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June 13th, 2014, 08:40
... has made a few pithy comments to the dumb Dregs-of-this-Earth at http://pattayabitchboard.socialparody.c ... itch-board (http://pattayabitchboard.socialparody.com/pg/forum/topic/11506206/smurf-wants-to-own-neals-bitch-board)

The Prissy Poleaxe takes his high dudgeon to the stratosphere and becomes the self-appointed Defender of Moral Indignation (see the last post in that thread) for all message boards on the WWW.
The best one can say regarding all this nonsense is that Poley possibly ~ though I don't know for certain ~ writes this stuff at least slightly sober ... unlike Tim Bit ~ a man who has, long ago, given up on the very concept of sobriety, much less truth-telling, or being not-naughty.
And by the way ... don't ask me what the fuck those doooods are on about.

June 14th, 2014, 01:05
I saw the thread you refer to Smiles.

My reaction was that it's a pile of shite, and that "surfcrest" just isn't.

However I'm willing to be corrected.

And I'm still not convinced at all that Fat Boy is dead.

Nirish guy
June 14th, 2014, 23:43
For the record then Surfcrest - is that you replying there to them and if it is then REALLY, you wanted to (re)open and provide a bitch board to enable it to carry on attacking usually your own members here ?? Really ?? And all in secret so no one would know who the owner was ?? if so that's starting to sound awfully like someone else hopefully recently departed - no ??

June 15th, 2014, 02:19
As you say, Nirish - let's have some clarification. I seriously hope it's a hoax.

June 15th, 2014, 02:46
The PBB and the TBB that we knew, when Neal owned it is very different from the Pattaya Bitch Board / Social Parody thing they have now and had before Neal came along to assume the identity of the BitchQueen.

I was trying, behind the scenes, to give the gangs at Social Parody something to replace what they lost in the battle. Neal was behind all of the poisonous stuff that they wrote and posted about on the PBB / TBB. Now that he is gone, I'd be certain that they are going to have some laughs at our expense based on the stuff we post, but it's all fun and games now. There's no rocks hidden in the snowballs.

The plan was to have Ron put a new platform together for them, one that was as functional as the last or perhaps more for them to set up as their new home. I would have worked with Ron to set that up and plug it into our server, where we would host it along side our other sites. It was never my intention to own it or control it in any way. I wouldn't even want admin access to the site, I'd just hand the keys over to Albert and let him run it while he still can.

Of course, there would be an agreement as to what they can legally post or not and if that line was ever crossed the plug would be pulled.

That was the plan, but Ron has said "no" and now the plan is known...the lack of trust from the Social Parody gang despite my having nothing to do with the proposed new site was enough to see the idea fail. As I said to them, "suit yourselves!"

While it may not have been my best idea to date, it was simply my way of re-planting the trees, the shrubs and the flowers after the war was over. As I said on Gay Thailand, I have reached out to Ron to try to put all that behind us now. That's not to say I'll be doing anything with Ron in the future...just that we've moved on. I'll be back in Thailand for another long stay in the coming months and no doubt I'll be bumping into Ron and these folks when I'm back, so I'd like to repair the damages to put all that in the distant past.

I hope you understand what I was trying to accomplish.


Nirish guy
June 15th, 2014, 04:47
Ha, Not one of your best ideas is a massive understatement in my opinion and I'm telling you that straight and not talking or saying that behind your back.

I think the whole twisted thing stinks to high heaven, however I'm not wasting anymore of my time even bothering to tell you why as I'm guessing you already know full well - which was of course why you wanted to try and keep the whole deal a tight secret from both your members here and the members of the bitch board too in the first place.

Sometimes one can be just too smart you know Surf - especially when you end up getting caught out trying to be a sneaky bugger perhaps - all in my humble opinion of course, others may disagree, but that's my view, said directly to you too so that there's no doubt of my view on your shady and underhand suggestion.

June 15th, 2014, 05:30
Well Surfy, I have read what you say and frankly I'm gobsmacked - I don't see what you were trying to "accomplish" at all.

Have you looked at that board recently - minus Neal (allegedly) ? I see no improvement whatsoever - it's still full of fucking psychopaths whose sole purpose in life is to denigrate other people. I have recently been accused of being sexually attracted to 2 yr olds -is what you had in mind as harmless entertainment? Have you learned nothing from the past 2 years?

Don't know what you were seeking to do there - but frankly it fucking stinks and you need your head examined if you intend getting into bed with those malevolent, pernicious, destructive cunts - and if you do, you can count me out of SGT


June 15th, 2014, 11:44
which was of course why you wanted to try and keep the whole deal a tight secret from both your members here and the members of the bitch board too in the first place.

Sometimes one can be just too smart you know Surf - especially when you end up getting caught out trying to be a sneaky bugger perhaps - all in my humble opinion of course, others may disagree, but that's my view, said directly to you too so that there's no doubt of my view on your shady and underhand suggestion.

Have you looked at that board recently - minus Neal (allegedly) ? I see no improvement whatsoever - it's still full of fucking psychopaths whose sole purpose in life is to denigrate other people. I have recently been accused of being sexually attracted to 2 yr olds -is what you had in mind as harmless entertainment? Have you learned nothing from the past 2 years?

Don't know what you were seeking to do there - but frankly it fucking stinks and you need your head examined if you intend getting into bed with those malevolent, pernicious, destructive cunts - and if you do, you can count me out of SGT

Like I said, not the best idea perhaps but I wasn't trying to be sneaky about it. We were only at the point of emails back and forth between Ron and I. We'd been pen pals occasionally since he left Sawatdee, through the war and then into this new period of reconciliation. He's a sensitive guy and no doubt through everything that's gone down, he's been under stress...undoubtedly drinks too much and I'd like to see him turn things around for himself. The original suggestion was for him to run it. I think he would have turned it into something that wasn't evil, but rather fun.

As the host...I could have it unplugged at any time if it turned into something ugly. This wasn't about resurrecting the old TBB or even the Social Parody crap. It was supposed to have been a brand new board with a bit of structure...something they certainly don't have now or while Neal ran it.

As for keeping it a tight secret, that's because it was just an idea between two people emailing back and forth. I hadn't even thought of mentioning it to anyone myself at that point, especially since Ron said he didn't like the idea from the start. I have no idea why he told Neal or Uncle Albert and I was just as surprised to see it mentioned on the Social Parody.

There are two schools of thought on this issue. One, to continue doing what we're successfully doing...and that's ignoring them to death OR We can accept the fact that they are always going to be there...and maybe there's a market for that sort of platform in the community and so here's our opportunity to steer that in the right direction with some basic rules to protect you guys and the rest of us from that shit they've been slinging.

I've been reading and posting to the Boards for years and all through those years there's been a clique of campiness that has either existed in the Boards or outside. And while I'm not thinking of these shit vents; poleaxe or timmberty...I have enjoyed some of the classic silly ones such as Uncle Albert, Dame Sanitree na Pakin, Pearl of the Orient, Aunty, Edith...etc.

Anyhow, it was just an idea...that's all. Sorry for the misunderstanding guys and now that I know how strongly you feel about it, I'll tell you that it will never be reconsidered. We'll go back to ignoring the sorry lot that remains.


June 15th, 2014, 12:32
Of course, there would be an agreement as to what they can legally post or not and if that line was ever crossed the plug would be pulled.
Okay, so you're not just paranoid (as I've known since a long time), but also delusional (that's news to me). Congratulations.

June 15th, 2014, 12:55
Okay, so you're not just paranoid (as I've known since a long time), but also delusional (that's news to me). Congratulations.
Well...it was just an idea, you're going to have to wait for a better opportunity to pounce!


Nirish guy
June 22nd, 2014, 08:04
Oh I don't know, I think this was probably just about one of the best reasons yet that you've given for your detractors to pounce on you unfortunately as they really don't even have to try that hard in their attempts at making you look bad and this time this was all of your OWN doing which can't be blamed on anyone else ........but hey I guess we ALL live and learn.

June 24th, 2014, 16:25
I wasn't trying to be sneaky about it.

Sorry, but you obviously were.

he's been under stress...undoubtedly drinks too much and I'd like to see him turn things around for himself. The original suggestion was for him to run it. I think he would have turned it into something that wasn't evil, but rather fun.

So you were willing to let this stressed out drunk run the board for you??
And what previous posts by Ron suggest he wouldn't turn it into something evil? I must have missed all these "fun" posts!

here's our opportunity to steer that in the right direction with some basic rules to protect you guys and the rest of us from that shit they've been slinging.

Surfcrest, please tell us if you would have banned those members had you succeeded in your attempt to buy the board. You haven't mentioned anything about your intentions in regards to this, and I think it's important that we know what you intended to do with them.

If your idea was to allow them to stay and continue flinging shit at your own board members, what does that say about your attitude to your sgt members who were regularly libelled and had lies published about them on the PBB? Were you going to allow them to stay and continue with their libellous posts?

You have done yourself no favours.

June 25th, 2014, 03:21
I wasn't trying to be sneaky about it.

Sorry, but you obviously were.

I'll be more careful with my private emails in the future. Sorry.

I he's been under stress...undoubtedly drinks too much and I'd like to see him turn things around for himself. The original suggestion was for him to run it. I think he would have turned it into something that wasn't evil, but rather fun.

So you were willing to let this stressed out drunk run the board for you??
And what previous posts by Ron suggest he wouldn't turn it into something evil? I must have missed all these "fun" posts!

No, the point was that Ron (when working for Neal) did what Neal wanted. You could tell in the end when he was fighting with Neal about the direction of the TBB before it suddenly closed that he didn't agree with how it had been used. Had Ron controlled it after he built it, no doubt it would have gone in a different direction. I think the stress of what was going on with the TBB drove Ron to drink more.

Neal was behind the PPB / TBB. All the rotten shit that came out of those pages came from Neal's rabid mind. While others may have climbed on the band wagon and shared in the shit slinging...it was all Neal.

here's our opportunity to steer that in the right direction with some basic rules to protect you guys and the rest of us from that shit they've been slinging.

Surfcrest, please tell us if you would have banned those members had you succeeded in your attempt to buy the board. You haven't mentioned anything about your intentions in regards to this, and I think it's important that we know what you intended to do with them.

If your idea was to allow them to stay and continue flinging shit at your own board members, what does that say about your attitude to your sgt members who were regularly libelled and had lies published about them on the PBB? Were you going to allow them to stay and continue with their libellous posts?

You have done yourself no favours.

Great question. Timmberty will never be a member here again. Nor will Zebedee, Khor tose, Ron or kjun12 and his many, many other handles.
The other folks you see over there, Uncle Albert (Has been a long time member here that we don't see here too often), Merriweather, Piss Elegant, poleaxe, Connie Lingus, Shittsville Sisters...are all member here with us already. Unfortunately they have ity bity testicles, which prevents them from standing up like a real men and saying what they believe under the user names we know them by. Certainly you can spot who's who!

Of course they should know that I allow others here on Sawatdee to take a run at me anytime they want. I have enough followers here that I can depend on to take a swing at me anytime I write anything and honestly this concerns me very little. My testicles are a bit bigger and despite similar threats from Neal, I went up to the fucker and took this Board you are now enjoying out of his grubby hands for the benefit of the membership despite his petty threats of physical violence. I'm not making money on this venture, nor will I. This is about paying the bills and being the best "custodian" of this Board before it passes hands to the next owner.

There is zero "paid" advertising here. The Panorama / Funnyboys ads stayed up as a courtesy to these wonderful folks. There hasn't been a single paid click from Booking.com, as expected.

While it may only have been a private discussion between Ron and I by email and even he recognizes that he shouldn't have shared it with Uncle Albert / Bitch Queen, by the time he had the idea was dead anyway...so it was more of a "what could have been" rather than any sort of concrete plan. Had it came to be, it would have been nothing like it was or like it is today, in it's sorry state.

Similarly so, Sawatdee today is nothing like it was prior to May 2013 either when Neal briefly owned it. Had whatever idea Ron and I discussed came to be, I'd always have the power as the owner of the server to shut it down with the press of a button. The same applies to Sawatdee. A press of the button and the site goes inactive, where I could park it somewhere...as we did with the pre-October 2013 Board ... 89cf01f45f ( or I could just delete the whole thing, as Neal did with the TBB.

I hope I've fully addressed your concerns.


June 25th, 2014, 15:20
I hope I've fully addressed your concerns.

No, you haven't.

I specifically asked you if you would have run the PBB and allowed all those members over there who libelled sgt members to remain as members of the PBB and continue to write lies about your members here.

June 25th, 2014, 16:57
I specifically asked you if you would have run the PBB and allowed all those members over there who libelled sgt members to remain as members of the PBB and continue to write lies about your members here.
Your answer is No and No.

First to the answer you are looking for;

I mentioned Ron, I mentioned timmberty...the real culprit was Neal. Many of the other user names that you don't see posting now on the Social Parody were Neal.
If there were others involved with that, let it be known! Usernames!

Next to my answer;

You call this the PBB. The PBB was Neal. He bought the domain when he owned Sawatdee to prevent the Bitch Board from becoming it. When the CGT crashed soon after take off, due to a doomed membership drive on Sawatdee...Neal made a deal with Albert to provide the platform and server in order to directly control the Social Parody. Because he owned the domain, he hosted it on his domain through his server agreement and provided the platform through Ron he essentially owned the Bitch Board and became the new Bitch Queen. Ron was disgruntled after having a fall out with our membership, that lead to his resignation. I banned him when he attempted to break into our site and steal some files. We were able to remotely alter these files and then...the TBB went down. I figured out a way to block several of them from viewing Sawatdee, created the Holding Room for members only and effectively cutting them off from anything interesting to say, resulting in the few members left turning on themselves and Neal unilaterally closing the site. The survivors washed back up on the shores of Social Parody once again....

I'm guessing that the current Social Parody gang and anyone else still in hiding or in limbo doesn't want us to know who they are, but surely they are among us. I can tell you that when I first joined this community several years back, they were here already. It was much more campy back then as it is now. I barely hear anyone being called "darling" sarcastically anymore and so I cringe when I hear a long term veteran playing "virgin" to it being said on another thread by another great veteran. Is it that every gay man secretly wants to dress up in drag and head out on the town as merrywhether or conie lingus...well, maybe not connie but....

What I'm getting at a447, is that it was just a brief idea between two people emailing back and forth...as we had as enemies during the war, and reconciled afterwards. Ron has been equally honest on the Social Parody about both of our involvement, emailing back and forth as well his disappointment about Uncle Albert / BitchQueen turning this into more than it ever was. I have really grown to like Ron, as of late. I've never met him, but I've seen him around. I'll be back for another long stay in Thailand sometime in the not too distant future and so I thought it wise to set things straight with him. I was lamenting with him how sad it was when I dropped in to see the Social Parody site one day with so much hard core porn everywhere you try to try to read.

I was never planning to control the new Bitch Board..or whatever name it became. I was going to hand it over to someone that knew what they were doing and who had a similar vision. Let it be fun, but give it structure...give it rules. Laugh at us, dedicate a forum to us, make cartoons about us...make a fucking movie about us, but make it fun!

That's what the discussion was about. A few emails back and forth, between two people. It was NEVER about bringing back the PBB / the TBB or even the current Social Parody. We couldn't do it here on Sawatdee, because it would contravene our multiple user name policy (hydras) and undermine our security programs. Ron hated the idea, he was disgusted with what the TBB became. So it never got beyond email #3.

I sense from both you and NIrish that this is more than just about Neal and the TBB. If there are others out there libelling you that need to be on our "banned" list, let me know. If there are others that require some other action on my part, again please let me know!
