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April 18th, 2014, 11:34
My flight arrived Thursday. Qatar was a great find. the flight was fast, comfortable and the entertainment system offered over 100 movie selections! Awesome!
On the flight I was seated next to some hot Puerto Rican guy... Dam he was hot!

At the airport the Express train was not running so I had to take a taxi. The driver wanted 400 baht to take me to Babylon. I told him he can have the 400 but no tip. Or use the meter and get a tip. He turned on the meter and once we got to the hotel I gave him 400 baht.

Went to the sauna 1 hour before closing. I wanted to shower and figured it would be more fun to shower at the sauna. Met a hottie from last year and we swapped numbers. Passed on the sex flirting with other guys and took my shower, went back to my room and got dressed.

Hit the bars. Silom was near empty of a crowd but there were people about. We went to Hot Male in time to see the show. They even had a Farang gogo boy there.
Watched the show. Bar was 1/4 full.. Left there and went to Telephone Pub. Soi was crowded and Telephone was 70% full inside on the bottom floor.

Left there and went to a gogo bar near tawan. Not many guys.

Back to my hotel room at Babylon, floor was empty of sound. Figured I would shave and jerk off tonight before sleep. Took my shower and shaved my body. Grabbed my kit and was headed back to my room when an attractive and slim Thai guy passed me and knocked my towel off me and onto the floor. With a bit of a laugh he pointed towards the shower. We showered together and he saw too it that I had no need to jerk off and I did the same favor for him.

Went back to room, went to sleep and now that I am awake I am writing this report.

I'm going to log off. Talk to you guys later.

April 18th, 2014, 21:13
Figured I would shave and jerk off tonight before sleep. ...... We showered together and he saw too it that I had no need to jerk off and I did the same favor for him.

Hope that teaches you a lesson on patience! :D

April 19th, 2014, 06:53
Francis, you are so right lol

Today..... Went to mbk to get a sim for my phone. 4th floor, 500 baht for sim with 7 day unlimited internet and 100 baht cell talk time. Good enough.

Left there and got foot massage near silom. The guy giving me the foot massage later showed me the oil massage room and suggested I try one with him next time with a wink and a nod.

Back to Babylon hotel to meet a friend for fun. In the room with one friend as another friend is calling the room from the reception desk. I meet second friend as first friend leaves. We go to eat and then go to silom to telephone. Big crowd there. We share a pitcher of kaicazi and once done go back to room.

That's my day. Pattaya is next on the list.

April 19th, 2014, 16:53
Thanks for the update bucknaway.

What is kaicazi?

April 19th, 2014, 18:40

Sorry for the typo hehe

April 19th, 2014, 18:53
Ok, this one will be short.
I took the taxi from Bkk to Pattaya. Cute driver... On the way we saw drums filled with ice and water and people happily having water battles that sometimes broke out into spontaneous dancing. We were safe in the car but some still doused our windows with water as we passed by.

The beach... Many chair vendors did not set-up and the group we sad in only had a few customers. I guess everyone is standing by the side of the road throwing water at passersby.

Grindr, Jack'd, gay romeo and line are full of guys and I now seem to run into an overload of selection. As all the tourist have run away the guys are focused on us few that are nearby.

Im not going outside yet because I still hear the music and people celebrating. I am afraid to invite a guy to my room because I may not get to go out and explore the way I want to. So I will try to hit one or two bars, then just go where the wind blows me and see what opportunities present them-self and if I still have not found a mate. I will come back to the room. Maybe I will get lucky and find a hot guy on the beach road like I did in the past. There were many I passed on because my inner voice told me they were trouble. But if I still have not found a mate by the time I get back to my room, I will give the internet a chance. It's never failed me before.

In Pattaya, you can have guys come to your room as if you are getting room service.....

Sigh... Who knew that the one problem witih Pattaya is not having sex before you have fun.... :D

April 20th, 2014, 03:56
Tonight... Final day of Songkran :D

I put off meeting anyone I said I would meet before I got here out of fear of them not giving my space after sex and there was a lot I wanted to do without bringing an extra mouth along to feed drinks into.

I got on a baht bus and had to prepay 20 baht for the ride. It went as far as walking street entrance and I got off but not before getting hit with some water. I walked through Sunee and it was dark... Walking dead dark with only one or two people walking about. Walked over to Happy Boy's... Closed.. Got splashed again... Off I went to Boyztown. Some bars are dark but Copa, BBB, WWB, and Xboys are lit up. Stopped in Xboys and saw the show. It was as if they were just going through the motions. One performer was swining on the rings and was being pulled back and forth by some long fabric. They pulled to hard and she came crashing down onto the floor and her chin hit the stage floor. She seem to be okay.

Left there and went to BBB. Crowded... Didn't stay... No good seats... Went to Vassa and sat with some guy. There were only three or 4 guys on the stage there and all were fem. Left there and went to Panorama for a drink. Only stayed till show time at the . Left there and went to BBB to see the show. It was too much drag for my taste and the boys on show, some were hot but they did not display them much in the shows. Did I get that order right? Maybe not....

Left there and walked to walking street. Its now about 1:30 am and I am still getting hit with water! :(

I decide to call it a night. I headed back to the room on another baht bus.. 20 baht... Pre-paid. Got off at Jomtien Complex and walked through. Though the bars are dark since it is after 2am, the guys are still out and asking if they can go wtih me. of course they can't... I may be a slut but I am not a tramp.... Or Am I a tramp but not a slut? Anyway, I refuse to let them mix.

So I am now back in the room. All the guys I blew off on the net and the apps and here I sit without sex today. Oh well... Tonight I sleep... I say that as IM's from gay romeo ring in the background.....

STOP THE PRESSES!!! A guy is on his way over. Thailand just won't let me jerk off!

April 20th, 2014, 05:14
Thanks for the updates on your trip.

Curious about having to "pre-pay" for the baht bus. That has never happened to me...though Thai BF is usually with me, so perhaps that is why? Is having to pre-pay a common thing?

April 20th, 2014, 11:40
They said 20 baht fare was for that night only. They were also charging Thai and foreigner alike....

Update on that guy that stopped over. I am starting to think he was on something. The sex was non-stop from 3:40am till 11:20am and I truly mean non-stop. No breaks, no cuddling. Just sucking or screwing and no, I did not get to be total bottom and that is another one of my complaints for this trip! Even the guy I had fun with in my room at Babylon was rolling a condom on me and putting his legs on my shoulders before you could say "Too Bad Charlie".....

I am going to find a real top guy before the trip is over.

Oh, and it always starts with them asking, "So... have you every tried top?" :(

April 20th, 2014, 23:34
So you were wet and went into several bars. Does it not get cold (I mean fucking freezing cold, with shivering and dick retracting into your body?).

(From memory - last year's Songkran - being wet becomes uncomfortable for me after some hours, but that was walking, if I were sitting it would be uncomfortable immediately.)

April 21st, 2014, 06:26
I didn't get drenched. Are most maybe most of my arm and face got wet. It not drenched. I did put on the rain jacket for areas where the night road was near flooded with water being thrown.

April 21st, 2014, 08:36
Yesterday, after that marathon sex event I was not interested in finding sex anytime soon. So I avoided the hook-up apps and didn't go online much. I went to the beach. More people there today and opened my wallet and just let the baht flow.... Sigh.... The old lady that does nail work on the beach told me that the other old lady that worked on the beach doing nails with her daughter had to stop working due to her diabetes. So sad for such a sweet lady.

The beach was fun, the chair vendor kept rubbing his cock bulge on me trying to get me to take him to my room hehe... You gotta love Thailand! He had a big bulge in those underwear type shorts he had on but I was not interested in sex.

When the beach time was over I walked through Jomtien Complex. I wanted to stop in one of the bars but it is always the very fem guys that latch onto me so I kept walking when I could not spot any manly type guys.

Did some shopping in the Night market area and then stopped into Happy Boys during happy hour. All but one of the guys in there seemed to be rather girlish so I choose the one guy that was not shaking his ass at me. I was told he was new and has never been with a customer yet. He was a cute, thin, guy from Issan. But I am not interested in breaking in a virgin. His friend came around in the rotation so I had him sit with us and purchased a drink for him. He took a few sips and a new customer came in. A guy he knew. He said he wanted to say hi to the new customer, went over and was gone. The friend offed him and they left.... Hmmmm... That was rude I thought. He just left with another customer without another word to me after buying him a drink he sipped from for less than 2 minutes.... I decided to not make an issue of it... His drink was 130 baht. I was going to tip him 100 for his time so I only lost 30 baht out of the deal.... I will also remember to be less free with my drinks in that bar for a while.

Another thing I noticed in Happy Boyx. I noticed that the guys acted girly till I had a guy sit with me and then some of them seem to turn off the swishy behavior. I'm wondering if many of the guys only act feminine thinking that will make them more appealing and their feminine behavior is only an act?

Left there and went to Eros.... Oh my GAWD... Seems I had a hard time keeping my baht in my pocket and soon I had near naked guys sitting all around me. As time progressed, thy were soon laying over me till there were arm and legs and feet all over the place. I had to laugh when the guys got into a bit of a wrestling match and I was the mat they were wresting on.

I have to say that last night at Eros was the most fun I have had in a bar so far while in Thailand. Those guys crawling over me and the other guys to tussle with one or two guys who would in-turn crawl over me to get revenge influenced many an erection from me throughout the night. When one guy would get up, another guy immediately took the empty space which made them playfully tussle on-top of me again...

I think my night at Eros took around 3000 baht out of my pocket for drinks and tips. It was worth it.... :D I should say that Eros had a lot of guys working and for as many guys crowded around me other customer seem to be enjoying a crowd of guys as well.

I left there and went to Xboys... I wanted to go to Xboys Partyland but it was closed so I went to xboys. I was sitting there thinking I may have to cross X-boyx off my list of bars to visit.... I use to enjoy their shows. Now I just don't seem to care about their show anymore. I was sitting there thinking that I should have gone to Boys Boys Boys just to see the short routine they have of the guys performing in the show.

On the way back to my hotel, I sent an SMS to my favorite beach massage guy and asked if he could come massage me in my room. He met me at the Jomtien 7-11 and left this morning.

Now... am waiting for a guy from Grinder to come over. He says he has never had sex with a American guy of my color and wants to try it... What can I say? I am here to help!

April 22nd, 2014, 09:06
Which beach vendor's chairs do you sit in? Sounds like you are having more fun than me? Who is your favorite beach massage boy
that makes house calls? Do you share info? Where are you staying in Pattaya this trip?

April 22nd, 2014, 12:02
Take care with any kind of nail or toenail filing. Are the instruments really clean from the previous customer? Any evidence of blood? In the west sterilizlng is done for a reason.

April 23rd, 2014, 03:12
Well I managed to go a day without sex and slept alone. I had to turn off my cell phone, refuse to go to the gay cruise sites and just bar-hopped. I also played sick and called off some dates. I think that marathon sex session took a lot out of me. With a full day of rest and no sex, by morning I was back to normal and had my massage friend come over for a massage. The only thing is that I have come to realize that he does not massage me anymore and its a pity because he is very good at massage.

Once he left me I was ready to face the world. I went to the beach and met an old friend that works massage who also does a great massage. He offered to do massage and I agreed but he refused to do it on the beach and would only do it in my room. So we went to my room and the massage was nothing more than him rubbing lubricant on the condom.... Sigh... Maybe I will get a massage on the beach tomorrow.

I return to the beach and met another massage guy from Cambodia. He was nice but not my type. The beach vendors were packing up so the massage guy said he would walk with me back to my condo to put my things away. As we walked my phone received several nasty SMS messages from my steady Cambodian massage friend. telling me to forget him and to never call him again because I was with another that cambodian massage guy. I told him I didn't hire him and that we were just walking but he was fit to be tied. For a moment I said "Screw it... I can replace him!" Then I realized that he is a rare find and finally got him to calm down. Once he saw the other Cambodian go with a different person he sent me an apology. We met and I think he tried to hurt me when we had sex... He was kinda savage in his thrusts. When I asked why he fucked to hard he just smiled at me.

Later that night I went bar hopping and I did some things I won't post about. But I will tell you that I stopped in Krazy Dragon. I didn't want to but figured why not. Boy am I glad I did. I met this very hot guy named YoYo from Esan. From what I could tell, no tat's on his body, skin was a smooth light chocolate brown and shy.

I was the only customer when I entered. YoYo was standing on a table near my seat. Several guys came and went from my table but YoYo didn't approach me. Finally I waved him over and he seemed like a scared little rabbit moving slowly and measured steps. I waved him over again and he crossed to my table. I waved him to come closer and he had one foot on the table and one foot on the seat next to me and still looking frightened. I padded the seat next to me, He looked at the other guys and they encouraged him and he sat down and ordered an orange juice. After a while he warned up and I decided to have some fun with him and soon he was laughing and joking and both of us were being naughty. I tipped him a few times... I know you guys will corrupt him. Oh I asked why he was so shy? He told me he thought I would not like him. What was not to like? Soft skin, acts like a regular guy, attractive, well hung, speaks good English. He won't be working there long before some guy snatches him away.

Then I went to (Deleted by me.) And I (Deleted by me). Everyone was happy and I paid my tab and left to go to walking street. VIP room? That is a toilet! :))

Wednesday is my final day in Pattaya.... Wonder what the day will bring.

April 24th, 2014, 01:02
"Then I went to (Deleted by me.) And I (Deleted by me)"
How twee.
But a fun board game could be made out of this. Fill in the ....

April 24th, 2014, 10:38
For my final day in Pattaya I decided to turn my cell phone off. I realized that my phone was not helping me enjoy my holiday, it was only helping the guys keep tabs on me. By not having to answer to my phone I was able to do anything I pleased when and where I wanted...

Yesterday I visited Sansuk sauna. It was hot and humid there as I was warned it would be by one of the locals. I only stayed about an hour and just before I left I met a hot slim Thai guy in the Sauna section. No words were spoken. He grabbed onto what he wanted and I shook my head in agreement and we did what grown people do. I left there, went back to my room, showered, changed and hit the bars.

Boyztown.... I continued to play with the barboys and played the pick a hand with a gogo boy. He kept picking the hand with the 20 baht note in it. We played the game over and over till he finally won the 100 baht note. Later, the mamasan came with an offer for me to take the guy and pay the guy 1500 tip. I declined telling her that I am a bottom and so was the guy I was having fun with. She said he can do both and still I refused knowing that versatile guys do not mix well with me when it comes to sex. And if I am paying I only will pay for what I want. The Mamasan talked to the boy and they came back with a 1000 baht tip offer and I told her no, it would not work for me. A final offer of 500 baht tip was made and again I refused.

I left there and finished the night at Panorama and met a Korean guy on holiday. We went back to my room and did the usual and the unusual. We finished the morning with a wake-up repeat and when it was all done I walked him to the gate along the beach and waved goodbye to him. Dam he looked good in those tight jeans!

Now I am packing to go to Bangkok.. Sunday I fly home....

April 26th, 2014, 07:25
Is their a prize for Bucky spotting? He walked past me twice last night around 8pm up and down Soi 4 when I was sitting outside Telephone Pub with a Chang beer. But Bucky couldnt you find someone to mend ya dungarees? It looked a bit risky with them held up by only one strap or does that help you get to the action quicker?

April 26th, 2014, 12:06
That is part of the look. when I am in a crowed at DJ station, I may take the shirt off and undo the side buttons. But I met a guy from Kenya at DJ station before I even had a chance to undo any buttons....

You should have said hello and introduced yourself :)

April 26th, 2014, 15:06
That is part of the look =))

April 26th, 2014, 17:14
That is part of the look. when I am in a crowed at DJ station, I may take the shirt off and undo the side buttons.
No offence, but aren't you a little bit old for that? I like it when guys at DJ who are ten years younger than myself do that, but you're probably ten years older. :))

April 26th, 2014, 17:24
No offense taken, it depends on what you like, and that particular look is always a sure winner for me, but..... If I ever should find myself trying to raise your interest in me, I won't wear that particular outfit. =))

April 26th, 2014, 19:16
Right now I am not much in a mood to post about the last few days.
Although this trip was shorter then my usual trips I have to say that I think 10 days is enough. I go home tomorrow and I am ready to leave. I had fun and met some nice guys. Didn't do much shopping other than some new underwear....

I first thought I would come back in September for 3 weeks but halfway through this trip I decided I would do 2 more trips of 10 day holidays. Now I am thinking maybe I will just come back once more this year for 10 days and I will plan to leave my phone off and only go to the computer when I have to.

Sigh.... It's all starting to feel rather routine to me. I hope I have 1 more nights worth of of the energy and desire to explore....

April 27th, 2014, 09:47
No offence, but aren't you a little bit old for that?He scrubs up okay lego if he was standing next to me in one of them hong naams lurker told us about with his cock out I think I might go down on him but I was not happy about his posts this time he board us all to death with posts a few weeks back about street food and whatever but his posts while he was here had nothing just about he could not get enough guys to top him and after ten days he has had enough of Thailand.

April 27th, 2014, 10:53
Hey, I toned down my posts because many complained and tried to imply that I was making it all up. I'm trying to post only enough info to avoid the usual backlash I get after I write about the fun I had in Thailand.

So if I did a 3 way at Babylon I may say I met some guys and had fun at Babylon. If I write about how the 3 way happened the trolls will come out.

April 27th, 2014, 13:59
Hey, I toned down my posts because many complained and tried to imply that I was making it all up. I'm trying to post only enough info to avoid the usual backlash I get after I write about the fun I had in Thailand.

So if I did a 3 way at Babylon I may say I met some guys and had fun at Babylon. If I write about how the 3 way happened the trolls will come out.Not interested in your sex life at all more the point you board us all witless about all the things you were looking forward to such as street food but in your posts not a peep about any of those things. You spent weeks building up to the Grand Tour of the decade if not the century posting us about all the things you love about Thailand and then on the last day tell us that 10 days was quiet enough. A bit like striptease the build up was everything the denooment a fizzle. At least there wasnt the endless moaning about whether your iPad would work and what SIM card should you choose.

April 27th, 2014, 23:32
A bit like striptease the build up was everything the denooment a fizzle.

noun: denouement; plural noun: denouements; noun: d├йnouement; plural noun: d├йnouements

the final part of a play, film, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
"the film's denouement was unsatisfying and ambiguous"
synonyms: finale, final scene, final act, last act, epilogue, coda, end, ending, finish, close; More
culmination, climax, conclusion, resolution, solution, clarification, unravelling;
"the film's denouement was unsatisfying and ambiguous"
antonyms: beginning
the outcome of a situation, when something is decided or made clear.
"I waited by the eighteenth green to see the denouement"
synonyms: outcome, upshot, consequence, result, end result, end, ending, termination, culmination, climax; More
"the debate had an unexpected denouement"
antonyms: origin

mid 18th century: French d├йnouement, from d├йnouer тАШunknotтАЩ.

April 28th, 2014, 01:43
Hey, I toned down my posts because many complained and tried to imply that I was making it all up. I'm trying to post only enough info to avoid the usual backlash I get after I write about the fun I had in Thailand.

So if I did a 3 way at Babylon I may say I met some guys and had fun at Babylon. If I write about how the 3 way happened the trolls will come out.
I, for one, enjoy your posts...I hope you continue to let the words fall, based on how the world spins for you!


Brad the Impala
April 28th, 2014, 02:36
Agreed, usually enjoy Buckies' posts, sometimes a lot.

April 28th, 2014, 06:21
brisbaneguy how long have you been in bangkok for it seems for ever and nothing of interest posted just knocking bucknaway. must be boring fot you . suppose your pension does not go far in soi twilight.y

April 28th, 2014, 07:15
brisbaneguy how long have you been in bangkok for it seems for ever and nothing of interest posted just knocking bucknaway. must be boring fot you . suppose your pension does not go far in soi twilight.yDone judge other people by your own expereiences paul baby Im not a pensioner I was hear until Songkran and I went to Malaysia for a week now Im back and their are plenty of boys just gagging for it for free if you know where to look and I wrote a thread called "Gay for Pay"and I still got plenty of money in my wallet because I got more sense than to go to Soi Twilight unless someone else is paying. Im not some Yankee wuss who runs away because 11 days in the country is too much.

April 28th, 2014, 13:16
brisbaneguy how long have you been in bangkok for it seems for ever and nothing of interest posted just knocking bucknaway. must be boring fot you . suppose your pension does not go far in soi twilight.y
As if those of us who live in Bangkok (instead of being visitors) find Soi Twilight all that interesting. Do you think we revisit the Grand Palace on a weekly basis, too? I didn't think so.

May 1st, 2014, 04:28
I don't know if I should be posting more in this thread since I am not in Thailand at the moment... But I will post anyway.

I had a lot of fun in Pattaya but at some point I decided to turn my cell phone off. I found that it was keeping me at the beck and call of the guys I was friends with as well as guys I had a commercial relationship with. I found that when I was ready to go to the beach I would get a SMS from a friend wanting to meet me so I would wait in the condo and after our meeting I may have another SMS or a call or a line chat message or a whats app message from guys that would often throw me off my plans and as a result I didn't get to go to the beach as often as I wanted and I didn't go out to the bars as often as I like and I didn't get to off anyone while I was in Pattaya.

I also turned off my phone after my massage friend threw a fit when he saw me with another massage guy... Once the phone went off I found I was able to explore Pattaya much like I did when I first visited and it allowed me to meet that HOT Korean guy I mentioned in earlier posts.

Why do I like Pattaya so much? I have fun in Bangkok, but I seem to enjoy myself more in Pattaya. It just has a feeling of convenience as far as I'm concerned.

Back in Bangkok I met up with my fellow traveler and mostly hung out at the bars. When I got back to Bangkok I found my friend that works at a hotel and gave him a shirt I purchased for him in Pattaya. He then wanted to know my hotel and told me he would spend the day with me tomorrow... That shocked me back to reality. He was not right for me. He was an undercover moneyboy... One night we were in bed doing what adults do. Then when I see him again he wants to borrow money to pay for his room. I gave him the money knowing I would not get it back, nor would I ask for it. The other thing was that he was also a bottom.... I was walking away thinking that I was not going to let him have all the fun and my money too... What was in this friendship for me? Nothing.... So I just ignored the notes slipped under my door and the phone calls to my room and after a few days I think he got the message.

One night I met a guy at Telephone Pub. He was a Farang that didn't know anything about the bars so I became his guide. I took him to Screwboy and Soi Twilight as well as the Bars in the Tawan area. Of all the bars we visited he liked nature boy the best and when his pants opened I made my way to the bathroom to give him some privacy. When I came out, he was zipping up and ready to pay the check. During out time at Nature Boy, one guy of the many that were all over my new friend turned his attention to me. I kept trying to get him to focus on my friend telling the guy I had little money, my friend has big money :D It didn't work and he did warm my heart but not enough for me to off him.

Another day I went to Babylon and got there about 8:30pm. As I was going in, many were leaving. The place had a lot of asian guys in there and a good number of non-asians. I was was seated in the dark zone by the door when a Thai guy sat next to me. After a while we found we were not a match but he would not give up so I moved away. I waited in the dark zone for a while and soon a short, slim guy in a speedo was touching me. I touched him and next thing I knew he was pulling me along and led me into a booth. Before closing the door he pulled in another Thai guy so it was 3 of us in a booth.... While we were doing adult things I had the feeling we were being watched (And we were). After a while someone threw a towel over the wall and we threw it back only to have them throw it over the wall again. When we were done, the 2 guys left the booth and I got myself ready to leave and only got 1 foot out the booth when a Chinese guy pushed me back in the booth and asked if he can have sex with me telling me that he saw me with the 2 guys... I knew I was being watched!

I told him I wanted to shower but he would not take no for an answer... So we had sex. When it was over I showered and left Babylon. When I was leaving I found the Chinese guy walking next to me. We talked as we walked and exchanged our Line ID names....

That was not the end of my night.... On that night I offed a guy that didn't work out so well and I met a Kenyan at DJ station that made me regret being gay for few minutes.... I will write about them later. I want to unwind after work now.

May 1st, 2014, 21:22
I can relate to your experience that lead to turning your cell phone off.

Some times I go to Pattaya, I don't log into gayromeo or grindr (because then others will see I am there), and still meet more boys than I can handle. With cute available boys at every corner, it's not worth arranging dates online, with possible delays, misunderstanding and no-show.