View Full Version : Camera Equipment

April 1st, 2014, 18:39
Have a question that I'd like to crowd source. Working on a little project in BKK that requires video equipment and lighting. It's a one off so not worth investing money into actually buying equipment. Anyone know of any video equipment rental services in BKK. Absent that, I am not above taking the tacky route of buying something, using it, and returning it. Anyone know of anyplace in BKK that has a reasonable return policy in regards to video equipment. Am I tilting at windmills here? As usual, any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


April 1st, 2014, 21:38
"Thailand" and "reasonable return policy" doesn't really compute. Plus what you're actually expecting is an unreasonably lenient return policy. ;)

Rental might be an option, but if it's expensive equipment, you might get fucked over with the collateral (think jet ski mafia).

April 1st, 2014, 23:03
Haha. Granted, I've been spoiled by generous US retailer return policies that typically offer a 30-day grave period to return merchandise for any reason. So "unreasonably lenient" really is in the eye of the consumer. I did find one rental company but they quotesd me a price of 30,000THB per day. Their equipment seemed very high end and well beyond the scope of what I need. I'm typically fine with the "all sales are final" ethos of Thailand shopping, but I was curious if there were any electronics retailers that actually allowed returns for anything other then defective products. Hey, any expats out their willing to lend a decent digital camcorder to a total stranger for a nominal fee?


April 2nd, 2014, 07:42
There is at least one shop in MBK that specializes in video equipment both sales and rentals. I believe it was on the 5th floor.