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April 13th, 2014, 01:09
The first mistake I made in Thailand? That was when I took a taxi. I got in a taxi and was on the way to my hotel before I realized it didn't have a meter. We were halfway to my hotel and we still did not agree on a rate and I didn't know what was a fare rate. He wanted 800 baht to take me from Silom back to the Pinnacle hotel. As I remember, that ride cost me in the neighborhood of 400 baht.

Another mistake? I was in Phuket at a Sizzler and the salad bar looked so delicious to me that I had to have just a small bite from it. I took a cherry tomato, a bit of lettuce, a bit of broccoli and some red onion. sprinkled it with cheese and a dab of dressing and that night I was sick as a dog. By morning I was OK but that night I was praying for death.

Another mistake? Phuket again. I was going with the flow and went back to a Thai guys room for sex. In the middle of the fun, his boyfriend appeared and wanted to join in. His boyfriend was not my type at all and I didn't come to Thailand to get naked with farang guys and that event was a mistake.

Another mistake? Letting friends but in when I am trying to haggle with a seller of goods. Often friends will think it is cute to take the side of the seller by telling you and the seller that the price the seller is asking for is fair. In the past I use to give up and then pay the asking price. That was a mistake. Now when a friend butts in and tells me that I am being offered a good deal, I tell them that if the deal is so good they should take it and then I walk away and continue my shopping.

Another mistake? Taking the sleeper train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Wow! That was a long ride that seem to never end! Maybe it would have been more fun if I had taken the trip with a Thai guy but why would I go to Chiang Mai with a date when I wanted to be a slut... I mean... Butterfly..

Another mistake? Not picking up on the subtle signals the guys at Babylon were giving me to let me know they were interested. I often say that it takes a brick wall to fall on me when it comes to realize someone is interested in me but this one should not have been so difficult for me to figure out. The sad this is that I didn't figure it out until I was back home! LOL

April 13th, 2014, 08:05
Hopefully this is not the only "after-action" report that you are going to make? I do like that you can talk about your "mistakes", though none of them seem like whoopers.

I would like to hear more about your Chaing Mai trip. Not the train, but what you thought of Chaing Mai as a casual visitor.

April 13th, 2014, 11:22
I would like to hear more about your Chaing Mai trip. Not the train, but what you thought of Chaing Mai as a casual visitor.Or even Chiang Mai.

April 13th, 2014, 16:47
I would like to hear more about your Chaing Mai trip. Not the train, but what you thought of Chaing Mai as a casual visitor.Or even Chiang Mai.

So sorry for the typo. :ymtongue:

Guess it is appropriate for the "mistake" thread.

April 14th, 2014, 02:01
Well if these are the worst mistakes you've made in Thailand, I think you've done rather well!

April 14th, 2014, 02:16
I've been lucky so far. I think one mistake I am facing is never having visit the Palace or other high profile locations in the city of Bangkok. So far I have been content to just be in Thailand and to have fun and meet people. I don't know how many more visits to Thailand are before me and I think I may be sorry that I never did the tourist sites.

April 14th, 2014, 04:12
You can add another mistake, planning your trip to coincide with Songkran.

April 14th, 2014, 04:23
That remains to be seen. Each trip to Thailand surprises me in some enjoyable & memorable way. Who knows what is waiting for me once I get there.
It will either be someone or something that always makes the trip worth the 20+ hours it takes to get there. :p

April 14th, 2014, 04:45
No doubt you will be surprised.

April 14th, 2014, 15:25
You're not alone, I make mistakes, too, even now after I have some experience.

First mistake was taxi. After several taxis refused to use the meter, I agreed on 600 Baht from airport to Sathorn.

Overnight train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai wasn't a mistake for me. That's my usual way to travel to Chiang Mai (3 times so far). Takes a while (but I can sleep overnight), but cheap.

Nirish guy
April 14th, 2014, 17:04
You can add another mistake, planning your trip to coincide with Songkran.

That of course would be just your opinion perhaps as some of us actually PLAN to be here for songkran and so far I'm having a ball - and to stand in soi 4 surrounded by 1000 wet, hot and horny Asian guys all up for partying and having a laugh with you ( and the rest) well it sure beats staying home playing it safe in case you get wet - IMHO of course - bit I guess that all just depends on how you approach life generally I guess and whether you have a positive or negative outlook on same in general.

April 14th, 2014, 18:40
I believe Bucky will be in Pattaya not Bangkok, quite a different thing, and from the 14th thru the 19th full of aggressive Arabs, larger louts, drunken Russians and not many hot Thai guys.

April 14th, 2014, 22:00
I'm splitting my time between Bangkok and Pattaya.
I already made plans to meet guys from Facebook and other sites.
Many of them are coming to Thailand for the celebration

April 14th, 2014, 22:45
I'm splitting my time between Bangkok and Pattaya.
I already made plans to meet guys from Facebook and other sites.
Many of them are coming to Thailand for the celebration

That's good but try to make sure your stay in BKK coincides with their days of Songkran they vary from place to place. Have fun!

April 19th, 2014, 17:24
What about the mistake you once described where you got robbed/beat up or whatever, and vowed to never, ever, under any circumstances return to Thailand? Does that count?

April 19th, 2014, 18:57
Robbed and beat up? That was not me. You sure that was not Buckie or uncklebuck or someone with buck in their name?

A girl in Phuket tried to pick my pocket and I have not been back since and still say I won't go back there. But that was not a mistake.

Even being robbed and beat up would not be a mistake if someone just made you a target. It would be a mistake if you beat yourself up over something you had no control over.