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May 22nd, 2014, 17:15
Head of army announces a coup!

May 22, 2014 5:01 pm
Army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha announced coup on TV at 5 pm.

The Nation

Nirish guy
May 22nd, 2014, 17:26
Smart ( or crazy ? ) move on the general's part - call all sides together to the Army club for talks, then after two hours when they ( of course) don't agree just hold them all there against their will and mount your coup while you've got them all in custody - neat way of ring fencing your opponents in one easy move if nothing else ! As to whether their supporters will see it that way or not is of course a whole other matter .....

May 22nd, 2014, 17:30
So it continues; the people vote for the "wrong " party, the elite's favourites are installed by the military...and the massacres can begin.

May 22nd, 2014, 18:45
People have no say.

May 22nd, 2014, 18:47
"Wrong party" is a matter of opinion!

May 22nd, 2014, 18:52
but wasn't it the opinion of the majority at the last election?

May 22nd, 2014, 20:47
Yes; by a huge majority as it was in the three previous ones.
But the votes of buffaloes (as the farmers are called by the Bangkok elite) don't count.

Suthep engineered this from the start. The Red Shirts could have squashed his risible band at any time had they chosen to resort to violence. But they chose the peaceful way and the months of disruption and threats were tolerated. This is the result.

Thailand is now run by a military junta.

May 22nd, 2014, 22:40
Yes; by a huge majority as it was in the three previous ones.
But the votes of buffaloes (as the farmers are called by the Bangkok elite) don't count.

Suthep engineered this from the start. The Red Shirts could have squashed his risible band at any time had they chosen to resort to violence. But they chose the peaceful way and the months of disruption and threats were tolerated. This is the result.

Thailand is now run by a military junta.

Maybe they don't count because they were bought and paid for by a self-exiled tyrant with a huge fucking chip on his shoulder.
BTW Suthep is in custody, dumbass. And the redshits are anything but peaceful.

May 22nd, 2014, 23:36
Profoundly naive.

Suthep was indeed led away but how long will he be "in custody"? You can bet your bottom dollar that, at this moment, he's enjoying dinner with his army chums. And planning the next stage, namely the elimination of any party which supports the interests of the poor.....the majority of Thais. Power to the rich elite!
By the way, buses were laid on for the Yellow Shirts, while the Red Shirts were forcibly expelled.

The coup was planned long ago. Like the previous ones.

May 23rd, 2014, 04:31
Maybe they don't count because they were bought and paid for by a self-exiled tyrant with a huge fucking chip on his shoulder. BTW Suthep is in custody, dumbass. And the redshits are anything but peaceful.Living proof that if you tell a big enough lie often enough people will believe it.

May 23rd, 2014, 05:03
Living proof that if you tell a big enough lie often enough people will believe it.
My BF is from a very Pro TRT/Pheu Thai/Red shirt village
Prior to his untimely death (early 50s) his Uncle had done very well out of being a TRT supporter... Of course he couldn't stand Taksin... but he very gladly took his money... and the new roads that Taksin put into his previously unpaved street...

Those streets that hung out the right bunting and "supported" Taksin before teh election aways got sorted after the election... Those streets that didn't - kept their potholes for another few years

BF has witnessed also first hand money for votes going on... and people from the village being paid 500B per day to attend the red shirt rallies

As someone that is a bit more "international" than the rest of his village peers he is disgusted by the way that Taksin and his cronies have bought successive elections...

May 23rd, 2014, 09:04
Living proof that if you tell a big enough lie often enough people will believe it.
My BF is from a very Pro TRT/Pheu Thai/Red shirt village
Prior to his untimely death (early 50s) his Uncle had done very well out of being a TRT supporter... Of course he couldn't stand Taksin... but he very gladly took his money... and the new roads that Taksin put into his previously unpaved street...

Those streets that hung out the right bunting and "supported" Taksin before teh election aways got sorted after the election... Those streets that didn't - kept their potholes for another few years

BF has witnessed also first hand money for votes going on... and people from the village being paid 500B per day to attend the red shirt rallies

As someone that is a bit more "international" than the rest of his village peers he is disgusted by the way that Taksin and his cronies have bought successive elections...

Thai corruption was in full blume long before the elections of the Thaksin clan. You don't pass out 500 baht to the villagers to buy elections when government contracts are at your disposal :

http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_ ... 7Ae01.html (http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/KJ07Ae01.html)

Also, international corruption watchdogs have said corruption increased under Abhisit watch when compared to Thaksin. He should do a better job of laundering his Oxford shirts

May 23rd, 2014, 09:10
тАЬThe opposition and resistance to the coup will likely be strong,тАЭ Thitinan Pongsudhirak, director of the Institute of Security and International Studies at BangkokтАЩs Chulalongkorn University, said by phone. тАЬThis time the looming confrontation and clashes are going to be severe and violent.тАЭ http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-2 ... nized.html (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-22/thai-coup-risks-deadly-clashes-as-thaksin-camp-better-organized.html)

May 23rd, 2014, 10:32
" ... Thai corruption was in full (bloom) long before the elections of the Thaksin clan ... "
Same same could be said of coups.

Khor tose
May 23rd, 2014, 12:18
Living proof that if you tell a big enough lie often enough people will believe it.

As someone that is a bit more "international" than the rest of his village peers he is disgusted by the way that Taksin and his cronies have bought successive elections...

I am sure he also told you how much he loves you and how jai dee you are when you buy him a new phone. I live in Chiang Mai and I hear that both sides always offer money, it is taken by the voters, and then they vote for whom they really want. I have also heard this from a tour guide in Hua Hin so i know it is universal. You do know that up to now it has been a secret ballot. I am sure this is one of the things that the military will try to change.. I also wonder if you have bothered to read Handly or Marshall who have 50+ years of combined experience in Thailand reporting on the various governments, and who disagree will your assessment of how the red shirts keep getting elected. Yes, it would be a crying shame if the Red Shirts could actually form a government that would be beneficial to all of Thailand. Hell, just think how the numbers of available boys would go down while the price went up, and how much we would have to pay our maids, etc. What a tragedy.

May 23rd, 2014, 14:15
In democracies, people tend to vote out of self-interest. If you are dirt-poor and have a choice between a candidate who calls you a buffalo and expresses contempt for you (and your dark skin) and one who promises (and delivers) a health service, whom would you choose?

A more difficult issue arises. A elected government has been overthrown by a junta that speaks and acts like neo-fascists in banana republics in the 1970s. Have Thais the right to resist and restore democracy? Thailand is a huge country and has been unable to defeat a minor insurgency in the south. I wonder how an unrepresentative and deeply unpopular junta would cope with guerillas in the north?

May 24th, 2014, 02:39
Oliver, you might want to organize that uprising yourself if you really want it to happen. Otherwise I wouldn't count on it.

May 24th, 2014, 07:45
No need for anyone in Europe to visit Thailand as Thailand has come to Europe according to this story (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/10852417/Crown-Prince-of-Thailand-takes-refuge-in-5-star-Hampshire-hotel.html).

May 24th, 2014, 08:31
No need for anyone in Europe to visit Thailand as Thailand has come to Europe according to this story (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/10852417/Crown-Prince-of-Thailand-takes-refuge-in-5-star-Hampshire-hotel.html).

This coup has a lot of intrigue, twists and subplots.

May 24th, 2014, 10:01
The plot thickens:

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-05-24/f ... er/5475648 (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-05-24/former-thailand-pm-to-establish-government-in-exile-lawyer/5475648)

May 24th, 2014, 12:16
Very counterdicktory story. Shes gonna establish a government in exile but shes still under detention "somewhere" in Thailand by the army very sloppy reporting.

May 24th, 2014, 12:32
Here's the good news part of the coup there will be fewer Americans around http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/state ... nd-n113481 (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/state-department-warns-americans-cancel-non-essential-trips-thailand-n113481)

May 24th, 2014, 12:43
Better if we got rid if Australians!!!

May 24th, 2014, 14:56
Better if we got rid if Australians!!!

Agreed, they are on a par with the Pattaya Russians, they have the same amount of class.

May 24th, 2014, 16:12
Ah, there's nothing like a spot of casual racism to start the day

May 24th, 2014, 16:36
Very counterdicktory story. Shes gonna establish a government in exile but shes still under detention "somewhere" in Thailand by the army very sloppy reporting.

The headline is misleading, Thaksin not Yingluck is attempting to form the government in exile(if we can believe that). I'm sure they would reunite at a future date after her detention.

May 24th, 2014, 18:04
Like most Economist articles, well written with insight :

http://www.economist.com/news/asia/2160 ... ath-throne (http://www.economist.com/news/asia/21602759-sudden-move-army-brings-only-near-term-calm-path-throne)

May 25th, 2014, 02:45
The British Foreign Office is not yet (24.5.14) following the US State Department regarding not making non-essential travel to Thailand.
They do however advise against going near areas subject to demonstrations and staying in accomodation when in doubt. Also mention is made about checking travel insurance, pointing out that some insurers withdraw cover to countries subject to a coup.

May 25th, 2014, 03:05
I phoned my travel insurance company yesterday to check this = and got to talk to a young woman who basically recited the warning on the Dept of Foreign Affairs(Ireland) website. I felt very re-assured. I will continue to monitor the warnings from the Irish government - as this is what can invalidate travel insurance

having said that - I see no reason to change my plans of going to Pattaya in 11 and a half days (no, I'm not counting)

May 25th, 2014, 03:15
Just as a side note to the chorus line...

http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opin ... d-etat-101 (http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/411623/thai-coup-d-etat-101)

May 25th, 2014, 05:46
Just as a side note to the chorus line...

http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opin ... d-etat-101 (http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/411623/thai-coup-d-etat-101)

I guess the textbook was Edward Luttwak's book, "Coup d'Etat: A Practical Handbook."

May 25th, 2014, 07:37
Just as a side note to the chorus line...

http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opin ... d-etat-101 (http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/411623/thai-coup-d-etat-101)

I guess the textbook was Edward Luttwak's book, "Coup d'Etat: A Practical Handbook."

Dear Mr Cottmann
The SGT Farang Ultra-hip Constituency for Kimonoed Sarcastics cordially invites you at your earliest possible convenience to come meet us at a place and time to be announced, to discuss your latest post and have a little rest as well.

Respectfully yours

May 25th, 2014, 11:29
You know, something like this.... =))


May 26th, 2014, 07:27
The Nation reported their senior reporter has been taken into custody:

http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politic ... 34594.html (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/The-Nation-reporter-taken-into-custody-30234594.html)