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September 26th, 2014, 16:52
Heading back to Thailand and Pattaya for New Years Eve celebrations after spending Christmas in Laos with the boyfriends family. Spur of the moment decision today so bf very happy. When I stay in Pattaya I usually spend a few nights at Ambiance to get my Boystown fix and out of the system. Always fun and enjoy kicking off at Panorama, a moving picture. Given I thought Boystown would be one of the best partys going NYE was looking to get some accommodation nearby. To my surprise Ambiance still had rooms going at very reasonable rates. Past experience usually fully booked around that time especially new years. A sign of the times that high season may not be so high this year.....

September 26th, 2014, 21:30
Wow! I remember the days when you would book a year in advance.

Nirish guy
September 27th, 2014, 01:02
Given I thought Boystown would be one of the best partys going NYE.....

That's an interesting point - and I wonder do the rest of us concur with that thought perhaps. I not normally a huge lover of New years Eve in general anyway as I always hate it's "forced" frivolity but I remember sitting exactly as you describe in Panorama on NYE only a few years ago and was like yourself was expecting a great night out and big party, but whilst sure enough at midnight there was the usual noise and streamers and guys out from the bars on the street etc it lasted maybe half an hour and then everything died down again ( perhaps people moving on elsewhere I don't know) and I thought "REALLY, is that IT ? " But maybe I just wasn't in the form for it that night I don't know, but in general would BT be considered the best of the bunch for a NYE party night - personally I'm not so sure - anyone one else have any thoughts or suggestions re that perhaps ? ( although as thankfully I'll be NYE'ing it in Bali this year I'll not have to worry myself to much either way )

September 27th, 2014, 05:27
I have been in Thailand for the last 2 New Years. First one was up in Issan where we spent the night at a local club (Sort of like Tam Nam in Pattaya, though smaller and more "country"). I am pretty sure I was the only falang in the joint. We had about 8 friends with us and had a really good time. I put together a trip report about that if I remember correctly. It is on here somewhere.

EDIT: I found the trip report from the Issan New Years: http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/trip-report-isan-for-new-years-plus-wat-kham-pramong-t27864.html
Looks like I will be in Pattaya again for this upcoming New Years... :D

Last New Years was in Pattaya. We had a pretty large group...Several other falangs, BFs as well as numerous other friends....probably about 20 of us all together. I know for sure we were at NAB and Idol. We might have hit Tam Nam after that....it is a bit of a blur. We had a good time, but traffic was CRAZY and the clubs were packed.

We actually had a very drunk American hop on the back of our rented Baht Bus (operating as taxi). He was OK for about 30 seconds, but then started acting like an ass and mouthed off to one of our Thai friends. It did not end well for him. Every Thai on board started kicking his ass and ended up booting him out the back of the (slowly) moving Baht bus, sprawled out on the street. It can get crazy on New Years Eve.

I think BT would be a good place to base out of, but if you are looking for more of a "party", then it is probably best to get to a club.

Oh, and for those that may not be aware, some hotels have a mandatory NYE party/dinner charge for stays over New Years. They add it to the bill regardless if you actually attend the dinner/party. Make sure you don't get caught up in that nonsense.

September 27th, 2014, 07:22
nirish...u come across as such a sad sack...like u expect to be entertained....get off yout arse and participate...stop being such a spectator...

September 27th, 2014, 11:54
Like Nirish, I no longer enjoy the forced partying and compulsory heavy drinking of New Year's Eve so for the past 6 years I have gone out earlier and taken a boy off at about 10.30 pm and we go home. The aim is to reach my climax at exactly midnight ... to see in the New Year with a bang!

September 27th, 2014, 15:54
My last New Year's Eve included watching Sooty in drag belting out a Shirley Bassey number. Not sure what I'll be doing this year.

Nirish guy
September 27th, 2014, 16:04
nirish...u come across as such a sad sack...like u expect to be entertained....get off yout arse and participate...stop being such a spectator...

Yes God forbid that I have my own thoughts on one particular night of the year and can't be arsed with it ( like many other people I know too who feel the same way actually) and as for getting off my arse and being a spectator etc - I think I of all people have no worries there and can safely hold my head up without any worries te that one thanks :-)

September 27th, 2014, 19:01
The trouble with coming to thailand or any asian country over the xmas/new year period is the high inflated air fares , not that i am coming but just for fun the other night , i checked some fares , and it was about ┬г1200 from london for the period 18dec untill 4jan , out of the dec early jan time zone you can get a ticket for about 650

September 27th, 2014, 19:06
NYE in Bali, NIrish? How boring is that? :)

September 27th, 2014, 19:08
nirish...u come across as such a sad sack...like u expect to be entertained....get off yout arse and participate...stop being such a spectator...

NIrish "a sad sack???" Needs to get off his arse??

Probably the most ridiculous post you've ever made. (Then again,...)

I think I of all people have no worries there and can safely hold my head up without any worries te that one thanks :-)

You sure can! You have more fun than all of us combined!

I am thinking about spending NYE in Rio, but will probably end up in Pattaya. I had a great time here a few years ago; I offed my then regular guy from Eros and we went to the beach to drink and watch the fireworks.

September 28th, 2014, 01:45
I was in Pattaya once for New Years Eve, and I remember I was in a Club (Idol or Nab, I think) that was packed out for the countdown at midnight.

I think people leave Boystown early for the clubs on that night, to make sure they get a table.

If you are around Boystown, you can walk down to the beach and see the Fireworks and sky lanterns which are let off from Beach Road at midnight. That is probably where most of the guys who aren't in the clubs go for the countdown.

Here is a Youtube video of the show from last New Year's Eve:


September 28th, 2014, 17:31
So, NIrish, is New Year in Bali less over-the-top than in Pattaya or Bangkok? Personally I wouldn't want to be in either place at that time, but then I'm a sad old fart.

Nirish guy
September 29th, 2014, 22:00
You know Joe I'm sitting here scratching my head as I can't even remember last New Years eve ! I'd love to put that down to "oh it was one crazy party night etc" but truth be told it's more down to my bloody awful memory. I can't even remember as to whether I WAS in Bali or Pattaya, I'll need to sit down and have a wee think lol.

But now that I see the video of the fireworks etc I should add that my comment about not particualrly enjoying myself was aimed more at my time in Boystown and not that Pattaya was dead etc as just as deccribed above I did head down to the beach with my BF de jour and that part was fun, where we let off chinese lanterns ( along with what seemed to be about 10,000 other people all doing the same) and it was beautiful to watch and the place was absolutely rammed with people certainly ( maybe too many).

I think if I'm being honest my own general dislike of NYE's is more a personal thing about how NYE sometimes makes one to stop and just take a second to look back over the year and at ones own life in general and in my experience that may not always have ended up quite where I may have wanted it too, be that for several random reasons, either in terms of things financial, professional, personal, romantic or relationship etc - and that's not to say I'm unhappy as a person or in life in general as I'm not, but to me NYE and certainly sometime around midnight usually makes me tend to stop and think of such things and when doing so and taking stock that's inevitably when some drunk twat in a silly hat blows a streamer stright into my eye while screaming in my ear HAPPY NEW YEAR whilst spilling drink all over my new shirt - so THAT's probably more what guides my view on NYE in general - but as my Flipino BF who stays with me here tells me "you tink to much" - so maybe this year I'll think less and join the ranks of the Latin's out there, wearing my silly hat and blowing my streamer in some one else's ear ( god forbid :-)

My original point was though that aside from all of the above I thought Boystown was fairly dull compared to everywhere else on NYE, as I said yes around midnight the guys came out of the bars for maybe 20-30 minutes but after that things quickly started to die away again ( as they no doubt moved on to other places) so my comment was more if someone was planning a "big night out" in BT for NYE so that they would know to perhaps hook up with some guys in advance to plan ahead to move on to somewhere else etc. I should also add that much to my surprise I always hear that ( the gay areas) of Bangkok are even more dead than Pattaya for New Years with just a short burst of activity around 12 and then it also tends to peter out ?! but as I've never been there for that maybe someone else can enlarge on that as to whether that's true or not?

Oh the more I think I think yes I was in Bali last year and if so then no, the gay bars go to were nothing special on NYE - a fairly normal ( always good) night, then maybe 15 monutes of happy new year stuff around midnight ( I actually remember hardly noticing it had past as they totally fluffed / ignored the whole countdown thing as they were too busy partying) and then everyone just got back to be usual ( full on ) partying stuff that was going on before anyway (which suited me just fine).

September 30th, 2014, 01:23
From my perspective - nearly every NYE celebration has been a let down since the millenium

Last year we went to Bali Hai - and BF had to go home before midnight as he was so tired!

Previous year we were in Dave (with RonanTheBarbarian - even though he thinks he was in Idol or NAB!), again the actual countdown was a bit of a let down

Similarly with Hollywood the previous year and BFs village in Buriram the year before...

Seems that the Thai's just don't celebrate NYE like us farang do

September 30th, 2014, 02:16
Well if a party animal like colmx finds NYE a let down, what hope is there for us mere mortals?

October 1st, 2014, 03:57
The trouble with coming to thailand or any asian country over the xmas/new year period is the high inflated air fares , not that i am coming but just for fun the other night , i checked some fares , and it was about ┬г1200 from london for the period 18dec untill 4jan , out of the dec early jan time zone you can get a ticket for about 650
Yes, but many people working have to take at least 10 days or so on holiday at that time of year. So for anyone who can rustle up that kind of money, it's still an attractive time to travel.

Nirish guy
October 1st, 2014, 04:38
The trouble with coming to thailand or any asian country over the xmas/new year period is the high inflated air fares , not that i am coming but just for fun the other night , i checked some fares , and it was about ┬г1200 from london for the period 18dec untill 4jan , out of the dec early jan time zone you can get a ticket for about 650

Just in case anyone IS intending or thinking of traveling from the Uk don't forget to check the option of flying from a NON UK airport as there are some excellent deals available that way too ( even if it's a bit of a pain) - you can depart say from Amsterdam quite cheaply etc or in my case on my Christmas trip last year I took the BA09 out of Heathrow ( which entailed me getting an internal connecting flight from Belfast at extra cost) and the BA flight was around ┬г1200 or so, this year I found EXACTLY the same BA09 flight INCLUDING a connection flight from Dublin ( which suits me ok) for only ┬г634 ALL IN for the same seat on the EXACTLY the same flight BA flight that is currently still priced around the ┬г1200 mark if taken sight from Heathrow - ( go figure ! ) so, it definitely is worth thinking outside the box a little and pricing other airport departure points perhaps to find the best deal that also might suit you.

October 1st, 2014, 05:22
The trouble with coming to thailand or any asian country over the xmas/new year period is the high inflated air fares , not that i am coming but just for fun the other night , i checked some fares , and it was about ┬г1200 from london for the period 18dec untill 4jan , out of the dec early jan time zone you can get a ticket for about 650

Just in case anyone IS intending or thinking of traveling from the Uk don't forget to check the option of flying from a NON UK airport as there are some excellent deals available that way too ( even if it's a bit of a pain) - you can depart say from Amsterdam quite cheaply etc or in my case on my Christmas trip last year I took the BA09 out of Heathrow ( which entailed me getting an internal connecting flight from Belfast at extra cost) and the BA flight was around ┬г1200 or so, this year I found EXACTLY the same BA09 flight INCLUDING a connection flight from Dublin ( which suits me ok) for only ┬г634 ALL IN for the same seat on the EXACTLY the same flight BA flight that is currently still priced around the ┬г1200 mark if taken sight from Heathrow - ( go figure ! ) so, it definitely is worth thinking outside the box a little and pricing other airport departure points perhaps to find the best deal that also might suit you.

Sounds like you have some extra money to sponsor a night at Tam Nam....?
Thankfully it sounds like we will be there at about the same time.


Nirish guy
October 1st, 2014, 15:53
Ha ha oh REALLY :-) excellent news .......and so the madness begins - I'll alert the whiskey wholesalers to have them on standby immediately !! :-) Plus I got a message the other day from Daow, one of my hot and crazy regulars to say he's now working at TNI as a dancer so you might not be the only one banging dancers from the stage as the night goes on now it seems - OPPS !! I've said to much ! Lol

Although that if anything is my one complaint re TNI - as as a place you tend to go "with someone" or with a group and then once there you're surrounded by cute wee up for Thai guys and then no sooner have you smiled and half committed yourself to some wee cutie than Sod's law two minutes as you walk to the toilets or something there sure as shit is another table full of yet more cuties, all dancing and smiling and at least two of then signalling over for you to join them with a "my friend he like you" - I mean what's a guy to do ! Maybe I'll have to decide some sort of a Rota system - or maybe just try and beung them ALL back at once ..... Hmm now THERES a plan !! :-)

October 1st, 2014, 18:06
You will have to point out Daow to me....just to ensure I steer well clear of your friend. I, of course, would not be at all tempted at the prospect of a "hot and crazy regular". :p

I need to get better at collecting phone numbers and keeping in touch with everyone while I am away. I lost track of a favorite TNI dancer several trips ago. I keep hoping that he magically reappears when I walk into the joint one day....

It does also help pass the time while stuck back at home. Just yesterday, a friend sent me a rather breathtaking photo over Line and asked when I was going to be back to visit.

Nirish guy
October 3rd, 2014, 04:24
Yes as my usual gaggle of guys ( that being the collective noun for a group of Thai working boys Im lead to understand) have now all worked out, remembered or been told that I'm returning in a short while I too am now experiencing the usual increase in daily online traffic with both messages, pictures and general "I can't wait to see you again as I not feel same with other farang that I feel same you" messages now hitting my inbox most days.

All usually accompanied by the cursory "I miss you, I want to stay with you long time this time when you come ?" - Ahh how quickly they forget - and oh how quickly they will be reminded again as I show each and everyone one of them the door as and when "I'm" ready too - until their next time their presence is required.

But still like you say Anon it's a nice distraction to have to take away from the cold autumn mornings whilst sitting in boring meetings when on opening your phone you've received some ( daft) cute message or sexy photo and your smile to yourself whilst closing your phone and return to the mornings first important agenda item of the apparent spiralling overuse of paper clips by John and Mary from the admin department and how SOMETHING will have to be done and whilst they think I'm considering my response im actually sitting counting the days until my return to Pattata to nail each and every one of my message senders !! Lol