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August 26th, 2016, 20:32
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter - August 26, 2016
BANGKOK — The interim parliament on Friday voted unanimously to increase its membership from 220 to 250 in line with the military government’s request for more lawmakers to move a backlog of legislation before next year’s election.

All new members of the National Legislative Assembly will be handpicked by junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha, a move that led some in the opposition to accuse the regime of tightening its grip on power before a new civilian government takes charge.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/08/26/prayuth-add-30-mostly-military-rubber-stamp-parliament/

August 26th, 2016, 20:36
Thai statesmen urge junta to enshrined coups in constitution
Submitted by editor4 on Fri, 26/08/2016
The president of Thailand’s statesmen have urged the junta to amend the draft charter to open a channel for constitutional military intervention during political deadlocks. The statesmen reasoned that the amendment would prevent Thailand from future coups.

On Friday, 26 August 2016, Kriangsak Lekkla, the representative of Gen Saiyud Kerdphol, President of Thailand’s Statesmen, filed a petition to the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC), the junta-appointed charter drafter. The petition demands the drafters to enshrine coup d'etats into the draft charter although the draft was already passed the 7 August with a landslide, Matichon Online reported...(read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6513

August 27th, 2016, 08:59
Prayut offers to serve again after election
THE NATION August 27, 2016
Wants to stay in power via democratic means and 'democracy is only way to go'
PRIME Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha offered yesterday to continue serving as government leader after the next election, even though he will not be paid for doing so.... (read more)...

August 27th, 2016, 20:20
Wolf Bride' and 'Da Torpedo' freed from prison
Submitted by editor2 on Sat, 27/08/2016
Khaosod English
The patience of family, friends and supporters was rewarded Saturday when an activist performer and Redshirt firebrand were among 138 women to walk out prison Saturday morning.

Pornthip Munkong, a 28-year-old activist convicted over a 2013 student play; and Daranee Charncherngsilpakul, aka “Da Torpedo;” were released at about 6:45am on Saturday morning from the Central Women’s Correctional Institution in Bangkok.

Both women were jailed for actions deemed insulting to the monarchy. Pornthip was arrested soon after the 2014 coup and later convicted for performing in “The Wolf Bride,” a 2013 play staged at Thammasat University.... (read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6514

August 28th, 2016, 14:38
By Pravit Rojanaphruk, Senior Staff Writer - August 28, 2016
BANGKOK — As anti-politician sentiments continue to spread, some warn the nation is becoming addicted to the military junta’s unchecked powers. This, they say is a proof that the debate over preferred political system for Thailand is far from settled.... (read more).... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/08/28/appeal-authoritarianism-underscores-thailands-democratic-dilemma/

August 28th, 2016, 14:50
Prayut told to contest election to become PM
THE SUNDAY NATION August 28, 2016
THE COUNTRY’S two major political parties yesterday urged Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha to form his own political party and contest the next election if he wanted to become the prime minister “in a democratic and graceful way” as he had said on Friday.

Politicians from the Pheu Thai and Democrat parties said the retired general should first set up his own party, offer a policy platform, and win the hearts of the people in order to gracefully assume the PM's office again.... (read more)... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Prayut-told-to-contest-election-to-become-PM-30293943.html

August 29th, 2016, 07:17
Popular Prayut in pole position
THE NATION August 29, 2016
PM ideally placed to keep top job after poll in a coalition with other parties.
THAI political history since the country became a constitutional monarchy in 1932 has seen military intervention from time to time. Army leaders often had reasons to stage a coup - be it government corruption, uncontrollable unrest, abuse of power, and even disrespect towards the monarchy.... (read more)... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Popular-Prayut-in-pole-position-30293994.html

August 29th, 2016, 07:21
Restoring democracy is Thailand’s duty
Kotaro Kodama/The Yomiuri Shimbun
August 28, 2016
By Taro Nishijima / Yomiuri Shimbun Bangkok Bureau Chief
Thailand held a referendum on a draft constitution on Aug. 7, and it was approved after more than 60 percent of voters support it.

Since a military coup in May 2014, the Thai military has dominated the country. The draft includes provisions aimed at maintaining the military’s supremacy over a civilian government, which is supposed to be set up after the next general election expected to take place in the second half of next year..... (read more)...

August 30th, 2016, 08:28
Prayut says media misunderstood him, no plan to stay on as PM
THE NATION August 30, 2016
PRIME Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday denied having offered to head a post-election government, saying his remarks last Friday were misinterpreted by the media.

Prayut maintained that he had no plans to form a new political party or contest the next election, which is expected to take place late next year.... (read more)... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Prayut-says-media-misunderstood-him-no-plan-to-sta-30294068.html

August 30th, 2016, 08:32
Prachatai journalist charged by junta
NEW MANDALA - 29 AUG, 2016
More worrying signs for media freedom in Thailand.

Taweesak Kerdpoka, a journalist from Prachatai, has been falsely indicted by a Thai court on the offence of distributing materials campaigning against the junta-sponsored draft constitution.... (read more)... http://www.newmandala.org/prachatai-journalist-charge-junta/

August 30th, 2016, 10:55
THAILAND: Six more human rights defenders summoned by police for exercising their freedom of expression
August 29, 2016
Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-105-2016
29 August 2016
THAILAND: Six more human rights defenders summoned by police for exercising their freedom of expression... (read more)... http://www.humanrights.asia/news/urgent-appeals/AHRC-UAC-105-2016

August 30th, 2016, 10:58
Giles Ji Ungpakorn
The simple and brutally honest answer to this question is NO..... (read more)....

August 30th, 2016, 21:04
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter - August 30, 2016
BANGKOK — Four activists and a reporter accused of violating a law passed before the Aug. 7 charter referendum have found an unlikely ally in Election Commissioner Somchai Srisutthiyakorn, whose office is tasked with enforcing the law.

The five suspects were indicted Monday for distributing “Vote No” stickers in Ratchaburi province on July 10. The provincial prosecutor said their actions qualified as a crime under the Referendum Act, but Somchai said he disagreed.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/08/30/elections-official-defends-indicted-charter-activists/

August 31st, 2016, 16:41
Police press charges against seminar observers for first time
Submitted by editor4 on Wed, 31/08/2016
Police officers in Thailand’s northeast have achieved a new standard of intimidation after pressing charges against two rights advocates for merely observing a seminar criticizing the junta-backed draft charter....(read more).... http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/6523

August 31st, 2016, 19:24
PM says there must be political reforms before an election
in Politics | August 30, 2016
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha said on Tuesday that political reforms must be undertaken before there is an election.
He stressed the need of an effective screening mechanism to prevent “bad people” from entering politics or to weed out “bad people” from politics and, in the meantime, to encourage “good people” or a new-generation of politicians to enter politics.... (read more)... http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-says-must-political-reforms-election/

August 31st, 2016, 19:28
The prime minister admitted he didn’t understand why politicians have to spend a lot of money in order to be in politics while he himself has not spent any money to buy favour from the people.


August 31st, 2016, 20:33

I don't understand how his mind works, he is not a politician, doesn't finance a political campaign and still draws a general's salary.

August 31st, 2016, 20:42
Not to mention he has the might of the entire Thai armed forces at his personal disposal. Winning over popular vote doesn't take much from the barrel of a gun.

September 1st, 2016, 13:07
Editorial Opinion
Yes-men lay 'Prem model' trap for PM
Published: 01/09/2016
Writer: Umesh Pandey
Supporters believe Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha can follow the 'Prem Model' and... (read more)...
Please credit and share this article with others using this link: http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/1075464/yes-men-lay-prem-model-trap-for-pm.

September 2nd, 2016, 13:05
September 2, 2016
Thai investigators keep everyone guessing about explosions
HIROSHI KOTANI, Nikkei staff writer
BANGKOK -- Thailand is racing to get to the bottom of a series of explosions last month, but authorities are doing the tourism industry no favors by issuing conflicting reports.... (read more).... http://asia.nikkei.com/Politics-Economy/Policy-Politics/Thai-investigators-keep-everyone-guessing-about-explosions

September 2nd, 2016, 21:42
No conflict with CDC over draft, insists Constitutional Court source
THE NATION September 2, 2016
THE CONSTITUTIONAL Court is not in conflict with the Constitution Drafting Commission (CDC), despite twice rejecting the CDC’s submission of the revised charter draft due to incomplete procedures, a source at the court insisted yesterday.... (read more)... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/No-conflict-with-CDC-over-draft-insists-Constituti-30294327.html

September 2nd, 2016, 21:54
September 2, 2016
The Dictator is in campaign mode. His men are supporting him, with options being considered for a military party and a “civilian” rightist-royalist party.

Whatever party becomes a vehicle for General Prayuth Chan-0cha becoming premier following an “election” requires that that “election” produces the required victory for The Dictator’s supporters and for him.... (read more)... https://politicalprisonersofthailand.wordpress.com/2016/09/02/making-an-election-outcome/

September 3rd, 2016, 15:00
Politicians object to NCPO joining EC to oversee next election
THE NATION September 3, 2016
A PROPOSAL by the National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) for the junta and Interior Ministry to oversee the next general election jointly with the Election Commission (EC) met strong opposition from politicians yesterday.

Politicians said such an arrangement would severely erode the legitimacy of the election, which is expected to be held late next year and is supposed to return democracy to the country....(read more)... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Politicians-object-to-NCPO-joining-EC-to-oversee-n-30294426.html

September 3rd, 2016, 20:49
Section 44 on the table to foster construction of controversial dam
Submitted by editor2 on Sat, 03/09/2016
The Thai Agricultural Minister said that he might ask the junta leader to enact absolute power under Section 44 of the Interim Charter to build a controversial dam in a national park area, saying tigers have legs to run away from the water.... (read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6534

September 3rd, 2016, 22:09
Thailand's New Constitution: A Threat to Religious Freedom?
A problematic provision sheds light on a thorny issue.
By Mong Palatino
September 02, 2016
Thailand’s new constitution, approved by majority of voters last month, threatens to undermine religious harmony in the country because of a provision that mandates the state to promote Theravada Buddhism.... (read more)... http://thediplomat.com/2016/09/thailands-new-constitution-a-threat-to-religious-freedom/

September 3rd, 2016, 22:18
By Pravit Rojanaphruk, Senior Staff Writer - September 3, 2016
A society needs as diverse views and news as possible so people can compare, debate and learn. In Thailand, there are people who believe only certain types of media organizations should be permitted and viciously attack the alternative voices, such as what happened last month when they singled out online news site Prachatai.com.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/opinion/2016/09/03/practicing-principles-preach/

September 5th, 2016, 11:24
20-year plan is ‘foundation and pillars’ for democracy: PM
THE NATION September 2, 2016
PRIME MINISTER Prayut Chan-o-cha said yesterday that his government’s 20-year national strategic plan was necessary to prepare Thailand to become a democracy under international standards.

He said the plan would serve as the foundation and pillars in rebuilding the country for the future. General Prayut said he expected that the new government to be formed after the next election would follow the strategic plan laid out by his administration, although it was unlikely to be implemented in its entirety.

"We are doing the strategic plan for reform over the next 20 years. This is preparation for the country to become an international democracy," he said.... (read more)... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/20-year-plan-is-foundation-and-pillars-for-democra-30294329.html

September 6th, 2016, 08:34
Major parties slam 'pro-junta' reform NRSA urges election, structural changes Published: 06/09/2016 ... (read)...

Please credit and share this article with others using this link: http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/1079184/major-parties-slam-pro-junta-reform.

September 6th, 2016, 13:15
Back to the future in our political models
Published: 06/09/2016
Writer: Suranand Vejjajiva

T wo political models are presently being cited by supporters of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha as vehicles for his continuation as premier after the general election of 2017. One is the so-called "Prem... (read more)....

Please credit and share this article with others using this link: http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/1079360/back-to-the-future-in-our-political-models.

September 6th, 2016, 20:49
Giles Ji Ungpakorn
Abhisit Vejjajiva is a slippery opportunist eel with a poisonous bite.

Over the constitutional referendum Abhisit said he opposed the draft charter. He said it did not go far enough in tackling corruption. That was just a code for wanting a more authoritarian constitution. He was positioning himself to... (read more)... https://uglytruththailand.wordpress.com/2016/09/04/the-opportunism-and-crimes-of-abhisit-vejjajiva/

September 7th, 2016, 14:36
BRN claims responsibility for recent bombings, including Mother’s Day attack
Submitted by editor2 on Wed, 07/09/2016
In an unusual move, an insurgent militant affiliated with the largest Deep South insurgent group has claimed responsibility for both a recent attack on a school in Narathiwat and the Mother’s Day attack.

A member of the Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN), the largest armed insurgent group operating in the restive Deep South, claimed that his militant unit was responsible for carrying out a recent attack in Narathiwat province on Tuesday, 6 September 2016, that killed three people, including a 4-year-old girl, the Benar News reported....(read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6544

September 7th, 2016, 15:07
Thai food, made bland
Published: 07/09/2016
Writer: Editorial
We'll have no more of this creative tom yam talay if the government forces through its plan to dumb down Thai food so...(read more)....

Please credit and share this article with others using this link: http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/1080120/thai-food-made-bland.

September 7th, 2016, 22:47
Thai Media Magnate Pays the Price for Backing Wrong Royalist Faction
Posted on September 7, 2016 By Our Correspondent
Media Magnate Pays the Price for Backing Wrong Royalist Faction

The jailing for 20 years of media magnate and one-time Royalist Yellow Shirt leader Sondhi Limthongkul says less about his offense – creating a fraudulent report to support a loan transaction on a linked company – than it does on Thailand’s legal system.

Sondhi, once a fervent supporter of the royalist faction aligned with the now-nearly comatose Queen Sirikit, was the leader of the People’s Alliance for Democracy, which in 2008 and 2009 staged months of violent protest aimed at bringing down a surrogate government aligned with self-exiled former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. He led thousands of protesters to shut down all three of Bangkok’s airports and to occupy the country’s parliament building.... (read more).... http://www.asiasentinel.com/politics/thailand-media-magnate-back-wrong-royalist-faction/?utm_content=buffer804ee&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer#frameId=appnext_widget&height=407

September 8th, 2016, 15:43
September 7, 2016
PPT doesn’t believe in miracles. In Thailand, however, a series of “miracles” have occurred. More precisely, they seem to to have been manufactured under the auspices of the military dictatorship.... (read more)... https://politicalprisonersofthailand.wordpress.com/2016/09/07/miracles-in-the-militarys-thailand/

September 9th, 2016, 08:03
Thailand's Deepening Fractures
Thailand faces two legitimacy crises at its peripheries — and the junta is only making them worse.
By James Buchanan
September 08, 2016
Thailand’s junta must have been pleased when the results of a referendum on its much criticized draft constitution were announced this August. The new charter — written by a handpicked committee and promoted by the military — passed the vote comfortably. The win has allowed the junta to claim a degree of legitimacy and push ahead with restructuring the political system to weaken elected politicians at the expense of the military and other unelected institutions. When he seized power more than two years ago, General Prayut Chan-o-cha could hardly have hoped for things to be going so smoothly.... (read more)... http://thediplomat.com/2016/09/thailands-deepening-fractures/

September 9th, 2016, 20:30
DSI says no CCTV footage about Tawatchai’s death because of faulty serverThe Nation September 9, 2016

THE DEPARTMENT of Special Investigation (DSI) has admitted that it has no CCTV footage of the events surrounding the suspicious death of Tawatchai Anukul in a police cell because it claimed the system’s server is faulty.... (read more)...http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/DSI-says-no-CCTV-footage-about-Tawatchais-death-be-30294958.html

September 10th, 2016, 10:53
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter - September 9, 2016
KHON KAEN — Hundreds of people turned out for a mass performance in honor of His Majesty the King in Khon Kaen province on Friday, which marked the ninth day of the year’s ninth month, a date considered auspicious by many Thais.

Meant as a gesture of loyalty to King Bhumibol, the ninth monarch of his line whose health condition... (read more).... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/09/09/hundreds-join-colorful-rally-king-auspicious-99/

September 10th, 2016, 13:21
Fri Sep 9, 2016
Thailand names new army chief from outside dominant faction
Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Friday endorsed a new army chief in an annual reshuffle, an appointment from outside the faction that has dominated the army for several years, surprising some experts.... (read more)... http://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-politics-army-idUSKCN11F1VR

September 10th, 2016, 17:24
Thai Junta Increases Military Budget, While Reducing Funding for Education and InfrastructureSeptember 9, 2016 Editor News Asia
It is the third straight year of increases in state spending for defence since the coup.
BANGKOK – Thailand’s Military junta-appointed leaders yesterday signed off on a nearly US$124 million budget hike for defence spending, while funds for education and infrastructure were pared back.... (read more)... http://www.chiangraitimes.com/thai-junta-increases-military-budget-while-reducing-funding-for-education-and-infrastructure.html?fdx_switcher=true

September 12th, 2016, 12:45
Referendum, Bombings and Peace Process
Submitted by editor2 on Sun, 11/09/2016
Hara Shintaro
With the north and Isan (northeast), the three southernmost provinces (Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat) are where the majority of the people rejected the draft constitution in the referendum held on 7 August 2016. It also must be noted that in 5 districts in the region, a majority of voters failed to cast a ballot (Khok Pho District in Pattani, Mueang and Betong districts in Yala, and Su-ngai Kolok and Sukhirin districts in Narathiwat).... (read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6550

September 12th, 2016, 19:15
By Sasiwan Mokkhasen, Staff Reporter - September 12, 2016
BANGKOK — Civilians will no longer be tried by the military after the junta Monday revoked orders passed since it seized power over two years ago.

The order, issued under the junta leader’s absolute power granted by its interim charter, said civilians tried for cases involving national security will no longer go to military courts. The order, which went into immediate effect, is not retroactive and does not affect cases already underway.... (read more).... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/09/12/junta-revokes-military-trials-civilians/

September 12th, 2016, 19:22
As Obama caps Asia pivot, Thailand seen as missing piece
Posted on 7 September 2016
Thailand's Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha gestures upon his arrival at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) Summit in Vientiane on Sept 7, 2016. — AFP
VIENTIANE: President Barack Obama attends a farewell dinner with Southeast Asian leaders Wednesday, capping eight years of careful courtship that has created new friends, but left links frayed with America's oldest regional ally – Thailand.

When Obama looks around the gala dinner table in Vientiane, he will find a bevy of new partners.... (read more)... http://m.thesundaily.my/node/393166

September 12th, 2016, 21:03
WORLD NEWS | Mon Sep 12, 2016
Thai junta will stop prosecuting dissidents in military courts
Thailand's military government said on Monday it will prosecute cases concerning national security and royal insult in civilian courts instead of military courts, a change a rights group said was window dressing before a U.N. review.

Prosecution for dissent and royal insult have risen since the military seized power in a 2014 coup with the junta choosing to try such cases in military courts.... (read more)... http://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-rights-idUSKCN11I14T

September 12th, 2016, 21:06
Soldiers visit anti-junta activists’ house
Submitted by editor4 on Mon, 12/09/2016
After a long absence, military officers visited two anti-junta activists at their house to ‘adjust their attitudes’. The soldiers said they will visit the house again with their higher commander.... (read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6552

September 13th, 2016, 08:25
Why does Thailand keep changing its constitution?
Sep 11th 2016, 23:50 BY THE ECONOMIST
IN AUGUST voters endorsed Thailand’s latest constitution in a tightly controlled referendum that offered no alternative to the draft put forward by the ruling military junta. It may take a year before the rubberstamp assembly ratifies it. By the time it comes into force, it will be the country’s 20th constitution in 85 years. Why does Thailand keep changing its constitution?... (read more)... http://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2016/09/economist-explains-4

September 13th, 2016, 11:03
Dazed and Confused with mixed results in Ubon Ratchathani’s referendum vote
Posted on 09/10/2016 by The Isaan Record
Guest commentary by Saowanee T. Alexander
On August 7, 2016, the majority of Isaan voters rejected the draft constitution by 51.48% (4,153,178) to 48.58% (3,923,855) although with a much smaller margin than the 2007 referendum results (61.67% to 36.53%).[i] Yet, results from certain Isaan provinces had many observers dumbfounded because of either the miniscule margin of victory or a big loss (see Prachatai’s graphic analysis of the event here in Thai) despite general negative sentiments throughout the region.... (read more)..... http://isaanrecord.com/2016/09/10/dazed-and-confused-with-mixed-results-in-ubon-ratchathanis-referendum-vote/

September 13th, 2016, 11:06
Isaan Lives: Hongthong Dao Udon: From singing star to political prisoner
Posted on 09/12/2016 by The Isaan Record
Ethnomusicologist James Mitchell takes a closer look at the amazing life of luk thung singer Hongthong Dao Udon and her journey from star to political prisoner.

Hongthong Dao Udon was a child star of the 1970s who developed into a major mo lam-luk thung act during the 1980s. A second career as a radio DJ placed her at the heart of Udon Thani’s Red Shirt movement and she found herself entangled in Thailand’s color coded political conflict.

For years I had been trying to meet Hongthong Dao Udon because luk thung and the Red Shirts were two of my key research interests.... (read more)... http://isaanrecord.com/2016/09/12/isaan-lives-hongthong-dao-udon-from-singing-star-to-political-prisoner/

September 13th, 2016, 20:28
Giles Ji Ungpakorn
On 12th April 2016 the blood-stained Generalissimo Prayut admitted that he did not trust the Thai people to elect a “good” government. This was his justification for the draft military constitution which restricts the power of any democratically elected governments in the future. It is also the justification for the 2006 and 2014 military coups. It has the support of liberal, right-wing, academics in Thailand.

Liberal academics in Thailand believe that Taksin cheated in elections by “tricking or buying the ignorant rural poor”....(read more).... https://uglytruththailand.wordpress.com/2016/09/11/the-sorry-tale-of-anek-laotamatats-tale-of-two-democratic-cities/

September 14th, 2016, 20:00
By Don Sambandaraksa, Correspondent - September 14, 2016
Amendments to the criminal code removing judicial oversight of wiretapping combined with new laws on cybercrime, cyber security and even the digital economy all suggest the Good People running the country can no longer distinguish between internal security and external threats.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/opinion/2016/09/14/thailands-draconian-cyberlaws-tipping-toward-totalitarian/

September 15th, 2016, 08:32
Article 44 paves way to seize Yingluck’s assets
THE NATION September 15, 2016
Legal execution department empowered to act against those breaking civil liability law.

PRIME MINISTER Prayut Chan-o-cha has invoked Article 44 of the interim charter to enable the seizure of assets of those responsible for the rice-pledging scheme.

Former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra and her commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom, among others, could have their assets seized over the massive damages.... (read more)... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Article-44-paves-way-to-seize-Yinglucks-assets-30295312.html

September 15th, 2016, 11:27
A resolute denial clouds Thailand blast probes
Tan Hui YeeThailand Correspondent
BANGKOK - Bombs go off with mind-numbing regularity in Thailand's southern border provinces. They are placed in motorcycles, trucks and under rail tracks.

Most are detonated more to shock than kill - unless you happen to be a soldier, policeman, or someone deemed by separatist insurgents to have acted against the interests of the Malay-Muslim majority there.... (read more)... http://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/a-resolute-denial-clouds-thailand-blast-probes

September 15th, 2016, 21:19
Courts to be allowed to rule cases despite defendant's absence
Submitted by editor4 on Thu, 15/09/2016
The Thai cabinet has passed a bill allowing courts to rule on cases without defendant's presence. A human rights lawyer said the amendment aims at prosecuting the fugitive ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

On 13 September 2016, the cabinet approved a bill to amend the Criminal Procedure Code. According to Sansern Kaewkamnerd, the spokesperson of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, the amendment will allow criminal courts to rule on cases although defendants are not present at the courts, reported Prachahat.... (read more)... http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/6568

September 16th, 2016, 09:31
Prayut boasts he has'cleared up mess'
PM delivers two-year performance report
16 Sep 2016
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has claimed success in the government's...
(read more)...
Please credit and share this article with others using this link:http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1086885/prayut-boasts-he-has-cleared-up-mess.

September 16th, 2016, 09:35
Govt a failure: analysts
THE NATION September 16, 2016
PM Prayut's two-year report gets thumbs down for lacking in vision and achievements question-and-answer session dropped as conference goes three hours beyond schedule.
ANALYSTS YESTERDAY slammed the post-coup junta-backed government over its two-year performance report card, giving it a "fail" grade as it did not address some key issues and lacked concrete achievements and vision.... (read more)... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Govt-a-failure-analysts-30295429.html

September 16th, 2016, 13:35
The ghosts of Thai politics’ past
Submitted by editor2 on Thu, 15/09/2016
Catherine Yen
Thailand’s political landscape seems haunted by figures, events and images that once symbolised progressive change. Such change arguably has not come, yet the same symbols linger on, in newspapers, activist pamphlets and state media.

The country remains caught in a cycle of brief.... (read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6565

September 17th, 2016, 18:08
By Pravit Rojanaphruk, Senior Staff Writer - September 17, 2016
As with any action, there are different points of view on this week’s decision by junta leader Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha to end the use of military tribunals to try civilians.

One can be positive about the junta’s latest political act.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/opinion/2016/09/17/junta-ends-military-trials-civilians-thailands-march-toward-militarization-continues/

September 19th, 2016, 11:44
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter - September 18, 2016
BANGKOK — As Thailand’s first coup d’etat in over a decade was set in motion 10 years ago tomorrow, the man who ordered it was playing tennis at an army base near his home.

Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratglin said he later went home at about 8pm and listened to the news... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/09/18/2006-coup-maker-says-10-years-later/

September 19th, 2016, 22:06
Thai Democracy – A Public Execution In Two Parts
By Robert Amsterdam | Published: September 19, 2016 ( Note: Amsterdam was hired by Taksin in 2010 to defend the Redshirt movement on the international stage. As of 2015, he now works independently but still attempts to hold the coup leaders accountable. - Up2u)
The deep freeze of the Thai people’s most basic freedoms and liberties began not after the May 2014 coup which installed the present military regime but on September 19th 2006. It was on that warm Bangkok night ten years ago today that the tanks rolled out and crushed Thailand’s short-lived experiment with a genuine pluralistic democracy.... (read more).... http://robertamsterdam.com/thai-democracy-a-public-execution-in-two-parts/

September 20th, 2016, 07:54
Officials under fire over weir
20 Sep 2016
The Association for the Protection of the Constitution has urged the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to launch a probe against Prime Minister... (read more)...

Please credit and share this article with others using this link:http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/1090061/officials-under-fire-over-weir.


September 20th, 2016, 16:09
Police forbid commemoration of anti-coup suicide
Submitted by editor2 on Tue, 20/09/2016
Police officers and soldiers have prohibited commemorating the death of an anti-junta taxi driver who committed suicide after the 2006 coup d’état.... (read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6580

September 20th, 2016, 16:17
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter - September 20, 2016
BANGKOK — A nephew of junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha received nearly 27 million baht in contracts from the army region his father once commanded, an investigative news agency reported Monday.

The revelations by Isra News that the contracts awarded to a firm owned by Pathompol Chan-ocha prompted fresh allegations of nepotism from critics of the junta, while Pathompol’s father, Gen. Preecha Chan-ocha, said there’s nothing wrong with the arrangement.... (read more).... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/09/20/prayuths-brother-defends-lucrative-army-contracts-awarded-son/

September 21st, 2016, 08:59
By Chayanit Itthipongmaetee, Staff Reporter - September 20, 2016
BANGKOK — A provocative theatre troupe is again under scrutiny from the junta, saying it was told Tuesday that soldiers will be dispatched to watch their play tomorrow evening.... (read more).... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/09/20/soldiers-monitor-abstract-play-recognizing-1976-massacre/

September 21st, 2016, 09:03
Thailand: verdict in Andy Hall case underscores need for defamation to be decriminalized
Submitted by editor2 on Wed, 21/09/2016
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)tional Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
The ICJ expresses it disappointment with today’s verdict criminalizing the work of human rights defender, Andy Hall, and calls upon Thailand to decriminalise defamation and amend the Computer Crime Act in line with international standards protecting freedom of expression.... (read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6581

September 21st, 2016, 13:18
6 October to mark new generation of student activists
Submitted by editor2 on Wed, 21/09/2016
Catherine Yen
Students from Chulalongkorn University have organised an event commemorating 6 October, viewing the 40th anniversary of the massacre as also inaugurating a new generation of student activists.

According to Netiwit Choltiphatphaisal, a student spearheading the commemoration, this is the first year Chulalongkorn has hosted ‘a fully-fledged event’ to remember the massacre of over a hundred pro-democracy students and bystanders at Thammasat University in 1976 by military and paramilitary forces.... (read more).... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6582

September 22nd, 2016, 10:33
Prachatai journalist, 4 activists refuse to plead guilty
Submitted by editor4 on Wed, 21/09/2016
A Prachatai journalist and four pro-democracy activists who were indicted for distributing leaflets against the junta-backed draft charter, have insisted on fighting their case for the cause of freedom of expression.

On 21 September 2016, Ratchaburi Provincial Court held a conciliation session in the case of Taweesak Kerdpoka, a Prachatai journalist, and four anti-junta activists....(read more)..... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6583

September 23rd, 2016, 13:14
Thailand: Government unwilling to address systematic human rights violations at UN-backed review
Submitted by editor4 on Fri, 23/09/2016
Joint press release

Paris, Bangkok, 22 September 2016: The Thai government has shown its unwillingness to address serious and systematic human rights violations during Thailand’s second Universal Periodic Review (UPR), FIDH and its member organizations Union for Civil Liberty (UCL) and Internet Law Reform Dialogue (iLaw) said today.... (read more)... http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/6586

Old git
September 23rd, 2016, 16:30
This is an impressively long thread, but hardly any of the posts have any relevance to the gay scene.

So, umm.. why..?

September 23rd, 2016, 16:35
Nothing wrong with PM’s nephew winning army contracts, Thai minister says
By Asian Correspondent Staff | 22nd September 2016
THAILAND’S Defence Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan on Wednesday defended Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha’s brother General Preecha, who has been corruptly linked to several construction projects involving his son and wife.... (read more)... https://asiancorrespondent.com/2016/09/thailand-nothing-wrong-awarding-army-contracts-pms-nephew-says-defence-minister/

September 23rd, 2016, 17:10
This is an impressively long thread, but hardly any of the posts have any relevance to the gay scene.

So, umm.. why..?
The relevance is indirect. It is important for gay men to also attempt to keep informed about the political landscape especially if you live here like I do (Pattaya) or if you are a gay tourist. Understanding the class struggles of the Thai boys we date, our boyfriends, etc. is just as important as knowing if #20 at Screw Boys is good in the sack. The big event we have been talking about is imminent, and if you have been following this thread it may add some perspective on what follows. If this website was "Gay New York", I can guarantee a thread(s) would be talking about U.S. politics and Trump vs Clinton.

Old git
September 23rd, 2016, 17:15
There are plenty of websites for news related items, but this is a website for gay stuff.

Therefore you're posting off topic, and on many forums would be banned for doing so..

September 23rd, 2016, 17:36
There are plenty of websites for news related items, but this is a website for gay stuff.

Therefore you're posting off topic, and on many forums would be banned for doing so..

Old git,

admins are watching forum almost non-stop, don't worry.

September 24th, 2016, 10:18
Bomb in Southern Thailand kills three policemen
By Asian Correspondent Staff | 24th September 2016 | @ascorrespondent
THREE police officers were killed on Friday when a homemade bomb placed by the roadside exploded in insurgency-plagued southern Thailand.

Police in Yala province said the bomb was detonated as the officers’ car passed over it, wrecking the vehicle and killing the three instantly....(read more)... https://asiancorrespondent.com/2016/09/bomb-southern-thailand-kills-three-policemen/

September 24th, 2016, 14:55
I appreciate the information that Up2U posts. Those of us who have boyfriends living in Thailand under this regime need to understand what is affecting their daily lives.

September 25th, 2016, 13:36
Ex-Thai PM Yingluck Should Pay $1 Billion Fine, Committee Says
Supunnabul Suwannakij
September 25, 2016
Yingluck faces penalty for 2012-2013 rice-purchase programs
Fine amounts to about 20% of program’s costs to government
Former Thailand Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, whose government was ousted in a military coup in 2014, should be fined about 35 billion baht ($1 billion) for overseeing a program to buy rice from farmers above market rates, a state-appointed committee recommended.... (read more).... http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-09-25/ex-thai-pm-yingluck-should-pay-1-billion-fine-committee-says?utm_content=business&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-business

September 25th, 2016, 20:24
By Asaree Thaitrakulpanich, Staff Reporter - September 25, 2016
BANGKOK — Every year freshmen in crisp uniforms press together on the campus of Chulalongkorn University. As one, thousands lower their heads to the ground in respect to statues of kings Rama V and VI in a swearing-in ceremony treated as a sacred ritual.

Except this year.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/09/25/thorn-pillar-freshman-makes-enemies-upsetting-tradition-allies/

September 25th, 2016, 22:31
Sep. 25, 2016
Probe your own brother, ousted Thai PM tells junta chief
BANGKOK: Thailand's first female prime minister Sunday told the man who ousted her government two years ago to investigate his own brother over corruption allegations, in an unusually strong broadside against the junta.

Yingluck Shinawatra was booted from office shortly before army chief Prayut Chan-O-Cha seized power in May 2014, the military's second coup in less than a decade and their twelfth successful power grab since 1932.... (read more)... https://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/World/2016/Sep-25/373601-probe-your-own-brother-ousted-thai-pm-tells-junta-chief.ashx

September 26th, 2016, 10:03
Fate of bill against enforced disappearance under military
Submitted by editor2 on Mon, 26/09/2016
Since 1991, 101 Thai citizens have been subjected to enforced disappearance. This has motivated a drive to draft a law against enforced disappearance to make accountable state officials and their supervisors if they are aware of the offence, to prohibit defamation prosecutions against complainants and to ensure that every minute is counted. Academics are concerned that the bill will be dropped or distorted and noted that Article 44 of the Interim Constitution alone can override any law against enforced disappearance because of its supra-constitutional power.... (read more)...http://prachatai.org/english/node/6592

September 28th, 2016, 14:53
By Asaree Thaitrakulpanich, Staff Reporter - September 28, 2016

BANGKOK — When representatives of Amnesty International gathered at a Bangkok hotel Wednesday morning to talk about the military regime’s use of torture, plainclothes security forces told them they would be arrested if they so much as opened their mouths.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2016/09/28/security-forces-muzzle-torture-discussion-arrest-threats/

The report... https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/asa39/4746/2016/en/

September 28th, 2016, 23:15
Embattled human rights lawyer accused of sedition
Submitted by editor2 on Wed, 28/09/2016
The police have accused an embattled human rights lawyer of sedition and violation of the junta’s political gathering ban, for observing a pro-democracy protest.... (read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6601

Khor tose
September 29th, 2016, 00:37
Do watch what is posted on your facebook page.


September 29th, 2016, 15:33
Junta’s opponents want to be prosecuted: junta leader
Submitted by editor4 on Thu, 29/09/2016
Thailand’s junta head has accused human right defenders and pro-democracy activists of wanting to be prosecuted as a way to discredit the military regime internationally.

On 28 September 2016, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, the junta premier, stated that the junta’s variety of laws limiting freedom of expression do not affect the majority of Thai people. Rather, the few who violate these laws merely want to be prosecuted so they can discredit the junta on the world stage. He also blamed the media for defaming the junta, reported Siamrath....(read more).... http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/6605

September 29th, 2016, 15:47
Embattled lèse majesté suspect accused of disrespecting military court
Submitted by editor2 on Thu, 29/09/2016
A military court has accused a lèse majesté suspect of disrespecting the court for arguing that the courts have a role in defending democracy and resisting Thailand’s coup-makers...(read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6604

September 29th, 2016, 20:19
By Pravit Rojanaphruk, Senior Staff Writer - September 29, 2016
BANGKOK — The Foreign Ministry on Thursday defended the military government’s blocking of an Amnesty International discussion of alleged torture under the military government since the coup by casting doubt on its accuracy.... (read more).... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/09/29/foreign-ministry-says-govt-must-verify-torture-report/

September 30th, 2016, 08:06
Regime must get its head out of the sand
30 Sep 2016
Ostriches bury their heads in the sand when they're scared or threatened, the myth goes. But in reality, it's an optical illusion, according to National Geographic Kids....(read more)..

Please credit and share this article with others using this link:http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/1098637/regime-must-get-its-head-out-of-the-sand.

September 30th, 2016, 08:10
Meechai eases fears on PM
THE NATION September 30, 2016
‘Court ruling doesn’t open path for non-elected premier to rule for 8 years’
CHIEF CONSTITUTION drafter Meechai Ruchupan said yesterday that he did not think a Constitutional Court ruling on Wednesday would pave the way for a non-MP prime minister to be in power for at least eight years.... (read more).... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Meechai-eases-fears-on-PM-30296541.html

October 1st, 2016, 08:32
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter - September 30, 2016
BANGKOK — Military government leaders maintained Thursday there was nothing wrong with awarding contracts to the nephew of junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha in the face of mounting accusations of cronyism.

As more information emerged about how Contemporary Construction was awarded nearly 200 million baht in work since December 2014, the junta leader conceded it was somewhat “inappropriate” but also disparaged those calling for further transparency in the case.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/09/30/military-closes-ranks-nepotism-charges/

October 1st, 2016, 08:37
'Prayut can dissolve House if no PM picked’
THE NATION October 1, 2016
GENERAL PRAYUT Chan-o-cha has the power to dissolve Parliament if parliamentarians fail to select a new prime minister after the next general election, Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam said yesterday.

As head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), PM Prayut still retains his wide-ranging powers under Article 44 of the post-coup interim charter until the next Cabinet is formed, he explained....(read more)... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Prayut-can-dissolve-House-if-no-PM-picked-30296646.html

October 2nd, 2016, 16:10
The dangers of farsightedness
The junta lavishes attention on the economy’s future but neglects the poor of today
Oct 1st 2016 | KHON KAEN |
IN PLANNING for the future, democratic politicians dare not look far beyond the next election, lest they lose power before the future arrives. Thailand’s military rulers have no such qualms. They have rewritten the constitution to guarantee themselves a guiding hand over future governments even after elections resume....(read more)... http://www.economist.com/news/asia/21707980-junta-lavishes-attention-economys-future-neglects-poor-today-dangers

October 2nd, 2016, 16:25
Pheu Thai vows to fight outsider PM
Call for alliance with other parties
2 Oct 2016
The Pheu Thai Party has vowed to join... (read more)...
Please credit and share this article with others using this link:http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/1100229/pheu-thai-vows-to-fight-outsider-pm.

October 3rd, 2016, 12:03
Few crisis lessons learned 40 years after the Oct 6 massacre, violence is still seen as a way to eliminate rivals
3 Oct 2016
Four decades after the Oct 6, 1976 bloodshed, one of the most gruesome chapters in modern Thai history has not yet been demystified by the Thai state, with some of the event's masterminds still powerful... (read more)...

Please credit and share this article with others using this link:http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/1100897/few-crisis-lessons-learned.

October 3rd, 2016, 12:08
Thailand: immediately drop sedition case and all proceedings against human rights lawyer Sirikan Charoensiri
Oct 3, 2016
The government should drop all proceedings against human rights lawyer, Sirikan Charoensiri, including the specious accusation of sedition, which apparently relate to her organization’s representation of 14 student activists peacefully protesting in June 2015, the ICJ and other groups said TODAY... (read more)... http://www.icj.org/thailand-immediately-drop-sedition-case-and-all-proceedings-against-human-rights-lawyer-sirikan-charoensiri/

October 5th, 2016, 08:50
Oct 4, 2016
Thailand bars Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong, apparently at China's request
A teenage Hong Kong student leader who helped organize massive pro-democracy protests in the Chinese-ruled city in 2014 was detained on arrival in Thailand on Wednesday and barred entry, immigration officials and supporters said, apparently at China's request.

Joshua Wong had been due to speak at an event on the anniversary of a Thai military crackdown on student protests 40 years ago, organizers said.... (read more)... http://www.reuters.com/article/us-hongkong-protests-thailand-idUSKCN125025

October 5th, 2016, 16:00
Police deny Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong travelled to Thailand
The Nation October 5, 2016
Immigration Bureau chief Pol Lt-General Natthon Phrosunthon on Wednesday said he had no reports about Hong Kong democracy campaigner Joshua Wong being barred from entering Thailand.

"From our reports, the person [appearing in the news] was not on the list of passengers travelling to Thailand," he told reporter at 11am.

Wong, 20, arrived at Suvarnabhumi Airport late on Tuesday and was denied entry by immigration, according to Thai activist Netiwit Chotiphaisal.... (read more)... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Police-deny-Hong-Kong-activist-Joshua-Wong-travell-30296921.html

October 5th, 2016, 18:43
Chulalongkorn students protest against Joshua Wong’s detention
Submitted by editor4 on Wed, 05/10/2016
A group of students has staged a small protest demanding the junta to sent the student activist Joshua Wong back to Hong Kong safely. The prominent activist is expected to arrive in Hong Kong this afternoon....(read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6624

October 6th, 2016, 07:47
Wong saga backfires on regime
Regime 'caves to China's every whim'
6 Oct 2016
The 12-hour detention of well-known Hong...

Please credit and share this article with others using this link:http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1103233/wong-saga-backfires-on-regime.

October 6th, 2016, 08:07
'He just flew over’: Thai junta head responds to Joshua Wong’s detention
Submitted by editor4 on Wed, 05/10/2016
The junta head has said that pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong was not detained by the Thai authorities, but was rather just ‘flying over’ Thailand, adding that there is no difference between sending the activist to Hong Kong or Mainland China since both are the same country.... (read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6625

October 6th, 2016, 13:59
Time Magazine
Thailand Is Marking the Darkest Day in Its Living Memory
Feliz Solomon

October 7th, 2016, 07:55
Survivor calls for military withdrawal
THE NATION October 7, 2016
A SURVIVOR of the 1976 Thammasat University massacre said yesterday that only a military withdrawal from politics could save Thailand from division and never-ending conflict....(read more)... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Survivor-calls-for-military-withdrawal-30297088.html

October 7th, 2016, 08:10
Thai university commemorates 40th anniversary of massacre
By Asian Correspondent Staff | 6th October 2016
“The incident has relevance to the current state of Thai politics because it becomes possible to continue to stage coup after coup while repressing dissent because those who have done so in the past have not been held to account for doing so,”... (read more)... https://asiancorrespondent.com/2016/10/thai-uni-40th-anniversary-massacre/

October 7th, 2016, 18:48
Oct 7, 2016
Thai junta under scrutiny amid allegations of exorbitant spending, nepotism
By Amy Sawitta Lefevre and Panarat Thepgumpanat
Thailand's junta came under scrutiny this week after critics filed a petition asking the office of the auditor-general to investigate allegations of extravagant spending on a trip to Hawaii for a defense meeting.... (read more)... http://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-military-idUSKCN1270FM?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Reuters%2FworldNews+%28Reuter s+World+News%29

October 7th, 2016, 18:54
Prosecutor removed for supporting probe against junta’s leader brother
Submitted by editor2 on Fri, 07/10/2016
The head of the Department of Public Prosecutor Commission (DPPC) has removed the Deputy Director-General of the DPPC after he supprted a call to investigate corruption allegations against the junta’s leader brother.... (read more).. http://prachatai.org/english/node/6629

October 8th, 2016, 10:59
40 years on – Northeasterners remember a Bangkok massacre
Posted on 10/07/2016 by The Isaan Record
The massacre of protesters at Thammasat University on October 6, 1976 sent shockwaves throughout the entire country. On the 40th anniversary of the incident, four contemporary witnesses from the Northeast recall their memories of that day and the ensuing consequences.... (read more)... http://isaanrecord.com/2016/10/07/40-years-on-northeasterners-remember-a-bangkok-massacre/

October 8th, 2016, 19:28
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter - October 7, 2016
BANGKOK — Police on Friday were deliberating a request from Thai Airways to prosecute those on social media who spread what was purported to be a leaked passenger list of the government’s now-controversial trip to Hawaii last week.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/10/07/hawaii-trip-thai-airways-wants-internet-prosecuted-leaked-passenger-list/

October 10th, 2016, 16:45
Facebook user gets additional eight years for lèse majesté
Submitted by editor2 on Mon, 10/10/2016
A criminal court has handed an additional eight-year jail term to a man who was previously sentenced to six years of imprisonment for lèse majesté.... (read more)...

October 10th, 2016, 21:43
OCTOBER 9, 2016
Giles Ji Ungpakorn
The bloody massacre in Bangkok of pro-democracy civilians by the military and the Democrat Party in April and May 2010 was not the first time that unarmed political protesters had been brutally killed by the Thai State. It is now 40 years since the cold-blooded massacre at Thammasart University on the 6th October 1976.... (read more)... https://uglytruththailand.wordpress.com/2016/10/09/the-pattern-of-thai-state-crimes/

October 11th, 2016, 00:31
OCTOBER 9, 2016
Giles Ji Ungpakorn
The bloody massacre in Bangkok of pro-democracy civilians by the military and the Democrat Party in April and May 2010 was

Somebody can explain why death of 12 people is called "bloody massacre", but death 500 000 children in Iraq has been named by Madelein Albright US State secretary as acceptable and "worth it"?


October 11th, 2016, 09:04
Somebody can explain why death of 12 people is called "bloody massacre", but death 500 000 children in Iraq has been named by Madelein Albright US State secretary as acceptable and "worth it"?

False equivalency. Btw, there were 91 deaths (Wikipedia)and I agree the deaths of the Iraq children was a tragedy.

October 11th, 2016, 18:46
By Sasiwan Mokkhasen, Staff Reporter - October 11, 2016
BANGKOK — Prominent Redshirt leader Jatuporn Prompan was imprisoned Tuesday morning after the court revoked his bail.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/10/11/readshirt-leader-sent-prison-bail-revoked/

October 11th, 2016, 18:48
Amnesty International campaigns against Thailand’s Computer Crimes Act
Submitted by editor4 on Tue, 11/10/2016
Amnesty International (AI) has urged its members worldwide to call upon the Thai junta to amend its controversial Computer Crimes Act.... (read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6640

October 11th, 2016, 21:35
False equivalency.

Where? I just ask: why 91 is "bloody massacre" and 500 000 is "worth it"?

Khor tose
October 12th, 2016, 00:30
Yes, false equivalency. Kent State (or similar) can be an equivalent comparison, but not a war in another country. We are talking about a government illegally killing its own people. Now if you want to argue that Iraq was a war crime, I have to agree, and I would say the exact same thing about Russian participation in Syria,

October 12th, 2016, 17:53
More soldiers without legislative experience appointed as junta’s lawmakers
Submitted by editor4 on Wed, 12/10/2016
Senior soldiers newly appointed as junta’s rubber stamps were necessary for maintaining national peace and order even though they neither have legislative experience nor legal knowledge, said junta’s lawmakers chairman....(read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6645

October 12th, 2016, 19:33
Now if you want to argue that Iraq was a war crime, I have to agree, and I would say the exact same thing about Russian participation in Syria,
Words! Words! I agree 100%, but what is the point of arguing about any civilian deaths by external powers when the world can do absolutely nothing to prosecute those who perpetrated and continue to perpetrate such dreadful atrocities. The fact is that Bush, Blair and co are war criminals and should be prosecuted as such. But it will never happen. The Russians are certainly no saints, but if the Iraq folly had not happened and that part of the world not been so utterly destabilised because of B&B's criminal ineptitude in not considering the results of their actions (to hear Blalr with his crocodile tears say if he had known what would happen he might have acted differently was the mark of a thoroughly depraved individual), it is highly unlikely the Russians would be on the scene now.

October 13th, 2016, 14:00
What now?
With news of King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s ailing health, Llewellyn McCann outlines three key developments to watch... (read more)... http://www.newmandala.org/what-now/

October 13th, 2016, 14:03
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter - October 13, 2016
BANGKOK — A government spokesman said Thursday he’s hoping that His Majesty the King would have recovered from his chronic illness by the time the new constitution is ready for official promulgation.

The confidence was voiced in spite of a palace statement saying doctors at Siriraj Hospital had advised King Bhumibol, 88, to refrain from any royal works due to a number of illnesses besetting him. The latest update on his health Wednesday night said the monarch’s condition was still unstable... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/10/13/hm-kings-illness-wont-affect-charter-endorsement-govt/

October 14th, 2016, 08:08
After Bhumibol
The death of the Thai king throws the country into turmoil
Thailand’s turbulent politics just became more complicated
Oct 13th 2016
(read more).... http://www.economist.com/news/asia/21708739-thailands-turbulent-politics-just-became-more-complicated-death-thai-king-throws

October 14th, 2016, 20:50
At least 44 Deep South youths arrested for alleged Bangkok bombing plot
Submitted by editor2 on Fri, 14/10/2016
Thai authorities have reportedly arrested at least 44 youths from the Deep South suspected of involvement in an alleged Bangkok terrorism plot.... (read more).... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6653

October 14th, 2016, 21:00
What now?
With news of King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s ailing health, Llewellyn McCann outlines three key developments to watch after his reign ends... (read more)... http://www.newmandala.org/what-now/

October 14th, 2016, 21:15
October 14, 2016
In a stunning story at Khaosod, it is reported that General Prem Tinsulanonda is now Regent. We have not seen any official announcement of this.

The report is attributed to Peerasak Porjit, who is vice-president of the National Legislative Assembly.

When Prince Vajiralongkorn “said he would take the role of monarch when he was ready, after mourning his father,” there was immediate confusion. Was the further evidence of a struggle over succession?... (read more).... https://politicalprisonersofthailand.wordpress.com/2016/10/14/updated-prem-becomes-regent-i/

October 14th, 2016, 21:19
October 14, 2016
In our last post we mentioned a remarkable story in Khaosod that discussed the “appointment” of General Prem Tinsulanonda, Privy Council boss, as regent. That story was critical of interim parliament chairman Pornpetch Wichitcholchai for failing to invite the crown prince to be king.... (read more)... https://politicalprisonersofthailand.wordpress.com/2016/10/14/prem-becomes-regent-ii/

Khor tose
October 14th, 2016, 23:49
The Russians are certainly no saints, but if the Iraq folly had not happened and that part of the world not been so utterly destabilised because of B&B's criminal ineptitude in not considering the results of their actions (to hear Blalr with his crocodile tears say if he had known what would happen he might have acted differently was the mark of a thoroughly depraved individual), it is highly unlikely the Russians would be on the scene now.

So what, why Russia is there has absolutely nothing to do with how they have behaved. NO past history can ever be used to justify atrocities by the people committing them.

October 15th, 2016, 14:45
Speaking of the succession
Christine Gray examines the long-term legacies and paralysing effects of Thailand’s harsh lese majeste laws, particularly as one reign ends and another begins.... (read more)... http://www.newmandala.org/speaking-on-the-succession/

October 15th, 2016, 14:49
What is King Bhumibol’s legacy?
New Mandala co-founder Nicholas Farrelly reflects on a remarkable and contentious reign.... (read more)... http://www.newmandala.org/king-bhumibols-legacy/

October 15th, 2016, 18:31
By Pravit Rojanaphruk, Senior Staff Writer - October 15, 2016
Millions are mourning the passing of His Majesty the King, Bhumibol Adulyadej. As we transition into a new era, let’s recall mourning is about love and empathy as much as it is grief. It should not be about intolerance, coercion and excess.

The military regime of Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha wisely backtracked from its plan that all television channels broadcast nonstop state media eulogizing the late King for 30 days.... (read more).... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/international/2016/10/15/mourning-king-respect-diversity/

October 16th, 2016, 08:54
Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn Meets With Regent, Will Take Throne
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter - October 16, 2016
BANGKOK — Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn had an audience with head privy councilor Prem Tinsulanonda who is now regent for Thailand’s vacant throne, junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha announced in a televised broadcast Saturday night.

The address confirmed Prem, 96, is exercising royal authority temporarily on behalf of the Crown Prince, who has delayed taking the throne because he wanted time to grieve his late father, King Bhumibol. The prince also said in the conversation with Prem that he would still assume the throne one day, according to Prayuth.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/10/16/crown-prince-vajiralongkorn-meets-regent-will-take-throne/

October 16th, 2016, 10:19
Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn Meets With Regent, Will Take Throne
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter - October 16, 2016
BANGKOK — Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn had an audience with head privy councilor Prem Tinsulanonda who is now regent for Thailand’s vacant throne, junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha announced in a televised broadcast Saturday night.

The address confirmed Prem, 96, is exercising royal authority temporarily on behalf of the Crown Prince, who has delayed taking the throne because he wanted time to grieve his late father, King Bhumibol. The prince also said in the conversation with Prem that he would still assume the throne one day, according to Prayuth.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/10/16/crown-prince-vajiralongkorn-meets-regent-will-take-throne/
Did he ask for the delay or was he told?

October 16th, 2016, 13:28
"Did he ask for the delay or was he told?".... any answer would be speculation. Accept the official line, he wants to grieve for his father.

October 16th, 2016, 13:33
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter - October 16, 2016
BANGKOK — For the first time in 70 years, Thailand will witness a funeral for a king, an elaborate ceremony that usually lasts for a year.... (read more)... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/bangkok/2016/10/16/can-expect-king-bhumibols-funeral-rites/

October 17th, 2016, 08:43
The Power Transfer Thailand
OCT 13, 2016
With the passing of revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej and the naming of his son to the throne, the question of when and to whom power would be transferred in Thailand has finally been answered. The real question, however, remains: how to empower the Thai people.... (read more)... https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-10-13/the-power-transfer-thailand-needs

October 17th, 2016, 16:00
"Did he ask for the delay or was he told?".... any answer would be speculation. Accept the official line, he wants to grieve for his father.

Reading fiction, it is said, requires the willing suspension of disbelief

October 17th, 2016, 16:25
Do’s and Don’ts of Mourning Period for Expats and Visitors
By Chayanit Itthipongmaetee, Staff Reporter - October 17, 2016
BANGKOK — As Thailand begins a new week since His Majesty King Bhumibol’s death led to the declaration of a year-long mourning period, foreign tourists and residents might wonder what is okay and what is not.


October 17th, 2016, 16:30
Lèse majesté purge erupts nationwide after the King's death
Submitted by editor2 on Mon, 17/10/2016
Thai police have arrested two more people accused of lèse majesté in Southern Thailand, after royalist mobs stormed a soymilk and then a roti shop to hunt for lèse majesté suspects over the weekend. Soldiers and police have also searched a house in the Northeast whose owner is accused of lèse majesté....(read more).... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6657

October 17th, 2016, 16:40
Show me the money: Thailand's mega-rich monarchy
Latest update : 14/10/2016
Late Thai king Bhumibol Adulyadej has left behind one of the world's richest monarchies, with a multi-billion-dollar empire spanning property, construction and banks.

Analysts say the vast royal reserves have allowed the crown to build a deep network among the Thai elite, helping insulate the king from the political pressures felt by monarchs who rely chiefly on state funding.... (read more)... http://m.france24.com/en/20161014-show-me-money-thailands-mega-rich-monarchy?ns_campaign=reseaux_sociaux&ns_source=FB&ns_mchannel=social&ns_linkname=depeche&aef_campaign_ref=partage_user&aef_campaign_date=2016-10-14

October 17th, 2016, 16:46
The lost kingdom
SAM MICHAEL - 16 OCT, 2016
King Bhumibol leaves behind a kingdom living in aura of a monarchy that has failed to drive the nation forward or deal with modern reality, writes Sam Michael.

The passing of King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand on 13 October 2016 left many Thai people and much of the entire kingdom in shock and despair.... (read more)... http://www.newmandala.org/the-lost-kingdom

October 17th, 2016, 18:50
Mon Oct 17, 2016
Thai junta urges restraint after crowds mob royal insult suspects
Thailand's military government urged people not to take the law into their own hands on Monday after three videos surfaced on social media of angry mobs accusing people of insulting the monarchy following the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.... (read more)... http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-thailand-king-mobs-idUKKBN12H0XX

October 18th, 2016, 08:15
In Thailand, royalists’ vision of the late king still reigns
Pravit Rojanaphruk
Reverence for Bhumibol Adulyadej, who died last week after 70 years on the throne, is enforced – and dissenting voices face severe penalties
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Being a royalist in Thailand can be emotionally comforting. You can join millions of like-minded subjects who venerate King Bhumibol Adulyadej. You feel like a member of a gigantic family, as the king is often referred to by these loyal subjects as their “royal father”.... (READ MORE).... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/17/thailand-royalists-king-bhumibol-adulyadej-died

October 18th, 2016, 08:19
By Pravit Rojanaphruk, Senior Staff Writer - October 17, 2016
BANGKOK — Calls for tolerance have gone out as the national mourning for His Majesty the King sees outbursts of anger toward those deemed disrespectful.... (read more).... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/10/17/calls-calm-witch-hunt-concerns-hm-kings-death/

October 18th, 2016, 08:23
Ultra-royalist calls for lèse-majesté purge in Paris
Submitted by editor4 on Tue, 18/10/2016
A hyper-royalist doctor has urged Thai people in Paris to hunt for a lèse-majesté refugee and those who shelter her.... (read more)... http://prachatai.org/english/node/6658

Old git
October 18th, 2016, 09:20
Whatever your view of the lese majeste laws, the law remains the law until changed.

That last post is almost certainly in breach of Thai law, as are several of those preceding it.

Be careful - if the Thai authorities are able to identify those hosting this site, (or you, for that matter..)
they could find themselves persona non grata in The Kingdom - or worse..

Agreed, that post was removed. (Thank you)

October 18th, 2016, 09:58

This is a very sensitive time for Thailand. We owe it to the country and the laws they have enacted, not to engage is discussions about the Royal Family. It is and has always been one of the only subjects we are not to discuss It is the rule of the land and the rule of this site. Any comments about this topic may be unilaterally edited or deleted.

Thank you


Negative references to Thailand's royal family. Thailand has very strict laws about this. The authorities have varying ideas on what are negative references so, as a general rule, it is better to just avoid the subject.



October 18th, 2016, 12:12
This is one of the most read threads on this or any forum and it clearly fills a need. However, during the first month of official mourning I'd like to suggest to up2u that it is voluntarily suspended. The possibility of breaching the lese majesty laws in this time when Thailand is the centre of world attention and there is a great deal of internal and external speculation is just too great. We know from one external source that extra censor monitors are now in place. I seriously doubt if this site will come to their attention - but then who knows?

October 18th, 2016, 13:59
This is one of the most read threads on this or any forum and it clearly fills a need. However, during the first month of official mourning I'd like to suggest to up2u that it is voluntarily suspended. The possibility of breaching the lese majesty laws in this time when Thailand is the centre of world attention and there is a great deal of internal and external speculation is just too great. We know from one external source that extra censor monitors are now in place. I seriously doubt if this site will come to their attention - but then who knows?

I agree with Fountainhall, others may post as they choose, as I will suspend my posts. It was my hope we would have a chronological history from his very first post to the day democratic elections would resume. That is no longer possible. Both my bf and I are respectful to the King and we will visit the Grand Palace in several weeks to pay respects. As Fountainhall mentioned there is much on-going speculation and I have tried to provide information from nontraditional news sources. I know many expats that get their news solely from the Bangkok Post or the Nation and think they are well informed. Not. There are potential hiccups regarding the succession. My hope, the King's wish for the CP and succession comes to pass. Pray for the King and pray for Thailand's future.

October 18th, 2016, 14:04
Thank God I came home on Friday....at the moment, I'd hate to be in Thailand. And I've never said that before.

October 18th, 2016, 15:04
It was my hope we would have a chronological history from his very first post to the day democratic elections would resume.I didn't realise you think yourself immortal

October 18th, 2016, 16:52
I can understand the fear and it is fully justified... there are going to be many victims over the next few months whose voices will never be heard. Inevitably, they will be the poor. This is Thailand.

October 18th, 2016, 18:32
Thank God I came home on Friday....at the moment, I'd hate to be in Thailand. And I've never said that before.

Actually Oliver, things are not that much different than before. It is rather comforting to see the respect the Thais are showing for their King in this time of mourning.

What the future will portend remains to be seen.

October 18th, 2016, 21:56
there are going to be many victims over the next few months whose voices will never be heard. Inevitably, they will be the poor. This is Thailand.
I find that statement quite extraordinary! If you could see the outpouring of genuine grief, I believe you will be proved very wrong.

October 19th, 2016, 08:14
Victims of what?

In my opinion, if democratic elections were held today and the good general allowed to run...I think he'd win. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems Thailand is finally enjoying a little but of political stability, something that has been always hanging on the edge, from the first day I visited Thailand. I haven't see so much change in the country since any other prior administration, whether everyone believes it's good or not.


October 19th, 2016, 12:32
I find that statement quite extraordinary! If you could see the outpouring of genuine grief, I believe you will be proved very wrong.
The grief may be genuine but its impulse is similar to that of North Korea when Kim Jong Il died - a personality cult that punishes dissenting views relentlessly. On Thai PBS today it is reported that The Generalissimo has asked Thai Embassies abroad to report back individuals who may be "slandering the monarchy"

Old git
October 19th, 2016, 14:23
There is no similarity between North Korea and Thailand, and to suggest so is grossly insulting towards the Thai people.

The Kim family's rule of North Korea is founded on absolute fear and tyranny. There is no popular love for their despotism - one day they will be overthrown and the people will dance on their graves..

In their Royal family, and their late king in particular, the Thai people found a rock of inspiration. Their is nothing contrived or stage managed about the recent outpourings of grief..

October 19th, 2016, 17:55
I learned my lesson about politics in the Philippines with Ferdinand Marcos. The only good thing that came out of that was it got my Master's Thesis published.

Right now I look around the United States where we have two people running for President and you have to wonder, "...so this is our best and brightest?" We have police officers shooting unarmed black men at will and we have a government where one side decides it will shut everything down every chance they get.

The majority of the folks on the right really would have no problem with an authoritative regime as long as it was one they supported. This election will not end with voting and the uncertainty will continue into 2017 and beyond. The United States is beginning a period of political instability.

Thus, I am not sure if it is a wise thing for people who live in glass houses to throw stones....

At least the Thai's have a King who brought them together.

October 19th, 2016, 20:40
Thais step up web surveillance after king's death
http://news.abs-cbn.com/overseas/10/19/16/thais-step-up-web-surveillance-after-kings-death (http://news.abs-cbn.com/overseas/10/19/16/thais-step-up-web-surveillance-after-kings-death)

October 19th, 2016, 21:26
"At least the Thai's have a King who brought them together.".... that should have been past tense.

October 19th, 2016, 22:49
You are right in the literal sense but in another sense he will live on for years to come.

October 19th, 2016, 23:20
As I was out preparing my tropical garden for winter I decided that I am going to expand it and add a Thai Spirit House to show my solidarity with and concern for the Thais and Thailand.40704071

October 20th, 2016, 19:17
As I was out preparing my tropical garden for winter I decided that I am going to expand it and add a Thai Spirit House to show my solidarity with and concern for the Thais and Thailand

Which Guardian Spirit where you hoping to attract or appease with your spirit house? The Guardian of the House? The Guardian of the Gardens?, the Guardian of Gates and Stairwells? The Protector of Storehouses and Barns?

do you seriously believe in such animistic practices? or are you just aping a Thai practice you don't understand the significance of?

and how do you think this shows "solidarity" and "concern"?

anyway I hope you at least took enough care with the placement such that the shadow of a building does not fall across it or the spirits will be very displeased and you may have to get a Feng Shui master in to re-harmonise you house with the surrounding environment


October 20th, 2016, 20:17
Oh, lets see...

My partner of 35 years is Chinese from Laos. I have a house full of Buddhist and Chinese shrines to his dead mother and dead father. Every door has something hanging above it to ward off something or another.

As far a Feng Shui goes after the first 15 years I just gave up on decorating, moving furniture, and or remodeling because of all the Feng Shui rules.

Since the King died we have watched Thai television every single day.

Now, for my perspective, since the garden is the only part of our home that I still have any sway over....

"Aping" really?

I am thankful that I was able to travel through Asia for over 5 years as a young man. As I would not claim to be an "expert" in Asian religion and or Asian religious practices I will say that I came away with a tremendous respect for and interest in Asian religious practices.

As I currently live in what is referred to as "The Bible Belt" let me add that Buddhism has had more of a influence in my life and has brought more peace to my life than anything that I have experienced from the Judeo Christian religions.

In fact I have spent the last 8 years tied up in one lawsuit after another, one investigation after another, and I have had one life changing event after another. Its been hell and at each "darkest moment" I found myself contemplating the meaning of life and I always found comfort in the concept of how the lotus flower grows and the concept of the circle of life....

Yeah, things look bleak in Thailand right now to the Thais but they will get through it just like I did....

So there is no "aping" but there is solidarity and concern.

As far as the comment of "animistic practices" goes....

I would love to believe that logic and rationalism prevails in the real world...but it doesn't take more than a quick scan of any news source to realize that we are experiencing a period of extreme illgoic and irrationalism....

So, if I want to find comfort and solace sitting in a tropical garden in a non tropical environment with a Thai Spirit House as a focal point surrounded by a six foot high wooden fence then so be it! Oh, and lets not forget the pond with Koi, Lotus, and water lilies growing in it..

I can thank the Thai's for showing me a way to live and experience life, even in its most evil and disgusting periods, without losing myself.

October 20th, 2016, 20:47
you may have to get a Feng Shui master in to re-harmonise you house with the surrounding environment
Soon after I moved to Hong Kong decades ago, I decided to revamp the office spaces to make it all more efficient. At a meeting of departmental heads (all Chinese) I informed them of the changes and the reasons. I then told them not to worry as I would have a Feng Shui master approve the changes before anything was done. I was met with a sea of blank faces and a long pause. Eventually, the Chief Accountant broke the silence. "You surely don't believe that rubbish, do you?" I did it anyway!

October 20th, 2016, 20:58
I always figured whenever "Feng Shui" was thrown in my face that just translated to "I want it this way!" Feng Shui is just a way to add a philosophical advantage to "Just quit moving the furniture."

I also told my partner that what he practiced wasn't really "Feng Shui" but rather "Mao Zedong" because everything has to be up against a wall with everything facing the center of the room...it looks like something from an old news reel of a visit from foreign dignitaries...

October 20th, 2016, 21:00
You are right in the literal sense but in another sense he will live on for years to come.
King Bhumibol is dead, yes he will be respectfully mourned as he should be and his memory will live on in the hearts of the Thai people but the real question is who will be the great unifier in the future?

October 20th, 2016, 21:47
Sadly, if you look around the world today, there isn't a whole lot of effort put into "unifying."

The United States has slowly but surely been splintering for at least two decades. Globalization, supply side economics, and income/wealth inequality did not just spring up....decisions made decades ago have brought us to the point we are today. Barack Obama could have been a unifying leader but sadly all the special interests in the United States refused to be led. So now we are facing a choice between Trump and Clinton.

Realistically, someone within the military will have to step up and unify Thailand by slowly implementing democratic reforms. The military has to realize that it is in their long term self interests to do so.

Sadly, very few leaders see "win-win" situations because power distorts perceptions by presenting everything as a "win-lose."

In Thailand you have the admired King of 70 years who made a choice in 1972 and that was the Crown Prince. Then you have the unmarried Crown Princess who technically is a viable option with the change in the constitution in 1974.

Sadly, one choice honors the wishes of the King while the other, honors the respect for the King.

I just wish that the folks with all the power take their responsibility seriously and make decisions today with a realistic vision of the future...

But looking around me I cannot help but realize that does not happen all that often anymore.

October 21st, 2016, 15:03
I avoid commenting on this subject in deference to the difficult position that moderators face in the junta's Thailand.

However, I'm not the only falang with a boyfriend in the north who is concerned for his safety in the current climate. Although the military must take responsibility for the terrible events of '76 (and more recently, the massacre of the Red shirts),I'm all too aware that right-wing mercenary groups were deeply involved in the violence. I understand TaoR's concerns but change will only come when the democratic rights of the working classes are restored and I can't see that being allowed to happen.

October 21st, 2016, 17:24
The reality is what everyone who cares for Thai's and Thailand want is justice, fairness, equality, and opportunity, for individual Thai's. As Westerners, as Farangs, we naturally assume that democracy automatically achieves all of these goals in a society.

Look around Asia, where are these Democracies? Are there really any?

Take the Philippines as an example as it is a "democracy." I remember very well, all of Marcos' snap elections in the Philippines because I was there. I was on the phone daily with friends and associates when he was toppled.

So, if you look at the data, since 1980 Thailand has prospered and the Philippines has not. I always thought (from first hand knowledge) that the corruption in the Philippines was worse than it was in Thailand and so was the inequality and injustice.

Democracy is by no means and or the only means available to establish a society that is just, fair, and equal.

I realize that my position will not be very popular, but all I can say in my own defense is that we all want the same "ends" we only disagree on the "means."

October 21st, 2016, 17:41
Look around Asia, where are these Democracies? Are there really any?

Japan, India, South Korea.

October 21st, 2016, 18:51
New Mandala has recently posted many new articles worth a read.


October 21st, 2016, 19:03
... Realistically, someone within the military will have to step up and unify Thailand by slowly implementing democratic reforms. The military has to realize that it is in their own long term self interests to do so....
On the contrary very unrealistic. You are asking the military junta in a country that has had the most coups than any other country in the world to implement democratic reforms. This is like asking the fox to repair the chicken coop.

October 21st, 2016, 19:38
I am thankful that I was able to travel through Asia for over 5 years as a young man. As I would not claim to be an "expert" in Asian religion and or Asian religious practices I will say that I came away with a tremendous respect for and interest in Asian religious practices.

building a spirit house in the back yard as a sign of your "tremendous respect" for "Asian religious practices" is a bit like building a Bingo Hall to show your "tremendous respect" for "UK Christian religious practices", but you didn't answer my question about the spirit you wanted to invoke seeing as you were not just aping the practice

and what you let your boyfriend stick over the doors doesn't answer whether you seriously believe in animism along with your non-expert dewy-eyed "respect" for the "religion"

and forgive me if I don't agree that animist practices behind a six foot fence are a suitable way to find "comfort and solace" after scanning the news headlines each day regardless of how irrational or illogic they may appear to be!


October 22nd, 2016, 08:13
Then nothing will change and only continue to get worse.

October 22nd, 2016, 08:27

Japan is only a democracy because of WWII not exactly an option for Thailand.

India is only a democracy because of England's rule for almost 100 years. Again, not an option for Thailand.

South Korea was governed by Japan and then divided into two regions by the occupying Americans and Russians at the close of WWII again...not an option for Thailand.

In everyone of your examples these countries were not democracies from some internal event but rather through years of Western control.

October 22nd, 2016, 08:51
Democracy is by no means and or the only means available to establish a society that is just, fair, and equal.
In which other societies can you have an open and frank discussion about "the means to establish a society that is just, fair and equal" than in a democracy? Please name them.

October 22nd, 2016, 09:38
Look around Asia, where are these Democracies? Are there really any?

Take the Philippines as an example as it is a "democracy." I remember very well, all of Marcos' snap elections in the Philippines because I was there
I have beaten this drum before and been beaten down. But it does not change my view after 35 years living in the region.

Some answers have been given re democracies in Asia. I was also frequently in the Philppines in the years before Marcos was toppled and saw many of the evils of that dictatorship. I have also witnessed the continuing massive corruption of the political process and the continuing control by a handful of mega-rich powerful families. To say the Philippines is a funtioning democracy in which the mass of the people really understand the meaning of democracy is a rather sad joke.

Deomocracy never existed in Japan - nor in almost any other Asian countries - until the full influence of western powers was brought to bear, usually through force. Japanese democracy is an American bred fiction. I have lived there and seen it at first hand. The same is largely true of South Korea which during the Cold War America needed as a balance to North Korea, although major internal protests against the military governments and not incidentally the awarding of the Olympic Games in 1988 helped in its birth. Certainly on the face of it democracy functions more effectively, but in the present government run by the daughter of the assassinated dictator Park, it is regressing, the media is muzzled and certain powerful families are regaining their power.

Of Thailand's near neighbors, the democratic fiction does not even come close in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. In Malaysia and Singapore, the so-called democratic process was skewed from day 1. True, each citizen has a vote, but it is far from an equal vote. For that reason, only one party has ruled Malaysia since Independence and similarly only one party in Singapore. Indeed for years Singapore harassed it's single Opposition MP with lawsuits, making him bankrupt and outright lies (as later proven by the Supreme Court) all but sending him to an early grave. Malaysia is now embroiled in a monster corruption scandal involving state assets made public, only because the local media is muzzled, by the Washington Post. The total amount so far is US3.8 billion and rising. The Prime Minister and his son are directly involved and new laws have been enacted to ensure there can be no anti-government protests. Singapore banks have been caught up in the mess with several censured and two being forced to close.

Many Singaporeans are now unhappy at how little their vote counts for and are upset at the many government initiatives, including massive immigration that has doubled the size of the population in a couple of decades - in which they had zero say. But because their votes count for precious little in what is effectively a nanny state, there is little movement for change - a lot of talk, but no action.

The one beacon in the region is, rather ironically, Taiwan. A Cold War puppet of the USA and a military dictatorship until around 1990, it has embraced democracy and at the same time put in place the institutions needed to ensure that democracy functions pretty well. For I believe, as most do, that you simply cannot have one without the other, for that way chaos, power grabbing and more corruption of the system lie. Thailand's population had the vote, but effective systems to ensure a functioning democracy actually worked have never been put in place.

October 22nd, 2016, 11:48
Then nothing will change and only continue to get worse.

Well, that is what many fear and have been saying, hopefully they are wrong.

October 22nd, 2016, 15:17
Some people trust their betters- generals, princes and priests- to run their lives. I don't. And nor do most Thais, as elections have repeatedly shown. It's not as if generals, princes and priests across the world provide benign governance; they inevitably resort to vicious sectarianism, racism or old-fashioned repression to remain in power. And that's what it's all about - remaining in power to continue to enjoy the fruits of the labours of the working man.
Before the days of mass communication (and now the internet in particular) the poor could be sold the lies that " 'twas ever thus" or "ti's what God intended". Those days are gone.

October 22nd, 2016, 17:16
.... Before the days of mass communication (and now the internet in particular) the poor could be sold the lies.....
That's why controlling the the media is essential....

October 22nd, 2016, 21:25
Some people trust their betters- generals, princes and priests- to run their lives. I don't. And nor do most Thais, as elections have repeatedly shown. It's not as if generals, princes and priests across the world provide benign governance; they inevitably resort to vicious sectarianism, racism or old-fashioned repression to remain in power. And that's what it's all about - remaining in power to continue to enjoy the fruits of the labours of the working man.
So you will accept that the rulers of Malaysia and Singapore are akin to dictators and tyrants since, despite one-man-one-vote, the systems are rigged to ensure the ruling parties stay in power. What is the difference from generals, princes and priests?

But I suggest that the problem with your principle is that in every discussion on democracy you find will be agreement on several essential requirements apart from the obvious one of the right to vote. Another is the obligation of citizens to know for what they are voting and how the various parties differ in terms of policy. Another is active participation in the democratic process. Another is a free press, an impartial civil service and a truly independent judiciary. Another is the rooting out of endemic rampant corruption. Another is the understanding amongst voters and politicians that you cannot get everything you want. Governments have to be fair to all sectors of society. Another is that everyone in a society is subject to the law. Governments cannot make laws to suit themselves and absolutely no-one is above the law. Another is the acceptance that that there is a right to protest but protests must always be within the confines of the law. And yet another is the acceptance of the entire electorate of a peaceful transition of power when that is the result of an election.

All this may seem somewhat academic, but it reinforces the view that the right to vote for those who will govern you is just a very small part of the overall democratic process. If you don't have the underlying democratic fundamentals along with all the checks and balances, you merely have a quasi democracy that is, frankly, fully capable of voting into power another Hitler or similar tyrant. So I'd love someone to post which country in Asia has in place the democratic checks and balances and the freedoms which will ensure this does not happen.

October 23rd, 2016, 05:00
So I'd love someone to post which country in Asia has in place the democratic checks and balances and the freedoms which will ensure this does not happen.
What are you expecting fountainhall? Instant democracy? It took several hundred years of trial and error for the modern Western democracies to get to where they are today, and a lot of that development is uneven. The Greek democracy is not much more than a cesspit of corruption, for example. A democracy doesn't emerge in an even progression after years of autocratic, colonial or one-party rule. Look at South Africa as an example. Two steps forward under Mandela, at least one step back under his successors. I'd have thought one absolute criterion that you barely mention (apart from "checks and balances") is a fully-functioning, autonomous, independent judiciary. That doesn't exist in Singapore or Malaysia - and certainly not Thailand. Another is whistle-blower protection, a recent innovation in first world democracies who are, although appearing sclerotic at times, still evolving in their understanding of what it is to be a citizens' democracy. So asking for demonstrations of Asian democracy after less than 200 years of exposure to other thought systems than a hierarchical and non-rational one - the Asian reality until, at least. the Meiji Restoration started the slow grind towards the view of valuing all citizens equally - is somewhat unrealistic

The problem in Buddhist countries is especially acute because of the doctrines around reincarnation - you are who you are in this life because of your accumulated virtue in past lives. Therefore if you're better off in this life it's because you were more virtuous in past lives. Hence the emphasis by the junta in Thailand on having only virtuous people governing. By definition the huddled masses of peasants are not virtuous and therefore unworthy of participating in government precisely because they are peasants, and they are peasants because of the moral paucity of their past lives.

October 23rd, 2016, 08:29
What are you expecting fountainhall? Instant democracy? It took several hundred years of trial and error for the modern Western democracies to get to where they are today, and a lot of that development is uneven . . . A democracy doesn't emerge in an even progression after years of autocratic, colonial or one-party rule . . . . I'd have thought one absolute criterion that you barely mention (apart from "checks and balances") is a fully-functioning, autonomous, independent judiciary . . . So asking for demonstrations of Asian democracy after less than 200 years of exposure to other thought systems than a hierarchical and non-rational one - the Asian reality until, at least. the Meiji Restoration started the slow grind towards the view of valuing all citizens equally - is somewhat unrealistic
I agree almost totally with your comments (although I hope you'll note I have stressed the need for an autonomous, independent judiciary). I certainly do not advocate instant democracy. Democracy has to evolve over time and those in a democratic society have to realise that merely voting for the party which offers the most goodies is the tip of a rather large iceberg. It is the structure of that iceberg under the waterline that really takes the time and it is that structure that is seriously flawed and full of holes in the Asian context.

It is some other posters who seem to imply that the introduction of one-man-one vote is virtually the be all and end off of democracy and that it can be thrust upon a society even though basic democratic fundamentals barely exist. I think it is of interest that in most cases worldwide that I can recall democracy did not just happen. If it was not forced upon a nation as a result of prolonged conflict with external powers - as in Japan, it came about as a result of a protracted internal struggle, often involving extreme violence as with France. And that I believe is a key difference with Thailand. Buddhist beliefs may well have played a role as democracy tried to take root, but the system as it existed was intensely flawed and created the sort of conditions which in other countries led to the rise in more recent days of populist leaders like Putin and Chavez. And we all know who, after his election, deliberately weakened the base of the iceberg in this country. That is fact, whatever else might have been accomplished.

October 23rd, 2016, 14:48
I have no illusions; I've experienced military occupation by "the only democracy in the Middle East" . When some callow youth in uniform sticks a gun in your face because you are looking at a colony, it doesn't make it any easier to know that his country allows all citizens to vote. Nor were the rocks those "hill-top" youths from a settlement used to smash -up the windows of my taxi any less dangerous. Vicious societies can be democratically vicious.
In Thailand , it's not just the issue of voting; it's the fact that such a high percentage of wealth, power (and guns) are in the hands of such a small group of people. What's your estimate? Ten percent? fifteen? When power is concentrated in the hands of a few , repression is inevitable.

October 23rd, 2016, 18:00
In Thailand , it's not just the issue of voting; it's the fact that such a high percentage of wealth, power (and guns) are in the hands of such a small group of people. What's your estimate? Ten percent? fifteen? When power is concentrated in the hands of a few , repression is inevitable.
i entirely agree regarding the uneven distribution of wealth. I have no idea what the percentage of high rollers is but I'm sure it is very small. And that is totally unacceptable.

But I think you have to remember this is Asia and not the Middle East. In terms of economic progress, in the 70s and 80s Japan was the economic miracle - so much so that the Reagan administration forced the country to revalue the ¥ upwards by more than 40%, with Bush Senior turning the screw further. During the same period, 4 Asian countries developed at such a rate they were called the Asian Economic Tigers. In each wealth was distributed throughout their societies (although inevitably major inequalities remained). South Korea was a military dictatorship throughout that entire period. Taiwan was also ruled by the military that entire time. Hong Kong was a colonial administration ruled from London with zero democracy. Singapore was in name a democracy, but essentially it was a right wing dictatorship (although one with a strong social agenda).

And what of the democratic countries? The Philippines was a basket case with wealth held by an even smaller group of families than in Thailand and the democratically elected Marcos turning into a murdering dictator. Not even the advent of People Power in 1986 could turn the country around and so the wealth remains in a few hands. Thailand started to grow dramatically from the mid-1970s to the point that by the mid-1980s it was one of the fastest growing countries anywhere. That newly created wealth helped develop the emerging middle class, but precious little found its way to the mass of the rural poor.

And I find this a real conundrum. How could military dictatorships, a colonial administration and one near dictatorship do far better in terms both of total wealth creation and the distribution of that wealth within their communities than those democratic countries with elected governments?

October 23rd, 2016, 18:28
In Thailand , it's not just the issue of voting; it's the fact that such a high percentage of wealth, power (and guns) are in the hands of such a small group of people.

As per CIA Gini index for Thailand is 39.4, Gini index for USA is 45.0. Gini index shows income inequality - than higher is number than higher is inequality.

October 23rd, 2016, 21:32
Moses, with all respect, I would never believe anything the CIA says! I have seen the evils that organization has perpetrated in Asia, starting perhaps with the Secret War against the tiny nation of Laos which, thanks to the CIA became the most bombed country per capita in history. Add in East Timor, Bangladesh, propping up Marcos, Sukaerno and Suharto and a host of other atrocities and the CIA is a totally discredited organization.

October 23rd, 2016, 21:56
Moses, with all respect, I would never believe anything the CIA says! I have seen the evils that organization has perpetrated in Asia, starting perhaps with the Secret War against the tiny nation of Laos which, thanks to the CIA became the most bombed country per capita in history. Add in East Timor, Bangladesh, propping up Marcos, Sukaerno and Suharto and a host of other atrocities and the CIA is a totally discredited organization.
I don't question the data, it is combined from the CIA World Factbook and UN data, I do have issues to relevance to Oliver's comment.

October 23rd, 2016, 22:21
As per CIA Gini index for Thailand is 39.4, Gini index for USA is 45.0. Gini index shows income inequality - than higher is number than higher is inequality.

The data is interesting and doesn't really surprise me. Oliver is commenting on wealth inequality and the link is about income inequality, a big difference as it pertains to Thailand. Wealth is income and all personal and tangible assets but most importantly land. Land is where Thailand’s elite stash their wealth and let's not mention the royal holdings. America, like Thailand is an oligarchy, as Obama said recently the top 1% of Americans possess 40% of the wealth and bottom 80% possess 7%.

October 23rd, 2016, 22:45
Moses, with all respect, I would never believe anything the CIA says! I have seen the evils that organization has perpetrated in Asia, starting perhaps with the Secret War against the tiny nation of Laos which, thanks to the CIA became the most bombed country per capita in history. Add in East Timor, Bangladesh, propping up Marcos, Sukaerno and Suharto and a host of other atrocities and the CIA is a totally discredited organization.

CIA's economical data is accurate and is corresponding with World Bank and IMF data...

October 24th, 2016, 08:30
As always seems to be the case, different studies provide different results -

According to a new survey, Thailand ranked 6th most unequal country in the world in terms of wealth distribution.Credit Suisse has released a global wealth report that indicated that up to 75 percent of the national wealth is held by those in its top 10 percent. The figure increases from that in 2013 at 73.8 percent.

The rate of unequal distribution of wealth accelerated during 2007-2014, with the share of wealth held by the top 10 percent standing at 69.3 percent in 2007.

October 24th, 2016, 10:50
As always seems to be the case, different studies provide different results -


As I mentioned in post 2183, some people are talking wealth inequality and others income inequality, they are not the same. Relevance to Thailand is wealth inequality.

October 24th, 2016, 12:11
Unless I am reading something incorrectly, surely that Credt Suisse Survey is precisely about wealth inequality?

There are two other issues that have hampered - and continue to hamper - Thailand's economic development and thus its wealth creation and not incidentally a greater distribution of that wealth: endemic corruption on what has become a massive scale and an education system that is desperately incapable of giving students the tools they need to climb out of poverty. It can be no accident that one reason the Asian Tigers developed so quickly is because they all had far more advanced educational systems that are now even more advanced. With the tea money on government contracts regularly in excess of 30% (when that was closer to 15% 20 years ago) and historically the tradition of the providing gifts to those who help individuals, some government has to take very difficult and effective measures to root this out of society. It can be done more or less effectively - as it was in Hong Kong - but it requires a government with guts and utter determination. Will that ever be possible in Thailand?

Old git
October 24th, 2016, 12:50
Two points here:

The CIA world factbook is a good resource, and an obvious attempt by that organisation to improve it's reputation.

International comparisons of wealth and income distribution are not very informative. Personal wealth is only one component of overall wealth, which includes cultural and social resources and shared assets. Bean counters in all walks of life hate things that can't be measured properly, so they often ignore them, drawing daft conclusions as a result.

For example, the medical profession is very good at gathering stats that point to the evils of alcohol, but have no way of measuring it's benefits as a stress reducer. Even though it is known that moderate drinkers live longer than teetotallers, they ignore what they can't measure and keep producing studies that point to alcohol consumption being bad per se.

Economists number crunch endlessly, but have no way of putting a value on London's abundance of parks, Minnesotas abundance of lakes or Thailand's benign climate..

October 24th, 2016, 14:37
As I mentioned in post 2183, some people are talking wealth inequality and others income inequality, they are not the same. Relevance to Thailand is wealth inequality.

Ok, wealth distribution Gini index for Thailand is 0.710, for USA is 0.801 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_distribution_of_wealth

Than higher number - then higher inequality

Something to read http://fortune.com/2015/09/30/america-wealth-inequality/

October 24th, 2016, 21:30
Moses, what is interesting about your sources is that while the USA is first in wealth inequality, Sweden is second. From that, and with the current perception of Sweden as a "welfare state" then one must ask; Can you have a more humane society and still have wealth inequality?

That might be the real lesson of what could work for Thailand....

October 25th, 2016, 08:35
I admit I had not heard about the Gini coefficient before and am having trouble getting my head round what seem quite odd figures. How is it, for example, that countries like Nigeria or the Democratic Republic of Congo have better Gini scores than the USA and Thailand? Surely in both those African countries there is massive corruption and wealth concentrated in relatively fewer hands?

My first thought from a quick glance at the Wikipedia table above that you cannot just take the Gini score on its own. If you also compare Gini with Wealth Per Adult Capita, you find startling differences. The first figure in each column below lists the Gini score, the second the WPAC score -

Switzerland - .803 / $179,345
USA - .801 / $201,319
Sweden - .742 / $102,996
Nigeria - .736 / $2,070
Democratic Republic of Congo - .711 / $3,328
Thailand - .710 / $21,295

And surely the total adult population of a country needs to be taken into account?