF??), castrati, Chinese eunuchs and why "straight" gogo boys can bottom! Never a dull moment, that's for sure.

My holiday in Pattaya has now come to and end; and not a day too soon as I don't know how much more pounding I can take. My guy is not very subtle - he sticks it in and then just goes for it like a madman. After he can fuck no more, he rolls over on his back and chuck- wows for me. Last holiday his cumshots were spectacular, but this time they were not so explosive. I don't know what happened. He shoots lots of cum and still manages to drench the sheets, but I have been a little disappointed this time. Oh well, you can't have everything...lol

So off to Phnom Penh tomorrow, where I think I'll revert to being a top. A lot more energy required, but at least I can sit down afterwards!

January 10th, 2015, 01:36
....off to Phnom Penh tomorrow, where I think I'll revert to being a top.....!

Good idea - a rectal prolapse (which is what I fear you are heading for) gets quite difficult to stitch up after a while :))

PS I'm normally all in favour of providing a visual aid, but in this case readers can search google images for themselves (or, very worryingly, motherless.com)


January 10th, 2015, 15:13
...amazing something happened at eros...must be true because ak47 actually saw it with his beady eyes....

January 10th, 2015, 16:14
Yep. If you report what you actually see, the report tends to be reliable; especially when it's backed up by another member who saw the same thing!

All I know is, everyone at Eros totally denied your story. Not one guy saw it with their own beady eyes. Funny,that.

So who do we believe - you or the bar.

Not that difficult, really.

And given you can't even remember your own age, how on earth could you remember what happened in a bar??

The description you gave of Eros in Stigger's thread is at odds with what the bar is really like. What bar were you describing?? Certainly not Eros!

Latin, you have no idea what Eros is like, honestly! You've established that yourself. So let's move on!

Brad the Impala
January 10th, 2015, 16:26
Good idea - a rectal prolapse (which is what I fear you are heading for) gets quite difficult to stitch up after a while :))

You seem obsessed with prolapses and stitches. You must bring them up at least once a year, I don't think anyone else has ever mentioned them! Perhaps this is part of some health awareness scheme.

January 10th, 2015, 19:57
Whatever it is, I don't want to know!

January 10th, 2015, 23:14
Yes Brad, I do enjoy throwing the odd rectal prolapse into the discussion - and a447, you should certainly search it out - one can never have too much information!

:)) :))

Brad the Impala
January 20th, 2015, 14:38
Dear a447,

You must have had some more exciting adventures by now, and I am missing your reports. Hope that you have not been discouraged by the snipers!

January 20th, 2015, 15:11
Hi Brad,

I've just got back from an exhausting stay in Phnom Penh. I'm so worn out that I cancelled my planned trip to Bali and am recuperating at home...lol.

As for the snipers, they don't worry me at all. They have never hit their target, despite numerous attempts, and often end up shooting themselves in the foot instead!

If I do end up in Bali, of course I'll write a report. If not, I'm heading back to Phnom Penh again in March for some more fun. Then to Pattaya and Penang. And after that, who knows? Any suggestions?

BTW there won't be any reporting about Penang, as I'm going there for a straight friend's birthday party. In any case, I'd never try any funny business in Malaysia.