View Full Version : Dusseldorf

December 13th, 2014, 20:47
Thought I would dip my toe in some new waters in October this year.

Having visited Berlin many times, and also Hamburg, Hanover, and Munich - I thought I'd give Dusseldorf a try for 5 days and move on to re-visit Hamburg (of which more later)

Forced myself to travel from EDI on Ryanair (as direct routes are limited). Last suffered the Ryanair "experience" some 10 yrs ago, and actively avoided them since then - so I expected very little and they still managed to sink below my expectations!

The flight is very short (around 1hr45mins) but it's just as well - the last time I had my knees that near my chest I was having a sigmoidoscopy, which was about as pleasant as this Ryanair flight. The fold-down table is virtually unusable by anyone with a +28in waist as there will be insufficient space to fully fold it down. If you bring onboard a newspaper, book, or magazine, better be prepared top shove it up your arse while you consume any of their overpriced food or drink - as they have even done away with the seat back pockets in another money-saving exercise. Talking of buying food/drinks - in addition to excessive pricing, they also offer a very curious onboard exchange rate of ┬г1 = 1Euro - when it should be nothing of the sort - you are simply being ripped off by a further 25% should you choose to pay in Euros.

Of course, the Ryanair flight to Dusseldorf lands nowhere near Dusseldorf. It lands closer to Holland than to Dusseldorf, but I expected that so won't complain, and I found the transport connections easy to negotiate - shuttle bus to Weeze station and direct train into Dusseldorf Hbf.

I had booked the Ibis hotel (60 Euro per night for double room) because it was near the train station and I emerged from the station, hoping to catch sight of it in the near distance. Well, it couldn't have been better - it was actually PART of the station, so it was a quick check-in, unpack, shower, and head out into the fleshpots of Dusseldorf.

After a short 10min walk I found the first gay bar - Bon Viveur. Wasn't sure I had the right place because most of the online guides has it under a different name and it transpires it has only recently changed name. Very friendly staff and customers (I always find it so in Germany) and quite a few rentboys coming and going from teens to 35yos. All boys very polite and correct - no pushiness or asking for drinks. As in most of Germany, the available boys are Eastern European - mainly Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian. again, as in Germany generally - drinks prices very reasonable if you enjoy beer, but pricey if you want spirits.

After maybe an hour or so there I decided to move on and found a street nearby with 2 more bars frequented by boys for hire:

Comeback bar is a fairly large bar which is populated almost exclusively by renters and their clients. Very clean and they do a nice pizza on the premises for around 7 Euro which is good to share with the boys. By the time I had spent an hour or so in there I could resist no longer and procured the services of 2 boys for an overnight romp back in the hotel. Once these boys had been hired, they were a little more forthcoming and indicated to me anoher bar almost next door which was also popular with their "workmates"

Vilma bar is a very small bar - just basically a bar with some stools around it. Spotlessly clean, and well run. I think you'd have difficulty picking anything up in there as there are so few seats, but a quieter place to move to once you have sealed the deal elsewhere.

Fear not, I am not about to give a blow by blow account of the nookie, but lets just say everything was provided as it should have been. Like most working boys, the two were reluctant to do anything with each other, but who cares! I offered 50 Euros per boy for overnight and both were happy with that - even the boy with the 10inch cock B-) who was most reluctant to leave in the morning. I actually kept the same 2 boys for the rest of my stay - insofar as I met up with them each night, I didn't trail them around all day.

There are numerous sex cinemas in Dusseldorf (another thing I'd never tried) - and I was lured into one under false pretences by one of the Comeback Bar boys who assured me it would be full of 18-20's. Needless to say it wasn't and I was instead ravished in a video cabin by the boy who took me there! 30 Euros seemed a very reasonable fee for a quicky.

I felt very safe walking through the city centre at night. One thing I did notice was a lot of rough sleepers sitting/lying drinking/drunk on the ground around the train station - but they seemed harmless and certainly didnt bother me. Also groups of middle aged immigrants gathering round street corners drinking from bottles of beer etc, but as I say not causing me any hassle.

One interesting thing was that I found a brewery just opposite the Bon Vivant bar - think it was called "Schumaker Brewery" - which has a bar area inside, so I decided to give it a try as you can't beat German beer and if its made on the premises, then even better. Good sized bar, dining area inside - but when I sat at a small table wondering what and how to order, an elderly waiter appeared with a large tray of beers and just plonked one down in front of me and put a mark on my beermat! Apparently thats how it works - and just when you get near the end of your beer he re-appears, plonks another down and marks your beermat accordingly. Very enjoyable - as was the food they served, and I have now developed a liking for Erbensuppe (pea soup with sausage).

The rest of the gay bars are pretty much as you'd expect in Germany - small, not particularly busy, but extremely friendly. Did make the mistake of rolling up to a "closed" (as in you have to ring a bell to get in) Japanese Karaoke Bar with 4 boys in tow. I don't know what the entirely Japanese clientele made of us - but I know what I made of their 150 Euro whisky!! Good time though, but had to visit the ATM to pay the bill!

So, in summary, Dusseldorf is well worth a visit for a long weekend or in my case 5 days ( I doubt you could do any longer). 2 or 3 rent bars, great selection of very resonably priced boys who are eager to please and a city centre thats safe to walk around. As usual - if anybody wants more info, drop me a PM.

Next stop was Hamburg - separate thread.


December 14th, 2014, 08:20
A great report, SG. I've never been to D├╝sseldorf. But now you've put it on my radar.

I've heard that the Eastern European guys can be a bit aggressive. Did you see any of those types in the bar, or were they all nice and friendly? Did you have to bargain with the guys before you took them?

And did I read your report correctly; a 10 inch cock??? More info...please!!

just basically a bar with some stools around it.

Care to rephrase that...lol

December 14th, 2014, 17:02
Well I certainly didn't mean that the bar with the "stools" round it was a shithole :))

I have to observe that the Eastern European boys working in the Dusseldorf bars are extremely well behaved and non-aggressive - quite unlike (for example) Tabasco bar in Berlin where they are allowed to pester/almost intimidate the customers. A lot of it is down to the bar management (or lack of it in some cases) and that applies almost the world over.

I had no problem with any of the boys in Dusseldorf whatsoever and once you have hired some of them they are keen to introduce others into the Company - which can include some quite stunning boys who only seemed to work the weekends (I assumed for money for nightclubs etc). I spent a lot of time in the Comeback bar sharing drinks and pizza with them. Of course, you have to allow that some of the personal details they will tell you are entirely fictitious, and of course none of them admit to being gay - they are all bisexual and fucking girls (I don't mind playing along with that - as it's quite tittilating!) - but that's all part of the game isn't it.

With regard to payment, I did agree a fee before taking them back to the hotel - and as I said 50 euros! Which by their reaction I gathered was neither over-generous nor over-stingy, and seemed to be within the accepted range. Another day, one of the stunning "part-timers" quoted me an inflated sum of 150 Euros for a short time - but I suspect this was for the benefit of the other boys, because when I went for a piss he followed me into the toilet and the 150 Euros turned into 30 Euros for a blow job (but I was not looking for immediate sex, so I declined his bargain offer)

The boy with the 10" cock was early 20's and spent 3 nights with me. I am certainly not a power bottom - so his part in the nightly spit roasting was at the "head" end shall we say. I'm afraid I remember the other (less well endowed) boy 's name (Sacha) but not King Dong's - but it will probably come back to me at some point and I'll PM you if/when it does.


December 15th, 2014, 12:44
Thank you very much for sharing. I have never been to gay bars in Germany (and unless invited, probably never will as there is nothing for me as a rice queen), so very interesting for me to read. Especially the prices. 50 Euro = 2000 Baht for over night? That's about the same as in Thailand!

You probably knew before that food on aircraft is more expensive than on ground, and can survive 1h 45 minutes (plus waiting and transfer time) without eating? I can, I have never bought anything on an aircraft or in an airport.

Can you elaborate on the sex cinemas? I have experience in Thailand, those here are normal cinemas that simply show porn all day (I find neither environment nor customers are inviting for sex), but I didn't know that something similar exists elsewhere.

From D├╝sseldorf it's not far to Cologne (K├╢ln), which is the gay capital of Germany as far as I understand. My cousin (who happens to be gay) moved there for that very reason, whereas I moved to Thailand.

December 15th, 2014, 21:57
Hi Christian - I am talking about what are essentially large sex-shops (some of which are gay oriented) with video cabins and communal areas in the back - maybe "cinema" is overstating it but as they advertise themselves as "Gay Kino" on the outside, it seems a valid translation.

I did consider Koln - and you are obviously correct in that it's near Dusseldorf - but my pre-planning was done on the basis of wanting direct flights (and to re- visit Hamburg for the second half of my trip) - so Edinburgh to Dusseldorf and return Hamburg to Glasgow seemed the best round trip for me.

For gay venues I looked at Spartacus and Gaymaps, and according to those, although there are lots of gay bars in Koln, there aren't that many with boys for hire ...which is the only way most of us old codgers get any :)) Maybe that isn't the actuality, but I can only make decisions based on the available info.

But, I would certainly re-visit Dusseldorf, and when I do, I will also look at Koln (as I've now no desire to revisit Hamburg - more later)


December 16th, 2014, 12:05
A very interesting and well written report Scottish-guy, just as weтАЩve come to expect from you. As always, you paint a very vivid picture that puts the reader in your shoes.

Those East European boys can be so cute and many of them are gloriously hairy. Hmmm . . . just my type. But IтАЩve never been to any other holiday destination but Thailand over these last 12 years. I feel so jealous, IтАЩd love to visit Dusseldorf, Berlin and Hamburg. Unfortunately, I can only experience those places vicariously through you and other posters. Keep it up . . . the good work I mean. LOL! And thanks for sharing.

Talking of Cologne, it seems like a lifetime ago that I paid several visits to Cologne. In those days I went with a Turkish and English friend for the sleazy bars with dark rooms, but mainly we went there for the then famous, Love Boat nightclub. We were hardened club-goers. In the afternoons and early evening we also managed to take in a beautifully appointed sauna. Sorry, I canтАЩt remember the name now. But that was a few years before my dependency on rent-boys, so I canтАЩt add anything about the rent-boy scene.

December 17th, 2014, 01:18
Nice Report, thanks for taking the time, Scottish-Guy. Obviously you know how to have a great time. I lived many years in D├╝sseldorf but was never interested in the gay scene. Maybe I should give it a second try. Those eastern boys can be cute.

December 19th, 2014, 09:48
Yes a great report that I almost missed. Might have to find a way to stop in Dusseldorf on way to or from BKK.