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November 17th, 2014, 02:13
Having visited Thailand over a dozen times in the last few years and asked many questions from this board I though it was about time I gave a bit of feedback on my visit over the last couple of weeks, now I am back home in cold & wet London.

My flight from the UK was excellent, Eva Premium economy is well worth the extra cost, the extra 5 Kilo luggage allowance helps as well, however having trusted Mr T taxis several times in the past, last time earlier this year their driver got completely lost, wasting about an hour getting in to Bangkok, as couldn't find the Rose, even though I had advised the destination in advance, given the driver the hotels taxi map and once near can easily find it my self, so this time I tried Pattaya Taxi service http://www.pttaxiservice.com despite their glossy web site I wont bother with them again, we got stuck for half an hour in the road works not helped by the rain (certainly not their fault) and then once out of it and I thought "yes I will make Boys Town for about 9pm!" my driver decided he needed "fuel" of some sort so we diverted off the motorway along some parallel mud track then queued for 20 minutes so he could fill up with some fuel put in to a canister under the bonnet - apparently they don't sell the stuff in Pattaya!

We finally arrived at Baan Souy, I didn't realise some of the poolside rooms were a bit smaller than the room on my last couple of visits, however the hotel was still excellent in every respect and I would still recommend it. I always love my first visit of a holiday into Boys town, the ten minute ride on a motorbike taxi from Baan Souy always reminds me I am finally there! Swapped some cash at the exchange just before Boys Town (cant recall the name but always along with the other by the same company almost opposite seems to offer the best rates) and time to explore the bars!

I didn't do that many this time, as finally found one of my friends from a holiday earlier in the year and he sort of took over for the rest of my time in Pattaya, however started off in X Boys it was about 9.30pm on a Sat night about 12 boys a bit mixed some were OK (I like the more muscled ripped type) not pushy but the drink prices higher than most of the other bars on the same street. I moved on to Lucky 7, only about 5 boys not doing much and certainly nothing that appealed to me. Cupid had a few more about 15 in total, some making an effort to dance and gain interest, then I tried Dream Boys, they appeared to have loads of boys perhaps 20 but all small and appeared pretty fem, certainly not of much interest. I wondered round to A Bomb, I like this bar they had a fair selection of Boys but it always irritates me that the rotation is so slow - they change one guy per music track so realistically would need to spend at least an hour their to see the lot an I didn't want to spend that long!

I moved around to Boys Boys Boys, as soon as I got near a friend from a previous holiday noticed me and that was that, a couple of beers on the terrace (which with a 20% discount card from Bann Souy are pretty competitive) then back to Baan Souy for what was left of the evening......

I spent my ten days in Pattaya with the same guy but often returned to Boys Boys Boys for a few drinks with him (so he could disappear for quite a while and catch ups with his friends!) and also caught some of their shows, they certainly as normal appeared to have the best line up of guys (even without my friend!) especially if you like the more muscly boys, their first show includes a great "sexy guy" act with a few of them flexing and showing off, I also quite like the 8.30pm ritual with them stood outside the bar, I think that is becoming a nice tradition and sets the bar apart, often amusing to watch the odd straight couple that find them selves walking past this display!

Spent my time with my friend at the Beach in Jomtien and took a few speed boat trips over to Koh Larn where we both spent ages snorkelling (and my friend but not me catching fish and opening up various forms of Oysters and god knows what in shells stuck to rocks for us both to "enjoy"! Naul Beach which is best reached by private Speed boat for about 2,500 BHT from Jomtien is a great beach with a regular visit from a group of semi friendly monkeys that gather on the edge of the beach by the cliff on the south side of the beach, really friendly and tame and easy to feed with Bananas from the nearby bar - good photo opportunities and many of them carrying their baby in the small pouch. The safety aboard these small boats also seems to have improved over recent years following a few tragic events on the larger and often grossly over crowded shared boats as now modern new life vests appear to be provided as standard, they insist on you wearing them and our driver had no problem with us keeping them on the beach so I guess a bit safer when swimming/snorkelling especially when heading further out than you probably should.

Spent some evenings at Pattaya Beer Garden @the start of Walking street, whilst in the main pretty fake I quite like the Muay Thai boxing there, so we got to know the girls at one of the bars by the ring, the Thai boxing promoter was determined get my friend into the ring, he recalled that a year or so ago a different friend ended up in a chance match with some Russian guy, but this time my friend was staying well clear (thank god!) we visited the new Max Muay Thai stadium to watch the 2014 final, not cheap at 2,000 BHT, but free for a Thai if he registers on the back of your ticket, good action if you like Muay Thai and an impressive new stadium but a bit "Americanised" more like something out of the WWE! Between times obviously spent a fair bit of time at the lovely pool at Baan Souy, my friend (and some of his friends!) also loved the gym so could keep up with their workouts - which I am more than happy with!

One evening was the Loy Krathong festival, the guys at the beach in Jomtien had advised us of a party there so we headed there, good fun and amusing to watch the police chasing the vendors selling the lantern things which are apparently now bared, between the police visits we bought a few (and I was pretty impressed as managed to successfully launch a few myself) The beach had a buffet going, however even my friend admitted the food was not that great so rather than chance it we headed for East Suites Restaurant, whilst I love Thai food when in Thailand I cant resist their "Hot Rock T Bone" and was as good as ever!

After ten fantastic days was time to depart Pattaya for a few days in Bangkok..............

November 17th, 2014, 06:25
great report
thanks you

November 17th, 2014, 07:25
Yes, I agree, a very good trip report paulfort. Hope it is the first of many. I am looking forward to reading your Bangkok report.

November 17th, 2014, 09:22
Nice report. Thanks for taking the time to write it up.

November 17th, 2014, 12:51
Great trip report.
very exciting....
how can we get in contact with your friend in case we would want to have a similar experience?

November 17th, 2014, 14:37
Yoe, I agree - very interesting post. Please keep them coming in future.

November 17th, 2014, 16:31
Thanks for the report - glad to know I'm not the only one who sticks with one guy for the duration. Look forward to reading more

November 17th, 2014, 18:06
OP: Very enjoyable report and glad to hear u had a good time!

November 18th, 2014, 21:28
Nice to find out someone can spend time with a friend for over a week
and treat them well without being taken to look at
motocycle, phones, and gold shops near the end of your holiday.

November 19th, 2014, 16:47
Very well written and thoroughly enjoyed...thanks paulfort!


November 20th, 2014, 02:30
Thanks for the report - glad to know I'm not the only one who sticks with one guy for the duration. Look forward to reading more

As long as it takes but you and the OP will learn that sticking to one guy is A VERY BAD IDEA.


Get real- and get out and play the field- amazingly you will be much better thanked with much more and less expensive fun GUARANTEED.

November 20th, 2014, 04:06
I've been going to Thailand for close on 15 years so I think I know what works for me. I've spent holidays where I only went with guys for a night or two, and other times, spent longer with them. I know which I prefer. Before my last trip, I agreed with the guy (who I met on Gay Romeo) that I would pay him an amount at the end of my holiday, roughly equivalent to the going rate for short time in Pattaya. He was happy with that. As it happened, I had a problem with my card on the last day, so he didn't get his money until after I'd returned to Ireland. I'll be spending my next holiday in June with him, with the same arrangement.

It works for me. It might not work for everyone. So thaiguest, I find your post just a little patronising. Neither I or the OP suggested it was better or worse to go for the "boyfriend" experience - only that we liked it. What you do is up to you.

November 20th, 2014, 04:10
Thanks for the report - glad to know I'm not the only one who sticks with one guy for the duration. Look forward to reading more

As long as it takes but you and the OP will learn that sticking to one guy is A VERY BAD IDEA.


Get real- and get out and play the field- amazingly you will be much better thanked with much more and less expensive fun GUARANTEED.

thaiguest, you are the most positive guy I have ever met on this forum....or not

November 20th, 2014, 04:12
Thanks for the report - glad to know I'm not the only one who sticks with one guy for the duration. Look forward to reading more

As long as it takes but you and the OP will learn that sticking to one guy is A VERY BAD IDEA.


Get real- and get out and play the field- amazingly you will be much better thanked with much more and less expensive fun GUARANTEED.

thaiguest, you are the most positive guy I have ever met on this forum.

November 20th, 2014, 04:30
So which is it, gaymandenmark?

November 20th, 2014, 05:10
Whilst I can understand the questions raised on the logic of sticking with one guy I do fully agree with Joe....

I have been to Thailand many times, yes it is great fun to explore the bars and have a different guy a night, as I did to some extent in Bangkok which I will elaborate on when I get the chance, however on this last trip I explored several bars on my first night, just in case I should suddenly find my vision of perfection, then I wondered to where I knew this friend worked, who I had spent a fair bit of time with on my visit earlier this year, he appeared delighted to see me, we got talking, his English had significantly improved since last time, had quite a few beers and as per my post spent the bulk of the rest of my time in Pattaya with him!

I think most of us understand at the end of the day it is a "commercial relationship" and should not loose site of that, but in this case, we agreed a fair but not excessive tip per day - which was never requested and I handed all the money over as I depredated on my last morning (on the strict agreement he used some of it to buy himself a motorbike helmet!) and I paid the bar off fee a few days at a time as we went along and had a drink at his bar. I like to have some company some of the time during the day, but still giving each other space, I don't want to eat alone every night and this way works well for me. To a great extent we would agree what we are doing during the day and on an evening, I would try not to control or dictate so all on a more fair basis, to the extent that we might agree to my suggestion of a few games of pool and watching the boxing at the Beer Garden and I would then agree OK then we go to Hollywood the following night (and he brings a friend) we all had a great evening. I love food, but again we would agree where to eat each evening depending what we were doing and I would make sure my friend was able to select on a fair number of nights - after one visit to Seazone, especially with the traditional flamb├йed sweets - that became his firm favourite! Whilst, yes it is all commercial I think treating the boy like an equal partner if your getting on well can work with the right guy, so effectively he is also having a bit of a holiday - but never forgetting the set up.

I would certainly next time advise him when I am coming, but if it wasn't working for me, my holiday time is too valuable so I would move on, but on this last holiday it was working, but I still kept my last few days in Bangkok to myself so I could explore a little more without him.

I guess each to his own......!

November 20th, 2014, 16:23
As long as it takes but you and the OP will learn that sticking to one guy is A VERY BAD IDEA.


Get real- and get out and play the field- amazingly you will be much better thanked with much more and less expensive fun GUARANTEED.
Spoken like a dude who has no concept of the phrase 'massive over-generalising'.
Along with that ... a seriously bitter man who, taken for a ride once - perhaps often - and then lost everything, feels it to be his sworn crusade to enlighten everyone in the subset world of Thai-enjoyers that not a single Thai man can be trusted with anything, nor taken at face value, nor entrusted with decent feelings, nor capable of caring about any person on the face of the earth in every given situation.

Naturally ... Thaiguest writes utter bullshit, and it as well as he, are well-worth ignoring.

And thanks Paul for writing your story.

November 20th, 2014, 20:19
I totally disagree with Thaiguest. Paulfort's way of doing things almost perfectly reflects my own.

I love having one guy every day/ night while I'm in Pattaya, and have done do for a number of years; it just makes things so easy and besides, we get to know each other and are comfortable spending time together, even though we both are aware that it is a commercial arrangement. Saves lots if time looking for guys, too. The hard part is finding an ideal guy in the first place. But once I find him, he's with me all the time.

No more worries about if the guy will perform - you are guaranteed a great time in bed.

November 21st, 2014, 00:15
I had one single occasion where a boy stayed several days with me, that was about 3 years ago. I managed to find activities that kept both of us happy.

But now it would be difficult to find someone who enjoys the same activities as I do, or to find activities that both of us enjoy over several days, so I leave it a short time or over night (but then the problems start already in the morning: I wake up around 10 (often with a morning erection that I would like to have taken care of), my friends sleep hours longer, ever though we went to bed at the same time).

And on the occasions I have a friend with me during daytime activities, it usually doesn't make the activities more enjoyable.

November 21st, 2014, 01:39
But now it would be difficult to find someone who enjoys the same activities as I do, or to find activities that both of us enjoy over several days
I prefer a mix of both styles

I have had a BF for the last 12 years (actually its our 12th Anniversary of meeting tomorrow)

We like to hang around together 24/7 for 2-3 days on end, Sometimes we off a boy for fun together and others we will go out with friends or alone...
We then have a quick break the odd evening...
-Sometimes one of us offs a boy alone - or picks them up online and we join up again later in NAB, Hollywood etc
-He will go to a live music with friends and i will go for a quick bar cruise and join up with them later in NAB, Hollywood etc

November 21st, 2014, 17:21
Maybe thaiguest could have been a little more diplomatic, but please bear in mind who we are dealing with!!! Prostitites who sell their bodies and smiles for just about anyone with cash.
Put yourself in their place...anyone..like anyone ..any shape, colour or size can rent them....its dehumanising.
They put on an act...its their job...and keep smiling...but again it is dehumanising to do this night after night. So the vast majority will do their utmost to take you the customer for a ride if they spot a weakspot.
So if some old (or maybe not so old..) dude shuffles along looking for love and companionship they will most probably milk this angle for the max cash they can....after all someone who is able to fake sexual interest in anybody night after night most probably doesnt even know what love or care is anymore.
i certainly dont even contemplate getting emotionally close to one of them...they are there to serve a physical need (something to fuck when and how I want) and a physological need (someone to dominate and follow my instructions like a trained poodle). I enjoy toying with them...seeing how far I can push for a 1000bht.
At times if I find a particularly accomodating one I will keep him around for a day or two...but i do get bored easily and like fresh meat...so this sticking to one gogo is not my thing.
Others may like the fake friendship but I agree with thaiguest that it does leave you open to manipulation...and I like to be the manipulator.

November 21st, 2014, 17:55
Thank Buddha we're not all the same, latintop

November 21st, 2014, 18:11
true...agree...would be soooo boring...the macdonaldization od the world.

November 21st, 2014, 19:45
Latin, you've made a number of generalisations above which invite comment.

Their job may be "dehumanising" - I don't know - although from my experience many just see it as a job and don't think too deeply about what they do for a living. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that they take advantage of their clients. The two don't go together. And I don't think you would have any statistics to prove your claim that the "vast majority" would be involved in taking advantage of their clients in any way or "taking them for a ride" as you put it. 99% of the guys I've offed over the years seem like decent human beings to me.

after all someone who is able to fake sexual interest in anybody night after night most probably doesnt even know what love or care is anymore.
i certainly dont even contemplate getting emotionally close to

Again, I fail to see the connection. I imagine the guy keeps his feelings of love for others, not for his customers.

others may like the fake friendship....

I can't speak for others, but I'm certainly not after friendship from the guys, and I'm certain they are not looking for any kind of friendship from me. We have absolutely nothing in common. All I look for is someone who is friendly. There's a big difference.

November 21st, 2014, 20:03
I agree its a job, but just the same way that working in banking affects ethics...and working in a slaughter house also has a negative effect...somehow I think being used like a cheap rubber toy night after night is not condusive to a genuine loving trusting relationship.
The "boys"know that we are only in town for a few days and will be happy to spin out a long sob story if it means a bit of extra cash...especially if we have no way of verifying if the buffalo actually died...
Now I realise that I'm part of the process, I certainly behave in a manner thats not condoned by many on this board...and would probably invalidate any manufacturers warranty when it comes to cheap plastic toys...so bearing this in mind I dont get close to the "boy"...in fact most times apart from instructing him where as to where I want him positiomed I dont even talk to him.

November 21st, 2014, 21:44
somehow I think being used like a cheap rubber toy night after night is not condusive to a genuine loving trusting relationship.

1. We are both using each other.
2. They are not after any such relationship with us; they are after our money. (See 1. above)

The "boys" know we are only in town for a few days...

Only if you tell them.

November 21st, 2014, 21:46
R U trying to spoil my fun...the thought that the "boy'is using me is not what I want to read!!! I pay...I do the using!!

November 22nd, 2014, 00:19
I guess there is mutual "using" going on.
Boys get the money, we get sex.
We pay for what we cannot get for free - be it abusive sex practices or boyfriend experience.

November 22nd, 2014, 02:30
As long as it takes but you and the OP will learn that sticking to one guy is A VERY BAD IDEA.


Get real- and get out and play the field- amazingly you will be much better thanked with much more and less expensive fun GUARANTEED.
Spoken like a dude who has no concept of the phrase 'massive over-generalising'.
Along with that ... a seriously bitter man who, taken for a ride once - perhaps often - and then lost everything, feels it to be his sworn crusade to enlighten everyone in the subset world of Thai-enjoyers that not a single Thai man can be trusted with anything, nor taken at face value, nor entrusted with decent feelings, nor capable of caring about any person on the face of the earth in every given situation.

Naturally ... Thaiguest writes utter bullshit, and it as well as he, are well-worth ignoring.

And thanks Paul for writing your story.

Those who know me know I am not bitter. I have been taken for a ride now and then but I don't get that lucky often. I never generalise... in this case I used the qualifier MANY ONE GUY FALANGS note not ALL OR EVEN MOST ONE GUY FALANGS.
Take a breath or two before you commit to print that way people will still harbour the illusion that you're cogent.

November 22nd, 2014, 02:36
Maybe thaiguest could have been a little more diplomatic, but please bear in mind who we are dealing with!!! Prostitites who sell their bodies and smiles for just about anyone with cash.
Put yourself in their place...anyone..like anyone ..any shape, colour or size can rent them....its dehumanising.
They put on an act...its their job...and keep smiling...but again it is dehumanising to do this night after night. So the vast majority will do their utmost to take you the customer for a ride if they spot a weakspot.
So if some old (or maybe not so old..) dude shuffles along looking for love and companionship they will most probably milk this angle for the max cash they can....after all someone who is able to fake sexual interest in anybody night after night most probably doesnt even know what love or care is anymore.
i certainly dont even contemplate getting emotionally close to one of them...they are there to serve a physical need (something to fuck when and how I want) and a physological need (someone to dominate and follow my instructions like a trained poodle). I enjoy toying with them...seeing how far I can push for a 1000bht.
At times if I find a particularly accomodating one I will keep him around for a day or two...but i do get bored easily and like fresh meat...so this sticking to one gogo is not my thing.
Others may like the fake friendship but I agree with thaiguest that it does leave you open to manipulation...and I like to be the manipulator.

Don't bother trying to make sense of the mouthings of the senseless denizens of the fools paradise represented by many on this forum....some in high places to boot.

November 22nd, 2014, 02:42
I totally disagree with Thaiguest. Paulfort's way of doing things almost perfectly reflects my own.

I love having one guy every day/ night while I'm in Pattaya, and have done do for a number of years; it just makes things so easy and besides, we get to know each other and are comfortable spending time together, even though we both are aware that it is a commercial arrangement. Saves lots if time looking for guys, too. The hard part is finding an ideal guy in the first place. But once I find him, he's with me all the time.

No more worries about if the guy will perform - you are guaranteed a great time in bed.

Sure PAUFORT is a good guy and does things the proper way as you do.
But come back here in a few years from now and tell us how you feel then. Honestly.

November 22nd, 2014, 09:01
Not quite sure what you are referring to, Thaiguest. Are you suggesting that the guys won't be here in a few years time??

BTW, like you, I've also been "taken for a ride" a few times, but that was early on when I first started coming to Thailand. Where I grew up crime is virtually non-existent when compared to many other countries and the idea of someone taking you for a ride, scamming you or just being dishonest never crosses your mind. It was with that mindset that I headed off to Thailand.

At first I believed some, not all, of the stories I was told. Now I think about it, it's really funny. Like the time back in 2005 when Jack from one of the Soi Twilight bars (he's still working there in Dreamboys) spent the night with me. In the morning he said he'd like to introduce me to his sister Nga who was working at some big shopping complex. I found this prospect incredibly embarrassing, but off we went. On the way he told me how she was struggling to make ends meet, especially her husband had left her and she had a child to bring up all by herself. We went via the toy department and he stopped to admire some of the goods. You guessed it - I ended up up buying half the fucking toys in the shop.

On meeting her I got the whole sob story again, along with the fact that she couldn't afford to send her child to school, yada yada.... So on parting I gave her some money.

Later I realised that she was most probably his wife! Then I also found out - probably via this forum - that the 3000 baht I was paying him every night was way over the top. I never bothered with him again.

You live and learn. In my case, I learnt very quickly, but was really pissed off because from that time on, I became very sceptical and started doubting everything the guys told me. I hate living like that.

Luckily I've found just about all of the guys I've been with over the years to be decent guys who don't spin yarns and never ask for anything. Just because they are prostitues doesn't necessarily mean they are all dishonest; they're just guys with a job to do - trying to make ends meet, so to speak...lol. But I can understand those who do try to coax a bit of extra cash out of us because in their eyes, we're all rich and they're all poor.

November 23rd, 2014, 03:57
Not quite sure what you are referring to, Thaiguest. Are you suggesting that the guys won't be here in a few years time??

BTW, like you, I've also been "taken for a ride" a few times, but that was early on when I first started coming to Thailand. Where I grew up crime is virtually non-existent when compared to many other countries and the idea of someone taking you for a ride, scamming you or just being dishonest never crosses your mind. It was with that mindset that I headed off to Thailand.

At first I believed some, not all, of the stories I was told. Now I think about it, it's really funny. Like the time back in 2005 when Jack from one of the Soi Twilight bars (he's still working there in Dreamboys) spent the night with me. In the morning he said he'd like to introduce me to his sister Nga who was working at some big shopping complex. I found this prospect incredibly embarrassing, but off we went. On the way he told me how she was struggling to make ends meet, especially her husband had left her and she had a child to bring up all by herself. We went via the toy department and he stopped to admire some of the goods. You guessed it - I ended up up buying half the fucking toys in the shop.

On meeting her I got the whole sob story again, along with the fact that she couldn't afford to send her child to school, yada yada.... So on parting I gave her some money.

Later I realised that she was most probably his wife! Then I also found out - probably via this forum - that the 3000 baht I was paying him every night was way over the top. I never bothered with him again.

You live and learn. In my case, I learnt very quickly, but was really pissed off because from that time on, I became very sceptical and started doubting everything the guys told me. I hate living like that.

Luckily I've found just about all of the guys I've been with over the years to be decent guys who don't spin yarns and never ask for anything. Just because they are prostitues doesn't necessarily mean they are all dishonest; they're just guys with a job to do - trying to make ends meet, so to speak...lol. But I can understand those who do try to coax a bit of extra cash out of us because in their eyes, we're all rich and they're all poor.

I'm not that saying that the boys won't be 'here' in a few years time- God only knows where I or any of us will be in a few years time.
To put it bluntly I'm saying that the relationship will most likely be DEAD in a few years time and the boy will have moved on to a real life of family, a wife and kids-or hopefully to a different version of positive-gay included.