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Nirish guy
December 17th, 2014, 18:46
Note to self - when I've just called my Thai friend / favourite massuse / fuck buddy / money boy up for a quick early evening massage / sex session before heading out REMEMBER next time not to be polite and hand him the remote as we finish our pre sex relax into it beer and saying "here stick whatever you want on" (the telly) while I go to the loo.

This especially when I should have recalled that he's Thailands biggest football fan and that the Thailand / Malyasia match was literally about to start in two minutes on channel 7, as he instantly pointed out as he grappled to change channels, so now it seems that short of me being an absolute controlling bastard my massage / sex session is on hold for 90 minutes, let's hope there's no bloody injury time ! :-(

And Latin before you remind me who's paying and that I should be dominating him etc etc a) I've known him years so what the hell, he's welcome to watch the match and b) if Thailand win I figure Im SO on for one hell of a massage / fuck session afterwards ! - Hell I don't think I've ever been so heavily invested in the outcome of a football match in my life !! Lol

Nirish guy
December 17th, 2014, 19:52
Ha ha further note to self - this might be the best idea I've had by mistake in ages as what was meant to be a half time holding blow job by him to counter the guilt turned into a fuck it lets go session with fucking and half match watching running concurrently and as Thailand won the game two nil it was one hell of a second half performance all round !! :-)

At long last im beginning to see what all those straight guys see in football !! :-)

December 17th, 2014, 23:11
Not just straights NI. I've been to several cup finals but watching a match with a gorgeous naked straight Thai boy beats the hell out of them.

December 18th, 2014, 16:31
Amateur, why couldn't u just fuck and watch the game at the same time. One of my favs is to fuck and watch a movie, distracts me, makes me last a lot longer !!

Nirish guy
December 18th, 2014, 17:32
Amateur, why couldn't u just fuck and watch the game at the same time!

Oh PLEASE "amateur" indeed :-) - you must have missed the words "with fucking and half match watching running concurrently" in my post as of COURSE I was doing him while we were watching the match, hence the sex upsurge when Thailand scored twice - AND this was over the back of one of the sofas in the living room and across the tops of two of Mosaik best leather arm chair armrests, huridly pulled together to support his back whilst his ass was high in the air, so amateur sir, I think NOT ! ;-)

AND the guy even sent me a nice text today today thanking me for the "exiting" (sic .... I'm guessing he meant exciting ) hot sex - so THERE !! :-p Lol

December 18th, 2014, 18:20

December 18th, 2014, 18:55
I've never stayed at Mosaik - but in the light of NIrish's post, and just in case i ever do stay there - do they wipe the furniture down after each booking?


December 18th, 2014, 20:02
Only after NIrish leaves! The rest of us are more careful.

Nirish guy
December 18th, 2014, 22:36
Ha ha prudes the lot of ya :-) cause yeah people only EVER have sex in a bed - or not it seems ! So shoot me :-)

And yes SG all surfaces suitably wiped both by myself, my Thai friend and house keeping the next morning ( I actually checked !) so you've no worries there.

And kommie I was only replying to latins tongue in cheek jibe but hey at least I was only using THE furniture as opposed to using the guy AS the furniture !! ;-)

December 19th, 2014, 02:07
I've never stayed at Mosaik - but in the light of NIrish's post, and just in case i ever do stay there....

What are the chances of that happening?

December 20th, 2014, 22:06
I've never stayed at Mosaik - but in the light of NIrish's post, and just in case i ever do stay there....

What are the chances of that happening?

Pretty remote - I'm an old-fashioned queen and sheer habit draws me to hotels rather than an apartment.

Thank you for your interest. :x

December 20th, 2014, 22:30

December 21st, 2014, 00:44
Amateur...One of my favs is to fuck and watch a movie, distracts me, makes me last a lot longer !!
Is that for your benefit...or HIS?

Sounds like you're getting soft latin...pardon the pun.


December 21st, 2014, 09:04
....well we all get old....but still being on the right side of 50 its actually more of a case of shooting too early...if I dont pace myself its all over in 20 min...what a waste of a money boy that would be....

December 21st, 2014, 09:05
...as for wiping down furniture...I've done pretty much the same or more....so hopefully it all does get wiped down...now about those curtains!!

Nirish guy
December 21st, 2014, 11:25
And whilst I don't want to add to this further but all im saying is perhaps don't be tempted to use the egg whisk from the kitchen, the loose cable from electric kettle or the sink plunger from the bathroom, that's all Im saying !!

(( joke !! Before anyone starts :/) it's a lovely Sunday morning here in Patts and like Latin ive just spent a great night nailing the hell out of a very willing volunteer who I'd off'd from panorama bar last night - much to my own surprise as that wasn't my intention and had only nipped in for a beer, but what can I say I'm a sucker ( pun intended) for a cute Thai smile and tight ass in even skinnier skinny jeans :/)

Nirish guy
December 21st, 2014, 11:43
Oh and Latin absolutely agree with you about Nae ! AMAZING oral skills! And a real power bottom who just keeps giving and giving.

Unfortunately he's off my list now or should I say im off his as over several trips he messaged me and I wasn't able to squeeze him in and he threw a strop one day re the usual "fine, you not like me but you not say, then ok fuck you" etc - when actually he couldn't have been farther from the truth as I did always enjoy our sessions and it really WAS only a timing thing.

But no doubt like all the drama queens over the years it'll be all over the next time I'm here, unfortunately for him there's no shortage of guys waiting to take his place in the queue so he may have a long wait, but mind you with blow jobs like he gives maybe not !

December 21st, 2014, 16:12
...no shortage of guys waiting to take his place.....????.....what an understatement!!! I log onto gay romeo...and am flooded with at least 40 offers a day....especially when my header reads...looking for money boy. Then there is all the talent floating around...i really need to take a 3 month sabatical ....in Thailand naturally...