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View Full Version : Crazy Dragon Closed

July 23rd, 2014, 21:28
After many years and many owners Crazy Dragon has closed its doors for business.

July 23rd, 2014, 22:29
I've heard a rumour that NIrish guy and anonone are buying it together (just joking) ;)

July 23rd, 2014, 23:15
I thought NIrish was going to buy it and pay me a handsome salary to run the place....did I misunderstand? :p

Speaking of NIrish, he seems to have fallen silent of late...exploring the delights of Bali perhaps?

July 24th, 2014, 01:58
If the first and second (silly) replies to this piece of news reflects majority opinion it looks like this closure is of no consequence to the customers of Sunnee and/or the people on this forum.
I thing its a sad day for the complex, the owner and the boys working there. I believed that the early changes by the present owner were counter productive but hell he did his best and now has to throw in the towel and suffer the losses.

July 24th, 2014, 03:35
...it looks like this closure is of no consequence to the customers of Sunnee and/or the people on this forum.

I think that is correct. Krazy Dragon ceased to be the focal point of Sunee Plaza - a position which, merely because if its size and relatively elaborate fittings, it ought to have naturally enjoyed - a long time ago.

The penultimate owner who sat just inside the door, doing whatever he was doing and never attempting to interact with his customers, appeared permanently bored. The last owner's amazing initial misjudgement of his customers' likes and preferences was the final nail in the coffin. Even some subsequent and desperate back-pedalling proved unable to repair the damage.

July 24th, 2014, 04:38
If the first and second (silly) replies to this piece of news reflects majority opinion it looks like this closure is of no consequence to the customers of Sunnee and/or the people on this forum

Jeez, it was just a joke - lighten up, ffs. Who knows what the majority opinion is when only Marsilius has replied on topic? I've never been in the bar, but bars close and re-open all the time in Pattaya. Why should I feel sad or glad that the place has closed? I'm sure there'll be posters who liked the place and will comment on the closure. Meanwhile, why not just take my comment as the joke it was intended to be?

July 24th, 2014, 08:13
I liked Krazy Dragon a lot, and mentioned it many times when writing on the boards during recent trips. I will miss it for sure, but that doesn't mean I have to bemoan the news in public.

There are rumors that it has been sold, so hopefully there will life in the place soon. I chatted with DragonMaster on many of my visits and wish him nothing but the best in his future path.

July 24th, 2014, 10:07
There are rumors that it has been sold, so hopefully there will life in the place soon.

I do hope that the rumours prove to be correct.

Such a large prominent site being dark makes the soi gloomy.

Based on my few visits over recent times, I did think that Marsilius was on the money with his observations.

Nirish guy
July 24th, 2014, 13:14
I thought NIrish was going to buy it and pay me a handsome salary to run the place....did I misunderstand? :p

Speaking of NIrish, he seems to have fallen silent of late...exploring the delights of Bali perhaps?

Yes I ran a business plan on the option of buying the place and installing you as manager Anon on that hefty salary you mention but the first hurdle became obvious quite quickly when the business plan flagged up that with you WORKING in the bar and not on the other side of it purchasing your usual copious bott┼Вes of whiskey faster than the bar man can serve them the business was it seems doomed to
Failure from the start - so I took the best advice given to me by many bar men, if you like drinking and like bars - never buy one !!!

And as for posting or my lack of - you're bang on there too Anon as I haven't logged onto the board much at all lately as I'm still in Bali enjoying the delights there. Joe you'll be sorry to hear the engagement is off, casual nice guy turned into "I love you" boy and had to go lol, so I'm now making up for the time I wasted NOT fucking at the rate I should or could of been as "we dint need to fuck as much now as now you know I here all the time" yes well screw THAT for a game of marleys, he's history and my grindr and gay Romeo accounts plus my visits to balijoe and mixwell are providing MORE than enough opportunities to offset my three day deficit. Really anyone talking about not getting a shagg whilst here I think we must be living in a parallel universe as the guys here are aplenty - albeit just in a slightly less monetary and immediate way than Pattata perhaps but are here none the less.

July 24th, 2014, 17:27
Nice of you to check in and happy you don't seem all that emotional about your broken engagement. :D

Have to see what is in store for Krazy Dragon, since you have decided against purchasing. I am going to miss it.

July 24th, 2014, 22:25
I believed that the early changes by the present owner were counter productive but hell he did his best and now has to throw in the towel and suffer the losses.

The last owner's amazing initial misjudgement of his customers' likes and preferences was the final nail in the coffin. Even some subsequent and desperate back-pedalling proved unable to repair the damage.

What were theese changes you are talking about made by the owner? I visited Krazy Dragon first time just one year ago, so I do not know the bars history.

July 24th, 2014, 23:25
For me it was good during the good old times when Peter was the boss. Had so many hot sleazy nights when i left the bar drenched in cum.

July 25th, 2014, 02:05
I see merit in all the replies and I accept that the 2 posters before me were having a private joke.
The penultimate owners passed on a dying entity I agree and the present owner went on a chastity binge (in a go go bar!) I know but the closure of Sunnee's most iconic bar does not bode well for all us admirers of male beauty what ever the reasons. Let's hope it gets a third incarnation as a venue of carnal delights and SOON before I die.

Thai Dyed
July 25th, 2014, 08:45
For me it was good during the good old times when Peter was the boss. Had so many hot sleazy nights when i left the bar drenched in cum.

I agree, and Peter's parties at his house were even better than the bar!

July 25th, 2014, 18:10
As atri1666 points out, Crazy Pub (Krazy Dragon's previous incarnation) enjoyed a justified reputation for raunchiness and downright sleaze - of, I may add, a most enjoyable kind! - in its time.

If the owner's private parties were even more outrageous, Thai Dyed, then I think those of us who were never invited deserve at least a few details and, hopefully, the odd colourful story or two revealing what exactly went on!

July 25th, 2014, 19:28
As atri1666 points out, Crazy Pub (Krazy Dragon's previous incarnation) enjoyed a justified reputation for raunchiness and downright sleaze - of, I may add, a most enjoyable kind! - in its time.

If the owner's private parties were even more outrageous, Thai Dyed, then I think those of us who were never invited deserve at least a few details and, hopefully, the odd colourful story or two revealing what exactly went on!

July 26th, 2014, 18:59
now that the EU has these marvelous "right to be forgotten" laws perhaps Mr Peter Fritz Alfred should apply to Google to have certain links to news articles in the Pattaya press in 2007 removed from its search engine results - of course they would still be viewable in the search results returned in Thailand or the USA, just not in the EU!


July 26th, 2014, 22:26
now that the EU has these marvelous "right to be forgotten" laws perhaps Mr Peter Fritz Alfred should apply to Google to have certain links to news articles in the Pattaya press in 2007 removed from its search engine results - of course they would still be viewable in the search results returned in Thailand or the USA, just not in the EU!

Easier said than done as Mr.Peter Fritz Alfred Kuettner has been dead for some time.

July 27th, 2014, 06:45
I still find him here in Europe also when i search in Google.
They found him with a 17 years old young man.

July 27th, 2014, 12:07
I still find him here in Europe also when i search in Google.
They found him with a 17 years old young man.

Not quite sure what your point is?

July 30th, 2014, 15:23
I don't know what his point is either - but POSSIBLY it could be that labelling consensual/paid for sex with a 17yo as paedophilia is extremely wide of the mark.

I'd go further - it SO far wide of the mark that it actually demeans the victims of REAL paedophilia.


July 30th, 2014, 16:34
Completely agree, scottish-guy

July 30th, 2014, 22:54
I dont had any point but somebody was writing google will not find him in Europe but it is no problem to google him here in Europe.

July 31st, 2014, 08:46
I dont had any point but somebody was writing google will not find him in Europe but it is no problem to google him here in Europe.
That's exactly what I thought you were trying to show, you made no mention of pedophilia.

July 31st, 2014, 15:09
I dont had any point but somebody was writing google will not find him in Europe but it is no problem to google him here in Europe.
That's exactly what I thought you were trying to show, you made no mention of pedophilia.

It was remarkably unclear what point Atri1666 was trying to make, so we are entitled to guess.

In any case the connection had already been made in the caption on the pic posted by MARK - so my comment is 100% valid.

July 31st, 2014, 15:20
What was the outcome to this case? Was the guy convicted?

August 1st, 2014, 22:18
The conviction was overturned, however in Thailand the prosecution has the right of appeal, reopened the case upon appeal and the defendant died before he case was concluded.

August 1st, 2014, 22:30
Thanks for that information, MFAS