View Full Version : so i guess i have a room mate for a few days...

July 2nd, 2014, 01:44
One of my favorite barboys messaged me on Facebook this afternoon and said he wanted to come
"saleep with you your loom." When the guys call me wanting to come over I always tell them, "Sorry
I don't have much money." To which he replied, "No ploblem, I just want saleep with you na." Turns
out he quit the bar and for some reason I don't quite understand he can't stay at his room for the next
3 days while he's waiting for his ride back to his town. So he asked if he could "live with me for 3 days."
He remembers me from last year when I lived in a really nice condo on Pratumnak hill with a separate
bedroom, now I'm staying in a studio room in a guesthouse. No fitness room, no pool, no ocean view.
Not sabai sabai. But the boy said mai phen rai. He just walked out of the shower wearing a towel
and a smile. I guess I'll have to keep you posted as to how the 3 day stay works out 555.

July 5th, 2014, 11:16
So, how's it working out? :-?

July 5th, 2014, 11:24
How sweet: Netrix-in-Love.

July 5th, 2014, 14:25
How sweet: Netrix-in-Love.Poor bastard.

July 5th, 2014, 21:37
boy is still crashing here. he's supposed to go to his home tomorrow but i think "tomorrow"
is Thai for "some time in the foreseeable future."

all the girls who work in the bar downstairs have caught on that i must be gay and now
they're either mad at me or constantly teasing me haha.

so this guy shows up with a friend from his former bar to meet me at Tukcom the other day...
he didn't have anything with him so I asked if he had a bag or a backpack and he said no.
only the clothes on his back. after we got to my room i dug through some clothes and found
him a few T shirts and a couple pairs of boxers that weren't too huge on him. he went the
next day to visit his friend from the bar and came back just wearing his boxers and T shirt LOL!!
I asked where his shorts were (not that I mind seeing him in his boxers) and he said he gave them
back to his friend from the bar. these guys share everything they have and sometimes don't have
anything. so the next day we went to Tesco and got him some shorts. then took him and his
friend to see Transformers at Central.

Last night he said, "Sunday I go see mama papa for tree day, then I come back live with you, ok?"
who knows what that means ;)

July 6th, 2014, 07:30
I've been waiting to hear how this is going netrix, you didn't mention if you're having sex with him or maybe I missed it. None of our business anyway but I think you're in a good position as he asked you if he could stay and not vice versa. Sounds like you might be in a nice situation, good luck.

Nirish guy
July 6th, 2014, 23:33
Sorry I must be the only one thinking "screw that!"

So, if I've got it right, he's landed himself on you with no real discussion on your part as you decided to help him out for a night or two ( way more generous than I would have done in the first place) and HE has now decided he's moving in - I dont THINK so !

My kind heart would perhaps have given him some baht to enable himself to go buy some stuff if he needed it and then ask him what friend he's staying with tomorrow as you can bet there's SOME reason it's you and not a Thai friend he's bunking in with just now.

But hey I guess we're all different but it's all I can do to get them shifted after a short or long time visit to avoid this very situation happening and having some Thai guy trying to control my time or cramp my style and or wreck my own possible other shagging opportunities - not to mention the bother of "actually" living with someone else I didn't care for, but maybe if one lives here these wee inter looking visits brighten up the month a bit or something ? Each to
their own I guess.

July 7th, 2014, 01:30
I thought you've been in Thailand for quite a while? You don't know what's going on, or???

Run Forrest, Run!

July 7th, 2014, 01:45
i like your open mindedness & laid back approach about the boys replies & staying with you, it took me many naive years to not take literally the so called tales i was being told & the boys assuming i would take this as fact! no i got wise to that!

Nirish guy
July 7th, 2014, 02:35
I thought you've been in Thailand for quite a while? You don't know what's going on, or???

Run Forrest, Run!
I wish there was a "like" button on this site as if there were I'd be using it about now as this was my sentiment exactly both in terms of someone "playing" you and also you opening your life / possessions / security up to all sorts of unwanted possibilities from living with a ( for some sudden reason a very recently unemployed ) bar boy - still I guess for the bar boy it beats working for a living - quite literally - and especially in low season.

Still you can bet he won't be there that often or 100% of the time as he'll no doubt be popping out occasionally to go see a friend, right after being on grindr or gayromeo perhaps but only then for a "short time" no doubt ( as why risk ruining a good thing).

July 7th, 2014, 03:31
And other things...

First, I'd be pissed about him giving away the clothes you gave him. Man, I find that rude. Might just be a pair of shorts now, but wait until TVs, digital cameras, computers, and fridges start disappearing. Not to mention your own clothes, soap / shampoo from your bathroom, can't buy more than a meal's worth of food at a time because anything extra disappears from the fridge, etc. It's laughable that foreigners believe "oh, that's just how Thais are - they share". Yes, that's true in a way, but no, that's not true in your case. That's just you getting shitted on, and taken for whatever they can get.

Plus, why are you letting Thai bar boys take advantage of you like this? It's not going to end well. Do you believe they feel the slightest sense of gratitude for helping them? Or better yet, have they ever shown you any gratitude? And if your answer is, "well, that's not how Thais do things due to Buddhist beliefs", I'm going to smack you. In case you're wondering the answer, no, they don't. They'll be happy to throw you under a bus if something better comes their way. There's no gratitude, but instead, they're probably laughing their asses off at the farang they're taking advantage of behind your back.

Get them out of your room, and life. The further in you go with them, the more difficult it's going to be to get rid of them. Trust me, I know from experience. :-)

July 7th, 2014, 03:42
I don't know netrix, so will try to keep this general. Plus, I don't live in Thailand, only visiting for a couple of weeks a year. My question would be - what's in it for you? Are you having good sex every night with him? Well that's a fair trade, I guess. I remember Martin911 (Irish guy who lived in Pattaya) who regularly had various guys living in his house, not for sex (I think) but just for fun. I guess what I'm saying is, that if you're a long time Pattaya resident and know the score, then fine. But if you're a newbie, then I think you're being taken for a ride.

In Ireland a "ride" means sexual intercourse - I hope your getting your ride!!

July 7th, 2014, 12:10
wow, i think some of you guys think too much. matt, i remember when there was a time you would have told
anyone who gave you the kind of advice you're giving to fuck off. btw, the shorts he gave to his friend were
a pair that belonged to the friend he was returning. i bought him a 200 baht pair of shorts after that.

the boy was very grateful for a few days of fun without having to work at the bar before he went home. i dropped
him at the bus yesterday. yes, lots of fun in bed. and that's about all it is/was to me -- friends with benefits
i would call it at home.

anyway, the guy got tired of the bar and i think he was sleeping half the time at the bar but couldn't do that if
he wasn't working there, so he called me. he's known me a long time and calls if he wants to go to the cinema
or to the beach or something. i wouldn't be interested in a "real" relationship with a barboy anyway, but it's a fun
change of pace for a few days to have a live-in hottie. that's about it. i was just sharing the fun story for
what it was. i'm moving up to Chiang Mai in a few weeks, not looking for a long term house guest. but if a hot
Thai boy says he wants to come over and sleep with me for a few days, who am i to say no? :D

July 7th, 2014, 17:57
matt, i remember when there was a time you would have told anyone who gave you the kind of advice you're giving to fuck off.

Yeah, but that was before I got thrown under the bus, which then proceeded to roll backwards and forwards over me multiple times. :-)

July 7th, 2014, 18:11
But, Matt, you mustn't assume that THIS boy is treating Netrix in the same way as Kim(?) treated YOU.

If Netrix is content with the situation, that's all that matters - IMHO


July 7th, 2014, 23:43
An interesting arrangement, you have my full support, I would try it myself if opportunity arises.

But I would be very careful, from some over night to several day stays I agree with:

...having some Thai guy trying to control my time or cramp my style and or wreck my own possible other shagging opportunities...

One friend who stays with me regularly has a different sleep-wake rhythm (I get up at 10, my friend at 14 or 15 o'clock). Now I know, so I can plan accordingly, spend the time on the computer which I would do anyway at home.

How did you two get along? Do you work and leave him alone in your room during day? Share computer/tv?

July 8th, 2014, 03:23
christian he would go to the internet cafe for a few hours and give me some time to get some work done.
he asked to use my computer a couple of times. i rarely watch tv but we watched a few movies together.
sleep schedules were the same. no drama. i left him alone in the room a few times -- call me naive but
i know him well enough to trust him.