View Full Version : Poor Thailand gay men?

December 15th, 2014, 09:15
Why are there so many poor gays in Bangkok or other parts of the country?
I spend lots of time there in BKK and Phuket every year and damn why so many guys demand
or bet for dollars. They try for US dollars since easier to cash in for Thai B.
Love to go there but why don't they get paid a living wage.I know we have the same shit
here in the US but not that many beggers in the bars and on the street..sex for money?
Thanks and please if I offended anyone forgive me please...

December 15th, 2014, 17:33
This isn't just a Thai phenomenon. Historically gay men have been marginalised in society and have therefore taken on jobs with a higher risk of unemployment or uneven employment eg. waiter or actor or prostitute. Don't take my word for it, check Google.

Those occupations also give the greatest opportunity for either casual pick-ups (I've certainly propositioned waiters occasionally and usually been successful especially if there's a big tip along the way - sadly too many waiters fail to live up to my high expectations of youthful beauty) or for living in at least grudging acceptance (actors). Acting has traditionally been a marginal occupation that has attracted prostitutes, especially women - Nell Gwyn or Lily Langtree, for example. Traditionally gay men in serious occupations have been at a disadvantage because of the expected role of the little woman in company life; many have either married (many, many of my contemporaries) or otherwise lived some sort of shadow life. Thais have institutionalized the katoey but you don't find many of them in the top brass of the Thai Army, for example. The anti-gay campaign mounted by Thaksin some years ago was as a direct result of his conflict with a semi-closeted gay man high in Thai society - semi-closeted because everyone knew (and knows) but nobody talked about it

December 18th, 2014, 18:19
Bang on cue, here's this news story http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/jobs ... -more.html (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/jobs/11300056/Gay-men-earn-less-than-straight-men-but-lesbians-are-paid-more.html)