View Full Version : Craving Thai Street Food

March 22nd, 2014, 07:52
As my trip draws near, I am starting to crave the treats that can be found on the streets of Thailand. I can't wait to taste the Donner Kabab on Walking Street. Have a bowl of chicken soup outside DJ Station. The pork and rice soup I got one night in the Day Night Plaza area was some of the tastiest soup I have had in a long time.
Some of the snacks I have had, I don't know what they were called but I sure hope to find them again!

I think one moment I am looking forward to is early morning on the beach snacking on a bowl of Jok.

I still have not had the fish cooked on the cart. I just can't bring myself to buy it. Maybe this time I will try it.

Oh.... The corn.... I love the corn and the Mango and rice. I can't leave out the fried rice too.....

Even the snacks in the 7/11. Here in the USA I don't visit 7/11's but in Thailand I am there almost every night!

March 22nd, 2014, 10:57
Yuk to street food.

March 22nd, 2014, 17:33
Let me know how the fish goes for you. I'm honestly curious to find out.

The only fish I eat up here is stuff I buy from Tops or wherever, which is usually imported. That's because the market fish is horrible. They literally just dig large holes in the ground, fill them up with water to make a huge mud puddle, then breed fish in them. And you can usually taste the mud.

You're by the ocean though, so might be different, and they may actually have some pretty fresh fish out there. Would be curious to find out.

March 23rd, 2014, 00:28
If I can bring myself to try it, I will let you know... Maybe this trip....


March 23rd, 2014, 00:49
That is grilled fish in a coating of salt.
It is absolutely delicious, and is NOT caught in a pothole filled with muddy water.

The epitome of Thai street food on wheels: cheap, delicious, ever-present, to die for . . . som tum, khao nieuw, grilled chicken.



March 23rd, 2014, 00:51
For me the salted grilled fish is excellent, don't forget the spicy sauce !

March 23rd, 2014, 01:37
Smiles, that does look delicious!

I almost forgot that good street food often came with real plates and silverware.

March 23rd, 2014, 06:12
That is grilled fish in a coating of salt.
It is absolutely delicious, and is NOT caught in a pothole filled with muddy water.

Depends. Where are you buying the fish? Hua Hin? Then you're probably right, it's not from a mud puddle, because you guys are right on the ocean.

No ocean around here though, and they need fish, so....

March 23rd, 2014, 09:21
Smiles, that does look delicious!
I almost forgot that good street food often came with real plates and silverware.I'm assuming you're kidding.
If not ... the utensils are ours.

As for poor old Cdnmatt: Thailand has a much more sophisticated deliverary system than he is apparently aware of. Thais love their fish, and day and night markets all over Thailand are stuffed with fresh fish from both ocean and lakes.

March 23rd, 2014, 12:27
I almost forgot that good street food often came with real plates and silverware.
Careful, someone will soon point out that they don't use chlorine to soak the plates and that the overall sanitary conditions are appalling. =))

March 23rd, 2014, 18:06
I grew up loving hot spicy food and in heaven when I'm sitting down with a bowl of spicy Tom Yon or Pad Thai with chillies.

I will be shopping for supplies next week in preparation for my return to LaLa Land and already have 2 bottlesd of Sweet Baby Ray's barbeque sauce on my list. This is the best barbeque sauce on the planet and it has its roots right here in Chcago. I have this routine where I pick up a whole grilled chicken from one of the food stalls at the market...take it back to my place...cut it into pieces...saturate it it Sweet Baby Ray's...wrap it up in aluminium foil...pop it into the fridge...and whallah!...a perfect meal during the later evening hours.

I don't eat a full meal when out on the town at night (don't want to screw up a hundred dollar drunk with a five dollar meal) and munching on cold barbequed chicken with some sweet mango and sticky rice for dessert in the wee hours is just too good.

That grilled fish you guys like (Pla Pau) is really simple to cook if you want to try your hand at it. I learned how to prepare this during my days up in Si Saket. Slice open fish (sea bass is the best IMO), rinse it with cold water ( I use bottled water - the Thais don't), stuff the inside with lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves (all markets have this), cover with course salt ( I prefer sea salt), and gille. Tastes great as you already know and a good souce of protein as well. One word of caution: If the food stall is not keeping their fish on a bed of ice and you detect a strong fish odor when they toss it on the grille it's probaly not as fresh and you want it. I always look at how they're handling (preserving) their foods at a food stall before I order anything.

March 23rd, 2014, 19:51
If I can bring myself to try it, I will let you know... Maybe this trip....

This looks like the popular 'play nin' that goes for around 150 bath per fish.
The steamed version with lemon & other herbs is also tasty.

March 23rd, 2014, 19:54
If I can bring myself to try it, I will let you know... Maybe this trip....

This looks like the popular 'pla nin' that goes for around 150 bath per fish.
The steamed version with lemon & other herbs is also tasty.

Sorry. It's Pla Nin... black fish.

March 25th, 2014, 07:06
I'm scared to try street food much. Usually only when I give in to the boys insisting I try something. I think I'd prefer disposable plastic or paper than actual dishes. Sorry to bring it up, but I have seen some pretty big cockroaches walking around in the bin holding the stacks of dirty dishes to be washed, just sitting on the sidewalk. On the other hand, the kitchens of most restaurants probably look about the same.... It's just that it's behind closed doors.

One time I watched as my bf (the first bf I had in Thailand, 2 years ago), bought these enormous fried beatles at the weekend market.... then peeled of the legs one at a time and ate them.... then he bit into it like it was a krispy kream donut but very crunchy.... and what oozed out looked like custard from the inside of a krispy kream donut. ewwwwww So nasty.

But I sometimes take a bite and try some of the things they buy. I'm especially leary of any sort of "sausage" type product. Only god knows what's in it or where and how it was made...

On the other hand..... and it's not street food....

The noodle shop just outside of G.O.D. in Bangkok, called Noodi, I believe..... has a fantastic seafood tom yum soup. Mmmmm And it's open till very very late.

Oh and yes, I love the hot roasted sweet corn on the cob with butter and salt.... or cut up in a little cup with a spoon.

March 25th, 2014, 17:12
I'm scared to try street food much. Usually only when I give in to the boys insisting I try something. I think I'd prefer disposable plastic or paper than actual dishes. Sorry to bring it up, but I have seen some pretty big cockroaches walking around in the bin holding the stacks of dirty dishes to be washed, just sitting on the sidewalk.
Consider yourself lucky. Most people sooner or later don't just see some tiny little cockroaches, but big fat rats running about. /:)

During my first few years in Bangkok, I tried quite a lot of street food and I loved it. I never got sick from any of it and I still think that the diversity and overall "value for money" is nothing short of amazing, but I just don't enjoy sitting in the street anymore, sweating and inhaling all the fumes. Nowadays, whenever I want that kind of food, more often than not I visit a food court at some shopping mall instead. Cleaner environment, air conditioned and basically the same food.

March 27th, 2014, 03:33
I'm scared to try street food much. Usually only when I give in to the boys insisting I try something. I think I'd prefer disposable plastic or paper than actual dishes. Sorry to bring it up, but I have seen some pretty big cockroaches walking around in the bin holding the stacks of dirty dishes to be washed, just sitting on the sidewalk. On the other hand, the kitchens of most restaurants probably look about the same.... It's just that it's behind closed doors.

One time I watched as my bf (the first bf I had in Thailand, 2 years ago), bought these enormous fried beatles at the weekend market.... then peeled of the legs one at a time and ate them.... then he bit into it like it was a krispy kream donut but very crunchy.... and what oozed out looked like custard from the inside of a krispy kream donut. ewwwwww So nasty.

But I sometimes take a bite and try some of the things they buy. I'm especially leary of any sort of "sausage" type product. Only god knows what's in it or where and how it was made...

On the other hand..... and it's not street food....

The noodle shop just outside of G.O.D. in Bangkok, called Noodi, I believe..... has a fantastic seafood tom yum soup. Mmmmm And it's open till very very late.

Oh and yes, I love the hot roasted sweet corn on the cob with butter and salt.... or cut up in a little cup with a spoon.

What are you trying to do Bruce? You almost killed my appetite!


March 27th, 2014, 14:37
Ha ha!! :)) Sorry....

The food court at MBK is great food.... and cheap.

March 28th, 2014, 03:09
on my last trip to LOS (which was my 2nd) - I also craved Thai street food. On my first trip I did not dare to try it. But on this last trip (Dec. 2013 / Jan 2014) I challenged myself to try it and I am glad that I did it. I often went to the street food place that is on Surawong near the Kasikorn bank parking lot near Twilight Soi. I would often eat there before heading into the Twilight Soi for some go-go fun. I never knew what to order - as I do not speak Thai - I would just stand behind people who were ordering something that looked pleasing to me and then I would make the street card people understand that I wanted the same thing. It was great - each night a new adventure for my taste buds....before the go-go new adventure....