View Full Version : The Great Unspoken

May 26th, 2014, 02:13

I would like to remind the membership that even though we are no longer hosted in Thailand, it is still part of our Posting Rules & Guidelines not to violate Thai Law by making or promoting negative references to the Thai Royal family.

Negative references to ThailandтАЩs royal family. Thailand has very strict laws about this. The authorities have varying ideas on what are тАЬnegative referencesтАЭ so, as a general rule, it is better to just avoid the subject.


While it is not my intention to censor discussion on the very important topic of Thai Politics as it affects us the visitor, the ex-pat, the resident I must also be mindful that Thailand is going through some very difficult times politically at the moment, that the military is currently in control and that social media is being monitored and censured in Thailand and we don't want Sawatdee to be blocked on the basis of violating this provision of Thai Law.

Any posts about this topic or that make reference to this topic may be moved to the Holding Room. You must be a member logged in to view and participate in Holding Room discussions.


Thank you


Khor tose
May 26th, 2014, 10:52
Clear double standards. You can't post a URl from one of the best experts of Thailand politics who backs up his statements with documents, but you can say dumb things like they buy the elections and make up a stupid chart of who has credibility. It is also totally patronizing. You really think the Thai military does not monitor these sites and they are not capable of getting a membership and checking out what is said. You must have a very low opinion of Thais in general to believe that. Surfbutton. I was wrong to think you had gotten better.

May 26th, 2014, 11:33
Clear double standards. You can't post a URl from one of the best experts of Thailand politics who backs up his statements with documents, but you can say dumb things like they buy the elections and make up a stupid chart of who has credibility. It is also totally patronizing. You really think the Thai military does not monitor these sites and they are not capable of getting a membership and checking out what is said. You must have a very low opinion of Thais in general to believe that. Surfbutton. I was wrong to think you had gotten better.

You want to jump up and down because I won't allow you to post a link to crap about the royal family? It's against the law.
Those are the only "standards" that you need to concern yourself with at this time.


May 26th, 2014, 12:25
Clear double standards. You can't post a URl from one of the best experts of Thailand politics who backs up his statements with documents, but you can say dumb things like they buy the elections and make up a stupid chart of who has credibility. It is also totally patronizing. You really think the Thai military does not monitor these sites and they are not capable of getting a membership and checking out what is said. You must have a very low opinion of Thais in general to believe that. Surfbutton. I was wrong to think you had gotten better.

Huh? I'm confused.

1.) Thailand has always had very strict lese majeste laws, so this shouldn't be news to you.

2.) If you haven't noticed, a coup recently took place, Thailand is currently under martial law, and the military has already announced that all crimes to incite unrest including lese majeste will be handled by a military court, not civilian. If Surfcrest allowed those posts to remain, and they did some digging and found his true identity, this could result in him being detained and brought up against a military judge the next time he hands his passport to a Thai immigration officer.

3.) Remember how the forum recently switched its domain, because it was blacklisted from a couple ISPs in Thailand, and tons of people had trouble accessing it for years? Want that to happen again?

May 26th, 2014, 17:35
cdmatt don't be confused just consider the source!

May 26th, 2014, 22:39
Khor tose has asked to leave Sawatdee over this issue he feels so strongly about.

Just so you know.....



May 26th, 2014, 22:41
Best to be safe than sorry.
The junta is watching & listening!


May 26th, 2014, 22:45
Why would "ask to leave"? just stop posting and reading - job done!

May 26th, 2014, 23:09
Why would "ask to leave"? just stop posting and reading - job done!
Khor Tose is ~ always was ~ a drama queen, but unfortunately devoid of any trace of the Cosmic Giggle which is necessary if one wants to enjoy the give-&-take of message board participation.
Just simply halting posting here is not good enough, it must be accompanied by High Drama exits ~ in this case insisting on "asking for release" from the board, as if that was ever necessary. Khor Tose could find 'moral issue' in a dust bin.

Thai Dyed
May 26th, 2014, 23:36
Of course, far be it from Khor tose to have "double standards". He was a shill for a government agency in America.
Good riddance Khor tose! Don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out.

May 27th, 2014, 00:17
In reference to my recent post clarifying that I am not a moderator on this board:

Thank God for that.

Khor tose has asked to leave Sawatdee
Thank God for that.

May 27th, 2014, 01:09
Sure you can see I am new here, but not to Thailand. Never was much of a forum person, beside sometimes reading (once a month or so), except for ThaiVisa, which I follow daily and sometime even post on, as most of you I think.
Don't think I will be a regular here for posting, unless something interesting happens like this topic, well started interesting anyway.
Maybe now I signed up maybe I will post more, just don't know now.
I signed up to say that the moderator was correct in deleting any posts regarding to the Royal Family and should continue to do so.
Thailand is a lovely country with lovely mostly 99% good people.
Yes Thailand has problems and will they be solved now, some will, most probably not.
As an expat living here, I am not worried, what so ever. Don't even have a problem with the curfew (perhaps no 7-11 or Family between 10-05), but just have to plan ahead and not oversleep my afternoon siesta's, what does sometime happen, buggers.

May 27th, 2014, 01:33
Couldn't find a taxi so left in a huff.

May 27th, 2014, 04:16
In reference to my recent post clarifying that I am not a moderator on this board:Khor tose wrote:Thank God for that.Surfcrest wrote:Khor tose has asked to leave SawatdeeThank God for that. MY GOD, if anyone had the audacity, as you have with this post, to make such an inflammatory remark on your very on board you would have gone apeshit, possibly a seizure and at the very least condemned such behaviour.........yet you have the nerve to do that on another Board.

With this example of double standards I can assure you there are far more members than Khor Tose who 'thank god' you are not a moderator on SGT, so keep your inflammatory remarks to your OWN damned board. Your pathetic control freakishness is bad enough to deal with at gaybuttonthai the last thing the rest of the Gay Thailand Boards need is that type of ignorant double standards.......leaking out to contaminate the others.

Once again you have shown the extent of your astounding hypocrisy......almost breathtaking.

Why would "ask to leave"? just stop posting and reading - job done!
Indeed. Khor Tose is ~ always was ~ a drama queen,
I agree one should just not bother posting if one wants to 'leave' . The only time I imagine you would need to ask, would be if you wanted all your posts deleted also. But if he did 'ask' to leave then that would have been between himself and the owner I would guess, I could well be wrong, (not for the first time) but it would on this occasion seem to be the owner who has upped the drama. Unless I missed Khor Tose's dramatic exit post? I have had many 'differences of opinion' with KT myself over the years but if the owner had not informed, would we have been any the wiser?

Couldn't find a taxi so left in a huff.
He is not alone in the huffing stakes, one notorious troll here did exactly that but made the dramatic fanfare exit posts on leaving by himself as well as a previous 'threat' to leave, and equally huge dramatic posting fanfare when he finally, unfortunately, decided to 'return'.

While it is not my intention to censor discussion on the very important topic of Thai Politics as it affects us the visitor, the ex-pat, the resident I must also be mindful that the military is currently in control and that social media is being monitored and censured in Thailand and we don't want Sawatdee to be blocked on the basis of violating this provision of Thai Law. Any posts about this topic or that make reference to this topic may be moved to the Holding Room Is the 'Holding Room' not part of this Board also?

May 27th, 2014, 04:43
you have the nerve to do that on another Board.
Very observant. You want to talk about hypocrisy? Tell me all about how it's perfectly ok for me to be attacked on various boards all the time, but if I decide to attack right back, that means I've got a hell of a nerve. Khor tose has been attacking me at every imaginable opportunity for years and until now I haven't said a word. Now I've used his own words from yet another of his attack posts to say what I think. You don't like it? Tough luck.

May 27th, 2014, 04:54
Regarding the point about the 'The Holding Room': Minus the sexual nudge nudge innuendo, it is open to signed-in members only ... so I suppose that makes it somewhat free of trailer trash as long as they don't join Sawatdee.
Having a Junior Private 2nd Class Army recruit from Udon Thani working in the Army's Internet Anti-Subversive Dept. actually take the trouble to open a membership just to spy on This Place seems a bit improbable, but certainly not impossible.
The second hurdle to successful discovery would be that the english grammar used on this board is so obtuse and bone-headed ~ at times :-s ~ (just read this ... second to last post, if you have doubts: the-coup-diaries-t30671.html#p289289 (http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/the-coup-diaries-t30671.html#p289289) ) that the poor recruit would undoubtedly run away screaming, and would quickly switch his microscope to reviewing the Thailand sub-Forum at CruisingForSex ... large erect cocks splattered, and splattering, all over the page making things much more easy to decipher.

May 27th, 2014, 05:58
Very observant. You want to talk about hypocrisy? Tell me all about how it's perfectly ok for me to be attacked on various boards all the time, but if I decide to attack right back, that means I've got a hell of a nerve. Khor tose has been attacking me at every imaginable opportunity for years and until now I haven't said a word. Now I've used his own words from yet another of his attack posts to say what I think. You don't like it? Tough luck.
Very observant...very patronising. What a neurotic drama queen, I suppose all those who apparently "attack" you (in the real world your claim of attack means they have the nerve to have an opinion which differs to your own) are ALL wrong, why you poor downtrodden individual, don't you think that all your butting in, bullying attitude, control freakery, cowardly deletions when anyone simply disagrees with you, etc etc etc could have anything to do with it? Just a guess.

Anyway, you've missed the point as usual. You can scream and bitch as much as you want about being 'attacked' but where the hypocrisy kicks in is when you forbid EXACTLY the kind of post you made here in your own playground. End of. If you allowed the same set of rules to apply in your playground as you do yourself outwith, nobody would give a shit what you have to say on other Boards, it's your blatant hypocrisy which irks.

Anyway it wasn't an "attack" by Khor Tose because he said 'thank god'...... it was merely an opinion/comment reflecting the same opinion of a very large percentage of gay Thailand Board readers and members. Do you seriously think there would be a massive sense of relief and joy if you became a moderator anywhere outside your own playground? If so, you can add delusion to your 'I don't get it list'.

I didn't say I didn't like it, I merely observed that it was sheer hypocrisy to do it. Don't like being described as a hypocrite? who cares, or 'in your own words' tough luck!

May 27th, 2014, 06:19
that the poor recruit would undoubtedly run away screaming, and would quickly switch his microscope to reviewing the Thailand sub-Forum at CruisingForSex ... large erect cocks splattered, and splattering, all over the page making things much more easy to decipher. Haha quite! and probably more enjoyable to boot, But........

Regarding the point about the 'The Holding Room': Minus the sexual nudge nudge innuendo, it is open to signed-in members only ... so I suppose that makes it somewhat free of trailer trash as long as they don't join Sawatdee Seems like an ideal place to have some trailer trash views, some of which I kinda miss, hardly anyone reads it anyway......

but back to the point regarding "the holding Room" being part of this Board, and any potentially troublesome comments for the Board still being 'here'. I'm thinking more, and only to stoke some neurotic embers, about some with a grudge who might be nasty enough to direct or be complicit in 'informing' the powers that be, if the management feel there is an issue about content enough to move it. WE are talking only about negative references to the junta right? Any "great unspoken" references are, quite rightly, a big no no anyway.

May 27th, 2014, 10:49
What a neurotic drama queen
You post a tirade like that and call me a neurotic drama queen? Ok . . .

May 27th, 2014, 13:45
You post a tirade like that and call me a neurotic drama queen? Ok . . .
That? call that a tirade? with you as the subject matter you don't know the half of it.

May 27th, 2014, 14:27
Why don't the two of you use the PM function no need to fill the board with your personal physco babble!

May 27th, 2014, 15:18
Interesting to note our resident Mr Angry is back - throwing shit in all directions as usual just to see where it will stick.

Interesting that he refers to SGT and GB boards as being their owners "playground" on at least 3 possibly 4 instances in a single post. This must be an indicator - because the only other person I ever remember going on about a forum being his "playground" also appeared, like Newalanna, to be unable to control his rages.

May 27th, 2014, 16:41
No doubt Newalaana has several issues anger being one but in fairness the owner of the fish & chips shop I gather is not very flexable once his employees schedule their vacation times thus there was no choice but to come at this awkward time.

May 27th, 2014, 17:01
so keep your inflammatory remarks to your OWN damned board.
Well fortunately, it's not YOUR board either and in my opinion Gaybutton is very welcome to make any comment he wants here at Sawatdee...as is any other member (including you).

I could well be wrong, (not for the first time) but it would on this occasion seem to be the owner who has upped the drama.

You sir, are the last person who should be talking about upping the drama.

He is not alone in the huffing stakes, one notorious troll here did exactly that but made the dramatic fanfare exit posts on leaving by himself as well as a previous 'threat' to leave, and equally huge dramatic posting fanfare when he finally, unfortunately, decided to 'return'.

You just can't resist the urge...can you?

Is the 'Holding Room' not part of this Board also?

Smiles has already explained this to you sufficiently...I have explained how the Holding Room works to you sufficiently.

Very observant. You want to talk about hypocrisy? Tell me all about how it's perfectly ok for me to be attacked on various boards all the time, but if I decide to attack right back, that means I've got a hell of a nerve. Khor tose has been attacking me at every imaginable opportunity for years and until now I haven't said a word. Now I've used his own words from yet another of his attack posts to say what I think. You don't like it? Tough luck.

I completely agree.....I posted on Gay Thailand until I got the same crap from firecat69 and Khor tose.


Seems like an ideal place to have some trailer trash views, some of which I kinda miss, hardly anyone reads it anyway......but back to the point regarding "the holding Room" being part of this Board, and any potentially troublesome comments for the Board still being 'here'. I'm thinking more, and only to stoke some neurotic embers, about some with a grudge who might be nasty enough to direct or be complicit in 'informing' the powers that be, if the management feel there is an issue about content enough to move it. WE are talking only about negative references to the junta right? Any "great unspoken" references are, quite rightly, a big no no anyway.

Well fortunately, you can either have confidence in the management responding to and moving content when necessary to the Holding Room or not. You'll need to seek out other sources for the trailer park views you kinda miss.

And clearly, you have no idea what you are talking about in terms of the subject matter we should or should not be discussing for you to throw your "WE are talking about negative references to the ...." comment to the wind, as you have.

I know you're spoiling for yet another fight and if Gaybutton hasn't bruised your ego enough today I'm fine with being the next in line. If you want to drag any reference about the state of the nation, and what we shouldn't be discussing here under martial law into that argument...then let me warn you in advance, it will be swiftly deleted.


May 27th, 2014, 17:31
Why don't the two of you use the PM function no need to fill the board with your personal physco babble!
That will not be necessary. I've already said all I intend to say. He can PM me if he wants to. I'll just delete it without bothering to read it anyway.

May 27th, 2014, 17:35
He was a shill for a government agency in America.Does it beat being a catamite for a Thai VIP?

May 27th, 2014, 22:33
I know you're spoiling for yet another fight
Do you mean with you? I really don't know where you are getting that from. I hardly mentioned you, and when I did it was only in a 'matter of fact' mention. Your language is the one which looks like they are itching for a fight with your very macho "I'm fine being next in line" posturing nonsense. I assume I'm supposed to be intimidated by that. Well I'm not.

My comments, which are more a statement of fact than any insult aimed at gaybutton have nothing to do with you, they are directly made to him and his blatant hypocrisy, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to interject. As I said, had anyone including you made that very same post he made here on HIS board he would condemn it along with the author, that is hypocrisy whether you wish to acknowledge it or not. Most of the rest of the stuff you are pushing to try to get some kind of confrontation comes from either you misreading or misunderstanding my post. As usual, when you get involved each and every point will have to be picked out and explained.

None of my post was aimed at you or SGT in any negative way, if you read the post carefully again you might just pick up on that. However since you are looking for it, i'll respond to the one's you have clearly misinterpreted. You are looking for problems where none exist.

May 27th, 2014, 23:24
ladies, ladies, can't we all just get along.

May 28th, 2014, 01:21
Do you mean with you? I really don't know where you are getting that from. I hardly mentioned you, and when I did it was only in a 'matter of fact' mention. Your language is the one which looks like they are itching for a fight with your very macho "I'm fine being next in line" posturing nonsense. I assume I'm supposed to be intimidated by that. Well I'm not.

My comments, which are more a statement of fact than any insult aimed at gaybutton have nothing to do with you, they are directly made to him and his blatant hypocrisy, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to interject. As I said, had anyone including you made that very same post he made here on HIS board he would condemn it along with the author, that is hypocrisy whether you wish to acknowledge it or not. Most of the rest of the stuff you are pushing to try to get some kind of confrontation comes from either you misreading or misunderstanding my post. As usual, when you get involved each and every point will have to be picked out and explained.

None of my post was aimed at you or SGT in any negative way, if you read the post carefully again you might just pick up on that. However since you are looking for it, i'll respond to the one's you have clearly misinterpreted. You are looking for problems where none exist.

It's crystal clear in this thread, where the posturing and drama began. You attack a member throwing around terms like "YOUR Board" and "keep your inflammatory remarks to your OWN damned board". You're not even done throwing everything you've got at Gaybutton when you have to stick your dirty finger in my eye and complain that I am upping the drama? Then you want to poke Scotty in the eye by bringing that shit to the surface...yet again!

As for the need to interject...let's not forget that this was all about you interjecting with Gaybutton's comment to Khor tose as he headed out the door for the last time even though that had absolutely nothing to do with you and is none of YOUR business.

If you think I'm standing on a pedestal banging my macho chest using terms like "MY Board" and "your OWN dammed Board" let me know! As I've said countless times before, I'm just the guy paying the bills so that we can enjoy this Forum. It is you who is being warned for your chest pounding here, not me...and it isn't even your board.

I'm not misreading or misunderstanding anything about your tirade and I'm certainly not going to stand down to it or stand for it...so expect my usual reaction towards you newalaan2.


May 28th, 2014, 03:27
God, I can't believe my life is so empty I've read all this shit. I need a holiday. Oh that's right - I'm going to Thailand next week - Land of Smiles and available young men. No need to be grumpy after all.

May 28th, 2014, 03:41
I'm not misreading or misunderstanding anything about your tirade and I'm certainly not going to stand down to it or stand for it...so expect my usual reaction towards you newalaan2.
Respectfully - i think that you are!
Seems like you are spoiling for a fight for because of past crossed swords with NewAlaan
Please do't become like Neal and try to read the actual posts and not see what you want to see.

May 28th, 2014, 03:46
Am I the only one who doesn't have a clue what this latest board row is about?

May 28th, 2014, 03:54
Am I the only one who doesn't have a clue what this latest board row is about?
My reading of it is:
-Khor Tose Leaves the board
-GB Says good riddance
-NA accuses GB of hypocrisy
-GB Retailates
-NA Retaliates
-SC wades in and blasts NA
-NA tells SC that he has misread his posts
-SC says he hasn't

End of! :D :D

May 28th, 2014, 04:07
-Khor Tose Leaves the board
-GB Says good riddance
-NA wades in and BLASTS GB
-NA accuses GB of hypocrisy
-GB Retailates
-NA Retaliates
-SC wades in and gives NA a taste of his own medicine
-NA tells SC that he has misread his posts
-SC says he hasn't

End of! :D :D

Brad the Impala
May 28th, 2014, 05:18
Am I the only one who doesn't have a clue what this latest board row is about?
My reading of it is:
-Khor Tose Leaves the board
-GB Says good riddance
-NA accuses GB of hypocrisy
-GB Retailates
-NA Retaliates
-SC wades in and blasts NA
-NA tells SC that he has misread his posts
-SC says he hasn't

End of! :D :D

Very good summary, expect you missed the part about the scotty sticking his oar in and blowing on the embers of the rollocks. What is it about the ability of the scottish to pick a fight with a mirror?!

May 28th, 2014, 06:06
Stick my oar in? How can that be when I'm responding to provocation?

Also, FAO MFAS - who is the fish & chipper, surely not Newalanna - tho I hear she is fond of a jumbo sausage. :ymparty:

May 28th, 2014, 09:03
Am I the only one who doesn't have a clue what this latest board row is about?
My reading of it is:
-Khor Tose Leaves the board
-GB Says good riddance
-NA accuses GB of hypocrisy
-GB Retailates
-NA Retaliates
-SC wades in and blasts NA
-NA tells SC that he has misread his posts
-SC says he hasn't

End of! :D :D

This is the purse fight version of the events which quite frankly bore me.
What instigated this cat fight was KT's frustration with not being able to use the great unspoken in discussions related to an understanding of Thai politics in the current context of the military coup. I understand that frustration but given the choice of our gay boards being banned in Thailand I think it is prudent we all exercise self moderation and give the moderators a well earned holiday.

May 28th, 2014, 09:10
Please do't become like Neal and try to read the actual posts and not see what you want to see.We're way past that with dear old Surfcrest I'm afraid.

May 28th, 2014, 15:10
Why hasn't this thread been cut off and moved to the Holding Room? It's way off topic!

I'll respond to Surfcrests unjustified nonsense when it's moved there, where it seems i'll have to explain where he has misread genuine relevant comments and deliberately twisted them into a confrontation.

Hold on! I never even MENTIONED "Scottish-guy" in any of my posts, he must have simply recognised something of himself in some of the thread content.

Am I the only one who doesn't have a clue what this latest board row is about?
No you are not, apart from my comments to Gaybutton I don't either.

May 28th, 2014, 15:16

May 28th, 2014, 17:01
throwing around terms like "YOUR Board"
I NEVER in any of the posts on this thread used the term "YOUR board" at ANY time, that is a complete fabrication on your part which is here on record for all to see. It's almost mind boggling to find that the actual truth of who actually used that term ... was YOU SURFCREST.

it's not YOUR board either

You have simply made that up and attributed it to me to get into a confrontation and fight. But thankfully for the sake of having to listen to more of your pedantic and totally inaccurate nonsense I don't need to justify anything on that count, everything is on this thread is there for all to see.

So first part of dismantling your knee jerk, over-the-top reaction is........ where did I use the term "YOUR board"? don't bother with distractions, just point to it and then deny that in fact it was you who used that term yourself.

I really don't know why you want to get into a fight, I have absolutely no intent on that front, I post and contribute to SGT when and where I can with the interests of the Board and a busy forum always behind my efforts as I have ALWAYS done here. I can't account for your clear and very personal animosity, but it means very little to me personally, I visit the forums to interact with other members not the owners.

May 28th, 2014, 21:25
Why can't the two of you fight this battle using pm. Nobody wants to hear about it and it is a distraction to what really counts.

May 29th, 2014, 00:53
None of my post was aimed at you or SGT in any negative way, if you read the post carefully again you might just pick up on that. However since you are looking for it, i'll respond to the one's you have clearly misinterpreted. You are looking for problems where none exist.
I'm not going to stand by and allow you to attack another board owner here for the things that happen on his board. This is not your board for making him feel unwelcome here and my complaint was specific to your inappropriate comment;

keep your inflammatory remarks to your OWN damned board

but it would on this occasion seem to be the owner who has upped the drama.

This is a comment aimed to me right?

one notorious troll

This remark is for Scotty...yes?

Your post;

This explanation is not for you, you completely understand what you are doing and every remark you make is deliberate.
It's the same "go round" with you every single time and I've had enough.


May 29th, 2014, 15:19
Surfcrest wrote:throwing around terms like "YOUR Board"I NEVER in any of the posts on this thread used the term "YOUR board" at ANY time, that is a complete fabrication on your part which is here on record for all to see. It's almost mind boggling to find that the actual truth of who actually used that term ... was YOU SURFCREST. Surfcrest wrote: it's not YOUR board either You have simply made that up and attributed it to me........ where did I use the term "YOUR board"?
As usual you did exactly as predicted, 'bothered' with distractions. Why can't you just HONESTLY answer a straight forward question? in this instance it's clear why, because you were simply wrong and don't have the backbone to admit it. You have accused me of using the term "YOUR board". Complete nonsense and you know it. You are merely inventing reasons to have an argy-bargy with me because you have a personal issue.

As for the rest of the convoluted nonsense, as usual each bit will have to picked out.....

This is not your board for making him feel unwelcome here
As I have repeatedly said, at NO time have I claimed that this is MY board, that is just another complete fabrication on your part, I have NEVER said SGT is my board. And where did I say Gaybutton is 'not welcome' yet another complete fabrication attributed to me. I never at any time said Gaybutton was not welcome on SGT, again just quote where I have said that, why should I sat he is 'unwelcome'?

Just to prove how wrong you are on that one, I can say that on the contrary, I am perfectly happy that gaybutton posts here, especially the type of inflammatory post, (which I see you have deliberatley not acknowledged, his attack on Khor Tose which he himself admits is an attack, because you have chosen to be biased) where he simply proves to one and all the extent of his hypocrisy, remember that's all I accused him of. Using another board to make the very kind of post he will not allow on his own board! What can be more hypocritical? If you can't see that, more fool you, as you are about the only one who can't. Even someone who objects to my calling him on it, still has to admit I'm right on that.

So where did I state Gaybutton is not welome on SGT...where?? A very simple straight forward question, to which the easy answer is......for you to quote me.

May 29th, 2014, 15:57
This is not your board for making him feel unwelcome here

keep your inflammatory remarks to your OWN damned board

So where did I state Gaybutton is not welome on SGT...where?? A very simple straight forward question, to which the easy answer is......for you to quote me.

There you go then! You've turned even this rant into a little game.
I'm just laying it out for you to justify where I think this is heading.


May 29th, 2014, 19:28
Since when did one have to specifically utter the precise words "You are unwelcome!" to make someone else feel so? The answer is "never" and well Newallan knows it.

The game he has played when picking this particular fight is to use weasel words and post hints and innuendo, rather than actually stating outright what he is getting at. Then when challenged he shrieks like a child "I NEVER ACTUALLY SAID THAT....SHOW ME....SHOW ME...SHOW ME...."

He has employed this tactic in relation to Gaybutton and also in his "notorious troll" reference.

It's all very transparent and, coming from a grown adult, it's pretty pathetic.