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View Full Version : Avoid this Pattaya gay clip joint: Maya Club

June 19th, 2006, 06:08
It's always sad when there is a nice nightclub where gay Thais gather to have fun..and Farangs are just rip-offed outright. Maya in Walking Street is one place any gay farang should avoid like the plague. Expect a bill that resembles nothing like what you may have ordered. Argue if you like..you know you will not win with Thais..the only way you can win is never go near the place.

It gives me no pleasure informing Pattaya residents about a nightclub like this but it is my solemn duty as a dedicated gadabout to let those who may happen to wander into the place what they should expect. These are the sort of places that really can be such fun. A gay nightclub to go and see Thai gays really letting their hair down.

We farangs of course subsidise nightclubs like this..we pay more for everything and although many farangs complain about the double pricing that happens throughout Thailand in almost everything, I think it's not that bad a concept..except when it's abused. This sort of place cannot survive without a certain number of farangs who are prepared to turn up and spend that much needed baht and subsidise the place. If it was up to gay Thai's to keep the joint alive..it would collapse..and this is one place that we should happily see shot off. I'm not going to explain the sordid details..just avoid the place.

There are a few places in Sunnee Plaza where farangs should also check every bill after every drink has been ordered. Annoyingly, they are farang owned and it's really getting a bit out of hand. Perhaps hese farangs have just been in Thailand too long and just do not understand how the Thai way of greasing palms..to put it impolitely, works. Many call it corruption...I see it as a way the society works. At every level of society small payments that Westerners would see as "bribes" oil the wheels of commerce from the the smallest market stall to the largest corporation.

Personally I think small cases like the Maya..a clip joint at it's worst is an example of what is really getting totally out of hand in Thailand and threatens to wreck it's reputation and greatly damage the concept of the great Land of Smiles.

There are still a number of nightclubs where gay Thais go and where farangs are welcome. Maya ain't one of them.

June 19th, 2006, 07:32
you must be barking mad LMTU if you are brave enough to go into a backroom at the Maya. There would only be consolation..that's where they keep the safe !!.

There isn't one handsome guy there that you won't see somewhere else in Pattaya so give this joint a major miss..

June 19th, 2006, 12:35
.... been to Maya since it opened but remember I had a fab night and I'm sorry it's going down the route of overcharging or trying to make as much money from Farangs as possible. However, it pays to be alert in most places. The other night, after many drinks, I and some Thai friends wandered over to the Karaoke bar near to the entrance of Boyztown (usually shuttered by the time we get there but they raise the shutters for anyone who wants to enter). After an hour or so one of the Thai guys I was with was giving me a little frown as the waiter topped up our drinks. As the waiter left us I asked what was wrong and was told to watch how the waiter poured the drinks next time, I did and was surprised to see that the whiskey was splashed into the glass in extremely small quantities and the soda and coke was poured in liberally. I am used to small measures as it avoids the problem of a hangover the next day, but the waiter was ensuring that we were going through coke and soda at an amazing rate, it also meant that if we were staying until the whiskey was finished we could have been there for hours. From then on, every time we had our drinks topped up we would pass the whiskey round ourselves so that we at least got a taste of the whiskey.

Oh, and I know this is a regular (every night) haunt of the manager from Boyz, Boyz, Boyz, and I know he has a great voice, but it would help if he didn't piss off all the other Thais in the bar by hogging the mic.

June 19th, 2006, 12:54
Noticed this at the foot of LMTY post

catch all the action on www.boxertravels.com (http://www.boxertravels.com) also www.pattayagay.com (http://www.pattayagay.com), & www.gaythailand.com

Does he promote this forum on GT or is it only a one way thing?

June 19th, 2006, 14:41
I got caught once in a bar In Bkk like this. Totally my own fault..........arrived late just after 1am and told the taxi to take me to a bar - any bar lol - I didnt spot/look at the price list which was on the wall near the ceiling

So i down 2 quick cokes to cool down - 3 beers for me and 3 each for 2 boys. 4400 baht - 400 a pop

Lucky i didnt get wrecked lol........... cant for the life of me remember the name of the place but i`ve never seen it again and i was the only farang there. This was around 5 years ago.

Now i always ask the drink price or look at a menu before ordering anything!

June 19th, 2006, 17:18
One of the things that still pisses me off is when a bar staff person helps themselves to my bottle without asking me. This happened the other night at a karaoke place. I opened a bottle for me and two boys that were with me, invited a third boy from the bar to join us, and the waiter helps himself as well and keeps up with us round after round.

Many bars I go to, I won't even open whiskey because it is not worth the hassle for me to fight off the staff who want to help me drink it. Worse is when I see other customers in these bars who open whiskey and no one bothers them. In true buffalo style I opened a bottle of Black at a bar the other night, and I had exactly TWO drinks from it (to be fair, I slowly finished a beer I had when the bottle was opened, but still, one would expect more than two drinks to be saved for the host).

Another pet peeve is when a staff person comes and sits with me for a moment, and then the waiter asks if I want to buy that person a drink. How does one politely say no? The sad part is that this happens more and more to me the more of a regular I become in a bar. Don't these bars know they are going to eventually drive you away because you can't afford (or don't want the expense) to buy half the staff drinks every night?

I will honestly say that controlling my bar budget is my biggest issue now in LOS. I find it impossible to go to my favorite bars if I just want a couple drinks for myself before going to sleep. I love to treat people and to share drinks, but when one is staying long term it becomes crazy expensive and out of control. On many nights, I'd like to venture out to my favorite haunts for only an hour and spend about 500 bt max. A couple of nights a week, I love to go whole hog and open bottles and let the drinks flow. I just haven't figured out a way to get the staff to understand which night is which.


June 19th, 2006, 17:24
How does one politely say no?

How about "No, thank you."

Are you a man or a mouse for gods sake?

June 19th, 2006, 17:50
How does one politely say no?

How about "No, thank you."

Are you a man or a mouse for gods sake?

I am interested to know if you go to bars at all.

All be it that you are very critical, but what do you do besides pour shit on everybody else


June 19th, 2006, 17:57
One of the things that still pisses me off is when a bar staff person helps themselves to my bottle without asking me. This happened the other night at a karaoke place. I opened a bottle for me and two boys that were with me, invited a third boy from the bar to join us, and the waiter helps himself as well and keeps up with us round after round.


I must say I agree with you, and have found you have to say no very firmly indeed in some bars to stop the bill spiralling out of control. However, one bar i can recommend if you want a few quiet drinks without the hassle is La Cage in Sunnee (and i have no connection with the bar other than as a sometimes drinker.

June 19th, 2006, 22:39
I was planning on avoiding it, but now will make a special point of avoiding it.
I wonder what happens when a farang gets a surprise 5,000 B bill and isn't carrying that much cash.
I usually don't want around with more than 1,500 unless on the way to buy something.

June 19th, 2006, 22:41
It may be more expensive drink by drink, but why don't you choose not opening a bottle at all? Just order a single drink and sip it. After all, are you there for drinking or for watching the guys? If you need to get a bit primed, go to one of the "real" bars first and have a few, then go off to the boy bars.

Of course it's an obligation to have at least one, but if you're paying off fees and tips, who's to complain if you're not ordering so many of their overpriced drinks? I think you're just being too kind, and really being taken to the cleaners.

June 19th, 2006, 22:48
I will honestly say that controlling my bar budget is my biggest issue now in LOS. I find it impossible to go to my favorite bars if I just want a couple drinks for myself before going to sleep. I love to treat people and to share drinks, but when one is staying long term it becomes crazy expensive and out of control. On many nights, I'd like to venture out to my favorite haunts for only an hour and spend about 500 bt max. A couple of nights a week, I love to go whole hog and open bottles and let the drinks flow. I just haven't figured out a way to get the staff to understand which night is which.

Peter you sound one of the most miserable sod around.

Do you ever stop complaining about how much this and that costs, how generous you are but taken advantage of, how staying long term is bending your budget?

Simple be a bloody man stop whinging and sort yourself out and get a job elsewhere.

You told all and sundry how it was your choice to relocate to work from Thailand so you should have worked out before how much things were going to cost you.

For Christ's sake get you act together and stop always moaning. If you postings reflect your attitude in the bars the boys are probably trying to get pissed so that they do not have to listen to your tales of woe!

June 19th, 2006, 23:24
You can limit the nights you go out and/or get a rep as a cheapskate Charley, not a buffalo.
They won't "love" you as much and it won't be as much fun, but you can stay in Thailand and not go bankrupt.
Up 2 you.

June 20th, 2006, 02:21
I have a dim memory of one of my early trips to Thailand, ending up pissed out of my head in a go go bar (City Boys I think - now called Gacuya, in Pattaya) and when presented with a massive bill I realised I did not have enough cash left. Somehow I managed to leave, walk around to Cafe Royale where I was staying, and walk back with the cash to pay the bill. My friends could not believe they had let me leave the bar, but I dimly recall just staggering out without them noticing, and the surprise on their faces when I reappeared to pay!!!!

June 20th, 2006, 02:32
I really liked Maya pub, but then my "bf" was like a pitbull that I not payed to much everywhere, because for him that's money that easy could be spend on his tip :bom:

June 20th, 2006, 03:28
I visited Maya several times during my last visit and enjoyed it more each visit.

I never let anyone poor my drinks from a bottle I purchase, not a karaoke, beer bar, or even the disco. Most of these places, including Maya, who sell their bottles for 450 baht (a loss leader), then inflate the cost of the mixes, to make their profit on the mixes. I don't make it a habit of trying to be cheap either, although, I've watched this coke splashing routine too many times to let someone else manage my bottle.

I've also experienced times when one, two or even three waiters at a karaoke club would invite themselves to my table and start pouring drinks from my bottle as if they were the guests of honor. I have one simple routine, and believe me I've used it several times successfully. I simply visit the bathroom, and upon my return, motion for one of the waiters to meet me (usually near the bar area where the managers are present) and inform him that I don't want anyone (meaning him, and possibly another waiter) sitting at my table or drinking from my bottle. I also immediately make a comment about how impressed I am with their responsive service, although, really just prefer to be alone with my guests.

Only one time in the past 8 years has this approach failed me. After explaining this to a waiter, he nodded as if he understood and then immediately returned to his drink at my table. I went directly to the manager and asked him to remove the boy, which he did without incident.

mai pen rai

June 20th, 2006, 09:36

June 20th, 2006, 09:57
Hear, hear, John. I cannot imagine what kind of invertebrate is intimidated into buying something he doesn't want for fear of being seen as impolite. "No, thank you" is all it takes. Sheesh.

June 20th, 2006, 11:44
I find myself in complete agreewith with JB.. I have absolutely no problem saying no or shaking my head or putting up my hand palm out... It is all
a game to maximize income and it works well with newbies and the overly polite or shy.. Since the norm is rude behavior (by Western standards), one
has to put a stop to the pushy behavior at once or else pay the bin ...Nobody gets offended and if anything you get respected as they wouldn't dare do this to another Thai or someone they respected.."A fool and his money etc." is how you are looked upon in a bar, especially if it is your first time, you are drunk , or look green and ripe to be picked.. This goes on all over the world in bars that cater to tourists and is done rather gently here...

Often a bar-boy will just sit down next to you in a go go or beer bar..Usually the waiter rushes up quickly and asked if you want to buy the boy a drink..Often, a farang is flustered and it is easier to say okay then to say no and risk being impolite.. I just shake my head gently , use the hand signal and/or say "mai dai" which means "cannot" and smile.......If I want a boy to sit with me, it is my choice of who and when and the boys know that, but sometimes, they get a drink which also means some income, sometimes a tip and sometimes an off..I know some farangs are painfully shy and go home alone rather than risk rejection (almost zero % possibility) or just freeze..The aggressive boy is sometimes a blessing but often the more aggressive boy makes a bad choice for an off, as they often rush thru the off and are lousy in bed but if it breaks the ice for an overly shy farang, maybe it is worth it..

Lastly, lonely wombat, how can you use capital letters to shout at boygeenyus and call him a loudmouth..don't you realize it is exactly what you are doing
by using the capital letters.. seems to me like you are the loudmouth and the bully but maybe I missed something.. Please don't pm me again to change
my posting as this is exactly what I want to say and I will not indulge you again... :cat:

June 20th, 2006, 11:54
Unlike many here, I do sympathise. I Find in most bars, the staff have been trained well and will accept a drink if offered but will not be pushy and ask for a drink (or at least not constantly go on and on asking once a polite refusal has been issued). In some instances I have opened a bottle for all the boys in a bar (relatively few occassions and each boy only gets a single drink or so) and then found that the mamasan will continually ask on subsequent visits if I would like to open a bottle, a polite 'not tonight' generally suffices. I have had the experience of boys/waiters in a Karaoke Bar getting their own drinks and adding it to my bill (A karaoke bar two streets down from the main gay soi in Phuket). I simply told each of the boys that sat with me and got their own drinks that I hope they can afford to pay for it, because I certainly wasn't. Only in one bar in Soi Twilight was I moved to vacate the bar when despite me saying to one boy that I wanted to sit alone with my drink, a gaggle of boys, waiters and even the mamasan waited their turn to sit at my table asking for a drink, in the end after being as polite as I thought possible, I couldn't stand it and left. The fact is that there are so many decent bars that if you find one that is impossibly pushy, you just never go back there again.

June 20th, 2006, 14:16
I really liked Maya pub, but then my "bf" was like a pitbull that I not payed to much everywhere, because for him that's money that easy could be spend on his tip :bom:

Of course he's livid! You are wasting HIS money! :cwm10:

One night, on my first trip, I gave the num my wallet and told him, "When the money is gone, we go home."
He transferred the money from my wallet to his and said, "Okay, we go home now."
I love the Thai sense of humor (he said, "Joking," and gave it back; nevertheless, I never did that again.

I wish someone would tell me the meaning of 'Gacuya.' One num told me it's an animal, something like a llama. However fitting, like: 'deli llama,' I think he was pulling my leg...or something...when he told me that.
Gacuya?-> :munky2:

June 20th, 2006, 16:44
Lastly, lonely wombat, how can you use capital letters to shout at boygeenyus and call him a loudmouth..don't you realize it is exactly what you are doing
by using the capital letters.. seems to me like you are the loudmouth and the bully but maybe I missed something.. Please don't pm me again to change my posting as this is exactly what I want to say and I will not indulge you again. :cat:

The PM I sent you was ---

RE your last post

I am not sure if that reference "envious lonely asocial outcast"

is having a shot at me (lonelywombat )but I think it is un necessary and uncalled for

You replied that you were referring to yourself not me. You are probably accurate

June 20th, 2006, 20:34
I wish someone would tell me the meaning of 'Gacuya.'

If memory serves well from my years in Brazil - it's slang Portuguese for Smegma.

Have a nice day

June 21st, 2006, 06:55
I have absolutely no problem saying no or shaking my head or putting up my hand palm out...

Please explain exactly how you put up your hand palm out.
Do you mean like pushing someone away??


June 21st, 2006, 16:21
That MEMORIES bar do have annoying boys by the way,some old bloke was trying to get on to me and a boy there wanted to dance with me.That MEMORIES BAR is only for old queens.

'Memories Bar is for old queens only'

You were in Memories Bar

1+1= you are an old queen :flower:

June 21st, 2006, 17:03
Some cunt in that karoke place in day night ,he was a waiter,kept trying to drink my whiskey until I farted in it.

Can you play Teddy Bears Picnic?... Or just the one note?
How deep is the tone? Anything like that an elephant makes?
Just wondering; was that you I saw being hunched by a love-sick near-sighted bull elephant in front of Monty's?... having such a horrible time I felt truly sorry for him--And people here are worried about cruelty to chihuahuas!...

I hope the next time you fart-up the whiskey you get a surprise!
Surprise: A fart with a lump in it.
Ah, WTH, you'd just order more mix.

June 21st, 2006, 17:50
That MEMORIES bar do have annoying boys by the way,some old bloke was trying to get on to me and a boy there wanted to dance with me.That MEMORIES BAR is only for old queens.

Now if I remember correctly, bad boy billy is coming to stay at Montys with 6 of his straight mates from work, going to drink at Howards and Memories and they are going out to F%$#@ ladyboys.

But he is not a woolly moof

I suppose they will all go down to Walking Street and pour shit on the poofs who walk past, then come back to Montys for dinner and sleep. Then go out and f^%$#@ some ladyboys. What was the name of that bar?

But they are not woolly moofs. Not half.

June 21st, 2006, 22:22
Fatman, the karaoke bar you describe is the same bar where the waiter just helped himself to my bottle. It was only one waiter. Had it been more, I would have had no choice but to say something. Making a big deal of it at the time in an empty bar would have horrfied the two Thais with me and made me look like an ass over a few drinks out of a bottle.

You probably know better than anyone else posting here that the gay community in Phuket is a small one (as you spent some time here). I have traveled here for a number of years and am well known. I have been out (drinks, dinner, dancing, traveling) with a great number of the boys, captians, ladyboys, and owners. Many have been good to me over the years, and I genuinely like so many people here. When people know you well and also know that you are generous and like to have a good time, they feel much less hesitant to ask for a drink, or to join you for eating, or for many other things. I say no with the best of them, but at times, one has to be very delicate in a small community where one spends a great amount of time.

However, there are also a number of advantages to being in a small community. One is that in 75% of the bars, I could pay my check bin the next day or even a week later (to answer one question on this thread). Hell, one time I got a very, very large bill from My Way for a birthday party and paid for it when back in America (three days later).

When one is in a smaller community and wants to transition from being a free spending person on holiday spending 100K bt per week to one staying a while and spending 100k bt per month watching one's wallet is never fun and is often difficult for one's Thai friends to understand. It is tougher than I thought it would be.

BTW, Dodger, very good advice. Thanks. I will give both of your tips a try.


June 22nd, 2006, 17:33
Now if I remember correctly, bad boy billy is coming to stay at Montys with 6 of his straight mates from work, going to drink at Howards and Memories and they are going out to F%$#@ ladyboys.
But he is not a woolly moof.

Oh, well. He likes to pretend he's straight--And F%$#@ lady-boys.
I like to pretend I'm a ladyboy and F%$#@ straights--But I draw the line at anything over 90kg--
More than that; too much work holding their legs up. :cheers:

June 22nd, 2006, 19:28
Are you a man or a mouse for gods sake?

He's man-mouse, like Minnie. Real mice (rats) are to be found at Needy Crooks.

June 22nd, 2006, 19:49
.... going back to the original thread, I wouldn't let bar staff keep me or friends of mine (and I was paying) on tap, its irresponsible. All this buying a bottle of spirit and topping it up with soft drinks in these type of places are a rip off. One you end up drunk, and two, you end up with an expensive bill for mixers. Stick to one drink at a time.

June 23rd, 2006, 05:49
I wish someone would tell me the meaning of 'Gacuya.' One num told me it's an animal, something like a llama. However fitting, like: 'deli llama,' I think he was pulling my leg...or something...:Edith:

"the Deli Lama" is the nickname for Lama Surya Das, who wrote "Awaking the Buddha Within".


June 23rd, 2006, 11:51
.... going back to the original thread, I wouldn't let bar staff keep me or friends of mine (and I was paying) on tap, its irresponsible. All this buying a bottle of spirit and topping it up with soft drinks in these type of places are a rip off. One you end up drunk, and two, you end up with an expensive bill for mixers. Stick to one drink at a time.

One place where it isn't a rip off is Champ Isan (Pattaya 3rd Road and South Pattaya Road). The other night we had a bottle of SangSom, coke and soda mixers, a plate of spicy grilled pork, Kana and a plate of mixed spicy seafood and all came in at around 600baht. Ok, it's not aircon and it's not a karaoke bar, but if you sit at the left hand side of the stage you get cooling overhead fans and on nights when there is not a special guest star, you can (if you are willing) pay 100baht and give your num friend the chance to get up on stage and live the dream of all Thai boy's and let him be a singing superstar to the masses for the night.

June 23rd, 2006, 12:04
.... and on nights when there is not a special guest star, you can (if you are willing) pay 100baht and give your num friend the chance to get up on stage and live the dream of all Thai boy's and let him be a singing superstar to the masses for the night.

Oh my gawd.......im not going there...all my friends are totally tone deaf!

June 23rd, 2006, 12:41
I wish someone would tell me the meaning of 'Gacuya.' One num told me it's an animal, something like a llama. However fitting, like: 'deli llama,' I think he was pulling my leg...or something...:Edith:

"the Deli Lama" is the nickname for Lama Surya Das, who wrote "Awaking the Buddha Within".Dboy

Maybe so--But, the deli llama, was the name of a Peruvian sandwich store we saw on a trip to Chicago.

Stick to one drink at a time.

Umm... How big's the drink?

Seriously; soon as I feel like bar-hopping after arrive (Usually; about three minutes.) I take in all the new Buckets of Blood for onezies: one drinkie at each dive. After I've done them all, I return to the ones I like and 86 the ones I didn't. Admittedly; the num factor--Call it: bread, comprises 90% of my rating system: 1 8=o Thru 5 koi ! I ward bonus points for circuses. For instance: +2 koi for the absence of a lip-sync drag show, + 1 koi for go-go boys who really go-go\dance, -1 koi for a BC parade with no BC's.

So far as buying a bottle?... Well, I guess...if they ever catch on to my I.V. bag...full of gin--But then I have the cane flask and the ear-trumpet flask for back-up.

June 23rd, 2006, 13:11
.... and on nights when there is not a special guest star, you can (if you are willing) pay 100baht and give your num friend the chance to get up on stage and live the dream of all Thai boy's and let him be a singing superstar to the masses for the night.

Oh my gawd.......im not going there...all my friends are totally tone deaf!

LOL ... actually I encourage my num friend to stick to the dancing (which even raises smiles from other Thais and resembles a chicken dancing on hot coals) rather than stretch his rather limited and high pitched out of tune vocal talents. His friends on the other hand are fabulous singers whether they attempt the traditional Luk Thong or more modern String style. String seems to be ever more popular in Thailand with artists the likes of Potato, Loso and Bodyslam getting massive airplay and is very popular in Karaoke bars. However, I was surprised to hear the other night, in a karaoke bar, the most popular song and the one which had the whole bar rocking was not Thai at all, it was the Cranberries - 'Zombie'. I just can't get it out of my head now (sample):

But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.
In your head, in your head they are fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are crying...

In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou, dou, dou...

July 8th, 2006, 16:14
My impression of Maya - I went to Maya maybe 6-7 times on my most recent trip to Pattaya - I had no problem with padded bills as I always went alone - drank Heineken or Coke - paid for each drink as it was served - 120 baht - I really enjoyed the energy of the bar - a most eclectic grup of mostly Thais. I was often approached by both Thai ladies and men wanting me to join their groups - I respectfully declined as I am a voyuer at heart. On Mondays and Tuesdays they have hunky shirtless BKK dancing boys rotating on raised platforms. The music is great - and there is a general good-feel party atmosphere. The place is crowded every night - albeit not until about 3 AM or so. Fortunately, they have only an abbreviated katoey show - maybe 20 minutes. It was really my favorite place to just stand around and watch the world go by. Again an eclectic gathering - so much fun to watch. I did fancy a few of the staff there and was encouraged to wait around until 6 AM when they got off - I never made it past 5 AM - anyway, it turned out to be my favorite hang-out - I was sorry to read about the rip-off scheme some have experienced - my experience there was way positive - so much fun!!!

July 8th, 2006, 16:42
and it's probabaly mean of me to say to totally avoid the place as it's giving employment to Thais.

The safest thing to do there is ensure you receive a bill with every single drink or whatever you have and remembEr that if someone wants to sit with you make sure it isn't an employee if you don't want to be charged for them.

Apart from that , Maya is a fun club and it's fun to seE Thais out after the other clubs having a good time.

just remember..ask for a bill each time you order anything and you will be OK !

August 19th, 2006, 16:11
I have met several boys recently and they all wanted to go to Maya or meet at Maya..I haven't made it over there as yet and
it has been a few weeks since anyone posted, so if there are any updates please illuminate us..

It seems to me that the bars in Pattaya are staying open later and now closing at 2AM..I know Krazy Dragon is, as I arranged for
a table dancer to met me after closing and he didn't show up until 2:30AM.. I will check out the closing times when I am in Pattaya
next weekend but sometimes I end up turning in early if I find something or someone irresisitable.. Were the rules changed??

August 19th, 2006, 18:11
about Maya Club..I should comment if Catpussy intends going there..it is pretty popular with gay Thais and obviously many who work there depend upon the place for their livelehood. So my advice, against my original posting, is that rather than avoid the place..it is actually good fun and if you love seeing gay Thais having a great time amongst themselves Maya is as good as it gets...just ensure you alwyas get a bill after every drink or indeed anything you order.

Be aware that if a Thai boy comes out of the blue and sits with you, or the manager brings him over..there will be a charge. This is the main problem..every move you make in there you will receive a bill which is fine if you know as you prgress during the night that that is the deal.

Be aware of that and there shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully the tragic drag show will improve.

August 19th, 2006, 19:28
... I don't want to be on my guard about what drinks I have ordered, who I am talking to and how much I am spending. The Thai guys may love Maya, and to be honest I had a good time there, but I don't want to be shocked with a larger than expected bill at the end of the night.

Yes Catty, Krazy Dragon is staying open later. I was in there the other night for the first time in a month or so and one of the boys told me they were now open until 2.00pm as there had been money exchanged (say no more!). As far as I know, the standard time in Pattaya remains 1.00pm for gogo bars.

Krazy was fun the other night, as i'd not been in for a while (maybe a month or more) I bought quite a few drinks for the boys I had previously chatted to on quite a regular basis. It was packed, again, when I first went in around 11.30pm and I had to have a seat at the bar with no passing traffic :( Luckily I got a comfy seat a little later. It's amazing how this place has changed from the coy (well not that coy) looking down into the mirrored tables to look up the guys shorts scenario to now, where the guys are so relaxed that woodies are thrust out into the open for all to play with.

I have found a new game to play at Krazy, find one or two of the more outgoing gay dancers and have them sit with you, when the butch straight boy dancers come along, give your gay guys twenty baht each and watch them go for the goods of their colleagues - I swear it's a riot and the gay guys literally have a ball! Look out for a guy called 'Nus', he has one hell of a booty shake!

Krazy is also one of the cheapest gogo bars I know and they don't stick it to you on the bill if you look pissed or a dumb newbie.

Only problem I have with Krazy is so many guys are offable but if I even dared take a guy off and news got back to my friend i'd experience my friends expertise in Muay Thai first hand.

August 19th, 2006, 23:56
" find one or two of the more outgoing gay dancers and have them sit with you"..which one in there isn't outgoing ????? :bounce: :cheers: :bounce: :cheers: :bounce: :cheers: ,

20baht each..gosh you got off cheaply..I'm coming with you next time.

August 20th, 2006, 00:29
It is refreshing to see a poster change their position and have an open mind.. I was hesitant about going to Maya, in part due
to Pearl's comments on this thread, and now will go and take a look for myself..

The one issue I have is tobacco smoke and I am afraid my eyes will sting and of course my clothes will stink but maybe a short
visit to check it out makes the most sense for this old cat.. :compress: :compress: :cat: