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June 14th, 2014, 05:55
While I am not in pattaya at the moment , I have been informed that the thai guy called MR BEAM WHO RUNS CASTRO BAR in boys town has taken over the bar at the caf├й royale.Does any one know if this just another pattaya rumor or is there any truth in this story

June 14th, 2014, 12:06
The nice lady working in Castro, and at beach giving manicure and pedicure during the day, handed out promotion for Cafe Royal some days ago, which could be a sign that the rumor is correct. Would be good for Boystown if Cafe Royal could be full of life again.

Nirish guy
June 14th, 2014, 16:16
Last time I met up with him ( 2 months ago) he was certainly intending to open his own new bar somewhere as he was as already mentioned only the manager of Castro for various reasons.

He had mentioned perhaps intending to open somewhere in jomtiem where he lives as he thought it would be busier there and have more potential than boystown ( how he worked that out I don't know ! but he was fairly confident that (another) good show bar there would work, I think based on the big fish in the small pond notion perhaps.

So, maybe his plans changed and he's now thrown his hat into the boystown ring after all, or perhaps for now he's just moved "jobs", I guess time will tell.

Either way the very best of luck to him as he's a nice guy and knows how to run a good bar, both for his own ends and also in giving his customers a good night out too so I'm sure he'll do well wherever he ends up.

June 14th, 2014, 18:02
I'm sure we would all like to see the renaissance of Le Cafe Royale and for it to be the place it was even 10/15yrs ago, never mind in its heyday - but the client base seems to have changed completely over time with the result that BT as a whole isn't a shadow of what it was then, so I suspect those days are simply gone.

But here's hoping!


June 14th, 2014, 23:55
It would be nice to see La Cafe bar busy again,it has a great location,hopefully it will happen.

June 15th, 2014, 06:48
My understanding, via face ache ie Facebook is that he is running the bar/restaurant side of things at LCR., but on what basis, manager for owner /on lease etc I don't know. Beam was one of the regulars at LCR piano bar in the busier days. Wish him well, he's a good guy.

June 15th, 2014, 09:26
This morning there is a huge banner hanging outside announcing a re-opening ( perhaps a re-vamping) on Tuesday. A cabaret, too.

June 15th, 2014, 09:42
Appropriate title: Has Cafe Royale a new owner?

June 15th, 2014, 12:56
This morning there is a huge banner hanging outside announcing a re-opening ( perhaps a re-vamping) on Tuesday. A cabaret, too.

To be followed on Wednesday by your rant here about how the late-night noise kept you awake...

June 15th, 2014, 14:37
While I am not in pattaya at the moment , I have been informed that the thai guy called MR BEAM WHO RUNS CASTRO BAR in boys town has taken over the bar at the caf├й royale.Does any one know if this just another pattaya rumor or is there any truth in this storyMy eyesight is clearly fading, I read that as MR CREAM BUN a couple of times before I realised I was in error.

June 15th, 2014, 16:08
Posted on Facebook today regarding launch night with cabaret, "famous singers" ....I tend to agree with Scottish Guy in that things have moved on if they are trying to recreate times gone by

June 15th, 2014, 16:09
Notice they have also changed the venues name..well spelling at least