View Full Version : Babylon back door and time of the last fuck

April 16th, 2014, 01:02
Can one still cut across the condo entrance and access it from soi suan phu, or leave that way around closing time.

Also what time is the last chance to fuck, is it still around 930, with just a few desperate living deads roaming after that time?


April 16th, 2014, 17:45
I managed to sneak through the condo entrance when a car entered. There is security, maybe they let you through. A friend told me they have to let pedestrians pass, but I didn't have a chance to confirm this. But if you ask nicely, there should be no problem.

From memory, Babylon empties quickly after 9 pm, staff will be busy closing gym and labyrinth, there won't be many occasions for a last fuck after 9.