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View Full Version : Another LMTU Scoop Cum TRUE?

June 20th, 2006, 04:43
You sad interfering little toe rag.
You ain't got no bizness of your own so you go around talking about other peoples.
No wonder you got no friends except those skint wankers down past Montys.

June 20th, 2006, 05:09
Get a life dude. That comment was totally uncalled for! What is your problem?

June 20th, 2006, 08:50
How many handles do you have now...
My initial thought exactly: He's back already. (Without ever even leaving?)

Spike: Is there a board limit on how many members you can have on Ignore?

June 20th, 2006, 12:07
I know of several people around Pattaya, who are somewhat obsessed with the latest lmtu story..I don't mean the stories you read on this
forum but the outrageous and wacko stuff that happens almost nightly in Sunee with the village idiot.. Since many farangs can only talk about
boys (I include catawampuscat), the latest lmtu episode is usually worth a chuckle and a head shake or a shoulder shrug.. I offend find myself
defending him as an eccentric but he does invoke strong dislike from many and others think he is charming, very funny and a great guy...go figure..

Bethnal Green is the newest obsessive and I find him quite funny, if a bit sarcastic but the village idiot brings out the best and the worst in people
as no one leaves his company without a strong dislike or a strong liking for this character.. I hope BG (sorry boygeenyus) expands his topic range,
althou I am not asking to zapped or zinged.. I am sure lmtu realizes by now that catawampuscat really loves him and just wants to be included in
his circle of the most important people and that sitting alone nite after nite with only my bottle of gin to keep me company, I do ocassionally get a bit
irritable with him but it is just a cry for attention , to be included in the elite group and maybe even be given the rare priviledge to lend him some money..

June 20th, 2006, 18:49
Interesting!!!! Has anyone told Daniel? I think Mr S has set his sights a bit higher than Soi VC