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June 12th, 2014, 19:53
I am not sure if reposts from other forums are allowed here, but this is what I read at one:

"I've not been over to soi Twilight in a few weeks but I have it on good authority that the police accompanied by the military have told every bar owner that sex shows will not be allowed. No fucking shows and no big cock shows but boys in underwear and shirtless are OK.

During the last coup the military ignored soi Twilight. In fact the sex shows were suspended under Thaksin's second year term under the "Social Order Campaign" and resumed immediately after the 2006 coup.

How long this is in effect is anyone's guess. I don't know it the bars will comply and then ignore the order. I don't know if all the bars will comply. I was told Dream Boys and Boys Bangkok are complying. I don't know how the bars can survive without shows. I don't know what's going on with the lady bars but I suspect it's the same.

The military are not screwing with the gay saunas or the massage venues. I don't know about street trade."

Can anyone confirm this? Thanks

June 12th, 2014, 22:33
I won't miss the sex shows or the nudity. I'm sure others will and I think there will be places that will offer it. I'm wondering if the change will help bring the expensive bar prices back to a reasonable cost?

June 13th, 2014, 03:27
Won't bother me too much. This little ill wind might blow a lot of the giggling females out of Soi Twilight.

June 13th, 2014, 06:13
Why bother going to Thailand if this is true?

June 13th, 2014, 07:30
Would not bother me if the shows stopped....as the other poster remarked,,,who enjoys sitting at a show with a bunch of laughing women
sometimes with their husbands.....The shows were interesting the first or 2nd time I saw them few years ago....I don't go anymore...
and I don't need some nelli go go boy leaning over my table being screwed...well, if that is your bag.....ENJOY I say...

June 13th, 2014, 07:54
Would not bother me if the shows stopped....as the other poster remarked,,,who enjoys sitting at a show with a bunch of laughing women
sometimes with their husbands.....The shows were interesting the first or 2nd time I saw them few years ago....I don't go anymore...
and I don't need some nelli go go boy leaning over my table being screwed...well, if that is your bag.....ENJOY I say...

I have observed the touts in action from my high stools in the Beer bars along the soi and I've concluded that their preferred targets are groups of Korean, Hong Kongese, Chinese, and Farang women who protest too much as they're bundled through the doors of the "gay" go go bars. As these are now the mainstay of the Soi Twilight F--k Show scene then good riddance to it.

June 13th, 2014, 09:44
Whether or not you are "bothered" by the banning of these shows is irrelevant; I, for one, have no wish to see them.
The point is (and I posted this out not along ago when discussing the military take over of this democracy), generals tend not to have liberal attitudes to personal and social freedoms, whether they be "life-styles" or political opinions. We saw this in Greece, Chile and now in Egypt.
Gays (and other folk of alternative lifestyles) who are complacent about what military coups lead to, need to wake -up quickly.

June 13th, 2014, 10:18
Gays (and other folk of alternative lifestyles) who are complacent about what military coups lead to, need to wake -up quickly.And rush into the streets, grab the nearest soldier and cry "Rape me, rape me". As dear Lytton Strachey replied when asked at his Conscientious Objector Board "What would you do if you came across a German soldier raping your sister?"- "I should attempt to interpose myself".

June 13th, 2014, 10:38
Remember when Thaksin's Social Minister Purachai cracked down on the bars. The policy was popular amongst the Thais but not for this sex tourist back then. For several trips the visits to the bars were boring, with a capital "B". The gay social media sites were not in vogue back then. This is the first time I remember a coup cracking down on the adult venues, it would piss me off if I visited the bars, but I hope everyone enjoys the coup's version of "national happiness".

June 13th, 2014, 11:43
not bothered one bit.

June 13th, 2014, 12:36
I now find these shows boring - I've seen too many. My motive for visiting bars is to pick up boys to take back to my hotel and stage my own show.

June 13th, 2014, 12:49
Wait until Gay Romeo is blocked, along with Face book, Line et al. You may be bothered then.
And weren't there threats made against Babylon during the last "crackdown?"
I recall the minister behind that being shocked by finding condoms at (I think) a straight disco.

June 13th, 2014, 14:07
Wait until Gay Romeo is blocked, along with Face book, Line et al. You may be bothered then.
And weren't there threats made against Babylon during the last "crackdown?"
I recall the minister behind that being shocked by finding condoms at (I think) a straight disco.

No GR, FB?... that would never happen here(?):

http://www.cnet.com/news/behind-thailan ... ssent-q-a/ (http://www.cnet.com/news/behind-thailands-high-tech-coup-stifling-online-dissent-q-a/)

June 13th, 2014, 22:04
Whether or not you are "bothered" by the banning of these shows is irrelevant; I, for one, have no wish to see them.
The point is (and I posted this out not along ago when discussing the military take over of this democracy), generals tend not to have liberal attitudes to personal and social freedoms, whether they be "life-styles" or political opinions. We saw this in Greece, Chile and now in Egypt.
Gays (and other folk of alternative lifestyles) who are complacent about what military coups lead to, need to wake -up quickly.

On reflection, you make a disturbing and valid point. This action by the combined police and military could very well be the thin end of a very nasty wedge.

June 13th, 2014, 23:11
I think the Thai govt has wanted to clean up Thailand's image for a long time, but they haven't had the balls to do so; that and rampant corruption.

I couldn't care less about the fuck shows, but I did enjoy the big cock shows. Oh, well...I can always find an Isaan guy to put on a private show in my "loom."

The biggest loser will be the German owner of BOysbangkok and Dreamboys, as the sex shows were an excuse to charge exhorbitant prices. And if the sex shows finish he'll lose all of his Asian customers.

But I bet the shows will soon be back...this is Thailand and tea money counts for everything.

June 14th, 2014, 10:47
Wait until Gay Romeo is blocked, along with Face book, Line et al. You may be bothered then.
And weren't there threats made against Babylon during the last "crackdown?"
I recall the minister behind that being shocked by finding condoms at (I think) a straight disco.

For a couple of years the Thais have been censoring sex sites, I'm amazed they haven't yet censored G.R. It is basically an online call boy sevice.

June 14th, 2014, 16:42

How come BKK is not allowed to have the sex shows and Pattaya is allowed?

Isn't the military running the entire country?

or is it because BKK is the capital and needs to have the semblance of a better moral image?

June 14th, 2014, 20:33
Xboys Pattayaland Soi 1 had two go go bars with sex shows, Catawampus has posted often about them on Gaybutton, he would know best if they still have the shows. Why not PM him and ask?

June 14th, 2014, 21:03
There's another aspect - BT per se was for years run and owned by a European cartel who didn't want to see that sort of entertainment iN their area, and I don't just mean the cartel you SAW day and daily - there were some other, rather shadowy figures in the background pulling the strings

Now the cartel has substantially broken up, some venues on the fringes of BT have tried diversifying into more adult shows.

Sunee, on the other hand, always had sex shows - until the area was continually targeted for action due to "other issues".

June 15th, 2014, 19:32
Once the shows are banned a lot of collateral changes are bound to happen.
One possibility - bars will try to make up in off fees what they lost in drinks.
And sleazy shows were on my list of pro's when I first decided to visit.
There may be many like me out there.

June 16th, 2014, 14:46
Some of the commemts here are very callous and self serving. Even if you does not enjoy the sex shows it is still important that they take place as it livens up the street, surrounding bars/massage houses also profit as i for one ogten have a beer or two at hotmale bar (not the gogo bar but the one on the corner) before and after watching a sex show. Just because something doesnt affect you doesnt mean you can ignore it or condone it. Very short sighted, but unfortunately very common in the gay bitchy back stabbing world.

June 16th, 2014, 15:42
Some of the commemts here are very callous and self serving. Even if you does not enjoy the sex shows it is still important that they take place as it livens up the street, surrounding bars/massage houses also profit as i for one ogten have a beer or two at hotmale bar (not the gogo bar but the one on the corner) before and after watching a sex show. Just because something doesnt affect you doesnt mean you can ignore it or condone it. Very short sighted, but unfortunately very common in the gay bitchy back stabbing world.

Your complaints should be directed at the General in charge of the new government not those commenting on the current situation.

June 16th, 2014, 15:58
I understand latintopxxx point, there are some posters here who have a I don't go to the bars, don't care, it doesn't affect me attitude. That is being selfish. I have seen gay areas in western cities become more homogenized and losing the very fabric that makes them gay. To have the bars, massage parlors, etc. close or be so severely restricted it would be devastating for a lot of gay men both directly and indirectly.

June 17th, 2014, 15:59
Some of the commemts here are very callous and self serving. Even if you does not enjoy the sex shows it is still important that they take place as it livens up the street, surrounding bars/massage houses also profit as i for one ogten have a beer or two at hotmale bar (not the gogo bar but the one on the corner) before and after watching a sex show. Just because something doesnt affect you doesnt mean you can ignore it or condone it. Very short sighted, but unfortunately very common in the gay bitchy back stabbing world.
I agree with you 100%. I don't often visit these bars and I'm not much into sex shows, but I'm all for having them around for those who enjoy them.

June 22nd, 2014, 02:50
I agree with the last few posters. I think the clampdown on the sex shows is definitely the thin end of the wedge. Just because you don't like sex shows doesnt mean you should welcome this. The reason the junta imposed it was not because they think the bars should focus on the gogo dancing!

In most countries, the imposition of a military regime means that there is less focus on the "nightlife issues" - usually the armed forces stage a coup becuase of security issues or economic collapse and they base their legitimacy on that - their implicit promise is "you might not like the idea of military rule but we are the only ones who can fight the communists/jihadists /separatists, etc"

It is when democratic governments come to power that you have a "social order" campaign (e.g. Thaksin the first time, the Phillippine since the end of Marcos, Indonesia nowadays) in order to bring "morality" to the country.

But this junta is different - they are basing their legitimacy mainly on bringing proper governance to the country, that they claim is impossible to govern with the usual Yellow vs. Red perpetual civil war. Hence the crackdowns (welcomed by all, expecially expats) on things such as the taxi mafia in Phuket and police corruption generally.

They want people saying "only the army could have done that".

The current regime want to show they are a better government. Now, they might just stop at cosmetic changes to the naughty nightlife scene. But they may not. You coulds see a gradual tightening of the screws, where the bars are first told to have the gogo dancees in boxing shorts, the jeans, then not dancing at all.

If the level of corrupt payments is genuinely suppressed, there will be obviously less incentive for the police to protect their cash cow by turning a blind eye. Now I dont think that in Thailand, the commercial scene will ever be wiped out completely, but a lot of the "fun" aspect of it that draws tourists such as myself could be snuffed out.

Now I am not sure if this will happen, the junta might find they are getting diminishing returns from "good governance " and focus on giveaway schemes instead.

But it is indeed "alarming news".

June 22nd, 2014, 12:55
Ronan makes some valid points.

IMHO this is much more about the Army showing the Police who is boss and being seen to be tackling corruption, rather than the state of undress of some Issan boys in a bar.

Up here in the Lanna wilderness the edict hasn't yet arrived. At least, not judging by the number of engorged manhoods on display at one well know bar last night. If soi twightlight doesn't cut it any more, Chiang Mai is still the cock o' the north with plenty of Shan sausage for everyone =P~ . Just don't expect to find any power bottom fem boys in the commercial bars :(

June 24th, 2014, 15:54
A member at another board reported attending a show at Tawan yesterday: hard cocks galore and a fuck show. Though no cumming.

June 24th, 2014, 16:56
IMHO this is much more about the Army showing the Police who is boss and being seen to be tackling corruption"Seen to be tackling corruption". There's a management technique called "picking the low hanging fruit" and "getting some quick wins". Will we see Prayuth tackle, for example, the Army's monopoly on the yaba and heroin trade? Or tackling the Navy's monopoly on seaborne people trafficking? brisbaneguy's friend in another thread was spot on: "Red Shirt corruption bad, Yellow Shirt corruption better".