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October 24th, 2014, 17:06
ohhh dear

http://news.sky.com/story/1359465/brito ... ic-surgery (http://news.sky.com/story/1359465/briton-dies-during-bangkok-cosmetic-surgery)

Nirish guy
October 24th, 2014, 18:46
Yes oh dear exactly, maybe I'll just stick with going to the gym here and never mind that tummy tuck, facelift and botox I was booking myself in for on my next trip ! ( joke ).....although....IF they could do all three and I'd be in and out in a day and not have to waste time recovering and missing out on my Thai guy fun when there I'd SO be up for at least some of that ! ( and that's NOT a joke ).

As last night when at the gym I had to run on the treadmill for 4.5 miles and for 50 minutes just to burn off the 500 calories I'd eaten to make up for the fact I had eaten just ONE small bun / tray bake type pastry that I'd had with my coffee when out for lunch with someone yesterday - I mean sod that for a bloody waste of time and energy, right where's that doctors knife, just maybe not from THIS particular doctor perhaps eh !

October 24th, 2014, 23:07
no my dears...the answer is if u wanna go plastic be sure to do your homework and dont be guided by the lowest price only...after all its not a gogo "boy"u r renting offa the stage u know....
Thousands of medical tourists make use of Thailands competitive pricing...so dont be dissuaded by a single fail...after all malaysian airlines dissapearing act hasnt put me off flying!!

October 25th, 2014, 08:04
She did not use good judgment and paid the ultimate price.

October 25th, 2014, 12:45
Tragic event. All surgery is risky, so unless it is necessary as opposed to cosmetic why bother. And further, for the kind of surgery she wanted better to try the established hospitals rather than some side street clinic.
Not her fault though as the doctor was not properly qualified.

October 25th, 2014, 14:50
As last night when at the gym I had to run on the treadmill for 4.5 miles and for 50 minutes just to burn off the 500 calories I'd eaten to make up for the fact I had eaten just ONE small bun!I eat small buns all the time; I didn't realise it's such a fattening activity. Does it matter if they're rice or potato?

October 25th, 2014, 20:02
Small buns with a big wiener are a tasty treat and not fattening.

Nirish guy
October 26th, 2014, 01:02
Ah but if those same buns have a good coating of fresh cream over them they are in my opinion almost damned well irresistable !!

October 26th, 2014, 09:24
And people talk about my posts being graphic....lol

Nirish guy
October 28th, 2014, 06:33
a447 - needless to say have NO idea to whAt you are referring as I of course am talking about chocolate elcairs and fresh cream fruit fancies !!!! Lol

October 29th, 2014, 04:32
[attachment=0:2en69e7d]wiener on a bun.jpg[/attachment:2en69e7d]

It seems that certain posters always have sex on their minds! This is my idea of a wiener on a bun "all dressed" (something for everyone).

October 29th, 2014, 06:49
Just the place I would want to have surgery and recuperate,
considering the cleanliness of the water I would be showering in every day.

October 29th, 2014, 13:24

October 29th, 2014, 20:10
......wow never seen a topic veer off course to this degree....not only are we not on the same page...its a different book in a different library....

October 29th, 2014, 21:49
Ok, back on topic. I would not hesitate to have cosmetic surgery at a major hospital in Thailand. I do tell my friends at home that the only problem is that with an "eye lift" (blepharoplasty) the surgeons tend to shape your eyes like a Thai person. They actually believe it!

October 29th, 2014, 23:29
When I first moved to Vancouver some years back I fell madly in love with a young man from Indonesia that had just too moved to the city. Of course, it never worked out between he and I. He began wearing make up and then dresses and then he was traveling to Thailand on a semi regular basis, making the continual medical transition into a woman. He / she has had so many things done, or redone over the years and even today in her mid 40's...she looks great. I'm told, Thailand is supposed to be a good place to go to for that...so I imagine you'd need good plastic surgeons and training in the country. Besides, medical tourism in Thailand is gaining a good reputation.



November 2nd, 2014, 00:49
I get botox injections about once a year here in Thailand. I have had them in Pattaya, BKK and Chiang Mai. I have had filler done as well in Thailand. I have had 2 areas of liposuction done in BKK.
I have had other procedures done in Mexico and America.......my goal is to be at least 10% synthetic by the time I'm 60, hahahaha. I think the one of the two greatest and best procedures was done in Seattle when I had a full day of Bosley hair micro-grafting....they were amazing! The other best procedure was lasik eye surgery so I could see without glasses....that was the most fantastic surgery and instantly gratifying....also it was as if it should be science fiction really. I highly recommend those two surgeries and botox as well!
PM me if you have some questions or just ask here if you'd like.

November 3rd, 2014, 20:51
topjohn....far too much info...if I was that plastic i wouldnt want the whiole world to know. But thats me.

November 18th, 2014, 21:37
would be up for filler in frown lines but is it as overpriced in Thailand as the USA?

Lipo sounds painful as hell with long recovery.

Bosley sounds gross- do they still cut a strip
of scalp from the back of you head for donor grafts? They are always pushing ads for 800 micrografts for $3600.
(pain meds extra?) Does this go very far? 3-4 square inches?

People are always saying the wonders of modern medicine but I am more with
Dr McCoy from "Star Trek"- 21st century surgeons are little more than butchers,
holding out for wonders yet to be discovered.

November 19th, 2014, 17:19
would be up for filler in frown lines but is it as overpriced in Thailand as the USA?

Lipo sounds painful as hell with long recovery.

Bosley sounds gross- do they still cut a strip
of scalp from the back of you head for donor grafts? They are always pushing ads for 800 micrografts for $3600.
(pain meds extra?) Does this go very far? 3-4 square inches?

People are always saying the wonders of modern medicine but I am more with
Dr McCoy from "Star Trek"- 21st century surgeons are little more than butchers,
holding out for wonders yet to be discovered.

Filler is cheap in Thailand as is Botox. I buy the products myself and then have someone do the injection. The cost in Thailand if you buy a good botox is 1-2000 baht (Swiss, Italian, German, Korean....American is more but maybe only 2500). The injection costs about 1000 baht. You do not use a filler for frown lines...you use botox for frown lines....frown lines in the forehead as well as between the eyebrows and the smile lines disappear after using botox....no matter how deep they are. Filler is used mostly for the nasal-labial fold which is the area on both sides of the nose to the sides of the mouth....filler will last about 2 years and maybe more and good botox 1-2 years in my experience.
Lipo doesn't hurt much at all. You have to wear a compression garment for a few weeks however....but hurt, no.
Bosley, is gross, lol...For what I had done it cost $15,150. I can't remember the number of grafts but could look it up. Understand that the number of hairs is more than the number of grafts since grafts come in 1, 2 or 3 hairs in a graft. They are artists and mine took a full day from early morning until 4:30 pm. Yes, they start buy cutting out a width of 1 cm and a swath in my case from nearly ear to ear of scalp (not sure how many inches in length it was). Then the doctor sews that 1 cm together and since it's under your hair line it's invisible. Three techs spend hours separating the scalp piece into grafts of 1,2,3 hairs. The doctor then punches the in my case (now I remember) 3500 holes in my head....like I need more holes in my head, lol. He then inserts at different appropriate angles the 1, 2 or 3 hair grafts in these holes. Yes, the pain pills are "free", lol. I drove home about 3 hours by myself after the surgery. You are awake the whole time and they served lunch too, hahahahaha. It did not hurt.

November 19th, 2014, 20:16
I get botox injections about once a year here in Thailand. I have had them in Pattaya, BKK and Chiang Mai. I have had filler done as well in Thailand. I have had 2 areas of liposuction done in BKK.
I have had other procedures done in Mexico and America.......my goal is to be at least 10% synthetic by the time I'm 60, hahahaha. I think the one of the two greatest and best procedures was done in Seattle when I had a full day of Bosley hair micro-grafting....they were amazing! The other best procedure was lasik eye surgery so I could see without glasses....that was the most fantastic surgery and instantly gratifying....also it was as if it should be science fiction really. I highly recommend those two surgeries and botox as well!
PM me if you have some questions or just ask here if you'd like.
My initial reaction to this post is pretty well a "WTF" one.
Sorry mate, but I have no idea why anyone in their right minds would subject themselves to such nonsense of the physical side.
I guess it's easy to say something cliche-like as "everyone to their own", but screw that: something much more needy is going on in the psyche to allow one to gloss over a weirdness such as the above with an obliviousness shrug.

PS ... I don't include the eye surgery in my commentary.

November 19th, 2014, 21:42
I get botox injections about once a year here in Thailand. I have had them in Pattaya, BKK and Chiang Mai. I have had filler done as well in Thailand. I have had 2 areas of liposuction done in BKK.
I have had other procedures done in Mexico and America.......my goal is to be at least 10% synthetic by the time I'm 60, hahahaha. I think the one of the two greatest and best procedures was done in Seattle when I had a full day of Bosley hair micro-grafting....they were amazing! The other best procedure was lasik eye surgery so I could see without glasses....that was the most fantastic surgery and instantly gratifying....also it was as if it should be science fiction really. I highly recommend those two surgeries and botox as well!
PM me if you have some questions or just ask here if you'd like.
My initial reaction to this post is pretty well a "WTF" one.
Sorry mate, but I have no idea why anyone in their right minds would subject themselves to such nonsense of the physical side.
I guess it's easy to say something cliche-like as "everyone to their own", but screw that: something much more needy is going on in the psyche to allow one to gloss over a weirdness such as the above with an obliviousness shrug.

PS ... I don't include the eye surgery in my commentary.

Dear Smiles,
Creepy, needy, really? I would think that maybe an argument could be made about the possible "waste" or "misuse" of money but considering how the West views in general (and this board in particular, and gay people nearly always) fat, bald and old......I would think something that at least somewhat fixes that would not be at all "creepy" and certainly is understandable.
Now someone such as yourself who is beautiful, slender with a full head of hair and a boyfriend could not possibly understand this I imagine. You are forgiven, lol.
So, how do you view members of this board and their creepiness and psyche who come to Thailand and fuck a couple of prostitutes a day? Is that creepy to you at all? I think not considering how you clap your hands when descriptions are forthcoming from them. What does that say about your creepiness and psyche?
Actually, it says very little as all people have some weirdness about them and this board is full of them. I actually like it. Even though I can't understand buying fancy sports cars, buying college degrees they will never use, being a gym bunny, buying fancy houses and all the other things people do with money it doesn't reach the level of creepy or needy psyche because people are rarely just those things are they. They have much more going on in their lives and should be judged in the whole....which is impossible on a board like this.....I even would give a pass to ChristianPFC as there no doubt more to him than what he writes here.
Usually the strangest ones are the quiet ones in my experience not those that discuss their own weirdness.

November 20th, 2014, 14:22
Hi John,
Yes, I certainly anticipated the arguments you have outlined above. Some validity to them all I concede. Probably I should have left out the "creepy" word as it have met you in the past and would never describe you as such just on the basis of that. I withdraw it.

I totally disagree with your comparison to diverse sexual intrigues on the part of tourists as they are pretty much based on what I would characterise as 'normal' and quite understandable desires. Characterising vanity surgery as 'normal' is a truly remarkable stretch of imagination. Bruce Jenner anyone?
http://hollywoodlife.com/pics/bruce-jen ... hange/pos= (http://hollywoodlife.com/pics/bruce-jenner-sex-change-pics-plastic-surgery-face-transformation-photos/#ref=/2014/02/16/bruce-jenner-plastic-surgery-pics-transformation-sex-change/pos=)

November 22nd, 2014, 08:30
a friend has some pretty intense "crows feet" happening.
wonder if Botox would help?

So where would you recommend nasal-labial filler (Restylane) done?
Do they use any Lanacaine/Procaine?