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View Full Version : If it sounds to good to be true......

June 23rd, 2014, 11:53
After careful consideration, I thought I would post what happened to me recently as a warning to others.

Some days back in Pattaya I got a call on my mobile from a number I did not recognize. The guy said he had been with me before and wanted to meet me again. After some discussion, he said I had taken him from Boyz Boyz Boyz before. As I had not taken anyone from that bar for a good 10 years, I told him that and he admitted he had gotten my number from a friend and had not met me before. He described himself as 27 year old and slim. Which I later found out was accurate. I said I wanted to see his picture before I agreed to meet him. Anyhow after many calls and messages from him to me eventually he sent me his photo by email. Looked like it was taken at the beach. Not a bad looker.
I was still reluctant to meet him.
Later after more text messages he messaged me that he had money and was not looking for money but only sex.
I allowed by ego to take over.
I invited him to my place but as he said he did not have is ID card(lent to a friend he told me later) I would not let him come to me. He invited me to his place. At a well known block of apartments behind a well know shopping center.
I went there and met him. Nice room and he said he had rooms elsewhere in Pattaya and BKK.
Good sex, Everything was done but he wanted to 'fuck' without a condom. I mildly scolded him and told him no and luckily I had brought plenty of protection with me which was used. Though some "smoking" went on without a condom.
All was ok,.it was short time with no request or money given.I left after the sex.
You might now be asking what is the point of my story?
Next day I happened to show a Thai friend the photo of the guy from my email.
My Thai friend was shocked. As he said the one in the picture is well known in Sunee Plaza as a notorious drug dealer. As someone who steals mobile phones. Who has been arrested and jailed many times by the police and banned from some bars in Sunee. Who others suspect has AIDS and whose attitude is: well he wants to spread his disease around to others especially to farangs.
I have no doubt my Thai friend was telling me the truth about this person.
I ain't going to post his photo here for obvious reasons.
I ought to have remembered the old saying about "if it sounds to good to be true...." etc.
Thank goodness condoms were used for the fucking. Nevertheless still a worry.
Be warned!

June 23rd, 2014, 12:02
It would be helpful if you could post his photo.

June 23rd, 2014, 12:08
If the moderator says I can post it here, I will do that providing I consider there is no later consequence arising to me by publicly showing the photo.

June 23rd, 2014, 12:46
Does he have a gayromeo profile? Then you could post in the gayromeo forum. Overall, the encounter was pleasant.

Did he know what you look like when he called you?

I would not give out my email address (or facebook account or similar) to receive a picture of someone (I have a basic rule, either have a facepic in your profile on gayromeo/grindr, or send it as an attachment there, or fuck off).

Anyway, I don't like talking on the phone with people I haven't met before, it has to move to written conversation (gayromeo, grindr, or even better Line) quickly.

June 23rd, 2014, 13:14
Thank you Christian for your helpful and optimistic posting.
Agree the encounter was pleasant.
To answer your question: I have no idea if he knew what I looked like before meeting. He admitted he got my mobile phone number from a friend of his.
I do not know if he is on Gay Romeo. Never discussed it with him.
As to the email I gave him, it was an email I only use infrequently and which can easily be cancelled.

June 23rd, 2014, 14:01
If the moderator says I can post it here, I will do that providing I consider there is no later consequence arising to me by publicly showing the photo.
No, sorry...and here's why;

From your account If it sounds too good to be true the encounter did not result in anything being stolen from you. Was the crime the fact that he "he wanted to 'fuck' without a condom" and because there was a suspicion that the individual might have "AIDS"?

I mean no disrespect to you or your Thai friend. If crimes were committed by this individual against your Thai friend, he is welcome to provide his story.

What if these long list of crimes and allegations were more of a smear campaign against the individual and he isn't here to defend himself? I'm not sure who these "others" are that suspect the individual of having AIDS...and why that term was necessarily chosen with their suspicions. From your account, this wasn't a commercial encounter and so for all these reasons...I say no to posting his photo and posting his profile, especially with no evidence proving or suggesting his guilt to any allegation.


June 23rd, 2014, 14:33
Good call, surfcrest.

Thanks to the OP for posting the story as well. A good reminder about the importance of ALWAYS playing safer during sex. Also taking precautions for personal safety whenever possible.

June 23rd, 2014, 17:41
Some estimate as high as 40% of money boys are HIV positive. It's a western urban gay
myth that HIV positive men are looking to spread the virus. Some farangs insist on
no condoms and the other extreme insist on condoms for oral sex.

I agree with surf. I'm not brown nosing him as I often don't like his moderating style
and have expressed it many times via PMs .

June 23rd, 2014, 21:19
That's a bit of a mystery. If he hasn't seen a picture of you, it's highly improbable that he found you sexually attractive.

From my experience, people who want you to look up their pictures on websites or send them by email, have other things than sex in mind (but that's based on encounters on gayromeo or grinder, so cannot apply here).

Doesn't matter if the email one you use only for such encounters or you primary/business/family/whatever, when someone (from gayromeo/grindr) asks for my email to send me a picture, conversation is over.

Surfcrest is right, third hand information (your Thai friend - you - surfcrest) can be no basis for exposing someone's identity as a thief.

I avoid people who use or deal drugs, otherwise I would say: see him again (use condoms and leave valuables at home).

June 23rd, 2014, 23:43
Slightly surprised by your topic homeseeker, I was expecting something quite different. You had sex with a young, slim Thai guy, who you found attractive enough to have sex with, who didnтАЩt ask for any money, didnтАЩt use or offer you drugs, didnтАЩt steal from you and used a condom when you asked him to. On the face of it, all seems pretty good to me.

However, you have since heard, through a third party, whom you say is reliable, that the boy is suspected of having AIDs, is a drug dealer and wants to infect fa-r├аng by having unprotected sex.

In my view Surfcrest has made the right call by saying тАШnoтАЩ to publishing a photo and personal details of the boy on the forum. It simply would not be fair to do otherwise in my opinion. If you have hard evidence, such as a newspaper article with details of an arrest, charges and a successful prosecution, then I would recommend sending details to the owner by PM for his further consideration.

But your topic has, I believe, provided a public service and will serve as a reminder to any members who receive an unsolicited call from a stranger suggesting a meeting for sex, especially one who wants to have unprotected sex. It goes without saying that we all should be using condoms when having penetrative sex and taking proper precautions to protect our valuables when we invite strangers into our homes or hotel rooms.

June 24th, 2014, 08:57
I wonder if he got your mobile number from a stolen phone and perhaps a picture of you too.

June 24th, 2014, 18:37
That Thai friend's story sounds rather far-fetched, at least to me. Assuming that a certain Thai guy's main objective were to spread his HIV infection among as many gay farang as possible, he could just move to Bangkok, visit Babylon every day and infect scores of them in no time. As he seems attractive and sexually skilled, no doubt he'd have many takers there. Without having to go through all the hassle sourcing phone numbers or email addresses! Also, if he hates gay farang THAT much (or wants to take revenge, assuming that it was a farang who once infected him), why doesn't he ask for money on top? He needs to sustain himself, and surely needs even more money and has limited job opportunities if indeed he's HIV positive (as recently discussed in another thread, "HIV and employment").

June 28th, 2014, 04:58
I assume EVERY casual sex encounter (paid or not) is HIV positive, so always use protection.