View Full Version : iPhone 6's good enough as "Thank You!" gifts?

December 9th, 2014, 22:36
Hey Guys.

I'll be a first time visitor to Thailand shortly. I've got the impression from various blogs that iPhones are prized as presents by the working boys. However, the 6+ has a delay for online orders. Will the 6's be enough as "Thank You!" gifts?

If the 6's are a definite "nopo, not good enough, has to be the latest model" I'll schlep around the various Apple stores to buy the 6+'s, just it's a bit of a nuisance as I believe you can only buy two at one time in person.

All and any advice, much appreciated.


Nirish guy
December 10th, 2014, 00:02
You'll be thrown out of most boy bars if you walk in without the 6 plus ! Also personally I wouldn't just give the guy a phone as that looks a bit "cheap charlie", I would have thought you'd have arranged a few motorbikes as well for any of the guys that you're thinking of offing or you can't really expect them to take you seriously - just like us and your post ! :-)

December 10th, 2014, 00:39
Hi Nirish Guy. I'm laughing at myself. I made my post sound like I'm giving away iPhones in return for massages! I'm not. Sorry. I'm in Thailand for eight weeks, Bangkok, Phuket and Chiang Mai. I've arranged with the hotel concierges for gay travel guides at each location to be accommodated with me, and I'll probably "keep" an escort for a couple of weeks in each location too. I usually try to bring "Thank You!" gifts that I know are wanted and/or needed. I doubt Fortnum's hampers or teddy bears from Hamleys would be appreciated, and iPhones out of the boxes don't take up any room in the luggage! I also know just how fussy my nieces and nephews are regarding technology, so I didn't want to make a faux pas if the iPhone 6 is so "last year" and it has to be the 6+ or some model from Samsung or Windows has superceded it amongst the young cognoscenti in Thailand.

Nirish guy
December 10th, 2014, 01:04
Hi Nirish Guy. I'm laughing at myself. I made my post sound like I'm giving away iPhones in return for massages! I'm not.

So to be clear you are intending them to give them away to your live in "tour guides" and maybe a few of your kept "escorts" ( I admire your stamina and time management planning by the way :-) ......ps if you need an extra tour guide let me know as I could do with a new iphone 6s myself ! :-)

I didn't want to make a faux pas if the iPhone 6 is so "last year" and it has to be the 6+ or some model from Samsung or Windows has superceded it amongst the young cognoscenti in Thailand.

So taking your post at face value then and giving you a serious reply ...( really an iPhone for each of your tour guides and "escort friends" ! wow - generous to say the least !) - anyway.......you're right to check that detail and I would even suggest you hold off and check when you get there as a) the guys may NOT want an iPhone ( except to resell perhaps of course so you may as well just give them the money).

Then b) much to my surprise a lot of Thai guys I know when asked ( in general before) said they definitely wouldn't chose an iPhone and they seemed to go for Samsung, the crazy reason ( to me) being that apparently you can "shake and share" your contact info on a Samsung with other Samsung users whereas you can't with an iPhone and THAT one tiny thing was reason enough for them not to want one it seems ! Also one of the main pluses with an iPhone is it's integration with other apple products (Mac's & iPads etc) and as a lot of guys don't have these other devices the associated benefits of using multiple Apple products are to them useless.

Finally then I would always be cautious against buying electronic hardware in any country than that of the products intended use due to various geographical restrictions pre-imposed by some manufacturers ( such as Apple for instance) and also it can be a real pain getting your product taken care of under guarantee etc even though the manufactures rules state you should be covered if it was bought out of Country - not to mention that iPhones aren't particularly cheaper if you buy then elsewhere anyway as far as I know anymore.

So personally speaking if you have to I would give your friends the cash and then they then can do whatever they want with it - and just for the record I most certainly wouldn't be giving them all iPhones to begin with in the first place - but hey it's Thailand so "up to you" :-)

Enjoy your trip.

December 10th, 2014, 01:11
Ah. I really appreciate the detail. Thank you! I was under the impression that iPhones are really hard to get in Thailand, they don't appear to be too easy to get here in London either, which is why I thought of them as gifts. I'll be paying the guides and escorts for their services and time and tipping them, obviously, just wanted to dole out something special for each at the end. This trip so far is proving a hell of a lot cheaper than my last outrageously overpriced cruise. Sorry to ask, but you don't happen to know the model number or name for whichever Samsung is the "must have" or will those be easier and cheaper to pick up in Bangkok? I did check with Apple and you can buy iPhones at any Apple store in the world unlocked and use them anywhere else, the guarantee is global, unlike my sodding Nikon purchases!! Thanks again for your help.

Nirish guy
December 10th, 2014, 01:17
Sorry I'm not "up" on samsung products at all I'm afraid so haven't a clue there but Bangkok is coming down with Electronics stores in the malls all of which who will Im sure be only to happy to relieve you of your hard earned cash, just make sure that the products you're buying are in fact the genuine item as fake good abound and it's almost impossible to tell them apart these days until it's too late and they stop working a month ( or a week) later, but if buying when in Thailand don't worry whatever Thai guy you're with will keep you right and I've no doubt will be sure to let you know EXACTLY what make, model, case, extra charger and monthly tariff that he needs ( as you can't buy the poor guy a phone and not connect it for him now can you ! :-)

And I do apologise as it seems I doubted your seemingly good intentions above and it appears you were indeed being serious ( which I'm still in shock about !!). All I can say is that you're all set to be one VERY popular farang and I'm guessing you're going to hear the phrase "you have very good heart" many many times during your trip ! :-)

December 10th, 2014, 01:21
Aw, thank you. I guess I can just let them choose something at the end and pay for it, just I always feel that looks a bit "sugar daddy" condescending and not very thoughtful, and much more importantly it'll waste at least a day of my time whilst they all window shop before selecting, if past experience is anything to go by. Oh well... !

Nirish guy
December 10th, 2014, 01:24
Aw, thank you. I guess I can just let them choose something at the end and pay for it, just I always feel that looks a bit "sugar daddy" condescending and not very thoughtful, and much more importantly it'll waste at least a day of my time whilst they all window shop before selecting, if past experience is anything to go by. Oh well... !

Ha where did you THINK the last day of each tour was going to have you ending up anyway if not a shopping mall ! What you think these guys aren't on the ball ! lol Mention a possible phone purchase in advance and they'll have their friend the phone salesman waiting to greet you at the door as you arrive, credit card machine in hand and a big Thai smile on his face as you punch in your pin ( and your friend gets some commission as well as his new phone too if he's smart ! :-)

December 10th, 2014, 02:45
I urge you to consider giving cash instead. My experience is that iphones often have to be sold to pay for essentials in Thailand.

December 10th, 2014, 02:58
soooo annoying....fuckwits like this tobi limp dick really fuck it up for me....i want them piled high...cheap and plentiful....and grateful I fucking well selected them....and here is goes around spoiling the silly fuckers....with fucking iphones....

December 10th, 2014, 03:30
OK, Narish guy and Mancs, got the message, no iPhones, no presents, just cash-cash-cash. I feel it's just so "thoughtless" and "uncaring" on my part, but hey, that's my cultural hang up right?! No, don't worry, latintopxxx I've learned my lesson, which is why I sought advice here. I've got it, no iPhones, just pay the 6000-8000 a day for the guides which I'll now round up to 10,000 a day in lieu of a gift and I suppose ditto for the escorts. I do feel a bit of a cheapskate giving them just extra cash rather than a nice prezzie though, but I'll take the expert advice.

Nirish guy
December 10th, 2014, 04:29
Always glad to be a help and maybe we can look forward to reading a few wonderful trip reports from all the places your well paid tour guides will be taking you and you perhaps posting a few pics of your travels with your guides and escorts as that would of course be fine payment for all those stuck at home in the cold and wet here in the UK in lieu of all the great and sage advice you received today, I'll be absolutely sure to log in regularly and look forward to reading those eh........

December 10th, 2014, 04:42
I really appreciate it. I'll happily post something, just that it'll probably look and sound lame to the majority, as very little of my time will be spent on "adult" entertainment. However, I do intend to get my feet wet and I've certainly found some interesting places discussed here and at a few other sites which otherwise I wouldn't have known about. Condoms & Cabbages and Hero in Bangkok now look essential! I actually thought the tour guides were reasonable, given that they're spending 24 hours a day with me, ditto the escorts. It took me years to recover from my Kyoto trip bills, everything seems dirt cheap after that. I was slightly surprised that Chiang Mai charged 2,000 more for tour guides than Phuket, but that might just be the hotel I'm staying in, as the concierge seemed to think at first I wanted a lesbian, and then reassured me that my room overlooks a rice paddy. I'm not sure if that's a euphemism for something or not?! I can't wait... !!

December 10th, 2014, 05:08
did he just say 6000 to 8000.....?!?@..........

December 10th, 2014, 05:15
Yes, latintopxxx, I did. However, I didn't think this was unreasonable. I freely admit my thinking this was based on a back-of-the-fag-packet calculation from figures I've seen here and elsewhere. Hey, but I'm willing to be told different! I worked it out based on a drink or two, the long time bar fine and the tip which I assumed was good for 8 hours and then multiplied that by 3. Do feel free to let rip if I'm getting this hopelessly wrong... !!

December 10th, 2014, 05:26
I'll chime in - you're hopelessly wrong! Are you hiring trained, professional tour guides, or guys recommended by the hotel? Whenever I've travelled in Thailand, a guy who knows the area (e.g. Issan) I've met in a bar will be happy to travel with me for about 1500-2000 a day. I've never felt the need for a professional tour guide. I really don't understand you're thinking on this. But hey, if you have the money, why not flaunt it? You sure won't be short of company (but then, neither am I when I'm there and I spend a lot less)

December 10th, 2014, 05:44
I manage a trip like this every 2-3 years. I obviously punch above my weight financially during my travels because I'm a tourist on holiday. I don't live like this. I've asked the concierges at each hotel to book me professional, bilingual tour guides and give them their own room. In most countries, I usually find they're students who moonlight from Uni. I had one in Cuba that I would have happily married if he'd shown even the slightest interest! It's a scenario that works for me. I find that a live in gay-knowledgeable travel guide who's fluent in both languages makes for a brilliant experience, plus the escort doesn't have to feel awkward about being seen out-and-about with this old man. He's obviously in a group, has someone his own age to chat to in his own language, can ask questions etc. etc. I just find it makes for a great holiday for me, 'tis all. I'm carrying around my own small, private party.

December 10th, 2014, 06:07
You are so helplessly wrong I can't even believe it. Far be it from me to tell you how to spend your money but since you asked.

Depending on where you are in Thailand any boy would be happy with 2-3000 baht per day and maybe a bonus at the end of the stay . Of course if some how you are finding boys who also have cars etc then that number would change but would never get to the amount you are talking about.

Not sure if you have come to these rates based on Rentboy escorts listed for Thailand or what. I understand if you are used to paying Western Escort prices of $1000 US per day or more then the prices you are mentioning seem very low.

Fact is you need to forget what you are used to paying in your home country and learn what the scale is in Thailand. It varies somewhat from city to city with Bangkok being the highest. Even there if you found someone you wanted for a long term stay , 3000 baht per day would be generous in fact very generous.

In pattaya 2000 baht per day would be equally generous. Forget about hiring boys off of sites like Rentboy where the boys know you are a newbie and will quote outlandish prices while offering their services for a fraction of that on Gayromeo or in the Bars.

December 10th, 2014, 06:18
You can howl with laughter, firecat69. I'll 'fess up, my record is $5,000 for a weekend. In my defence, that was Las Vegas. I don't particularly want to have to go bar shopping for the guys in each location, get into complicated explanations, wait whilst he fixes up his life, etc. etc. so he can spend the next couple of weeks with me, so booking escorts up front is usually far easier. Oh, and don't get me wrong, I intend to have a few nights out, bar shopping, ie. dragging a few guys from Adams off to The Time Movement when in Chiang Mai, etc. but the live-in ones, I'd prefer to book in advance.

December 10th, 2014, 07:48
I get that but think with a little pre planning you can arrange someone off of Gayromeo etc and never have to set foot in a Bar. But anyways sounds like you don't really care and hope you have a great time!!

December 10th, 2014, 08:12
Getting iPhone 6 or 6+ is no problem here in Pattaya. Every store in Central had them. There were plenty of 6+ phones but the 6's with larger memories were back ordered. Iphones amongst Thais are still a status symbol for reasons I don't understand (written as android user).

December 10th, 2014, 10:50
Crikey! After reading your posts Tobi, I think weтАЩll have to redefine the term тАЬCheap CharlieтАЭ because, by your standards, IтАЩm afraid I would have to be so described.

An iPhone 6+ in the UK would, according to a quick Internet search, cost between 31.869 and 40,673 baht! And you say you intend buying several to hand out to your escorts. Well, your generosity is, I believe, going to put many of us in the shade as I guess we probably thought we were already being pretty generous.

But you are not the only wealthy foreigner IтАЩve heard of recently. A couple of weeks ago a Thai friend and his Thai boyfriend came round for drinks. He surprised me by saying he had been at a party where an Irishman had paid for smart phones for all the boys present. DonтАЩt think we are talking about iPhones, think they were made by Samsung and cost around 20,000 baht each. Nevertheless, I thought his generosity was well out of my league. I was told that he works on the oil rigs and is, presumably, very well paid.

Any of our Irish members care to fess up and admit to being the generous Irishman? ;)

December 10th, 2014, 14:44
Aw, OK, thank you Up2U. It was like every blog post I read seemed to infer that iPhones were the "must have" item and were difficult to get. However, I've fortunately learnt different thanks to the kind advice here. In Cuba it was an obscure brand of designer jeans, which I had to source from Harvey Nicks, but the guys were over the moon with them. I usually try to bring something "thoughtful" with me, but I'm learning that in Thailand, it's only cash that will be appreciated!

December 10th, 2014, 14:56
I know, Jellybean, I know. I've managed to paint myself in a single post as a completely clueless, too rich to care, condescending bitch goddess troll. Nice... ! I am on holiday, remember, I do a trip once every 2-3 years. I'm probably spending less than many who live there, just spending it in a much shorter time frame. I only hand out such gifts to those who've had to put up with me 24/7 for a couple of weeks, not giving them away as party favours!! I sympathise with the Irishman though, as many, many blogs and posts make out that decent phones, especially iPhones are the #1 "want", and some of us like to try and be "nice" to those who service us. I've always wanted to visit Thailand, just that apart from the commercial sex industry, the gay scene reads as being pretty inaccessible if not down right inhospitable to tourists, so other destinations have taken priority. I shall find out for myself, shortly... !!

December 10th, 2014, 16:33
...an Irishman had paid for smart phones for all the boys present...Any of our Irish members care to fess up and admit to being the generous Irishman? ;)

Well, you know what the Irish are like after a few bottles of the cratur.......


December 10th, 2014, 17:30
I know mine was the first name to spring to mind - but it wasn't me (honest) ;)

Nirish guy
December 10th, 2014, 20:09
And it most certainly wasn't me so I guess that only leaves colmx or Martin - speaking of which whatever ever happened to Martin, haven't seen him post in a while - maybe he's to busy out giving out iphones !??!! :-)

And SG all I can say is bottle kettle black for a Scot to be talking about what another clan are like when on the drink :-) But if giving out iPhones is the net result of getting pissed Id better reevaluate my drinking urgently before I hit Bangkok in the morning !! :-)

December 10th, 2014, 20:57
....And SG all I can say is bottle kettle black for a Scot to be talking...

See - you make my point - with all that pre-departure hooch you can't even tell the difference between a pot and a bottle now!


December 11th, 2014, 13:50
I I'm probably spending less than many who live there, just spending it in a much shorter time frame.

Au contraire! There are those who are big spenders on their "boyfriends" but most are frugal in their daily expenditures/

December 11th, 2014, 14:01
Sorry francois, as usual my thinking behind my comments gets lost as I type. I meant that someone's expenditure over 2-3 years on boyfriend(s) probably exceeds mine over 2 weeks. I'm still probably not making any sense!

December 11th, 2014, 14:10
OK, Narish guy and Mancs, got the message, no iPhones, no presents, just cash-cash-cash. I feel it's just so "thoughtless" and "uncaring" on my part, but hey, that's my cultural hang up right?! .

In that case, perhaps a one-oz UK Britannia or a US one-oz Buffalo? All that glitters is gold and Thai boys love glitter. ;)

December 11th, 2014, 14:22
Gold had crossed my mind, not a buffalo though, isn't that slightly insulting, or does the buffalo represent me?!! :D I originally only went with iPhones because other blogs suggested they were (or had been) extremely hard to get in Thailand and were a #1 want. I'm guessing there won't be a shortage of gold available for purchase within Thailand, although I imagine images of St. Nicholas might be hard to find?! ;)

Nirish guy
December 11th, 2014, 18:11
[quote="Nirish guy":3hkasg3s]....And SG all I can say is bottle kettle black for a Scot to be talking...

See - you make my point - with all that pre-departure hooch you can't even tell the difference between a pot and a bottle now!


Ha ha guilty as charged SG, as you say that just proves where my head was at ! :-)

December 11th, 2014, 21:28
I know, I know. I've managed to paint myself in a single post as a completely clueless...

yep, you are clueless. but you knew that or you wouldn't have posted in the first place. :))

you've never even been to thailand before? then you're really over-thinking things. just get on a plane, leave the phones and stacks of cash behind, and have a good time.
you wanna pay $5,000 escorts you meet online, stay in vegas. that's not how things are done in thailand, and no guy worth hanging out with would expect a phone of any kind
much less 10,000 baht for showing you around the town. yep. clueless. the boys you *spoil* will laugh at you behind your back. they will not respect your generosity, quite
the opposite. they'll take you for a fool, which you are.

December 11th, 2014, 21:57
I freely admit to being clueless, netrix, but I also think you're probably over-generalising. Yes, my record was $5,000 for hiring an escort for a weekend in Las Vegas, but I confess to a penchant for muscle-gods who are power-bottoms, a somewhat rare breed, and in the US they can and do command $300+ an hour. I can also tell you the gentleman was worth every single cent!! If I ever win the Euromillions my first splurge will be him and me on a deserted Necker Island for a month. :D I'm sure there are "degrees" of escorting in Thailand as there are everywhere. I think it'd be a bit cheap of me not to splash some cash on the people staying with me whose job it is to ensure that I have a fantastic time, especially when they'll obviously realise I'm paying $1,000+ a night for the hotel, don't you?!! I'd rather they laughed at me behind my back about any perceived over-generosity, than complained about me being a sad tightwad.

December 11th, 2014, 22:50
I think it'd be a bit cheap of me not to splash some cash on the people staying with me whose job it is to ensure that I have a fantastic time, especially when they'll obviously realise I'm paying $1,000+ a night for the hotel, don't you?!! I'd rather they laughed at me behind my back about any perceived over-generosity, than complained about me being a sad tightwad.

Oh, I think a lot of people are laughing behind your back.

December 12th, 2014, 00:41
I'm paying $1,000+ a night for the hotel

i wasn't sure you were trolling until that comment.

i visited thailand twice a year for 7 years before moving here 3 years ago. i've bought my share of mobile phones for money boys, and i've stayed in many a 4 star hotel,
but you're just trying a little too hard to get a reaction from posters here if you think anyone on this forum either believes or gives a shit that you're spending a thousand
bucks a night on a hotel in thailand. i've spent thousands on amazingly hot hookers in las vegas as well, but i've never boasted about it on a public forum, especially not
my first post. so if you're as loaded and nonchalant as you pretend, then spend away. it's not necessary or respected by the boys, and your iphone gifts will be quickly sold
the day after they get rid of you. =))

December 12th, 2014, 04:33
No probs. netrix, I get that I don't fit whatever "criteria" you have for posting here, but as I said earlier, I save up for 2-3 years to do a trip. In my teens I was happy backpacking, in my dotage I'll probably be a fan of cruising, the kind on a boat where they bring the scenery to you. In between I'm enjoying visiting different countries and splurging for a month or two in the best style I can afford. I wasn't boasting, merely pointing out in response to those saying that I shouldn't "treat" my guests, that I felt it a bit cheap when it'll be obvious I'm not economising, not to share the love with those hired to be with me. Fortunately, I found the answers to the majority of my gay pre-trip questions on blogs such as BangkokBois, GayInChiangMai, etc. and the two questions I had which I posted here, were very kindly answered by Nirish guy and Bon Tong, and their indepth responses were truly appreciated, well at least by me! :)

December 12th, 2014, 06:25
It escalated quickly from iPhones for everyone to

10000 baht per day for tour guides
A $5000 weekend in Las Vegas
Name dropping - Fortnums, Hamleys, Harvey Nichols
An "outrageously overpriced cruise"
The observation that he'll probably spend in two weeks what some spend in 2 years

And now, a $1000+ a night hotel.

NIrish, you got it right in your first reply to the OP. I was wondering why you then changed your mind and believed this poor wannabe - a financially challenged guy living out his fantasy on the net.

Hey, where have we seen that before? ...lol

These guys always get caught out; and it doesn't take long. Once they get a few serious replies, they think they've got a captive audience and and so start pouring out their fantasies. Unfortunately, the fantasy takes over until they inevitably post the most outrageous parts of these fantasies and the posts become unbelievable.

Tobi, perhaps you should have stopped with the iPhone's, but you couldn't help yourself and ended up giving yourself away.

December 12th, 2014, 07:46
I enjoyed the thread, made up or not. Lots of laughs!!

December 12th, 2014, 08:34
Based on today's news the going rate is 200 million baht.

December 12th, 2014, 13:49
And now, a $1000+ a night hotel
Give the guy a break a447! It may well be for two rooms, after all. ;) Remember his 2nd post -

I've arranged with the hotel concierges for gay travel guides at each location to be accommodated with me, and I'll probably "keep" an escort for a couple of weeks in each location too.
$1,000 a night for 8 weeks - $60,000 give or take with credit card charges! Does that include tax and service, I wonder, or is that an additional 17% on top? :-o

I assume the concierges also get iPhones for doing all this work! :ymparty:

December 12th, 2014, 14:39
Tobi...me things u r a fantasist troll.....in fact thouight that from your very 1st post....

December 12th, 2014, 15:12
Fine guys, not sure that being gay means I have to stay at the BBB Inn rather than the Kempinski when I'm on my hard-earned, well-deserved holiday. This is likely to be my one-and-only visit to Thailand, as has been the case for the half-a-dozen places I've visited in the last decade or so and I intend to do it with as much info. and in as much style as I can muster. I'm afraid some of the responses in this forum reminds me of the places I saw in Japan with "NO FOREIGNERS" signs at the door, perhaps you should have a warning "NO TOURISTS" at the top?!! =;

December 12th, 2014, 16:03
No, Tobi. "NO BULLSHITTERS" would be more appropriate in your case.

Oh, and the Kempinski has now been added to your list. How impressive!

BTW, you say how expensive Kyoto was. Care to elaborate? For a man of your substantial means -$60000 for a hotel for 8 weeks, if Fountainhall has got his calculations right - surely "expensive" would not even be in your vocabulary.

And while I'm at it, which establishments in Japan had the "No Foreigners" signs outside?

(Pssst! The gold Rolex! The gold Rolex!)

December 12th, 2014, 16:39
I'm looking forward to Beachlover's - sorry, Tobi's photos of the rooms at the Kempinski ;)

December 12th, 2014, 17:04
Hey a447, I don't get the attitude. I don't cry "bullshit" when American mates coming to London tell me they want to stay at Claridges, take afternoon tea at the Ritz, grab a box at the Coliseum, visit Hampton Court, and shop at Harrods. I wouldn't do any of those things in London, but then I'm not on holiday. I do appreciate the attraction for them, and I certainly wouldn't lay into anyone who wants to do such things. I'll probably only spend a night or two in the commercial gay scene in each location when I'm in Thailand, it's certainly part of the experience I definitely want to experience, but it's not my raison d'etre for visiting. In answer to your questions, I found every single thing in Kyoto shockingly expensive, then again I'm sure that'd be true for Geneva too. London itself isn't exactly cheap when you consider it's four quid to go a single stop on the tube these days. I'd have to email someone to get the name of the club we went to where I saw that sign in multiple languages, I gather though it's similar if not as blatant in Thailand, that the majority of Thai's don't particularly want foreigners in their nightclubs, or have I got that wrong, too? No. I don't have a Rolex. Sorry!

December 12th, 2014, 17:42
Tobi or not Tobi, that is the question. ;)

December 12th, 2014, 19:37
I'm looking forward to Beachlover's - sorry, Tobi's photos of the rooms at the Kempinski ;)

Deffinatley his style, a troll by any other name is still a troll.

December 12th, 2014, 21:43
Fine guys, not sure that being gay means I have to stay at the BBB Inn rather than the Kempinski when I'm on my hard-earned, well-deserved holiday
Aha! A new twist to the adventure story. Many will recall that Beachlover adored the Kempinski. Heck, he even posted photos allegedly taken from the balcony of his room (all personal belongings of course blacked out as usual).

Odd how when you check with the Kempinski, they don't have any rooms or suites priced at $1,000 per night! They're either a good bit less or very substantially more. Mind you, if it was actually two rooms, then Garden Suites come in around $500 a pop. Non-suite rooms much less expensive.

I found every single thing in Kyoto shockingly expensive
I'll make no comment about your rich as Croesus friends and their desires to stay at Claridges or take the much overrated afternoon tea at the Ritz where of course they have to dress up with jackets, shirts and ties. No jeans and sneakers here. Far better is Brown's Hotel close by in Albermarle Street where Queen Victoria used to take afternoon tea. The English Tea Room is far less vulgar than the Palm Court at the Ritz.

I will come back to you about Kyoto, though. A regular visitor to Japan, I was last in Kyoto in May 2012 when I stayed at the Hyatt, one of the more expensive and beautiful hotels in the city where rooms are around $230 (thankfully I was using points). But unless you were at the Ritz Carlton, hotels tend not to be especially expensive in Kyoto. Nor is dining, for that matter. Where I wonder did you stay?

December 12th, 2014, 22:22
I enjoyed the thread, made up or not. Lots of laughs!!
Comedy Gold, really. =))

December 12th, 2014, 22:29
You "don't get the attitude?" Really? Then let me explain.

People tend to talk about how much money they have to spend, or drop names of high end establishments when they want to impress others. However, apart from a phantom poster named Beachlover, I can not recall any poster over the last 10 years, on this board or any other, ever boasting about spending such ludicrous amounts of money. And ludicrous is the operative word here - you succeeded in outing yourself as a troll by, for example, forgetting to do the same sums as Fountainhall. Had you realised that your hotel stay alone would amount to around $60000 even you would thought "hmm..that's a bit too hard for anyone to believe." But you got so caught up in your fantasy life of probably non-existent wealth that you overlooked that. And surely someone with such an enormous amount of disposable income would not be relying on boards such as this; they'd have their personal assistant go to Thailand beforehand to search out the information.

Although some members' posts may hint at their financial status, it's not something we talk about in our posts. No one cares. For example, brand names are never mentioned, salaries are never spoken about; and if posters happen to tell us how ridiculously expensive something was (difficult in Thailand), the price is never mentioned.

Maybe we are just not so crass or so lacking in class.

You are most probably some poverty-stricken Pommie pensioner dreaming of a life he can never have, except on the Internet. How sad.

Your story about going to Kyoto also sounds like bullshit, as does your seeing a "sign in multiple languages." Kyoto, and Japan in general used to be an expensive destination, but times have changed dramatically; compared to Western Europe, it's far cheaper. You're about 10 years out of date!

And as for signs in different languages, I'm afraid signs are just about always in Japanese and sometimes, if you are lucky, in English. That's it, Tobi. No Spanish, no French, no German, no Italian - just English. Well, I think I may have once seen a sign in Chinese during the more than 30 years I worked there, but you wouldn't know the difference now, would you.

December 12th, 2014, 22:32
And while I'm at it, which establishments in Japan had the "No Foreigners" signs outside?

I haven't sent an email, a447, simply because I realised the name of the club won't prove anything, however this might help http://www.debito.org/roguesgallery.html

Aha! A new twist to the adventure story.

Sorry, fountainhall, if you're inferring I'm "Beachlover", I'm not, but obviously I can't prove that. I averaged my spend to $1,000. I'm paying more in some places, less in others, just making the point about why if someone is staying with me 24/7 for weeks at a time, I'd like to give them a suitable non-cheapskate gift at the end. I know, I know, NOT an iPhone. :D

I totally agree about tea at the Ritz, it's a nightmare to organise, you have to book months in advance, it's in two sittings, they herd you about like cattle, oh and if they were staying at Claridges they can get a perfectly fantastic tea there in the first place. I've obviously heard of Browns, I've never been, again it's a tourist thing. However, probably it's like telling a New Yorker you want to visit the Empire State, nothing else will do. It has to be afternoon tea at the Ritz.

I stayed at the Hiiragiya in Kyoto, which was truly stunning if a bit noisy. I found that every morsel and sip, especially in the home bars along Ponto-cho and Kamishichiken cost me an absolute fortune, jaw droppingly expensive.

December 12th, 2014, 22:54
This is as much fun as I've had here in a long while...lol

You don't need to tell me that the Japanese gay establishments don't welcome foreigners; I already know that. But you do need to tell me the name of the place with the sign - I'm dying to see a multi-lingual sign in Japan.

BTW, you've contradicted yourself. In a post above, you told us you never had tea at the Ritz; you had no interest in such places - they're for tourists. Remember?

Keep digging, Tobi.

December 12th, 2014, 23:00
But you do need to tell me the name of the place with the sign - I'm dying to see a multi-lingual sign in Japan.

OK, I'll find out. If you click the link above, and scroll down, you'll see a lot of multilingual signs.

BTW, you've contradicted yourself. In a post above, you told us you never had tea at the Ritz; you had no interest in such places - they're for tourists. Remember?

I haven't had afternoon tea at the Ritz. I've organised it for visitors on occasion and heard their feedback, 'tis all.

December 12th, 2014, 23:17
I did scroll down and I did see the signs. They are in no way representative of what a foreigner would see travelling around Japan ; they were in one area of Japan and dealt with a specific group of foreigners - Russian sailors. You won't get Russian sailors in Kyoto; in case you haven't noticed, it's not a port.

December 12th, 2014, 23:22
You "don't get the attitude?" Really? Then let me explain.

It had nothing to do with how much I'm spending. The only reason that topic opened up is because of the perception, absolutely caused by me, that I was gifting iPhones at the end of a massage. I'm sure there's people spending sums far exceeding what I save up over 2-3 years, plenty will be chartering yachts from Phuket at $10,000 a day, no doubt. However, I certainly wouldn't look askance at anyone who does. Good luck to them!

I'm guessing you're of the generation that never discusses money, my Granny was the same. ;)

ps. You didn't scroll down far enough.

December 13th, 2014, 00:06
I stayed at the Hiiragiya in Kyoto, which was truly stunning if a bit noisy. I found that every morsel and sip, especially in the home bars along Ponto-cho and Kamishichiken cost me an absolute fortune, jaw droppingly expensive.
Ah so desu ka! So you were at the Hiiragiya! That certainly explains why your costs were massively high. At an exchange rate of around 80 to the US$1 until late 2012, two guys sharing a room could easily have clocked up well over than $1,000 a night. And you'll know this is a Japanese ryokan, not a hotel.

(Sharp intake of breath!) Regularly eating and drinking in the two most expensive geisha districts of the city would also knock you back another small fortune. But I am curious. Why would you even consider eating out of any ryokan, the more so when all the superb meals are included in the room rates?

Also, you surely cannot be suggesting that you and your escort friends dined and drank exclusively in Ponto-cho and Kamishichiken! The establishments there are patronised largely by extremely wealthy Japanese and their clients. Western tourists may visit the districts (as I have), but those entering the establishments without a Japanese with excellent connections would be relatively rare. Besides, Kyoto has some gay bars which will welcome foreigners especially when accompanied by a Japanese and where drinks and the little snacks they serve are a tiny fraction of the price!

About your signs, your website really does not help. It really is far too easy to pull a page of isolated signs off the internet! Like a447 I have considerable knowledge of living in Japan and have never once seen a notice in a language other than Japanese and English re permitting only Japanese to enter. You mention Spanish. Just one sign on that page has Spanish (for reasons that totally escape me). None of the others. What about the other languages you saw on signs? No Italian? No French? No German even?

I have to come back to your comment about wanting to тАЬdoтАЭ Bangkok тАЬin as much style as I can muster.тАЭ Fair enough! But why on earth would anyone interested in style stay at the Kempinski? The exclusive boutique hotel The Siam upriver but with its own launch has far more style. The Mandarin Oriental may be a bit pass├й now and the rooms in the new wing really are a bit pokey. But their suites with views of the river are quite wonderful. The Peninsula is also swesome in terms of the size of their rooms and the wonderful dinner buffets on the Terrace. The Sukhothai is sheer understated Thai elegance and grace. The Kempinski is slumming it a bit, donтАЩt you think?

Oops, and I just noticed. One of BeachyтАЩs favourite words was тАЬmateтАЭ. He was always going on about his Australian тАЬmatesтАЭ. ItтАЩs not a word often used in gay Thailand chat forums. But lo and behold! You tell us of your тАЬAmerican mates coming to London!тАЭ

Isn't life funny! What goes around comes around, I guess!

December 13th, 2014, 00:30
Sorry, fountainhall, I can't disprove I'm Beachy, now can I?!

I read Tales of Genji, The Diary of Lady Murasaki and The Great Mirror of Male Love along with various works on geisha and wanted to experience the "real thing" whilst it was still possible. Hence my choice of accommodation and tour guide, which permitted me access to the home bars in a few tea houses, albeit "barely tolerated" should be added as a distinct qualifier.

I'm not sure where Spanish, Russian, etc. came into the equation regarding the signs, certainly not from me. I simply saw the sign in English and I presume Japanese, before we entered, but it was apparently OK as I was with a Japanese national, although again, I can't say they appeared overly enthusiastic about having a barbarian present, or perhaps it was just me they didn't want!!

I didn't say I was staying at the Kempinski did I, oh, and I'm not staying at the BBB Inn either. :)

December 13th, 2014, 01:07
If you are not staying at the Kempinski, your earlier comment is more than distinctly odd. You make a deliberate comparison between the Kempinski and the BBB Inn and then go on to talk about travelling in style. The obvious inference is that you have booked into the Kempinski.

not sure that being gay means I have to stay at the BBB Inn rather than the Kempinski when I'm on my hard-earned, well-deserved holiday
I have no desire to know where you are staying, but if it is not the Kempinski then I reckon it was a very strange selection for comparison with the BBB Inn. Unless of course you have experience of the hotel and perhaps had stayed there before. Which, of course, you haven't as this is your first visit to Bangkok!

December 13th, 2014, 01:17
It was merely an extreme comparison. I have stayed at a Kempinski many, many years ago, but it was in Berlin. You'll also be delighted and relieved to know that I've now found suitable gifts, a mate (!) has just told me Burberry do "distressed" lizard skin wallets, perfect for stuffing cash into and reminding them of me! Oh, and if they become a "must have" accessory amongst the demi-monde, you'll know exactly who to blame. :D

December 13th, 2014, 04:22
I've never stayed at the Kempinski but I'm sure the guys at the BBB Inn are more fun than the staff there. Massage, short time rooms, gay banter, snooker..they like a drink as well. The Sukothai struck me as all fur coat and no knickers, as we say in Northern England.

December 13th, 2014, 05:23
Keep it up Tobi. If nothing else Fountainhall has now engaged you and he truly has a wealth of information from personal experience and has a fabulous photo library.

I know his experiences and photos are missed on other Boards and would be welcomed back there or here!!!!

December 13th, 2014, 06:56
"distressed" lizard skin walletsIt should remind them of the look and feel of many of their customers.

December 13th, 2014, 08:32
Tobi, you are new to this forum so how did you know that posters on this board often referred to Beachlover (who hasn't posted here in a long while) as "beachy?" That's what you called him in an earlier post in this thread. Remember?

And BTW, he used the word "Aw" - just like you!

And he is one of the two posters I can recall who ever pretended to lead the high life - just like you!

Well spotted, Joe.

Bye bye, Beachy!

December 13th, 2014, 09:53
It was merely an extreme comparison. I have stayed at a Kempinski many, many years ago, but it was in Berlin
I wonder if that was the very famous Adlon Kempinski or the Kempinski Hotel Bristol? There is quite a difference.

Since it was a comparison and we know you like to spend for style on your vacations, you have never stayed at any Park Hyatt, Ritz-Carlton, St-Regis or Four Seasons Hotels that might more readily have jumped to mind?

Oh, and you have never responded to my comments about your abandoning the ryokan to dine out in in the most expensive geisha districts of Kyoto. (You brought them up). A tour guide is about the last person who could get you in to most of those establishments. Their mamasans and owners are all very strict. If you don't have an invitation, no tourist is likely to gain entrance. Sadly hotel concierges have little say there - unless you are an extremely wealthy Japanese of course. But then again, ryokan don't have concierges, do they?

December 13th, 2014, 10:40
Aw . . . hee, hee! IтАЩm really disappointed. I was sincerely hoping that Tobi is not a troll. HeтАЩs certainly stirred the pot, woken up the board and aroused some passion . . . just like the old days when Beachlover was around. Oh, now thereтАЩs a coincidence.

And where is arsenal, our very own trollfinder general, when you need him? I havenтАЩt seen him comment on this issue. He can usually be relied upon to arrive at a definitive judgment on matters of this kind.

December 13th, 2014, 13:13
The original question is not worth a reply from me. But subsequent posts brought up some issues I cannot leave uncommented.
(quotes from the op)

I've always wanted to visit Thailand, just that apart from the commercial sex industry, the gay scene reads as being pretty inaccessible if not down right inhospitable to tourists, so other destinations have taken priority.
Where did you get that idea from? Not true by my experience.

I'm sure there are "degrees" of escorting in Thailand as there are everywhere. I think it'd be a bit cheap of me not to splash some cash on the people staying with me whose job it is to ensure that I have a fantastic time, especially when they'll obviously realise I'm paying $1,000+ a night for the hotel, don't you?!! I'd rather they laughed at me behind my back about any perceived over-generosity, than complained about me being a sad tightwad.
A common misconception, the more you spend the better your experience. I can't tell about escorts and expensive hotels, but I had the same massage (1 hour oil) with happy ending in the same massage parlor with different masseur and tipped the same (1000 Baht), one was fantastic and the other was "not again" (even worse, a waste of time and money). No amount of money would have turned the poor experience into a good one.

December 13th, 2014, 13:54
Tobi, listen to Christian he knows what he speaks of! And forget those iphones, better follow Christian's example of miniature Eiffel Tower key fobs, gold plated, of course.

December 13th, 2014, 14:52
Anyone with the kind of money to splash out that Tobi apparently has (yes, we know, saved over 2-3 years) would have lost interest in this thread long ago - our replies would have been dismissed as the impertinence of a bunch of strangers. The fact that he meticulously and good-humouredly replies to nearly every comment suggests someone who is enjoying all the attention, which is of course what motivates trolls.

December 13th, 2014, 21:03
Since Tobi started the discussion about Kyoto, I'll lighten the mood a little and post a few photos of my last visit. It was in late March and coincided with the arrival of the cherry blossom, my favourite time to visit the country. I did get one early evening photo of a geisha in the Gion district, but was not expecting it and my camera was not set up properly. I'm sure Tobi will remember the locations and perhaps post some of his own.

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l597/fountainhall/Kyoto_lr3.jpg (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/fountainhall/media/Kyoto_lr3.jpg.html)

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l597/fountainhall/Kyoto_lr1.jpg (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/fountainhall/media/Kyoto_lr1.jpg.html)

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l597/fountainhall/Kyoto_lr2.jpg (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/fountainhall/media/Kyoto_lr2.jpg.html)

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l597/fountainhall/Kyoto_lr5.jpg (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/fountainhall/media/Kyoto_lr5.jpg.html)

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l597/fountainhall/Kyoto_lr4.jpg (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/fountainhall/media/Kyoto_lr4.jpg.html)

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l597/fountainhall/Kyoto_lr9.jpg (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/fountainhall/media/Kyoto_lr9.jpg.html)

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l597/fountainhall/Kyoto_lr10.jpg (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/fountainhall/media/Kyoto_lr10.jpg.html)

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l597/fountainhall/Kyoto_lr13.jpg (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/fountainhall/media/Kyoto_lr13.jpg.html)

http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l597/fountainhall/Kyoto_lr14.jpg (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/fountainhall/media/Kyoto_lr14.jpg.html)

December 13th, 2014, 22:30
Beautiful pics, Fountainhall. April is also my favourite time to visit, but autumn is also spectacular. I love that photo of the geisha! (Actually, they are no longer called geisha in Kyoto; they're referred to as "geiko.")
To avoid confusion, pic 4 is Todaiji in Nara, as I'm sure you know.

I've been to Kyoto heaps of times but don't know much about the gay scene there. Any experience?

Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

December 13th, 2014, 23:33
Nice touch from Founty to post a photo of Tobi's holiday shack in pic #4


December 14th, 2014, 10:34
Where has Tobi gone?
A few pages back he was answering every post, now disappeared ... 'Pulling-a-Beachlover', as they say.
I too have enjoyed this thread, and the exquisitely smarmy thread-starter.

An iPhone for every boy. That truly is one of the most ridiculous ideas I've heard coming off this board for many year.
BadBoyBilly anyone?

December 14th, 2014, 11:16
Had it been BBB I suspect there would have been a torrent of insults long before now. Beachy had a knack of keeping threads going by sidestepping potential pitfalls and yet larding on even more generalities. But let's remember "- fuckwit" hasn't yet appeared in posts!

December 15th, 2014, 13:17
There is something in flower all over the year somewhere in Thailand. I have two quality publications (in Thai, but title and headlines sometimes in English) entirely dedicated to flowers: Dream Destinations 2 (free from Tourism Authority of Thailand) and Trips Magazine Special Edition Ceaseless Blossom of Thailand (original 150 Baht, discount at fair 50 Baht).

Currently (December-January) the Thai equivalent of Sakura (cherry blossom) is in various places in Chiang Mai province.

There is an equivalent of coloration of leaves in autumn as well, in Phu Kradueng national park in Loei.

December 15th, 2014, 17:14
Currently (December-January) the Thai equivalent of Sakura (cherry blossom) is in various places in Chiang Mai province.Any issues with pansies?

December 16th, 2014, 02:19
Any issues with pansies?
In late January, would be my guess.

December 17th, 2014, 09:49
You'll also be delighted and relieved to know that I've now found suitable gifts, a mate (!) has just told me Burberry do "distressed" lizard skin wallets, perfect for stuffing cash into and reminding them of me!
The final jest, I suspect. Burberry's do quite a large catalogue of wallets. And one in leather does have lizard skin, but only as a trimming and seemingly from perfectly happy lizards! At ┬г335 a pop they are a mere snip compared to iPhone6 prices. Little chance of the escorts and money boys making much from reselling them though.

December 23rd, 2014, 18:59
@Mancs. I'm looking forward to trying out The Time Movement, too!
@firecat69. Good to know.
@kommentariat. I'll rub them under my armpit after the gym, just to make sure. ;)
@a447. I got "Beachy" from @fountainhall.
@fountainhall. Bristol. Nope. Hence ryokan rather than hotel.
@Jellybean. I'm enjoying the borrowed notoriety!!
@Christianplc. I got that impression from blogs and forums.
@francois. Forgotten, now going with distressed* lizards. http://d.pr/10aXA
@PeterUK. Bangkok Bois, where a 70,000 baht tip makes offering an iPhone look just so cheapskate.
@fountainhall. (again) Fab. pics.
@smiles. Ouch, did the Grinch get your Xmas, too?!!
@fountainhall. (again) I prefer "wuckfit".
@fountainhall. (again) Perfect!!
*ignore @fountainhall (again) :-B

January 5th, 2015, 16:53
Hey Guys.

I'll be a first time visitor to Thailand shortly.


Hope you have a good time if
you finally actually go.

The first time is great fun.
