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June 18th, 2006, 01:24


June 18th, 2006, 08:12
Because the Americans were thrashed 3-0 ?

June 18th, 2006, 10:25
Above is Christiano Ronaldo, age 21, 6' 1" tall, plays for Manchester United and his national teazm is Portugal, who reached the last 16 of the world cup for the first time in 30 years after Ronaldo's penalty winner. He is also damn hot but has mercifully lost the blonde streaks since the above pic was taken.

For more pics of him and other beautiiful men go to: http://www.mostbeautifulman.com/athlete ... /bio.shtml (http://www.mostbeautifulman.com/athletes/cristianoronaldo/bio.shtml)

June 18th, 2006, 11:36
In a poll Freddie Ljungberg has been voted the sexiest man at the world cup:

http://www.mostbeautifulman.com/athlete ... /bio.shtml (http://www.mostbeautifulman.com/athletes/freddieljungberg/bio.shtml)

June 19th, 2006, 22:36
2 of the girls who sold their stories to the tabloids about our portugese friend said he was a tiddler down below.

Freddie in his CK`s is just - sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

June 19th, 2006, 23:52
OK, what's "a tiddler"?

June 20th, 2006, 08:28
Ooh er he is just so "footie" not my type at all. Trying a bit too hard with the ear ring and hair-do thing. A "tiddler down bellow" could mean that his reproductive organs stopped growing before he reached puberty leaving him with tiny tight undecended balls and a cock the size of his shotgun blasted nose, a few wisps of pimply pubic hair to finish it of.
Any-one noticed this seasons look for the great English white hope, Beckie. It is identical to Brad Pit, right down to the "super size me" rolex. Something my Filipina maid picked up at the market here for 5dollars last season. At least he has found himself a role model other than Victoria, his hair has never looked so good. Brad is a "tiddler" down bellow but Beckie might just have a small lead in this department.

June 20th, 2006, 10:52
Cedric my dear, only the other girls on the footie team call him Beckie, to the great unwashed he will always be Becks'. Before his marriage to Victoria (Posh Spice), she was overheard in one of those fly on the wall documentaries to utter that he was extremely well endowed. Not sure how true this is but he has always been popular with the other lads on the team and he falls into that age category of Brits who now have not had there nether regions tampered with by the surgeon as a baby (latin: Foreskin-Intacto).

After the 1998 World Cup he was the scourge of England, everybody, except us Man Utd Fans, hated him because he got himself red carded in the Argentina game and we went onto to lose and get knocked out of that world cup. There were death threats, the press lambasted him, there were effigies of him being hanged. Then, prior to the 2002 World Cup, he had several fabulous games where he virtuallly played the opposition on his own and a later injury time free kick from him got us into that tournament. His picture was everywhere and there were billboards with his image as big as anyone had ever seen in England. Now his star has waned and the less glamorous but possibly more talented Wayne Rooney is the star. Given the choice (oh lord please let me have the choice) I'd still shag the arse off Becks.


June 20th, 2006, 10:58
When did the UK stop routine circumcision of newborns? I think the percentage has gone down in the US in recent years, but it is still routine.

June 20th, 2006, 11:35
"Routine Infant Circumcision is limited to English speaking countries. The practice was intoduced to the U.S. through England, but they abandoned it nearly 50 years ago, practicing it now at the rate of only 1%. The rate is 3% in New Zealand, 10% in Australia and 20% to 25% in Canada. RIC is not offered in most non-English speaking countries. It never caught on in Europe, Asia, South or Central America."

That's a quote from mothersagainstcirc.org - but, as Mandy Rice Davies might have observed, they would say that, wouldn't they?

June 20th, 2006, 11:56
One non-Mulsim Asian exception is the Philippines, where I think circumcision is still routinely carried out on newborn boys.

June 20th, 2006, 12:20
Boygeenyus - routine circumcision is now not practised in the UK, you need to ask specifically for a baby to be circumcised or have the doctor state it is necessary for medical reasons. Acccording to wikipedia, since 1950 "the proportion of newborns circumcised in England and Wales has fallen to less than one percent".

For alll you want to know, history of, cultural reasons, religious groups, including pic's etc, about circumsion, try:


Unfortunately, no pic's of Beck's uncircumcised todger!

June 20th, 2006, 16:20
"How did thread this go from futbol to circumcision?"
And I'd answer, "It's must be half-time."

And, if you look real close, you can tell the man in the picture is circumcised.

June 21st, 2006, 13:48
Not all baby boys were ever routinely circumcised in the UK. Only baby boys, correctly called by Fatman, the great unwashed, had this done to their coal stained infants. I suppose out of a post war fear of the price of a bar of soap.

I fully agree Wayne Rooney has superseded Beckie on the field however he is still captain, which means the English have not quite got used to the idea that he sucks. Bekie's tool box holds nothing of great interest, that is compared to the profile of most other players. The sheer fabric is a dead give away. And take it from me it has most definitely been disfigured.

If one looks at all the crap pornography coming out of America today (a purely scientific quota I assure you) one has to conclude that circumcision is still routinely asked for in that country. Why is it, while I am on the subject, that the Americans make such very bad porno, the very worst ? Sterile and without an ounce of any real understanding of eroticism. I have seen better made by my Chinese friends with their hand held mobile phones. No Oscars for them then.

I have all my money on the Spanish closely followed by the Brazilians. I have also decided after being ridiculed mercilessly by my four year old nephew for being a glory hunter after I condescendingly chose Chelsea as my team of preference, as there isn't one in Kensington, at least that I knew of, to support a team called Totty. Who I believe needs all the support they can get, that should shut him up for awhile at least.

June 21st, 2006, 13:55
No, dear. Looking at porn that comes out of America day one would get the impression that circumcision was still the norm 18-25 YEARS AGO. Unless, of course, you're looking at kiddie porn...

June 21st, 2006, 14:36
A'hole have the Americans suddenly stopped making adult porn, in your opinion, and now only make kiddie porn? Or what is it you are trying to say?

June 22nd, 2006, 10:24
Not sure either what you are saying this time BG, but as Gloria Leonard said, 'The difference between pornography and erotica is lighting'.

As for American porno, it's all a matter of taste. Personally, I can't stand the leather clad, sweating, balding fat blokes sex video's, but less about me! Give me a nice clean cut BelAmi anyday or one of those square cut straight boys from that platoon who recently got busted.

Some other thoughts on porno and sex:

Obscenity is whatever gives the Judge an erection. ~Author Unknown

We have reason to believe that man first walked upright to free his hands for masturbation. ~Lily Tomlin

Remember, if you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast. ~Woody Allen

When a guy goes to a hooker, he's not paying her for sex, he's paying her to leave. ~Author Unknown

Contraceptives should be used on every conceivable occasion. ~Spike Milligan

There is nothing wrong with going to bed with someone of your own sex. People should be very free with sex, they should draw the line at goats. ~Elton John

Sex between a man and a woman can be absolutely wonderful - provided you get between the right man and the right woman. ~Woody Allen

June 22nd, 2006, 10:33
What I'm trying to say, and which you are obviously too dense to grasp, is that the porn performers you see TODAY were circumsized when they were BORN, 18-25 years or so ago in general. So it is a snapshot of circumcision practices IN THE PAST, not today. I believe that the numbers of babies being routinely circumcised in the US in 2006 is down significantly from 1986.

June 22nd, 2006, 10:50
Thanks a'hole, and for your beliefs too. Good point. Why didn't you say so in the first place. I wonder if it's true?

Eeek Woody Allen on sex, now there is a chunder. American porn is boring because of their aesthetic sense of what beauty or sexy is all about. Hairless bodies for example and nose jobs and and... absolutely no imagination, never mind the story line, the music......... same same a bit like most American films. French, German well just about every other can do it it better. My question is, having never tried one of them, are they any good in bed? Is it worth "offing" an American?

June 22nd, 2006, 18:16
Circumcisions were down for I while But I've read they are back up due to
1.] (Unfounded) belief foreskins cause cervical cancer.
2.] Doctors encourage the operation, often citing reason #1--Because they can charge an extra $300.00-and- up and\or kickbacks from the surgeon who preforms--And often botches--it.

June 22nd, 2006, 20:25
My question is, having never tried one of them, are they any good in bed? Is it worth "offing" an American?[/quote]

My experience in general is that European guys provide a much better encounter.... especially the German men, IMHO. My times with those guys have really been quite enjoyable.

June 23rd, 2006, 10:15
Pronto pronto! Just what I expected. Arab guys are very good too. French guys I hear, try too hard to live up to the stereotype, and so make a hash of it? Both with the sex and their appearance.

I was once having a delicious Sardinian meal in a restaurant in Bangkok, it was white truffle pasta and wild boar, and sitting dead ahead of me was a young couple, a very striking Asian woman and her French date. She was gorgeous, just that bit understated to compliment her exquisite face and body. He on the other hand, while very good looking, was dressed like a waiter and he had what looked like an entire jar of grease in his combed back hair, trying to make a suave impression no doubt. It looked like a first date. To cut a long story just a bit shorter he could not stop talking and gushing at her, she could not get one word in return.

This went on for ages and she was literally beginning to wilt under the onslaught, but his enthusiasm just kept getting stronger, eyebrows flashing all over the place. Poor woman she began looking around her in desperation hoping to find some route of escape her eyes rolling in the back of her head. Even the other dinners including myself were beginning to get restless. Then suddenly she had a brain wave, and standing up rather abruptly spilt her wine all over the table and in the general scuffle made her escape, to the ladies. Unsurprisingly she never returned. However I think she phoned him, because about ten minutes later his phone went off (yes he was gauche enough to bring it to the table) and he suddenly looked very crest fallen. Then he started to look my way.

He too had a sudden brain wave, and at last noticing he was on his own, lifted his head and decided to start chatting me up. I was a little taken aback that he should think he had better chances with me, but being on my own and having somewhat Catholic tastes myself, I decided against all my better judgement to humour him, besides he looked so sad. In about three seconds flat he was sitting at my table, I noticed when he got up to move to my table that he already had a sizeable hard on, that he did not try very hard to conceal.

After about 15 minutes giving me the eyebrow treatment and gushing on about his job his mother and her aunty, I looked up from my wild boar for one rash second, I was trying to avoid too much eye contact as it seemed to up the volume, I saw that he had a fly trapped in his copious pomade. Then I looked into his sparkling wild eyes and suddenly I had a panic attack and thought of the very real possibility that he would in fact never shut up. Thankfully I had been gauche enough to bring my own phone with me, expecting to meet someone later and so rang myself up from under the table and made a rapid escape leaving a wad of cash to cover my mistake.

Such a pity as he is so good looking. If any-one wants a try Jean-Paul, he works at the Banyan Bangkok as a sort of token French trimming to the lobby. Horse strength tranquillisers might do it.

June 23rd, 2006, 11:13
... I have restricted myself to a good ole English diet with a healthy slice of Thai on the side. However, on one occassion I did taste the delights of a Samoan Banquet. Normally I go for small portions (despite my weight), however, this bull of Samoa was an absolute delight. If you have never shared time in a single bed with a Rugby playing Samoan who weighs close to 140kg you have not yet lived.

France - Nul Pwans
Samoa - Douze Pwans

June 23rd, 2006, 11:37
Fattman, very good, you could do the Eurovision song contest in your sleep. I never tried large size before isn't it sweaty?
I love you. Can you give me some hot tips on who is going to win this football thing? It's big money here? Has the Netherlands got an outside chance, the odds are very favourable? Godverdomme they have come so very close before. I only want to put on a couple of hundred.

June 23rd, 2006, 13:55
Fattman, very good, you could do the Eurovision song contest in your sleep. I never tried large size before isn't it sweaty?
I love you. Can you give me some hot tips on who is going to win this football thing? It's big money here? Has the Netherlands got an outside chance, the odds are very favourable? Godverdomme they have come so very close before. I only want to put on a couple of hundred.

I think, as he was a rugby player, he was used to a bit of physical exertion and so he didn't sweat so much. I on the other hand, who was engulfed by this man mountain was sweating up a storm, first from the physical contact of having a 140kg duvet over me and second from the fear that I may not get out alive :cheers: . All tremendous fun though.

As for the world cup, I predicted Italy would be heading home last night and the Czechs and Ghanains would be thru'. Well I was 50% right. I wouldn't trust my sense of who is going to win as I think it really is an open contest. Brazil are still favourites but the latest betting is all going on Argentina with England lagging in an over ambitious third place. Personally, I wouldn't bet against Germany, despite showing a distinct lack of form in the opening matches, the home team often does very well in the World Cup (6 out of 17 times the host has won).

Year Host Winner
1930 Uruguay Uruguay
1934 Italy Italy
1966 England England
1974 West Germany - West Germany
1978 Argentina Argentina
1998 France France

My tips:
Germany and Argentina joint favourites
Mexico - will fall foul of Argentina
Ecuador - no chance although could upset England if taken too lightly
England - May reach Quarters (if they can overcome Ecuador) but no further
Sweden - will be trounced by Germany
Holland - may come a cropper against Portugal
Portugal - Could meet England in the Quarters and even make the semis if lucky
Italy - Oustide chance of winning it, and could cause headaches for FIFA if any of the World Cup Winnning side are later banned from football for match fixing back in Italy.
Australia - Gus Hiddink is a superstar coach but cannot get this bunch of Oz stars any further than the 2nd round
Brazil - just not firing despite the 4-1 win over Japan - never has Brazil been so boring
Ghana - can they beat Brazil, you betchya! Will they? Who knows.
Spain - Looking good but always fail to make that final tournament winning performance
Ukraine - Hmmmm! Not sure how far they can go but unlikely winners
South Korea or Switzerland will go out today but neither will progress further than the 2nd round
France - a team of old men

June 23rd, 2006, 20:22
Pronto pronto! Just what I expected. Arab guys are very good too. French guys I hear, try too hard to live up to the stereotype, and so make a hash of it? Both with the sex and their appearance.

Ah..Arab guys... I've never had the pleasure but they are somewhat of a fantasy for me. Something about that darker, sexy look. Which is why I've always enjoyed Italians who, IMHO, are perhaps the best looking guys of all... but at times can be a bit like your view of the French. For action and pleasure, for me, it's back to the Germans who almost always seem ready to go!

June 23rd, 2006, 22:53
Arab guys are great...if you're a bottom. If you're a top, you're going to be left with only the very, very fem ones. In my experience, anyway.

June 24th, 2006, 07:25

June 24th, 2006, 08:18
Pronto can you explain why you think Germans are so good in bed? I thought they were a bit sleepy like beer drunk dormice in a Bavarian deep freeze.
There is something strange I have noticed about the Germans, deep in the rurals, where I spent time in the Oldenburger and Hannover districts. The men are all drop dead Adonis, especially when naked in a steamy pool in a snowy winters night. They are however all married to the largest moon faced cows you have ever seen, they do show more than just a healthy interest in their own sex though. This always puzzled me, as I found it really odd that these tight, hard buttocked men with perfect definition and refined features were so attracted to these woman. Breeders I suppose pure and simple, a healthy understanding of genetics. Paarden fokkers or horse breeders, which most of them seem to be any-way.

So Fatman for a good return, your suggestion would be three thousand dollars (slush fund) for Italy as it stands? No middle Eastern teams still in it? What i would have given to watch Iran play the USA. Now that would have been fun.

G'arse I might have to agree about Arab men. Even though i am not an instinctual bottom, for some of those men I would be in a tutu without panties in a flash. They have hands like a blue ringed octopus. I am still recovering from an encounter, I can assure you he got no further than the first thumb joint of his left hand. But I am very keen to return to those oil rich lands. :blackeye:

ps ( go mexico! )

June 24th, 2006, 10:02
Pronto can you explain why you think Germans are so good in bed? .......What i would have given to watch Iran play the USA. Now that would have been fun.

I don't know, Cedric, I've wondered also. It's just that the Germans I've played with have been uninhibited, horny, and very much 'into the moment'. I've assumed that perhaps it may have something to do with their general view of life (in addition to their being horny!)....maybe to an uninhibited acceptance of pleasure, minus any guilt. If others similarly appreciate the "sporty" Germans, I'd be interested to hear additional accountings or explanations. Now, as for who or what they marry.... I'm clueless about that !

Yes..., I agree --- an Iranian/USA match would have been fun.

June 24th, 2006, 10:30
Cedric, afraid not, all the the middle East teams are out (agree would have been a real crowd pleaser to see Iran thrash America), also no more Asian teams and only one African team left in. It seems, at least this time around that football is a game for Central or South Americans and Europeans - no chance of spotting cute asian or mid estern totty for you then - unless of course it is Francesco Totti of Italy.

I believe for a few bucks you could get a German referee to do a bit of match fixing for you a couple of years ago, however, the Italians have taken it to an all time new high with FOUR of the top five teams in Italy now under investigation for match fixing with Juventus, this years champions, looking like they will be relegated two divisions for their sins. No wonder the crowds stay away from matches in their droves in Italy, who wants to pay to see a game where you know the result beforehand.

As for Arab men, I think Cadinot did a fabulous number of porno's featuring Arab men, one called something like 'Harem' and then others with absolutely stunning guys.

June 24th, 2006, 10:56
Since many porno titles use the names of current movies( with a slight change) and follow the theme somewhat, I can
only hope that there will be or already are world cup or football themed prono moives out there...I have seen some
very hot ones involving baseball, American football and field and track, wrestling of course and so on..

A million years I was lucky enough to go into the locker room of the Cosmos in New Jersey USA... I was given a VIP tour
and almost lost it when I saw a living god showering with a butt and legs that burned a permanent record in my memory..
There was an American "soccer" league for a while and I believe it disappeared years ago.. Pele was involved but it didn't catch
on, althou I understand soccer is popular with the younger set...

June 24th, 2006, 11:31
... althou I understand soccer is popular with the younger set...

According to the US Soccer Federation "Youth soccer participation is at an all-time high, with nearly 14 million young athletes under the age of 18 playing soccer at elite and recreational levels in the United States". For a country which prides itself on Baseball, Basketball and American Football, it looks like the kids have actuallly found a decent game to play.

Also worth noting is that it is also the highest participation sport for young kids in Australia - anything to get them away from cricket and tossing the ... err ... boomerang!

Possible football porno titles (ok, including some American Foootball movies):

Original movie:
'Bend it Like Beckham' to 'Bend Over Beckham'
'Remember the Titans' to 'Remember the Tite-Ass'
'The Longest Yard' to 'The Long & The Hard'
'Jerry McGuire' to 'Fairy McGuire - Show me the Booty'
'Shaolin Soccer' to 'Shag-in Soccer'

June 26th, 2006, 12:24
Not one to blow my own horn (god I wish I could blow my own horn) but I hope you placed some bets with your thai friends on my predictions of the first four of eight games sending teams through to the quarters:

"My tips:
Germany and Argentina joint favourites
Mexico - will fall foul of Argentina
Ecuador - no chance although could upset England if taken too lightly
England - May reach Quarters (if they can overcome Ecuador) but no further
Sweden - will be trounced by Germany
Holland - may come a cropper against Portugal
Portugal - Could meet England in the Quarters and even make the semis if lucky"

Unfortunately, Germany and Argentina meet in the next round, but I still think whichever one comes out on top is going to win the whole thing.

Don't you just love David Beckham, even pic's of him bent over wretching up his guts last night was great to watch, a born entertainer who had the thai's watching in stitches.

June 30th, 2006, 13:15
Based on these predictions I won some decent money, why I thought the English would win, well Fatman said they would. Tonight our time it is Portugal V England and I have not heard from Fatman so I dumped all my winnings on Portugal for a win. Don't dissapoint me now Fatman. Stay with us, hmmm :compress:

June 30th, 2006, 15:44
Margaret Thatcher who said to George Bush (senior) during the 1st Gulf War 'Don't go wobbly on me George'!

Well Cedric, I'm going a little wobbly. I am hoping against hope for an England win and if Deco is out for Portugal and Christiano Ronaldo is unfit, I'd now go for England. Put Christiano back in the side and I'm swinging the other way. Oh lawd, what to do, what to do!

Ok, i'll stick with my original idea - England Out, Portugal to meet Brazil in the semi's .... eek!@

June 30th, 2006, 19:29
Tonight our time it is Portugal V England

That'll be in a couple of hours time if you are in HK as you claim. Please post the result as those of us in European Time Zones on Planet Earth won't see the match till Saturday afternoon, and if we know the result we can bankrupt some bookies. :bounce:

TVB Pearl must've improved considerably. 555

Your remarks concerning Mr. Beckham's accent and wife are rather misplaced. If you can display with any part of your body the genius he displayed with a single kick scoring the goal against Ecuador you might be justified in your negativity. As it is, it just looks like your previously documented Anglophobia. Even some of we Scots have moved on from that.

C'mon Engerland!

July 1st, 2006, 13:20
Northern lights, what is that incredibly erroneous statement all about.
The very disappointing (for you) results will be obtainable simultaneously our night your afternoon, our tonight of course. If what you think were true, my wouldn't we all have some fun on the stock exchange. Anglophile. Now don't go and dig up long dead cows from the ditch, let sleeping dogs lie etc.

Bless you Fatman, there seem to be three camps around, those that are simply expressing their hopes those that are in the know and those that are wilfully hoping for the English to loose. You have always been in the second category. It's OK now Northern lights, we may refer to them as English as that is what they are, and remain, even out of footie fever. Too bad Scotland has no team I am sure they would have already wiped out the English lights. Any-way I'll leave that to the Portuguese. Don't mention the rugby you will just give me an aneurism. But feel free to mention Henperson.

I love Portugal Fatman and wouldn't it be so very nice for them to somehow get to win the whole damn shoot, and bless your avatar. Thanks to you I have nothing to loose. England has had it's turn. I can't wait to tease my nephew silly tomorrow morning, poor bugger.

July 1st, 2006, 14:58
Never mind your bluff and bluster Cedric, the time stamps on the posts show it is now over 24 hours since you posted
Tonight our time it is Portugal V England so the game must be over.

Accusing me of an
incredibly erroneous statement and not understanding the time difference between Europe and Hong Kong is simply not going to wash. In my universe the match will start in about six hours. In yours it must be over since "tonight" must fall within 24 hours.

Just post the result now so that I can make a fortune from our bookies here and cut the obnoxious wittering.

July 1st, 2006, 15:25
Northpole what a load of gibberish. I simply meant tomorrow night not tonight. Surely you could not be so literal, nor so bored.

I have some sympathy for you because you are soon to be one amongst the millions of English supporters to be horribly disappointed and that will not feel very good. But as Portugal (for reasons beyond my comprehension) has been England's longest running ally since something like the 13th century I am prepared to forgive you, in the spirit of the Portuguese.

July 1st, 2006, 17:54
4 hours to wait for ENG _ GERRRRR _ LANNNNNDDDD!!

July 1st, 2006, 19:56
Fattman, very good, you could do the Eurovision song contest in your sleep. I never tried large size before isn't it sweaty?
I love you. Can you give me some hot tips on who is going to win this football thing? It's big money here? Has the Netherlands got an outside chance, the odds are very favourable? Godverdomme they have come so very close before. I only want to put on a couple of hundred.

I think, as he was a rugby player, he was used to a bit of physical exertion and so he didn't sweat so much. I on the other hand, who was engulfed by this man mountain was sweating up a storm, first from the physical contact of having a 140kg duvet over me and second from the fear that I may not get out alive :cheers: . All tremendous fun though.

As for the world cup, I predicted Italy would be heading home last night and the Czechs and Ghanains would be thru'. Well I was 50% right. I wouldn't trust my sense of who is going to win as I think it really is an open contest. Brazil are still favourites but the latest betting is all going on Argentina with England lagging in an over ambitious third place. Personally, I wouldn't bet against Germany, despite showing a distinct lack of form in the opening matches, the home team often does very well in the World Cup (6 out of 17 times the host has won).

Year Host Winner
1930 Uruguay Uruguay
1934 Italy Italy
1966 England England
1974 West Germany - West Germany
1978 Argentina Argentina
1998 France France

My tips:
Germany and Argentina joint favourites
Mexico - will fall foul of Argentina
Ecuador - no chance although could upset England if taken too lightly
England - May reach Quarters (if they can overcome Ecuador) but no further
Sweden - will be trounced by Germany
Holland - may come a cropper against Portugal
Portugal - Could meet England in the Quarters and even make the semis if lucky
Italy - Oustide chance of winning it, and could cause headaches for FIFA if any of the World Cup Winnning side are later banned from football for match fixing back in Italy.
Australia - Gus Hiddink is a superstar coach but cannot get this bunch of Oz stars any further than the 2nd round
Brazil - just not firing despite the 4-1 win over Japan - never has Brazil been so boring
Ghana - can they beat Brazil, you betchya! Will they? Who knows.
Spain - Looking good but always fail to make that final tournament winning performance
Ukraine - Hmmmm! Not sure how far they can go but unlikely winners
South Korea or Switzerland will go out today but neither will progress further than the 2nd round
France - a team of old men

respect, Fatman41, your predictions have been excellent so far ^_^ better than any from all those self-named experts

July 2nd, 2006, 10:30
I won't say I told you so, Fatman did that already. But it was mighty fine mighty fine. Thanks Fatman.

We watched the game in a tiny packed out bar on Prince Edward rd Mong Kok. The noise was horrific my ears are still ringing. A combination of very loud heavily tattooed Chinese youth, playing an unbelievably noisy dice game,worse even than mahjong, plus raucous mathematical mud slinging and finger arm head and toe matches of complex computation, plus the football amplified beyond any decent level of pain threshold PLUS England not doing so well. I think it has left me permanently deaf.
As we were the only non-Chinese, there was not much of the commentary we could understand. Most had their money on the English that was clear enough, all lost, so afterwards we got out of there as quickly as possible. Things immediately started to get choppy, no pun intended.

It was a strange game though. Obviously the English had been told to score early at all costs and I mean all costs, because they seemed to use up all of their energies on the first quarter, leaving a very lack lustre rest of the game.
How Rooney was ever picked for a game of this calibre I will never understand, his brain will just never be ready. And the long legged stalk? He might be very amusing back home but is completely ineffectual on the field against any proper competition. He seems to run on the spot. And Beckies little scratch on the shin?
Poor Beckie does this mean it's back to Victoria's grand plan to carry on dressing him like her personal blow up doll and market him in America as a super hero? Or will he finally break free and burn her panties?

At the same time I must say I thought the Portuguese played strangely too, a bit too friendly by far and without much attack, even with the English throwing themselves maniacally into defence they were just a bit too casual. Some of that foot work you will only see in the playground of a Brazilian shanty town. As lovely as that is to watch, perhaps not the right time for it? But it was all surprisingly exciting as strike after strike from both sides led to the final penalty kick off and the grand score 3-1 to Portugal, what a good score. And what a bad time for England to start trying to cheat???? That is going to leave a nasty taste in the mouth for a long long time. Carragher however was simply doing his best to uphold those footie values we have long come to expect from the English fans and more and more from the team as well

Maybe the Portuguese were using England as a practise match in readiness for the possibilities of a French game, they have so much in common after all, the French and the English, except being able to win the world cup that is? It almost cost them their face. Over all I thought the best men won by far.

July 2nd, 2006, 15:36
I have to agree with you, a very strange game all in all. I was hoping (as previously mentioned) for an England win, or at least a halfway decent performance. What we got in the first half was a match where both teams failed to show up for the game and I was feeling as flat as a pancake. A slight improvement in the 2nd half but I found myself, before the end of the 90 minutes, hoping for either team to score so that I could leave the bar and go and catch a show in soi Twilight - no such luck.

Beckham this time was poor, Gerrard has played badly all tournament as has Lampard although I am sure they will not be criticised as heavily as the England Captain and Coach will be. I thought Ferdinand and Terry were our best players overall (Neville could not cope with C.Ronaldo) and it also says something when your best players are defenders, even when they had so little to do. A further testament to how badly England played is that Peter Crouch (for one fleeting instant) looked like our outstanding player .... shudder, what is the English game coming to.

Portugal probably deserved it and to be honest, England on their performances in the group stage and two knockout matches deserved a cold shower and a kick in the arse.

ps. I have to be honest, I am actually Italian and have known the results in advance for the last four weeks although I couldn't manage to bribe the referee in the Brazil vs France match, sorry for misleading you on that one! :cheers:

July 2nd, 2006, 16:39

Portugal probably deserved it and to be honest, England on their performances in the group stage and two knockout matches deserved a cold shower and a kick in the arse.


Couldn`t agree more........ 5 games and not a good game among them.

We can play better they cried...........well they didnt!

July 2nd, 2006, 18:44
Soccer is a shit game, a bore to watch. A ridiculous stupid construction. More often than not in soccer games there isn't even a clear winner and no trys even after extra time. Rather the winner is decided on how many balls some skinny doofus can kick into a net past some big girly poofta standing there flapping her arms and legs. What's the point of that?? I mean why bother! God I've seen more exciting 'sports' at primary schools! Fuck the 8 hours and 40 minutes or however long these tremendously dull games are, just bring out the kicker and the poofter and decided the whole thing in 5 minutes on the spot. Geeze!

July 2nd, 2006, 18:54
some big girly poofta standing there flapping her arms and legs. !

For a minute I thought you had been watching the folk on jomtien taking their morning excercise lol

July 3rd, 2006, 11:23
Soccer is a shit game ... Geeze!

Everything is a shit game when your country's (New Zealand) national sport is sheep shagging!

July 3rd, 2006, 11:40
Soccer is a shit game ... Geeze!

Everything is a shit game when your country's (New Zealand) national sport is sheep shagging!

and your countrys national sport seems to be failing to make it in the World Cup

July 3rd, 2006, 12:01
Soccer is a shit game ... Geeze!

Everything is a shit game when your country's (New Zealand) national sport is sheep shagging!

and your countrys national sport seems to be failing to make it in the World Cup

Agree, but we do look good with our coiffed hair, shaved chests and glistening legs when failing miserably.

July 3rd, 2006, 14:06
Hey fatso, kissed an Islamic murderer today? You scum.

July 3rd, 2006, 23:02
Hey fatso, kissed an Islamic murderer today? You scum.

Geez, Aunty, I'd suggest some Midol - it seems to help the mood when your pussy hurts.

July 4th, 2006, 04:49
Agree, but we do look good with our coiffed hair, shaved chests and glistening legs when failing miserably.

Ok - pics of this please!!

July 4th, 2006, 11:04
Hey fatso, kissed an Islamic murderer today? You scum.

Lol, you are such a joke, kiddie killing apologist.

July 4th, 2006, 15:00
I just love this ignore button. It's the best way for taking out the trash!

July 4th, 2006, 15:14
Hey fatso, kissed an Islamic murderer today? You scum.

Geez, Aunty, I'd suggest some Midol - it seems to help the mood when your pussy hurts.

And you are???

For the value of your contribution around here Bob you seem a bit too fond of telling everybody else how they should behave doncha think? I hope you don't experience any breathing problems with your head so far stuck up your arse dear. Now that would be unfortunate.

July 5th, 2006, 20:41
Aunty at it again, Fatty back to the football if you please! I know Aunty is diverting and all that but we face Portugal and France already and Germany already a sad thing of the past, thanks to the Italian genius. None of us want France to win, so who is it going to be?

I am afraid you loitered too long with Aunty in the bog and look where it got her, all sticky and iffy, and I did not get to put on any cash on the football either as a result.
My own fault actually, but I don't think I would have stuck anything on Germany loosing anyway, so it looks like Aunty saved the day, all said and done ???

It's too late for tonight's bet so I am sticking with my wins and may Italy or Portugal win the finals.

What is this about Aunty and Fatman? Fatman "kissed an Islamic murderer today" and Aunty " Kiddie killing apologist" I need an explanation on this. Fatman are you having it off with an American soldier and Aunty, well this one I am a bit hesitant to speculate on, but did you do something horrid to a kiddie?

July 6th, 2006, 09:49
Well my winning streak came to an all too forseeable end, although I did not see it coming. Germany, who'd a thought it, well a great many people. I was convinced it was going to be a home country victory but it wasn't to be. I did say that Portugal would go out at the semi's but was not contemplating France to make it that far. I wish Portugal had won as I hate that cheating, diving Henry, then again I love that cheating, diving Cristiano Ronaldo - go figure!

So France versus Italy! I'm hoping for an Italian win, then a big brouhaha when it is discovered that four of their team took part in the betting/game fixing scam back in Italy - these players are then banned from football and there is court action over whether Italy could be world champions whilst having banned players in their team. The game falls apart and we all start watching snooker, oh that's already happened back in England!

Re: Aunty, least said soonest mended!

July 9th, 2006, 07:25
Sad days sad days. The French in the finals and the lovely Mauresmo winning the ladies finals.
Today of course (for Northpoint, Sun 9/7/06 officialy Mon 10/7/06 here ) it will all be turned around with Italy winning the finals and the even lovelier Roger taking the all England club championships.
I have decided Fatman, that I shouldn't be greedy, and so these last, and only, great games of the season, will be cash free and pure enjoyment. Thanks to you I have a huge stock pile; a veritable slush fund of cash, well, enough to get that cheese-hamburger from Nookies-Nook any-way. I hear they have improved the recipe.

Fatman I think go easy on the Italians, is it not enough that Berlusconi is facing court appearances for corruption, let them save some face at least. Aunty?

You know corruption in Italy, is, it's a way of life, like fried letters of the alphabet and mushy peas are too the English, it's in their blood along with vino and olive oil.
I like the Italians. May the best men win.

July 9th, 2006, 14:18
her arms "".....

and then they all get into those big bathtubs together in the changing room..shocking !!!

July 9th, 2006, 18:15
Pearl and it's not yet past noon in your universe? Just the one was it?

July 10th, 2006, 10:15
Who'da thunk I could sit up half the night and cheer on the Italians. It wasn't altogether a brilliant game, when is a football final ever brilliant, but it was immensely watchable. When that final penalty went in I'm sure I woke up my neighbours with the cheer I gave. I suppose it all comes down to which country you dislike the least and for me it was the Italians.

As for Zidane, dear oh dear oh dear! I remember watching him in the two previous world cups and some Champions League matches and thinking 'Oh my gawd this guy is just brilliant, possibly the most skilfull player on the ball I have ever seen'. But what a head butt he can give too, that was a real knockout and worthy of any skinhead anywhere.

I got to hear the English commentator for the match on the Real Madrid channel (?) - the sound wasn't quite alligned with the pic's and the commentator himself was somewhat of an arsehole, but it beat the Thai commentary hands down. The commentator, after Zidane's shameful exit and later the BBC analysis kept going on about how Zidane willl not be remembered for his talents but for this one 'moment of madness'. Bollocks, the guy will be remembered for his football skills. There was no mention last night by the commentator or by the BBC of his previous misdemeanour in a prior world cup when he feigned being hit in the face and getting a player sent off and this current faux pas will be a passing moment in a glittering career. Sad way to end all the same.

'They think it's all over .... it is now!'

July 10th, 2006, 14:28
I will read your post on Saturday after I have watched the match. It is not over for me yet, I am still very excited to see how the Italian's hammered the French. I don't even know the score.

July 10th, 2006, 17:33
Soccer is a shit game....More often than not in soccer games there isn't even a clear winner and no trys even after extra time.
There's a Movement afoot, and gaining momentum, that soccer be played by Aztec rules.

July 10th, 2006, 19:05
Soccer is a shit game....More often than not in soccer games there isn't even a clear winner and no trys even after extra time.
There's a Movement afoot, and gaining momentum, that soccer be played by Aztec rules.

Not sure about the Aztec Rules! But I wouldn't mind seeing the introduction of the rules as used in Mornington Crescent - using any pre 1971 A-Z map of London (the 1952 A-Z is preferred). Players of course would have to explain every move if required to do so or could end up in 'spoon'. No shuffling, use of the diagonal is allowed and anyone mentioning Dollis Hill will be red carded! The little gold statuette would need to be replaced with a life size bronze of Willie Rushton naked.

Now, I wonder if anyone out there knows what I'm talking about!

July 10th, 2006, 19:23
Was it the Aztecs who played naked? ...and the losing team sacrificed their lives?

July 10th, 2006, 19:57
sigh....I couldn't help myself, I took a peek at the tennis,

Federer has the most gorgeous backhand, so full, free and confident, from the neck through to the back through to the shoulder, down to the hips and beyond and level, like he is parting the red sea, or reaching out to Allah.
Pure bliss. He looks downwards at the same time with just his eyes, in humble acknowledgement of his bodies prowess, a vehicle of true greatness.
A very pure movement and completely natural. Like the passage that a stallion might make on finding itself set free. Or when it air dances to impress the men of it's magnificence, a movement that comes from the unknown, of unmitigated ecstasy. The expression of being alive, and master of the universe, the very essence of a climax between reason and being.

Incredible poise and elegance without even the slightest hint of arrogance. His balance and centre....a muse, a muse, a muse at last.

July 11th, 2006, 11:46
sigh....I couldn't help myself, I took a peek at the tennis,

Federer has the most gorgeous backhand, so full, free and confident, from the neck through to the back through to the shoulder, down to the hips and beyond and level, like he is parting the red sea, or reaching out to Allah.
Pure bliss. He looks downwards at the same time with just his eyes, in humble acknowledgement of his bodies prowess, a vehicle of true greatness.
A very pure movement and completely natural. Like the passage that a stallion might make on finding itself set free. Or when it air dances to impress the men of it's magnificence, a movement that comes from the unknown, of unmitigated ecstasy. The expression of being alive, and master of the universe, the very essence of a climax between reason and being.

Incredible poise and elegance without even the slightest hint of arrogance. His balance and centre....a muse, a muse, a muse at last.

Dear Cedric, I think you started off with the 'backhand' but pretty rapidly moved on to having full steamy sex with that dear boy Roger, or has my brain become so addled in Pattaya that everything seems sexual nowadays. Beautiful prose. Now, about that climax! :geek:

July 12th, 2006, 09:01
Fatman this is Federe's body I am talking about, not glue sniffing, undernourished street urchins, selling tropical diseases on the beach front, with their shorts around their ankles!

Respect man!

Er... have a banana ride on me? It is kakka hot and humid today.

July 13th, 2006, 02:08
Click the link then move the mouse around and click at the appropriate time.

http://www.corriere.it/Media/Foto/2006/ ... zidane.swf (http://www.corriere.it/Media/Foto/2006/07_Luglio/10/zidane.swf)

July 13th, 2006, 07:59
Least said soonest mended.

July 15th, 2006, 13:29
... won the world cup, but any thoughts that the Italian Football Federation would go easy on the Italian teams involved in the match fixing ban are proved wrong. Prepare for a bidding war on all those players whose teams have been relegated to the second division of the Italian league. (They will probably be down for two seasons especially Juventus, who start the season at minus 30 points)

Relegated to Serie B
30-point deduction for next season
Stripped of 2005 and 2006 titles
Out of 2006-07 Champions League
Five-year ban for ex-general manager Luciano Moggi
Five-year ban for ex-chief executive Antonio Giraudo

AC Milan:
Deducted 15 points next season
Out of 2006-07 Champions League
One-year ban for vice-president Adriano Galliani
Club official Leonardo Meani banned for three years and six months

Relegated to Serie B
12-point deduction next season
Out of 2006-07 Champions League
President Andrea Della Valle banned for three years and six months
Four-year ban for honorary president Diego Della Valle

Relegated to Serie B
Out of 2006-07 Uefa Cup
7-point deduction next season
Three-year ban for president Claudio Lotito