View Full Version : Lets talk "TIPS" (2014)

March 16th, 2014, 07:14
Last year I put up a post about tips but the poll was lost when Jinks changed the subject line not knowing it would effect the poll. That being the case I am back to start a new poll and hope that it will provide some good information.

The Poll will allow you to make 2 selections you are also able to change your selections at a later time.

March 16th, 2014, 08:50
What! No 'Long Term'? (from evening until next morning's breakfast).
Whoaaa!! No multi-day/week/month fixations?

Variations on two themes only ~ Short Term and Happy Massages ~ leaves the account book short, as well as ignoring the full range of expensive (or not) couplings. Proper polls should attack the full A~Z gamut, not peter out in the middle ground, leaving many here being saddled with an unwanted case of coitus interruptus, or worse, blue balls.

Long term = at least 2000 baht, rice soup and a smile in the AM.
Multi-day = 1500 per diem + Isaan buffet daily + a First Class sleeper to Ubon & back + numerous unhealthy snacks at 7-11.

March 16th, 2014, 09:30
You are right smiles but the poll will only allow for 12 selections so I figured that if this poll went well then a follow-up poll for Long time would be next. Now you went and spoiled the surprise :ymblushing:

March 16th, 2014, 10:01
Sorry but I tip 1500 for short time. I am not sure which box to check?

March 16th, 2014, 11:54
Let's talk reality! Different for BKK, Pattaya, Gay Romeo and the like.....not well thought out.

March 16th, 2014, 11:59
The Poll was supposed to be limited to Pattaya, but I forgot to add that part. Thanks for taking part MFAS :ymhug:

*** Can't please everybody on a message board and I am not even trying. Refunds given once you press the "X" in the upper right corner or click the back button ***

March 16th, 2014, 13:15
The perennial favorite!

I don't tip ranges, in Pattaya I tip 1000 for short time (same for gogo or massage). In Sunee this is this gratefully received, in Boyztown it seems the expectation for short time has gone up to 1500.

I had one boy from WWB whom I tipped 1000, he wanted 500 more, but left with 1000 and would happily have gone with me again next time I walked past. A friend wanted a boy from A-Bomb and offered him 1000, the boy asked for 1500 and wouldn't move, even after going home without customer for days in a row, they didn't get into business.

My ultimate argument is to ask the boy how long they have been working in Pattaya, then I tell him I have been coming for 4 years so I must know better how much an appropriate tip is.

For long time I tip 1500, I do long time with boys who like me, they are happy that they can be with me and there is no discussion about the tip.

March 16th, 2014, 20:09
The perennial favorite!

I don't tip ranges, in Pattaya I tip 1000 for short time (same for gogo or massage).

For long time I tip 1500

Christian, do you tip the same for freelancers/PlanetRomeo-boys in Pattaya? If I recall you mentioned in an older post that you sometimes tip only 500, where do you find thoose if that is still accurate?

March 16th, 2014, 21:19
Smiles wrote:

Long term = at least 2000 baht, rice soup and a smile in the AM.
Multi-day = 1500 per diem + Isaan buffet daily + a First Class sleeper to Ubon & back + numerous unhealthy snacks at 7-11.

For me multi-day really falls in two separate categories: 1) multi-day where you just want to hang around the loom and enjoy sex for a few days where 1,500 day is always appreciated, or 2) multi-day arrangements which are made for the purpose of taking him with you on a special trip. in this scenerio 1,000 a day which of course includes all the trip expenses and arranged in advance is always appreciated. Actually there is a 3rd category: That is if you plan to marry him. Tnen a daily tip of ZERO is always appreciated because he's going to take you to the cleaners at the end of the journey anyway...555

It's been my experience that expats tip considerably less than holiday goers. I think the responses to Bucknaway's poll reflect more what holiday goers tip - as the more budget-minded expats typically pay 500-700 bt for short time flings and commonly avoid the financial risks associated with long time endeavors, thus the reason why the boys jump off the stage when a holiday goer glances at them and tend to shy away from the expats...politely of course.

March 17th, 2014, 17:31
All my current boys in Pattaya are from bars, but I would tip freelancers the same (1000 short time, 1500 long time).

All my current boys in Bangkok are not from bars (although one spent a week in Hotmale, but I was his only customer and tipped 1500 as would be expected in Soi Twilight, so he went back to Saranrom and now has a normal job), initially they went with me for free, but it has evolved to me tipping them 500 (that ensures everything runs smoothly, I can call them any time of the day or night and they will be happy to meet me as soon as possible).

March 17th, 2014, 21:07
most of my tips are under 1000...very rarely do i exceed that. Sure a few of the gogo bar boys ask for more..and some refuse to budge for less...but I dont care, i dont get offended, its not personal, there is so much choice..always another willing boy available.

March 18th, 2014, 05:57
Its funny, down below is older message from 2006 and it list the same average'tips' most here are listing as tips for 2014 . Now I know inflation has increased. I wonder how many of us are making the same amount of money as in 2006? As I have been coming to Thailand since 1998, I tip a more. I understand inflation. @-)

March 18th, 2014, 06:31
I wonder if the guys working in massage back in 2006 are still working massage?

I imagine the guys income fluctuates. The ones that present a more inviting experience build followers and make more money.
Those that are just there make money are making the standard tip. Heck, even my place of employment has a starting wage that has not changed in 10 years. There is overtime and higher paying rates for higher skill levels. Seems to be the same for the guys. You want to make top dollar doing massage then you can work at the top notch massage place, open your own place and set your own rates or work more.

Hell.... When I was a kid I remember hearing talk that a BJ on the street would cost you $20 USD. Now thanks to crack I hear you can get a BJ for $2 I don't hear the crack heads complaining... =))

So far it seems the only ones complaining about the slow inflation of tips to the guys are the guys who are paying the tips and there is one way ease the soul is to tip till it hurts while everyone else continues to party. ;;)

March 18th, 2014, 09:46
With respects to all. I chose not to select any of the survey choices as I did not see them as relevant to me. That said .....

Why is there this fixation on the length of time a guy stays with you? Surely there should be a greater relationship between the service provided and the payment, in kind or in cash.

I took a free-lancer from Telephone and he provided me no level of service at all - it was all one-way to him, servicing his needs (mostly financial I guess :) ).

I tipped him B500 and refused to up the ante. When he whinged I offered to call the Front Desk, which he declined.
Had he wanted to stay overnight (he didn't) together with a willingness to service my needs (he wasn't & didn't) I may have thought differently.
He later stole coins from the ashtray but I "overlooked" that - until I was chatting in the bar.

While time is a consideration for a minimum rate, I think that "tips" should be earned by & geared to the level of service provided. That is the gauge we expect to use with other service providers. (Eg: a gardener, houseboy, handyman, etc) It seems to me the same applies in this sort of servitor/customer relationship.

Thoughts anyone?

March 18th, 2014, 11:41
I never pay for sex - as someone else once said (maybe on SGT) I pay them to go away afterwards. I see Bruce in his Siem Reap thread has found the inevitable inverse relationship - the more useless the boy is at sex the more enthusiastic he is to press his mobile phone number and other contact details before he heads out the door.

March 18th, 2014, 12:59
This poll is a great idea.... but I couldn't care less about a massage with a happy ending..... only a massage with full on sex. Also, Pattaya and Bangkok are significantly different. Also, "Long Time" is a very important missing question. Also, ranges might be better stated as "1000-1499", "1500-1999", so one choice would be obvious.

People are tipping 500-1000 for a happy ending in Pattaya!!?? No wonder they constantly try to do that..... even when I don't initiate it.... Such easy money for them! I don't tip extra unless there was full on f-ing. Happy ending is actually UNdesirable to me.

March 18th, 2014, 13:18
My preference changed from long time to short time.

In my first years of coming to Thailand, I tried to get long time and take boys to daytrips, now I don't discuss in advance and just let them decide if they want to stay over night (for another round in the morning, and maybe daytrip).

Some boys sleep long (very long, record was from midnight to 3 pm, that's 15 hours), when I get up at 10, what do I do with a boy who wants to sleep until midday? Furthermore, it's difficult to find out where they would like to go and what they enjoy (one boy I have in Bangkok has never been to Pattaya and wants to go, so I will take him one day when circumstances are favorable). Many of my friends prefer to sleep long and watch TV to sightseeing during daytime, so why should I drag them along, and pay twice for everything?

March 18th, 2014, 13:49
If they stay long time, even tho short time is what was agreed to by both parties.... then I don't necessarily feel obligated to tip more.

I sometimes ask about "long time" price..... if I might be interested in a "long time".... but I never commit to anything more than short time.... until I get to know him a bit. Never before off-ing him the first time. In other words, first time offing him is always short time.

( I do the same thing with hotels I've never stayed at before. I book only one night..... then stay longer if I like it.... just in case I hate it. Same idea. )

But, especially in Bangkok, many refuse to do long time.... so if you want that, you had better ask about it before hand.... at least ask if it's an option or not before hand.

March 18th, 2014, 14:32
I agree. Of course, the meaning of a tip is really based on service level provided. However, there is a minimum amount that is agreed to in advance ( or at least I recommend that it should be to avoid disputes later ).

They call their fee a "tip"..... but it's really their fee. Any amount more than that, is what I consider to be the real tip. Of course. It's semantics.

March 19th, 2014, 16:08
I'm a lot more structured. hate overnights so only do short time as in up to 3 hours. i always agree upfront as to the timeslot and activities. i expect him to stay, be present, be involved and service me until i release him at the agreed time. If for any reason he wants to leave early i pay him pro rata for the time spent. Occasionally they wanna leave after I've cum, thats when I have to point out that his time is not up and that we didnt agree on a single activity..i usually go back for 2nds and even 3rds.

March 19th, 2014, 18:59
Yeah. In Bangkok some of the guys are pretty jaded. They try everything to get you to cum fast..... Then they're dressed and ready to walk out the door.

March 21st, 2014, 02:06
hell no. not with me...