View Full Version : Thai soi dogs ain't no pussies ...

May 15th, 2014, 04:25
..... but in suburban California it's either a dozen large day glo 'ARMED RESPONSE' signs stuck all over the immaculate lawn, or ... owning this cat!


(PS ... ElephantSpike, the YouTube button seems to be on the blink.)

May 15th, 2014, 06:37
Smiles. Change the https to http


May 15th, 2014, 10:20
Smiles. Change the https to http
Thank you mate ... how easy was that?
I've never thought of myself as anything but a dinosaur when it comes to internet tech. Just more proof ...

May 15th, 2014, 13:06
I've never thought of myself as anything but a dinosaur

I doubt if your in the minority!

May 15th, 2014, 23:06
I thought the most extraordinary thing about that footage was not so much the 'cat attacks dog' aspect as the unlikely aptness of the camera placements which made such coherent, almost professional storytelling possible. There seem to have been three surveillance cameras involved. Cutting between them it was possible to show the boy innocently coming to a halt on his bike, then the dog, ears suddenly up in alertness, spotting him from the other side of the parked car and starting to run, then a closer view of it menacingly rounding the car, then back to the first camera to show it coming up from behind to grab the boy's leg. Yikes, almost Hitchcockian building of suspense! All we needed was a close-up shot of the cat looking up from the fishbones it was chewing on to spot the danger and starting its charge, followed by the cut to the final rescue scene, and we would have had an entry fit for the next film festival for independent directors (shorts section).

May 16th, 2014, 00:53
Peter, I also noticed the camera work in that video.
On the face of it one might easily think 'staged' (although how one stages a cat I don't know :-s ... dogs perhaps, but cats are not of their personality type) ... but if you think about the general paranoia in suburban California ~ it's huge! ~ and their over-done need to provide uber security around their property then I think multiple cameras around private homes are probably the rule rather than the exception.
The mention above of the 'Armed Response' signs was not much of an exaggeration: in California at least they are absolutely everywhere.

May 16th, 2014, 01:43
I thought the most extraordinary thing about that footage was not so much the 'cat attacks dog' aspect as the unlikely aptness of the camera placements which made such coherent, almost professional storytelling possible. There seem to have been three surveillance cameras involved.
You're making a very good point! For this reason alone, that would be impossible here in Bangkok:

The first of these three cameras would be a fake that cannot actually film anything.
The second one wouldn't be a fake, but it would be broken.
The third one would work perfectly, but whatever it captures isn't actually recorded anywhere.
