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View Full Version : Ever had a Thai man try to pay you for sex?

June 13th, 2006, 16:11
I was in My Way bar in Chiang Mai a couple years ago and had the thai guy sitting at the next table trying to pick me up. He kept sending drinks over for everyone at my table and finally came over to talk to me and try to get me to go home with him. He was maybe 28 or 30 ( yes too old for me) and seem to be very well dressed and wearing a lot of gold. I was flattered at first but ended up having to leave the bar as he just wouldn't leave me alone. Guess maybe I should have gone cause he followed me out and drove off in a very expensive car. Oh Well.

June 13th, 2006, 20:17
.... I get it all the time! But I just say No. Simple as that

June 13th, 2006, 23:28
I get it from Malaysians.

June 14th, 2006, 01:22
yes. If you count him paying for a room in a nearby hotel after taking me there(his idea) and coming to me after his shift in the hotel he worked.

June 16th, 2006, 08:20
... be warned, there's a Thai guy who hangs around the Silom area, grey hair, 50+ (??) who is absolutely desperate to bed any old Westerner he can lay his hands on. He's been around for years and is a real pest (unless you like that sort of thing)

June 16th, 2006, 08:32
... be warned, there's a Thai guy who hangs around the Silom area, grey hair, 50+ (??) who is absolutely desperate to bed any old Westerner he can lay his hands on. He's been around for years and is a real pest (unless you like that sort of thing)
How much does he pay?

June 16th, 2006, 17:45
... be warned, there's a Thai guy who hangs around the Silom area, grey hair, 50+ (??) who is absolutely desperate to bed any old Westerner he can lay his hands on. He's been around for years and is a real pest (unless you like that sort of thing)

Yes, I think I met him my first trip out. I was waiting to cross Suriwong at the light at Rama IV; he wanted to show me his loom. I thought he was a silk weaver and politely refused.

There was another, Chai...rather cute, actually...about thirty...who wanted a threesome but didn't have the funds.
After five days with me; he's fallen in love twice, with a Thai sailor and a lorry driver. He had a two-day crying fit over the second Tee Rak tee-sorng that (He thought) only being topped by a very tall lady boy, named Gulap, would put an end to.
I didn't especially care for Gulap which made most Chai unhappy--And thirsty...for whiskey--we had a falling-out, made up, offed Gulap (Naturally).
Back at the room; Chai fell asleep while Gulap & I showered, which left me with Gulap who wasn't into topping at all, fortunately so, as it turned out. We hit it off famously.
At the crucial moment Chai woke up, still pissed, and was immediately pissed off.
He stormed off forgetting, naturally; his Mickey Mouse tee-shirt and watch (Don't you love Mickey at 6:30!) Gulap and I finished with soixante-neuf...I was teaching him French, starting with les nombres...Gulap departed with a wai and request (Oh, Law have mercy!) to come back that night.
Chai returned for his watch & shirt--And to vow...another crying jag...his undying love...for me!
Two days, and two offs, later: a used-to-be-rich flyer-passer named Em plus (the return of) the Rose and a food waiter, Mah (And he certainly was! A small donkey, anyway.).
I flew home after a...what else...tearful (In the midst of a sentimental scene: our last manage a trois that even turned on Mah's waterworks.) send off...more promises of undying love and e-mail.
I never saw or heard form him again.
I miss him.
He could talk a num into...anything!

June 17th, 2006, 10:13
If they paid by the pound/kilo I'd be rich!

June 17th, 2006, 10:37
If they paid by the inch I'd be rich!

Brad the Impala
June 17th, 2006, 14:00
Thanks Edith for one of your classic posts, reminding me of the entertainment here.

June 20th, 2006, 17:22
I got paid once and a nice message was written on the banknote. A very happy memory. Is the 10 baht note still legal tender?

June 20th, 2006, 18:04
I got paid once and a nice message was written on the banknote. A very happy memory.
Is the 10 baht note still legal tender?

I had mine framed!
(Was yours angry too?... When you told him you didn't have change?)