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September 24th, 2014, 21:11
Okay, I have complained before about the stupid little semi-moustaches on otherwise extremely cute boyish/twink guys. Why on earth don't they realize that they are not handsome with these things on their faces. Very few men who like twink/boyish guys want to see these things on them. AM I wrong??? I understand that they think it makes them look older and they like that.....BUT THAT IS NOT YOUR CUSTOMER BASE GUYS....just stop it please! You should not be trying to look manly or older! It just is not a good marketing strategy, lol.
I am not talking about masculine or manly Thai's of course who can grow a proper moustache (not that I am at all interested in them). Of course if that kind of guy is your thing then great and if moustaches are your thing then great too. I am discussing young twink/boyish money boys and it is not great on them.
I have gone as far as telling money boys to shave them off before arriving to have a "date" with me. I have also gone further by actually paying a boy to shave it off while with me. It always worked and they did it I might add.

So, enough of the moustache talk...let's discuss what's really on my mind...eyebrows.

There was a time in the past that you would find a gay boy here in Thailand and also in the West that would pluck their eyebrows to the point of it being just too thin. I never liked that look but at least it was tolerable if the boy was otherwise good looking. I like a bit of the fem-boys look occasionally anyway so it fit them fine.
It now seems here in Thailand (maybe elsewhere too) there is a trend or fad to paint a thick eyebrow where there is no eyebrow. I am talking about painting a Brezhnev-sized eyebrow on a little Thai twink. I can provide pictures if you do not know what I mean......but anything painted in the eyebrow department is NOT good looking EVER in my opinion. Where did this new and hideous fad come from?

September 25th, 2014, 00:07
Ah, facial hair, well IтАЩm probably not your typical poster here topjohn5, because I happen to like body hair on my Thai men and, to a limited extent, facial hair. I do however draw the line at a full beard of the Gandalf the Grey type. :) But a thin moustache or little goatee is quite acceptable and pleasing to me.

ItтАЩs been a few months since I was last in Thailand, but when I was last there, I canтАЩt recall seeing the sort of moustaches which you highlight. But, crikey, you do appear to have strong views on the subject. But, they do say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but maybe when you are the paying customer, I suppose that gives you some limited rights. So, asking a money-boy to shave off his moustache, especially if there is an extra financial reward on the table is, I dare say, not particularly off the scale of reasonable requests. And, within a day or two the тАШoffending articleтАЩ can be easily grown back with the expectation of a further extra reward from likeminded punters.

But, I was more interested in your comments regarding painted on eyebrows, another phenomena that I hadnтАЩt previously noticed. I was particularly intrigued by your reference to Brezhnev style eyebrows, of which you said you had supporting photographic evidence. Is it possible for you to post an example of this, apparently, new trend in Thai fashion?

Oh, and by the way, I do like your writing style topjohn5 and welcome your posting of new topics.

September 25th, 2014, 00:10
I share your sentiments, it's irritating. One of my friends has these painted eyebrows, and I'm looking for words to tell him that I don't like it, to the extent that I might go with someone else who does not have painted eyebrows.

Same with all other kinds of make up or cosmetics. Women are even worse.

Mustache in itself not so much a problem, but a harbinger of hair elsewhere where I don't like it.

One advantage of saunas is that all this crap is absent, but then most of them are so dark that you wouldn't notice.

There is only one thing you can add to a Thai boy in natural state to make him look more attractive to me, that's the right kind of underwear (briefs or boxers).

September 25th, 2014, 01:11
Okay, so here is a Thai boy pic with the Leonid brows.....and a couple of HOT Leo pics for you to compare them with....

[attachment=2:pwxmcqw4]eyebrow.jpg[/attachment:pwxmcqw4] [attachment=1:pwxmcqw4]breznev.jpg[/attachment:pwxmcqw4]
And as promised a HOT Leo pic for you to lust over....Scroll down for the FULL effect....ooooo Daddy!

September 25th, 2014, 04:47
I hate facial hair on twinks also. But I don't mind the thick eyebrows.

In fact thick brows makes one look younger. Men's Health mag even suggest using Rogaine on your brows to keep them thick and keep a younger appearance.

September 25th, 2014, 07:19
The "mustache" thing baffles me too. But it seems to be a sort of fad that cycles around. The problem is that it's more like just some random hairs on opposite ends of the mouth. It usually doesn't fill across.

And don't get me started on those scraggly chin hair things. :-)

September 25th, 2014, 11:24
I hate facial hair on twinks also. But I don't mind the thick eyebrows.

In fact thick brows makes one look younger. Men's Health mag even suggest using Rogaine on your brows to keep them thick and keep a younger appearance.

I don't mind thick eyebrows either. It's not about thick eyebrows....it's about PAINTED on fake thick eyebrows, lol.....

September 25th, 2014, 13:36
Im in agreement with the majority here - facial hair is not attractive on twinks. In fact i like absence of pubic hair as well.
I dont have an opinion on eyebrows - ive not noticed thick eyebrows on boys ive had in bed. Although i dont mind eye makeup.

September 25th, 2014, 13:51
The photo of the boy with the painted eyebrows is, for me, more revolting due to the addition of the teeth braces. I have no objection to individuals who wear dental braces for medical/dental reasons but many Thai boys now have unnecessary, cosmetic, plastic braces in their mouths - WHY? Last night I met one with gaudy turquoise coloured braces which were not evident on his gay romeo profile, so I gave him some taxi money and sent him away. I suggest others start to do the same if what arrives is not what is advertised. If enough people do this then these ridiculous and ugly fashions will quickly die out.

September 25th, 2014, 13:54
The picture of that boy is a bit scary (not the chubby one beneath) --- he won't need much make up for Halloween.
At least no moustache.

September 25th, 2014, 14:26
The photo of the boy with the painted eyebrows is, for me, more revolting due to the addition of the teeth braces. I have no objection to individuals who wear dental braces for medical/dental reasons but many Thai boys now have unnecessary, cosmetic, plastic braces in their mouths - WHY? Last night I met one with gaudy turquoise coloured braces which were not evident on his gay romeo profile, so I gave him some taxi money and sent him away. I suggest others start to do the same if what arrives is not what is advertised. If enough people do this then these ridiculous and ugly fashions will quickly die out.

Well, I have no idea if his braces on this boy are just a fashion statement or not and I don't think you can assume that either. I get it that you do not like braces on boys in general it seems, lol. In normal braces you can choose many colors and the boys do. I realize that there are some that do this as fashion statement as well.
It doesn't bother me in the slightest if they have braces. I actually like the look of braces....for a time anyway.
You better have NO BRACES in your GR profile headlines! I guess you better start asking every boy you intend on dating if they have braces or do a mouth inspection on Skype before dating them as it sounds like a serious fault in the boys for you, hahaha.

September 25th, 2014, 14:29
The "mustache" thing baffles me too. But it seems to be a sort of fad that cycles around. The problem is that it's more like just some random hairs on opposite ends of the mouth. It usually doesn't fill across.

And don't get me started on those scraggly chin hair things. :-)

YES, I forgot those chin hairs....they are as bad if not worse. I have had them shaved off as well.....the boys seem to like to pull them out however, ouch!

September 25th, 2014, 14:31
It doesn't bother me in the slightest if they have braces.

Doesn't it worry you that your pubes might get entangled in them? Ouch.

September 25th, 2014, 14:49
i most definitely would not engage a working "boy'who has braces due to health reasons. Bleedin gums and scratches accidentally inflicted by braces are a definite no no.

September 25th, 2014, 15:26
It doesn't bother me in the slightest if they have braces.

Doesn't it worry you that your pubes might get entangled in them? Ouch.

Nope it doesn't bother me in the slightest because I don't like oral sex done on me. The only time is if the guy insists because THEY love it and they need to give me oral sex. Yes, I realize it is strange to not like oral sex. But, as witnessed by the 1000's of posts here I'm sure we all know sex is very mental and people have various 'needs". What "does it" for me is a good kisser and a good younger, small, smooth, boyish/twink (so that brings most Asians high up on the list) that love to get fucked! This criteria usually removes anyone very manly, lol. I dislike hair in the wrong places and the slightest amount of fat is definitely out. A nice face is great but if they have everything else they can just 'bite the pillow". =))
Braces are okay as long as they're clean....."dear would you mind rinsing. You've got a bit of morning glory stuck....right there..." :))

September 25th, 2014, 15:38
topjohn5, first of all, great thread and great photos to get your point across. :ymapplause:

I'm not sure if that weird eyebrow painting thingy is something to worry about - if it's really a fashion trend, thankfully it doesn't seem to be widespread (well, at least not in Bangkok). Here's hoping it will disappear rather sooner than later. Facial hair is more of a concern, I like it on manly boys but fem boys would really be well advised to get rid of it. ALL of it.

September 25th, 2014, 16:46
I share your sentiments, it's irritating. One of my friends has these painted eyebrows, and I'm looking for words to tell him that I don't like it, to the extent that I might go with someone else who does not have painted eyebrows.

Same with all other kinds of make up or cosmetics. Women are even worse.

Mustache in itself not so much a problem, but a harbinger of hair elsewhere where I don't like it.

Well, I'd just do away with the moustaches on the boys completely....but yes for sure it can mean there is unwanted hair elsewhere....better they just ARE smooth to begin with.

One advantage of saunas is that all this crap is absent, but then most of them are so dark that you wouldn't notice.

There is only one thing you can add to a Thai boy in natural state to make him look more attractive to me, that's the right kind of underwear (briefs or boxers).

Really, Christian you'd add UNDERWEAR....shocked and amazed.... :D

September 29th, 2014, 19:47
Not just painted eyebrows, I saw painted sideburns several times, and yesterday I'm sure it was a painted mustache.

Similar subject: fingernails should be cut short (I saw massage boys with 1 cm long pinky, how is going to deliver massage), and all jewelry taken off before massage or sex.

September 29th, 2014, 19:56
Not just painted eyebrows, I saw painted sideburns several times, and yesterday I'm sure it was a painted mustache.

Similar subject: fingernails should be cut short (I saw massage boys with 1 cm long pinky, how is going to deliver massage), and all jewelry taken off before massage or sex.

That pinky fingernail is for nose picking Christian, lol....seriously!

October 12th, 2014, 14:25
Don't much like the mo either. All the same, there is something cute about a boy trying (and failing) to go for that Charles-Bronson-in-his-prime look.

February 13th, 2015, 12:13
https://ilbonito.wordpress.com/2014/03/ ... -eyebrows/ (https://ilbonito.wordpress.com/2014/03/02/bangkoks-latest-crisis-weird-eyebrows/)

There is a boy in Buriram, I might stop for a night if/when I go to Ubon Ratchathani. But I have to make it crystal clear to him that I want him natural, no make up.

February 15th, 2015, 10:23
The picture of that boy is a bit scary (not the chubby one beneath) --- he won't need much make up for Halloween.
At least no moustache.

The russian without his uniform looks a lot like me and I wouldn't have sex with me if I were a young thai.

May 5th, 2015, 23:47
Sorry for reviving this relatively old post, but it is something I also noticed. It is not just the tiny moustache and the painted eyebrows, many gay boys put make-up on their face (powder on the skin). The reasons appear to be the following, but I get a different answer each time, so I don't know what is true. Maybe there is no real reason other than just following fashion.
1) some want to look more white (strange for me, I would swap my white skin for their skin immediately if it was possible)
2) some do it for protection against the sun
3) some do it because it makes you look nice

I wonder if this is a recent trend or if this is going on for quite some time now. I do like it however (with the exception of the moustache, but that is hardly ever good visible.)
Always interesting to see the differences between Thai gay boys and gay boys from my own country. Gay boys in Europe, even the more feminine one, rarely if ever put on make-up.

May 6th, 2015, 01:40
I also prefer them without moustaches.

As for the white make up, well they prefer to look white. That's how Thai society is.

Apparently the Asian view is that successful people do no have to work in the fields, so are lighter skinned.
Such a view apparently used to be common in Europe before the industrial revolution. Then as soon as everyone was working in dark factories, getting a sun tan becomes a symbol of success. Strange world.

I prefer them without the make up, but it's not a big deal.

May 6th, 2015, 02:58
Yes, darker skin is supposed to be a sign that someone is a "field hand" and thus in a lower rank of society.

May 6th, 2015, 11:02
Yes, darker skin is supposed to be a sign that someone is a "field hand" and thus in a lower rank of society.

But all Thai have darker skin by nature. How can it be a sign you are not lower rank? It can only be a sign that you have put make-up on.

May 6th, 2015, 14:50
Yes, darker skin is supposed to be a sign that someone is a "field hand" and thus in a lower rank of society.
But all Thai have darker skin by nature. How can it be a sign you are not lower rank? It can only be a sign that you have put make-up on.
I think it's fair to say the Thai's notice the more subtle differences in each other's skin tones more than some of us might and a lighter skin tone to them might suggest a different family status.


May 6th, 2015, 16:48
Yes, darker skin is supposed to be a sign that someone is a "field hand" and thus in a lower rank of society.

But all Thai have darker skin by nature. How can it be a sign you are not lower rank? It can only be a sign that you have put make-up on.

But if you have a look around, there is a great range of skin tones.

Fair Northerns and darker Southerners for example.

It is not that simple, but for sure fairness is valued.

May 6th, 2015, 20:03
Yes, darker skin is supposed to be a sign that someone is a "field hand" and thus in a lower rank of society.

But all Thai have darker skin by nature. How can it be a sign you are not lower rank? It can only be a sign that you have put make-up on.

Well, I get my info from my Thai bf so best to ask another Thai as to relative merits of dark and lighter skin. Judging by the skin tone of Thais in advertisements, films, boybands, etc, they must use a lot of skin whitener or makeup.

May 6th, 2015, 21:00
Yes. Good point. Now you mention it. Kamikaze boy bands indeed have a very white skin.

Does someone know if this skin whitening is a relative recent trend or did Thai gay boys do this already a generation ago say?

May 7th, 2015, 02:31
Just look in any 7/11, it's impossible to find a cream which is not "whitening".
Light skinned thai are often from chinese descent and therefore more HI-SO.
And the elite looks down on the "buffalos" with dark skin.
Thai society is very racist !

May 7th, 2015, 04:05
Here's two questionable articles that capture bits of the problem in Thailand.



Hopefully, as with the rest of the world we are about to see some changes....soon.


May 7th, 2015, 14:26
Well, at least it's better than a boy carrying a handbag.

May 8th, 2015, 02:44
What's wrong with a Boy carrying a handbag? Actually it is a shoulder bag (sometimes known as a fag-bag) ! My bf appropriated my bag and thus had to buy another.

Do you like it?

May 8th, 2015, 05:04
Francois it is a bit too manly for you, not exactly what I had in mind.

May 8th, 2015, 20:22
You're just jealous. Next time I come to Thailand I shall bring something appropriate for a man for all seasons.

What is your preference, red, white, rose? Tr├иs chic! But watch out for lady-boy purse snatchers.