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July 19th, 2014, 03:05
For those who go each year to Thailand for the easy sex. What do you tell your parents, friends and colleagues when they ask why you go yet again to Thailand?
You are honest to them?

July 19th, 2014, 07:33
Asdara: First rule of trolling, once you're outed then you move on. MFAS outed you instantly so it's pointless continuing. Finish you're homework, have a glass of milk and then try again under a different handle.

July 19th, 2014, 13:55
Can you please explain to me why my question is a trolling question?
I think it is an interesting and good question.

Can you also define the word troll for me? I honestly do not see why my questions are trolling questions.

July 19th, 2014, 14:24
Can you also define the word troll for me? I honestly do not see why my questions are trolling questions.
I don't see what's wrong with your questions - they appear to be of general interest to those not familiar with Thailand and to those not completely out to friends and relatives. Understand that on message boards such as this there are those rare individuals who delight in name calling and adolescent behavior for their personal entertainment. My advice is ignore them and ask whatever questions you wish to collect responses from more reasonable folks.

July 19th, 2014, 15:02
Can you also define the word troll for me? I honestly do not see why my questions are trolling questions.
I don't see what's wrong with your questions - they appear to be of general interest to those not familiar with Thailand and to those not completely out to friends and relatives. Understand that on message boards such as this there are those rare individuals who delight in name calling and adolescent behavior for their personal entertainment. My advice is ignore them and ask whatever questions you wish to collect responses from more reasonable folks.

Thanks for your kind response. I was starting to doubt myself.
But even people who are out to friends and family as being gay, they do not I assume admit easily that they go each year to Thailand for sex. Or do many sex travellers honestly tell colleagues at work and friends and family: "I am going a few weeks to Thailand for my yearly sex holiday". I am just curious to the different stories people make up for their family and colleagues. And I also wonder if these family members/friends/colleagues secretly do not suspect the true reason why you go, but do not confront you with it.

July 19th, 2014, 15:12
"Hi mummy, I'm off to fuck boys in Thailand again ... Oh, you want to come with me again and fuck some boys yourself, same as last time?

July 19th, 2014, 16:47
I am just curious to the different stories people make up for their family and colleagues.
If you are really willing to travel 8000 miles just for sex, I suspect your family and friends are well aware of your reasons for coming to Thailand. Or, you could tell them all the other things that make such a long trip worthwhile - fascinating cultural enrichment, some of the best cuisine in the world, the warm and friendly nature of the Thai people themselves, scenic beauty ranging from sea vistas to mountain jungles, prices far below most other tourist destinations, etc. I hope your visit to Thailand will include more than just the gay venues and you will have plenty to tell your friends when you return home.

July 19th, 2014, 19:33
Can you please explain to me why my question is a trolling question?
I think it is an interesting and good question.

Spoken like a true troll. . Keep throwing out the bait and some sucker will bite and feed you.

July 20th, 2014, 13:50
I started a thread on a similar subject 3 years ago (and only because I started it I still remember, so your question is legitimate).

Do you tell your friends and family what you do in Thailand?

you-tell-your-friends-and-family-what-you-thailand-t21855.html (http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/you-tell-your-friends-and-family-what-you-thailand-t21855.html)

July 20th, 2014, 14:27
I'd be obliged if someone could tell me how to spot a"troll" on this forum. The question on this thread seems to me to be a reasonable one for someone who is making his first trip to Pattaya; it's certainly one that I considered when I first went. As is the poster's previous one, as it happens. Or is it possible that new posters aren't welcome? If so, I think we should be told. For my part, I believe that this forum- and Pattaya, for that matter- need new blood and am more than happy to take such questions on their face-value until proved wrong.

As to my response; I've reached the age which allows me to tell family and friends that I visit Thailand three times a year to see my boyfriend; without embarrassment.

July 20th, 2014, 17:07
I'd be obliged if someone could tell me how to spot a"troll" on this forum. The question on this thread seems to me to be a reasonable one for someone who is making his first trip to Pattaya; it's certainly one that I considered when I first went. As is the poster's previous one, as it happens. Or is it possible that new posters aren't welcome? If so, I think we should be told. For my part, I believe that this forum- and Pattaya, for that matter- need new blood and am more than happy to take such questions on their face-value until proved wrong.

As to my response; I've reached the age which allows me to tell family and friends that I visit Thailand three times a year to see my boyfriend; without embarrassment.

Spoken like a true troll. . Keep throwing out the bait and some sucker will bite and feed you.

July 20th, 2014, 18:12
"Curiouser and curiouser," said Alice.

July 21st, 2014, 01:22
I'd be obliged if someone could tell me how to spot a"troll" on this forum. The question on this thread seems to me to be a reasonable one for someone who is making his first trip to Pattaya; it's certainly one that I considered when I first went. .

Oliver, the question may be legitimate as pointed out by Christian however that is how trolls begin their trolling. Start with an innocent and legitimate post and, after some posters bite, then start to play with them before they finally reel them in. In this case just wait and see where the OP goes as he gets feed.

July 21st, 2014, 04:05
So francois - how do you decide who is a legitimate poster and a troll? I can't tell and take everyone at face value until they reveal their Beachlover tendency

July 21st, 2014, 05:07
" ... So francois - how do you decide who is a legitimate poster and a troll? ... "
Me hearty, yee can smell 'em. B-)

" ... I can't tell and take everyone at face value until they reveal their Beachlover tendency ... "
Actually, I never thought of Beachlover as a troll at all. A dink perhaps (nay, certifiable actually) ... but not a troll. And, on occasion, he added value to this board. True trolls never do that.
Trolls have specific characteristics (of which Francois has alluded to but did not elaborate on), none of which Beachlover exhibited.
Which just goes to show that you should leave the troll-smelling to the experts. You can stick to yer face-valuein' 8-}

July 21st, 2014, 06:33
So francois - how do you decide who is a legitimate poster and a troll? I can't tell and take everyone at face value until they reveal their Beachlover tendency

The trolls begin to smell after a while same as a dead fish.

July 21st, 2014, 14:46
Is the ability to sniff out "a troll" restricted to a few, chosen perhaps by the Lord Buddha? or is it possible for those of us of a lesser intellect to learn how to do so? or perhaps attend the masonic rites which provide the necessary insights?
Will someone in simple language that even I can understand explain how they know that those two threads were initiated by "a troll"? was it the subject matter? or the language used? or the name of the poster? or perhaps it's intuition. Who knows?
To be blunt, I don't care that much but I would like to see some new posters contributing. The chances of a newbie being prepared to run the gauntlet of insulting responses to his first posting appear bleak. Why not give the poor bugger a chance? And if you are offended, bored or irritated, do what I do and ignore it.

July 21st, 2014, 17:04
This is off topic, but I'd like to second what Oliver said.
It is irrelevant who has started a topic or made a post - as long as it is interesting.
If it is not - I just skip them. Same I believe is done by others.
For me this "troll" topic is more interesting than, for example, personal ego trips that populate some topics and posts in this forum.

July 21st, 2014, 22:27
Oliver: The language they use is nearly always a clue. Ridiculously chatty, as if it was written by Enid Blyton. One question always leads to another with the addition of little comments such as
Yes, I thought that might be the case or I think I remember my friend saying something like that.

They are easier to spot than a horny elephant during mating season.

July 22nd, 2014, 02:59
Is the ability to sniff out "a troll" restricted to a few, chosen perhaps by the Lord Buddha? or is it possible for those of us of a lesser intellect to learn how to do so? or perhaps attend the masonic rites which provide the necessary insights?

Oliver, I regret to say that I am not divinely inspired although I may have a touch of the Devil in me. :ymdevil:

When I first posted on this forum I was suspected as a Troll until a respected member vouched for my authenticity so I do know the sting of rejection as a newbie. Likewise I have been gullible on many occasions to take the troll's bait, hook, line and sinker and shared what limited wisdom I had. Like so many other kind members who would pour out their heart and soul only to discover they were duped.

Thus, with experience I became more wary and learned to identify some of the troll's trademarks some as noted by arsenal. And, for sure, I have been wrong in the past and even suspected (but did not tag ) some members who later proved to be honorable persons.

Finally, certain esteemed members of this forum pointed out to me that the forum is all about fun and not to be taken too seriously and not to get one's testicles tied in a knot over some posted comments.

July 22nd, 2014, 08:08
Troll or not troll - does it matter. If the topic is of interest and providing a response might be of help to others, that should be the only criteria. Churlish replies and name calling only contribute to a forum regressing into childishness. What's the old cliche - when you point a finger at someone three more are pointing at yourself.

July 22nd, 2014, 10:29
I'm sorry but I've got to ask this: What is a "troll"? I've been in here for a little while, getting some really good info on Thailand from the various posts. However, I still can't fully understand the concept of "trolling".

July 22nd, 2014, 12:35
taken from the internet page: http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/net ... olling.htm (http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/netiquetteonlineculture/f/What-Is-Trolling.htm)

Question: What Is 'Trolling'?

Answer: Internet 'trolling' is the anti-social act of causing of interpersonal conflict and shock-value controversy online. Named for the wicked troll creatures of children's tales, trolling is purposely sowing hatred, bigotry, racism, misogyny, or just simple bickering between others. Trolls themselves are emotionally-immature users who thrive in any environment where they are allowed to make public comments, like blog sites, news sites, discussion forums, and game chat.

July 22nd, 2014, 14:17
I don't see the two threads under consideration coming into this category. Nor am I convinced by the assertion that "a troll" gives himself away by being "chatty." I would suggest that "chattiness" may point to a younger poster, one used to Twitter and so on, unlike my generation.

I'm grateful for the responses; my conclusion is that spotting " a troll" on this forum is, as I previously suggested, a matter of intuition rather than deduction.

And , like others, I found the two threads interesting and hope the poster returns unscathed from his experiences. Somehow I doubt it.

July 22nd, 2014, 19:15
taken from the internet page: http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/net ... olling.htm (http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/netiquetteonlineculture/f/What-Is-Trolling.htm)

Question: What Is 'Trolling'?

Answer: Internet 'trolling' is the anti-social act of causing of interpersonal conflict and shock-value controversy online. Named for the wicked troll creatures of children's tales, trolling is purposely sowing hatred, bigotry, racism, misogyny, or just simple bickering between others. Trolls themselves are emotionally-immature users who thrive in any environment where they are allowed to make public comments, like blog sites, news sites, discussion forums, and game chat.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the answer. Would initiating discussions to try to understand different perspectives of one particular issue fall under this category? I mean, it's pretty common for people with different point of views on any issue to argue with each other, right? Will that be considered "trolling"?

July 22nd, 2014, 20:36
Ah, I see. Thanks for the answer. Would initiating discussions to try to understand different perspectives of one particular issue fall under this category? I mean, it's pretty common for people with different point of views on any issue to argue with each other, right? Will that be considered "trolling"?

No, not at all. A forum without differences of opinion or viewpoint would be boring.

The trolling I have recently seen is more mischievous in nature rather than malicious. The poster initiates a discussion with a legitimate question or interesting topic and waits for responses. Then he will start to egg on or goad the other posters for more and more info to the point of absurdity.

True that these type of posts may elicit good info up to a point but beyond a certain point you realize that it is a scam.

July 22nd, 2014, 22:54
No, not at all. A forum without differences of opinion or viewpoint would be boring.
True, but as you point out it is the differences of "OPINION" that adds interest. Slinging names at a poster without addressing an issue merely because it amuse you to do so is the epitome of tollishness in my opinion.

July 23rd, 2014, 03:26
Duly noted.

July 23rd, 2014, 07:21
Like beauty, troll-ness is entirely in the eye of the beholder

July 23rd, 2014, 22:16
In retrospect and after reviewing my comments I realize I was laying blame on those who respond to perceived trolls as suckers. Ill advised and foolish on my part for which I apologize. I appreciate that our members are just doing their best to be helpful in their comments regardless of the motives of the OP.

July 24th, 2014, 04:42
That's a very gracious response, francois.

July 24th, 2014, 14:25

July 24th, 2014, 22:43
Ah, I see. Thanks for the answer. Would initiating discussions to try to understand different perspectives of one particular issue fall under this category? I mean, it's pretty common for people with different point of views on any issue to argue with each other, right? Will that be considered "trolling"?

No, not at all. A forum without differences of opinion or viewpoint would be boring.

The trolling I have recently seen is more mischievous in nature rather than malicious. The poster initiates a discussion with a legitimate question or interesting topic and waits for responses. Then he will start to egg on or goad the other posters for more and more info to the point of absurdity.

True that these type of posts may elicit good info up to a point but beyond a certain point you realize that it is a scam.

I see. I'll bear that in mind and will try my best to be careful not to ask too many questions when (if ever) I start a particular thread, so as to not be mistaken as a troll. :)

July 25th, 2014, 18:47
I see. I'll bear that in mind and will try my best to be careful not to ask too many questions when (if ever) I start a particular thread, so as to not be mistaken as a troll.
Troll alert, troll alert! DonтАЩt panic! DonтАЩt panic! Troll alert, troll alert тАж

Only joking discord87! ;)

Seriously though, surely none of us wish to put off new members from joining and contributing to the board. But what should members do if they think a new poster is a troll?

1. Should members simply ignore the suspected troll denying the poster the oxygen of attention?

2. Answer the posterтАЩs questions as if it was a genuine question?

3. Keep calm and carry on posting?

4. Jump in immediately and call the poster out as a troll?

5. Provide a ridiculously over the top answer, ensuring that the poster is in no doubt that he has been outed and the game is over?

Should it be the board ownerтАЩs responsibility and his alone to be on the lookout for trolls? If so, then does this deny a member the opportunity for some playful fun at the trollтАЩs expense. Is there any simple answer to this perennial question?

What do the rules say? They say the following [Edited to refer only to trolling]:

тАЬBad Karma

Sawatdee occasionally has to deal with breaches of Board etiquette known as

'trolling -

These behaviours can be difficult to specifically identify, and are also difficult to administer.

Sawatdee Moderator(s) will deal with these issues on a case-by-case basis, recognising that these behaviours can be unintended, innocuous or harmless such that action need not be taken. Most times an explanatory PM to the member will be sufficient.тАЭ

July 25th, 2014, 22:42
= But what should members do if they think a new poster is a troll?

2. Answer the posterтАЩs questions as if it was a genuine question?

Obviously if the answer to the question is of help to either the poster or anyone else reading the thread Option 2 seems most sensible to me.

July 27th, 2014, 07:06
I guess this post has gone off topic a bit!
I normally admit to going to Thailand about every second or third visit, so suggesting I go every other year and I am retuning one of my friends from the UK, highlighting the great value, swimming, food, friendliness and all the rest.

Between my "admitted" Thai trips I suggest I am traveling to other parts of the globe with a friend, but it gets awkward if I end up forgetting and using my company phone or more so if any issue in what ever part of the planet I claim to be heading to. In November 2013 I advised most of my friends and family that I was heading to the Philippines, so as far as they were aware I had a vacation there during the awful tragedy those good people endured. I got loads of text messages and emails from friends at home making sure I was Ok, I continued the story with them as bit difficult to then explain I was really relaxing at the pool at Baan Souy during the day or enjoying Boyz town every night!