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December 21st, 2014, 09:54
5 days in Pattaya, spent the mornings fucking...the afternoon n the beach...early evening fucking...and late eveinng having lotsa fun in Sunnee....eros is most definitely the best:)

Some of the " boys"

Following 3 were all from gayromeo
amazing_nack --> 700bht
excellent, very supple, eager to please, did exactly as asked. His guest book has some entries warning that he has a dark temperamental side, well even though I put him through his paces...he was very accomodating. Started off with a very nice erection and kept it throughout. Made him cum while i screwd him...and he did. Would definitely recommend.
-NAE- 900 bht
shorter, darker and more feminine than I had expected...but we still had lotsa fun...again very eager to please...rode him 3 times in the 2 hour time frame, no penis to speak of.But what oral skills thsi " boy" possesses...some of the best I've had. Again would definitely revisit.
tamtarade 800bht
This " boy" needs new pics, much better looking in real life. Not much of a penis, started erect but i soon fucked it out of him. Was unable to fuck the 3rd time as he couldnt take it...in fact had to cut the 2nd fuck short. Had to make use of his throat/deep hroat skills...love watching/hearing them gag. Was able to finally nut the 3rd time...we were bth covered in sweat with the exertion...who needs gym.
Would still do him again as he was extremely apologetic about not being a good bottom.

others i did were all off the beach/street/waiters...all under 800bht for 2 hours...and with 1 exception...all very good accomodating bottoms.

Will be back in March....can hardly wait.

BUT: was a bit perturbed as almost all the " boys" had no objection to unsafe practices...was able to cum down their throats/or onto their open holes without any issues....

December 21st, 2014, 10:38
could you check the spelling of

nack sounds like one of the those firecrackers... if played with right, it is a big bang and alot of fun.
you just do not want it to go off the wrong way.

December 21st, 2014, 12:49
Wow latintopxxx I admire your stamina. Presumably you spent the night sleeping and resting ?.

December 21st, 2014, 14:59
" ... almost all the " boys" had no objection to unsafe practices...was able to cum down their throats/or onto their open holes without any issues ..."
Latin... you are a pill (is that a compliment? Not sure, but it's meant as one. I think), and certainly an honest one.

This board has sea-changed in attitude these days ... although your post is only some hours old, perhaps wait and see.
There were times here ~ it goes in waves ~ where anyone suggesting such behavior would have been ~ figuratively ~ hung from the rafters. Now it seems, the only important metric is how they (the boys that is) are hung, and now, way beyond that.

Post by post, setting the bar higher and higher (though some might say, lower and lower) seems to be your forte and a damn interesting forte it is. Some of the language you use is right out of AEBN, and barebacking is a Category there. Can't quite make up my mind where your fantasy blends into reality ~ like the computerized paint-mixer at Benjamin Moores ... but I'm happy to go along with the ride (a thought which sounds like the title of a porno film in itself).

No judgements on this end, winkingly. But let's see if any objections to your high-wire act pop up ... or 'stand up' as Thai guys say.

December 21st, 2014, 15:34
I have admitted to being just under 50...and I do make use of kamagra....at least a sachet every 2nd day....especially in Thailand where there is simply too much good arse...I simply enjoy sex...no let me say fucking....I use sites like machofucker and sketchy sex as inspiration. I simply love the act of fucking...the sight of an arse to me is like a red flag to an angry bull. Love men, always watching crotches and arses...always switched on sexually...can spend half a day cruising the toilets in Frei Caneca shopping....most amazing public sex...able to pick up A grade free arse. I dont decorate, do tennis, do book clubs...I fuck!! My holiday destinations need to have sex somewhere along the itinerary.....not gonna do the galapagos and not fuck a cabin 'boy" or something.

December 21st, 2014, 15:38
ddsfo...correct spelling is tamtarada...sorry. Well worth booking him...very good and eager to please.

December 22nd, 2014, 11:18
In December, 2014

Latin wrote:
I have admitted to being just under 50.

In January, 2010

I'm almost hitting 40

In August, 2009

and as someone who is post 40

I wish I could get younger as the years went by.

In November, 2014

excellenmt for someone not too many summers away from 50

IN October, 2014

I'm still quite a few summers away from 50

As with so many of your other posts over the years, you need to get your story straight! If not, the veracity of all your posts becomes suspect...n'est-ce-pas?

December 22nd, 2014, 11:42
Yes, he's been saying hes 41 or so and now is 50. I think he's just trying to get people going. If he's the same LT on gay romeo he looks more like forty.But if I was a boi I would charge him more because of his looks.

December 22nd, 2014, 12:22
Latin writes:

"was a bit perturbed as almost all the " boys" had no objection to unsafe practices...was able to cum down their throats/or onto their open holes without any issues...."

Latin assuming what you say is true, has it not occurred to you that you have a responsibility for safe sex practices? You are in charge in these relationships, so why not use and insist upon proper protection etc at all times.?
Pattaya is rife with all sorts of STD's (quite apart from getting something worse) and for sound valid reasons it is the height of irresponsibility to engage in unsafe practices. Anyone who does or advocates that or engages in the likes of bare back or similar is sure to get a sex disease...and with the likelihood of passing on that disease to others.

December 22nd, 2014, 22:40
could you check the spelling of

nack sounds like one of the those firecrackers... if played with right, it is a big bang and alot of fun.
you just do not want it to go off the wrong way.

Tamtarada or Tam Tarada is one of my "friends" , not so much for sex. He is one of the cutest boys in town for us who like twinks and a good fun to be with. He used to work freelance at All of me massage before they closed. And he has a foreign "boyfriend" that support him financially from what I hear now.


December 23rd, 2014, 17:39
One for the road:

As quoted above, Latin told us back in August, 2009, that he was "post 40."

But in March 2009, he wrote:

I'm in my mid thirties

Smiles wrote:

Latin... you are a pill (is that a compliment? Not sure, but it's meant as one. I think), and certainly an honest one.


December 23rd, 2014, 23:23
Farangs lie about their ages, their weight and their wealth on line.
A glance at gayromeo shows men who look like 70-75 y.o., saying they are 60 y.o.
Some look so fat and claim to be 90 kilos, when they look like 120+ kilos.
In general, farangs,who tell you they have little money are really loaded and
those that claim to have yachts, mansions etc. are riddled with massive debt.
The Thai guys also lie but so does almost everybody. Remember Beachlover? :AR!

December 24th, 2014, 10:26
Cat, I think you have missed the point.

Latin is lying to the same people, time and time again, thereby losing credibility with his "audience." I'm sure some farang lie to barboys - different boys are told different ages, occupations, etc - but their credibility would be shot if they changed their story all the time when speaking to the same boy.

BTW, remember this post from Latin about the old Krazy Dragon, when Mark ran it?

krazy dragon is masculine???? .....last time I looked they were all under 25, slim and "boyish"...

And remember what you wrote in my Pattaya Report thread back in October this year?

The boys from Good Boys
are the type of guys that worked for years at KD, not the skinny fem boys with micro cocks.

Oh, and one more for the road...

Latin wrote:
at eros and happy boys (stripped one naked...draped him across my lap and fondled whilst I had a beer behind one of those infamous screens.

What screens??? Neither bar has screens.

He's full of shit. I could keep going, but how much more evidence is required, for Christ's sake???

But people can believe what they want ...up to you.

December 24th, 2014, 14:58
Agreed. I have never viewed Latin's posts as anything other than fantasies. But, like others it seems, I enjoy the controversies.

December 24th, 2014, 16:19
Latin should be taken as seriously as we took Beachover. Fatasies for entertainment purposes. No harm in that. He might even be another persona of Beachy.

December 24th, 2014, 16:26
Beachlover would at least have posted pictures of his room at the P72 Hotel.

December 24th, 2014, 16:40
I find it weird that some posters who may have belittled poor old Beachlover do not approach Latin with the same degree of cynicism. I found Beachy's posts a lot more credible than Latin's - although everything's relevant...lol

If I were a defence attorney (which I'm not) I'd love to have some of those "true believers" on the jury. I could sit back and listen to the prosecutor refer to all those blatant contradictions, factual errors and arrant lies - taken from his own testimony - and his refusal to answer simple questions, and yet I'd still be assured of a "not guilty" decision. "Beyond reasonable doubt" wouldn't even come into it...lol

Latin needs to put a disclaimer at the start of each post - Warning! Fantasy post ahead. Details subject to change."

That way, Newbies will not find themselves in embarrassing, or even dangerous, situations if they come to Thailand as sex tourists.

And Smiles, I now get your post. Sorry!

December 24th, 2014, 18:26
A447, your points are well argued and sensible.
I like latins swagger and attitude, even if it's part fantasy. Beachlover just got up my nose and irritated me,
especially when he went into 'flooding' mode and commented on every thread endlessly. Latin definitely not
p.c. , still I find his postings most interesting. 'Bad boys' just more interesting than goodie two shoes..

December 24th, 2014, 19:02
" ... 'Bad boys' just more interesting than goodie two shoes ..."
Cat ... do you wish you were Bad Boy? Or do you just like to watch?
In my marauding years, I rather liked Bad Boys as well ~ god knows I had enough of them. Actually, a proviso on that: I like Bad Boys with big dicks.
Though even then I would never say something like " ... the badder the better ...". I like 'bad', but not too 'bad': insipidly middle class.
But would I marry one of 'em? It is to laugh.

December 25th, 2014, 00:53
After posting about bad boys, I thought more about it.
My number one bad boy, of about 10 years of a roller coaster relationship, is now a good man,
responsible, and outgrew his wild days. Many factors involved but no more bad boys
for me. My current situation works great, although there were a few bumps in the road,
I can't complain.

December 25th, 2014, 01:08
wouldnt call myself a " bad boy" ...afterall I got a job, pay taxes, etc....as far as my antics are concerned when it comes to my sex life...my attitude is u gotta buy a lotto ticket if u wanna be in to win...so like how do u know if its possible if u dont try....whats the worse that can happen...the other guy says no??...or gets upset??...as for being treated with scepticsm..I got a447 who is determined NOT to let me enjoy my life...I get up to a lot of nonsense..I do get turned down a lot..its all part of the game...but the ones that say yes are great fun...maybe one should realsie that guys who r used to selling their services quite possibly have..or develop a " slave" mentality ...and that what may seem as extreme to us...is actually a daily/weekly occurence for them.

December 25th, 2014, 08:16
Obsessed with sex? That's a plus.
Obsessed with ... ellipses ... not so much.
Calm down with the dot dot dot dot dots Latin, you are way over the top in that area. (And this from a bred in the bone ellipses-lover).

OK, back to sex ...

December 25th, 2014, 08:52
Latin, your comments regarding the guys developing a "'slave' mentality" only go to demonstrate your complete lack of understanding of the guys on the game - strange for someone who purports to visit LOS on a regular basis!

They know exactly what they will and will not do, and no amount of pressure will force them to do something they are uncomfortable with. Yes, that's right, Latin; they actually refuse to do certain things. Surprise, surprise!

How many times have posters on SGT, and other boards, written about the disappointing performance of the guy in the room? Why are they disappointed? Because the boy refused to do what he promised.

In the bar: "Sure, you can fuck me. No problem."
In the room: "Sorry. Cannot. Jep.Jep."

In the bar: " You want long time? Ok. Can do."
In the room: "Sorry. Must go. Friend lose his key."

In the bar: "Yes, can sa-moke you. I good sa-moker."
In the room: "No, cannot sa-moke. I man."

Contrary to what you say you do to the guys, they will not do anything you want, just because you are paying them. Your understanding of how the guys behave is way off the mark and unrealistic. So your posts about having the guy get down on all fours and you sitting on him whilst you read your emails (remember that one?), or sitting on the massage boy in the shower or using the boy as a table ornament are just more examples of the fantasy world you live in.

If you can't come to Thailand but want to know what the guys are really like (as opposed to how you imagine they behave), just read the Bangkokbois blog. Rush will give you a detailed account of how things work in Thailand and that will allow you to adjust your posts accordingly...lol

December 26th, 2014, 06:53
a447...maybe its that thin ozone layer in oz thats affected u...or age....but I've never claimed that I've been able to do what I want with EVERY " boy" I engage, I've even indicated that in the past if a " boy" does not fulfill his obligations that I deduct cash according to the time spent entertaining me...even indicated that on occasion when the goods dont match the advertised pic on gay romeo I've declined the deal...so failures do and have occured....to be frank your analysis style leaves a lot to be desired...like gutter journalism..heavy on inuendo and half truths...but terribly lacking in substance...I truly feel sorry for anyone brave enough to spend time with u...must be absolute mental torture...

December 26th, 2014, 07:47
Latin, speaking of "age" I never had to use kamagra when I was in my " mid thirties," "wrong side of forty'" "wrong side of fifty," or whatever age you are...your age tends to vary quite a lot, depending on the day, so it seems....lol. (Hint: look in your passport, if you have one.) So "age" has nothing to do with my posts; on the contrary you are the one with the memory problems, not me! Alzheimer's setting in, perhaps?

Care to explain all the different ages you've posted over the years? I'm dying to find out how you can actually get younger as the years go by...lol. And how you can go from being " quite a few summers away from 50" in October to " not too many summers away from 50" in November?
Or did I misquote you?

Care to explain the two different accounts you gave in your alleged Eros encounter with Blondie??

And as for "half truths," that's a bit rich coming from you! There are no "half truths" and certainly no "innuendo" - how could that be when all I do is quote directly from your own posts??

You tend to hoist yourself on your own petard, and have done so since you first joined this board.

The contradictions in your posts over the years have been frequent, glaring and blatant. Will you explain just the two I've highlighted above?

Probably not, given your past track record.

December 26th, 2014, 07:55
Is this boring fight going to be made a part of every Latin post? If so, I think this board needs an ignore feature.

Theses ignite have derailed the posts from gay Thailand to one mans crusade against Latin. =;

December 26th, 2014, 08:16
All I'm asking for is a few explanations to clear up some inconsistencies. If he did that, then there'd would be no further need to ask, would there? And so, no further posts.

Hardly a crusade, bucknaway.

This board already has an ignore feature. Please feel free to use it.

Also, feel free to stop reading any post you find "boring" - that's what I do and it works like a charm!

December 26th, 2014, 09:22
Don't drag me into the post drama

December 26th, 2014, 11:01
If I were a defence attorney (which I'm not)Your a retired trolley dolly arent you?

December 26th, 2014, 11:03
Is this boring fight going to be made a part of every Latin post? If so, I think this board needs an ignore feature.a747 claims not to be a lawyer but every post reads like Perry fucking Mason.

December 26th, 2014, 15:40
Is this boring fight going to be made a part of every Latin post? If so, I think this board needs an ignore feature.

Theses ignite have derailed the posts from gay Thailand to one mans crusade against Latin. =;

There is one. You can assign a member a "foe" in the settings and their posts will be hidden for you.
I find it very useful.