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View Full Version : Army anounces Nationwide curfew

May 22nd, 2014, 19:34
The military has established a curfew beginning today from 10PM - 5AM NATIONWIDE !

May 22nd, 2014, 20:08
It's worth adding that the chief of the army has said that people going to or arriving at airports outside of those times are exempt from the curfew for their journeys to/from the airport.
In Bangkok BTS is closing by 21:00 and shopping malls at 20:00

May 22nd, 2014, 20:42
Can you give a link for these facts?

May 22nd, 2014, 20:59
It was posted on Richard Barrow's Twitter feed

May 22nd, 2014, 20:59
Twitter is the best way to keep up to date with current events :

May 22nd, 2014, 21:14
I find ThaiVisa excellent for times like this. Each day they start a new thread in the Thailand News section, keep it locked, and post a feed of that day's developments minute-by-minute almost. They include RichardBarrow, and several other sources, plus keep is short and concise. For example, here's today's thread:

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/728 ... -may-2014/ (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/728096-thailand-live-thursday-22-may-2014/)

Anyway, this next week will be really telling. Let's hope the army manages to keep a lid on things, and doesn't let them boil over. There's a lot of angry people out there right now.

May 22nd, 2014, 21:30
This link also covers the airport situation: http://www.tatnews.org/flash-update-tha ... elopments/ (http://www.tatnews.org/flash-update-thailand-political-developments/)

May 22nd, 2014, 22:42
Hope this scenario doesn't play out:

http://siu.co.th/2014/05/thailand-2014- ... the-worst/ (http://siu.co.th/2014/05/thailand-2014-coup-expect-for-the-worst/)

May 22nd, 2014, 23:40
A compelling analysis.

May 23rd, 2014, 04:25
I was in Silom last evening.

BTS and MRT said to be closing 9pm so trains were jam packed. MRT cheated and stopped at 20:30 so I had to walk home from Soi 4 to Pinnacle. Silom still had stalls but no customers - could actually walk on the footpath. Traffic chaos

Bars seemed to be closing around 8:30 or 9pm. Lots of lost looking backpackers. No taxis.

May 23rd, 2014, 05:25
Has there been any information about how long this curfew will last? Are we talking days or months?
I was planning to soon come to Thailand, but if there is a curfew at night it seems pointless to travel there.

May 23rd, 2014, 07:07
Not so sure the curfew is actually 'nationwide'.
As with all things regarding Thai politics, Bangkok is at the nexus ... every other place being secondary. I'm back in Canada right now but Suphot just (coincidently) called me about other matters just a few minutes ago, but of course the coup became the subject quite quickly. He said that all is quiet in Hua Hin with no curfew at all being enforced on the bars and restaurants. And no army presence on the streets.
Be interesting to hear from others here who live in the hinterlands whether the situation is similar to Hua Hin.
But right now it's movable feast and who knows what will happen.

Suphot by the way cursed strenuously all who are involved in this very Thai-style nonsense ... and that includes Thaksin, Suthep, Jutaporn, Praya-Ocha, Mr Prem (you can be assured), all Reds, and all Yellows and the rest of the Usual Suspects and assorted wankers.

May 23rd, 2014, 08:17
Suphot by the way cursed strenuously all who are involved in this very Thai-style nonsense ... and that includes Thaksin, Suthep, Jutaporn, Praya-Ocha, Mr Prem (you can be assured), all Reds, and all Yellows and the rest of the Usual Suspects and assorted wankers.

.... and getting to the real source of the problem, your number one resident in HH.

May 23rd, 2014, 09:00
He said that all is quiet in Hua Hin with no curfew at all being enforced on the bars and restaurants.The Old Boy has to go somewhere doesnt he? Cant rely on servants 24/7

May 23rd, 2014, 10:29
.... and getting to the real source of the problem, your number one resident in HH.
You're probably right.
But, having the bars in HH open to regular hours is hardly what I would call "a problem".

May 23rd, 2014, 13:56
Has there been any information about how long this curfew will last? Are we talking days or months?
My guess, based on previous curfews in the not-too-distant past, would be days. But it hasn't been announced yet, no, the nightly curfew was imposed "until further notice".

May 23rd, 2014, 15:55
I am here in Pattaya. Last night everything was closed including the 7eleven. When I got off the plane I was handed a pice of paper that allowed me to travel from the airport to Pattaya. No cars on the highway last night just some trucks.

May 23rd, 2014, 16:52
I am here in Pattaya. Last night everything was closed including the 7eleven. When I got off the plane I was handed a pice of paper that allowed me to travel from the airport to Pattaya. No cars on the highway last night just some trucks.

Welcome to Thailand - Land of the Free

May 23rd, 2014, 17:18
Not so sure the curfew is actually 'nationwide'.As with all things regarding Thai politics, Bangkok is at the nexus ... every other place being secondary. True, but there will be areas considered 'hotspots' outside Bkk like central Khon Kaen/Undon/Korat and other potential centres of defiance, but few and far between. Just off the phone to bf about 80km outside Khon Kaen absolutely no acknowledgement of any 'curfew' there. Everybody going about their business as usual last night well after 10pm. He said the military takeover has hardly been discussed only given brief mentions of fact of the matter with very little opinion. There is an annual festival in the nearest town and surrounding villages today and tonight with absolutely no change to plans for the usual 3-4am finish. That festival is the main topic of conversation rather than the coup.

I was planning to soon come to Thailand, but if there is a curfew at night it seems pointless to travel there
I personally don't get this. Ok, if your trip is 100% about partying until the early hours nightly and late night bar hopping the be-all and end-all of your trip sure it will affect your activities, but if you are just hitting the bars to hook up with boys you just have to 'get going' a bit earlier, they will still be available. As others have noted, Gay Romeo will still be an option unless they close down internet services. My main bar visits when in Pattaya, are early evening 6pm onwards, closing at 10pm is no big deal. Then there are all those hours between 5am and 10pm to enjoy!

I remember the outcry, wailing and claims of imminent disaster for the 'entertainment' industry in Thailand a few years ago when Taksin enforced the social order which closed the bars at 1am from the then 2-3am, at that time the bars tended to open 9pm or after, so all they did was just start opening 8-8.30pm. There will always be an ability to 'adapt' in Thailand when necessary.

I suppose it does depend on your plans and activities when in Thailand, but there is so much to do outwith 10pm-1am a visit can hardly be described as 'pointless' just because a few bars will be closed 3 hours early. I am due to visit in a couple of weeks and have no plans to change anything unless there is serious opposition to the military with any widespread violent reaction or major escalation of trouble as in the southern provinces.

May 23rd, 2014, 17:48
I am here in Pattaya. Last night everything was closed including the 7eleven. When I got off the plane I was handed a pice of paper that allowed me to travel from the airport to Pattaya. No cars on the highway last night just some trucks.
What time were you traveling to Pattaya? Did you see or encounter any military checkpoints along the way or spot any other potential problems?

May 23rd, 2014, 18:18
I was coming from the airport at 12:30 am. I am from the USA so late flight. No check points or problems. Just inconvenient that I could not go and buy water at the 7 eleven. No one was on the street and everything was closed.

May 23rd, 2014, 22:07
Had you not pre-ordered a boy to bring you water? Bad planning.

Hopefully, things will calm down over the next few days

May 23rd, 2014, 23:26
i hear there has been some shooting in pataya tonight
with 1 dead
my friend has told, but sometimes they do get the facts mixed up
so any news on tonights events please

May 24th, 2014, 00:07
Another good read from Al Jazeera America. Be sure to read the embedded links on behind the scenes look at succession.

http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2 ... media.html (http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2014/5/thailand-crisis-coupthaksinroyalsuccessionmedia.html)

May 24th, 2014, 06:26
Another good read from Al Jazeera America. Be sure to read the embedded links on behind the scenes look at succession.

http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2 ... media.html (http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2014/5/thailand-crisis-coupthaksinroyalsuccessionmedia.html)

I am amused that Al Jazeera America describes this as an "unreported story" from "highly places sources." The "highly placed source" is a Scots journalist living and working outside Thailand (so with no current or first hand knowledge of what is going on there), who first "reported" this story (apparently relying on leaked US diplomatic cables) in 2011. "Unreported," maybe in the USA but not elsewhere. Recent new, no way.

May 24th, 2014, 07:46
I was coming from the airport at 12:30 am. I am from the USA so late flight. No check points or problems. Just inconvenient that I could not go and buy water at the 7 eleven. No one was on the street and everything was closed.They are sooooo inconsiderate arent they the Thais.

May 24th, 2014, 19:23
Thanks, Up2U, for the aljazeera link. The embedded links, as you say, are well worth following and are revealing about matters that are unmentionable in Thailand. Unfortunately, there is little in these reports to lift one's profound gloom about where Thailand is headed. One sentence sums up the situation as well as a single sentence can do: 'Two implacable and unprincipled elite factions fixated on their own narrow self-interest are waging a fight to the death, trampling the aspirations of ordinary Thais underfoot.'

May 25th, 2014, 10:06
Update on the hinterland situation:
Just talked to My Source/My Love in Hua Hin. The 10 PM curfew has now infiltrated Hua Hin.
I wrote here a few days ago that all seemed normal there vis-a-vis closing hours. That has now changed.
Apparently the #1 gay bar in town (New Guy Bar) is doing fine, and oddly enough some nights very busy in this rather low low season. The owner opens early to help make up for The Problem.

May 26th, 2014, 04:24
I was on the phone to BF today and he mentioned that the curfew will be over on June 3. I have no idea where he came up with this idea, so I am not vouching for the accuracy. He is in rural Isan, so not Bangkok specific.

I would have thought the curfew would be ending already, especially outside of the "hot spots". It seems rather silly to have it lasting so long for Pattaya.

May 27th, 2014, 09:51
The military mind (sic) is not famed for its imaginative or creative thinking and so one week after the seizure of power is a possibility- and that rumour has already appeared on Gaybutton.
However, it may be wishful thinking. Despotic and repressive regimes thrive on the creation of fear and uncertainty so look out for unverified "reports" of protesters converging on Bangkok from the "buffalo" heartlands. In such circumstances, the retention of a curfew will serve to remind citizens of who's in charge.

May 27th, 2014, 17:29
Clutching at straws? This was at the top of a Google search just now. Don't blame me if it turns out to be wrong; I'm just the messenger.


May 27th, 2014, 21:08
NEW curfew hours starting Wednesday May 28th
12:01 am - 4:00am

https://twitter.com/armypr_news/status/ ... 3844435968 (https://twitter.com/armypr_news/status/471285523844435968)

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May 27th, 2014, 21:44
NEW curfew hours starting Wednesday May 28th 12:01 am - 4:00am
That's good news, a step in the right direction. It will be a bonus if it is finished completely by the time Joe552, myself and others due to arrive shortly get there, as up to now I have made any travel plans and decisions for the visit based on the fact it might still be in place. Thanks for the update.

May 27th, 2014, 21:57
I wonder whether news of this has already got out. All the venues in Soi Twilight were operating tonight (even the gogo dancers were....go-going). All the soi lacked was customers.
Not true of Silom Soi 4. Very busy at 1900. I'd suggest busier than usual. Odd.

May 27th, 2014, 22:03
With just over a week till I get there, this is a relief. Although, I'm an "early to bed and early to rise" man, so 10.00pm wouldn't have been a huge inconvenience. But it will surely help the businesses that may have suffered recently.

And no, I'm not healthy, wealthy or wise!