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January 13th, 2006, 05:45
Your on visual smite-rs, i do not now what a Mallee Bull is , but it brings mrsydney back form sickness . Must be good for al smite-rs as you to ! Get your self's a mallee Bull and your sickness will stop. There is not a wisdom at the end off the bottle.

help me mrsydney, i not able to stand this alone

January 13th, 2006, 06:09
I bumped you up one. :)

Post and enjoy. You never know what can happen.....

Let E.S. police the board. He enjoys it :)


January 13th, 2006, 06:16
Mammy tell me ; never take candy from a stranger

January 13th, 2006, 06:48
I have not heard the word Mammy in a very long time.

Years ago, the "Three Stooges" comedy group would have some type of performance when Curly would yell.. "Mammy! I came from Ala'bamie!"

My brother and I use to laugh so much when we seen it. :D

January 13th, 2006, 14:02
I really think it is time to call for a moritorium on starting new threads which implore posters to applaud the author of the thread and also dramatic exiting the forum threads (unless you really exit the stage)..

As the moderator has made clear, any sudden upsurges or downsurges in karma points will be adjusted by the moderator so why go thru all the pleading.. I think I have just found my own solution and will just push ignore on posters who beg for attention and /or karma points..
Frankly, I think the ignore feature beats the karma points by a kilometer..

January 13th, 2006, 15:33
Friday the 13 and i can not find my black cat...

Just let it past, waiting for sat. the 14

January 13th, 2006, 20:20
You winge a lot about others who might smite you.
Has it occured to you some might consider one or two liner posts that say nothing of consequence, deserve to be smited rather than ignored or applauded.
Some might even deduce your sole intention in posting is to increase your number of posts total and thus your member status. In some threads you've even made successive posts one after the other, none of which make much sense, and which only serve to fill our screen with dross.
You're even initiating threads with crap, and ending them with more of the same.

Try a little harder please to earn applause, and relieve elephantspike of the burden of having to credit your Karma every day

January 13th, 2006, 21:01
Wel, Majorblow, i was waiting for that one to put it in my face. Most off my oneliners are real crap and bullshit and a lot off you think the same . It was about time one stand up.

khawp khun

January 13th, 2006, 23:57
You know you are beloved by the moderators and have been welcomed by many members of this forum..Some even find your writing "accent" charming even if difficult for most to completely understand.. You do need a little thicker skin to be a prolific poster on a gay forum and there are those who lose patience with postings which only seem to serve the purpose of increasing the number of posts.. I am sure Elephantspike will continue to coddle you and remove all those smites and you will continue to enlighten and amuse us..

January 14th, 2006, 02:28
I am a lot harder as you think catawanpuscat But i not like to gives a lot off commentary on the opinion from readers off this forum. Because i understand them . But i have my one morality, i never go post in a topic where stupidity is not on the right place , like a topic about HIV and many more. Some topics seems to me only made for amusement or to loose some stupidity. Other topics given us a lot off information, like Boxer gives us a new one to day , i go read them, follow the links .Other topics go's about love story's and Way do we not all can say haw we feel or what story's we had in our lives ?

I need time to find my place here on SGT and if someone take his time to tell me what he thinks about my postings, i understand , his critics are for me to learn .Hard words gave a lot more to say as a smiting.

Thank you Catwampuscat, i have seen in many off your postings you are a good hart

January 14th, 2006, 02:48
I like that one,"you got to have a "thick skin".

I only got abused twice last night in my job,the first one made me laugh,with 3 girls going past in a taxi sticking their middle finger up at me and calling me a nazi poofter.Next time im gonna stop and point to my dick and shout out i got a thick skin !