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View Full Version : This time I'm using protection in Pattaya

April 14th, 2014, 02:59
In the past I didn't have to worry about protection because there was very little chance of anything bad happening when I was having fun, but this time things may be different. When I first planned my trip I thought the Songkran festivities would be over but now I find that I will be in Pattaya during the water throwing celebration and my phone may be at risk and I fear it will be in need of some protection.

I even picked up a rain jacket to help deflect some of the water but I don't think it will offer me much protection from all the buckets of water and super soakers that will be aimed at me as I run, trip and stumble from location to location.

Are there any safe zones in Pattaya? Will walking street and sections of Boyztown. Sunee Plaza as well as Johmtien Complex offer refuge from water attacks?


April 14th, 2014, 03:55
How could you not know this is Songkran, most farang that live here make plans well in advance to get out of town till the 19th has past, many boys like New Year go home to their villages for the holiday.

April 14th, 2014, 04:11
it was easy to do. I don't live there and when I did a google search on Songkran the dates that came up were not accurate. It was not until just weeks before my trip did it become clear that I was going to be in Pattaya during the festivities.

No big deal. I am sure I will still have a great holiday in Thailand. ;)

April 14th, 2014, 14:48
Just wear old shorts & T shirt. Keep your phone and money in a plastic bag . You can buy custom made bags that hang round your neck (make sure its under your shirt). Join in the fun or stay in your room LOL!
After dark it stops but some cunts will get you as you walk past the bars. Look out for wet roads and avoid them. Its a great time to be in Pattaya and the 19th will be fantastik if you aint seen it before the eye candy is amazing. :))

April 14th, 2014, 19:33
You'll look like a complete dick if you'll wear a rain jacket, and make yourself an even juicier target that way. They'll probably swarm around you and smear as much talcum powder in your face as they can manage, and pour bucket loads of ice cold water over your head. You've been warned.

As a rule of thumb, the more you embrace it and go with the flow, the less painful it will be. I'd even call it enjoyable, but I know that my view that Songkran is actually fun isn't shared by too many members of this forum. Each to their own!

Easy enough to protect your phone and other items you need to carry around. Do that and keep whatever you don't need in your room. Easy enough.

April 18th, 2014, 08:35
it was easy to do.What a dickhead.