View Full Version : Ain't life sweet: pedophile wins the lottery ...

December 29th, 2014, 14:56
. . . as they say, WINNING is the best revenge.

A big fat ugly smirking convicted child molester (child boys that is ~ as it gets more surreal) named Timothy wins a three million dollar Florida lottery. Looks as though the Florida Lottery Commission had him up on the podium for the celebration. (In their defense, I assume they did not know of his hobby at the time).
Florida seems to have some strange judicial options regarding these offenses: e.g. 13 months in prison ... ten years probation. Thirteen? Ten??

http://www.9news.com.au/world/2014/12/2 ... ns-lottery (http://www.9news.com.au/world/2014/12/29/14/17/sex-offender-wins-lottery)

January 2nd, 2015, 09:51
Florida seems to have some strange judicial options regarding these offenses: e.g. 13 months in prison ... ten years probation. Thirteen? Ten??This is quite common sentencing practice; you need to get out more, Smiles. In many jurisdictions offences have to be particularly heinous for any prison time beyond a few months to be served (although the guy in the link needs removal from society via some form of incarceration IMHO). Since the cost of locking someone up for each year is generally accounted to be roughly twice average male earnings (choose any Western country and you'll find that proportion holds), apart from lunatic asylums like the US of A where Old Testament views of punishment for sinners still hold sway, Western countries are looking at more and more home-detention-with-monitoring options - even I believe in that dumping ground of British convicts, a447's Australia.

In any event, why should any criminal behaviour disqualify someone from buying a lottery ticket?

January 2nd, 2015, 11:55
choose any Western country and you'll find that proportion holds

O.k. I'll choose "that "dumping ground for British convicts."

Let's see now. The average male annual salary is about $81,000. It costs around $110,000 to incarcerate an adult male for 1 year.

Oh dear, you got your facts wrong. Again.

Before making such sweeping statements (and with so much confidence and authority!) you should check your facts.

why should any criminal behaviour disqualify someone from buying a lottery ticket?

Nobody suggested it should.

January 3rd, 2015, 11:58
The average male annual salary is about $81,000. It costs around $110,000 to incarcerate an adult male for 1 year.Sadly for a447 I didn't quote "average male annual salary"; I quoted "average male earnings" which is the Australian government statistic most commonly used. While I used the word "male" (that's because I am profoundly uninterested in anything to do with women) I should have omitted gender as the ABS does. Its most recent published figures (http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/6302.0) show that "All employees average weekly total earnings" in May 2014 were ~ $1123/week or ~$58,396/year. Double that and you get a447's figure of "around $110,000". As we know, however, a447 never lets a fact get in the way of what he imagines to be a good riposte.
Before making such sweeping statements (and with so much confidence and authority!) you should check your facts.Indeed you should a447, indeed you should.
Nobody suggested it should.What point do you think Smiles was making, then, by mentioning the lottery in his topic headline "Ain't life sweet: pedophile wins the lottery"?

You'll have to do much better than that if you're to be Boswell to my Dr Johnson later this month.

January 3rd, 2015, 14:29
You've confused "all employees" and 'average male earnings" - they are not the same. Didn't know that? Well, surprise, surprise.

As for the point Smiles was making, if you're not sure and really want to know perhaps you should ask him. But where did he say that guys convicted of such criminal behaviour shouldn't be allowed to buy lottery tickets??

Your comprehension skills appear to be slipping once again.

January 4th, 2015, 04:06
Your comprehension skills appear to be slipping once again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQZYuSx1284

March 10th, 2015, 14:00
In faraway Australia the government aged pension paid to all who qualify is increased twice a year. The pension (https://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/seniors/benefits-payments/age-pension) is increased to reflect growth in the Consumer Price Index and the Pensioner and Beneficiary Living Cost Index, whichever is higher. When wages grow more quickly than prices, the pension is increased to the wages benchmark. The wages benchmark sets the combined couple rate of pension at 41.76 per cent of Male Total Average Weekly Earnings. The single rate of pension is two-thirds of the couple rate. Note the phrase Male Total Average Weekly Earnings - it's a statistical index, not some fanciful "average" salary.

Australia's Tory Prime Minister is hoping to screw its pensioners by indexing to the the Consumer Price Index because this is almost always lower; over time this will result in less money for Australia's pensioners.

We must hope that a447 will continue to be able to afford his frequent trips to Asia's sleazy streets.

March 10th, 2015, 17:27
Thank you for your concern about my financial well-being.

It's very healthy and I'll be able to travel to al those sleazy places well into the future, much to your envy no doubt. (And no, I am not on a pension.)