View Full Version : Homophobia in the Land of Smile

March 8th, 2014, 02:30
Time magazine has a story about the homophobia in Thailand that most Western gays won't admit exists in their "gay paradise" http://time.com/12603/thailands-intoler ... prise-you/ (http://time.com/12603/thailands-intolerance-of-its-own-lgbt-community-will-surprise-you/)

March 8th, 2014, 18:08
The only part of Thailand where I experienced homophobia from THAIS was in Chiang Rai but not to a great degree. I suspect it might have something to do with the relatively high proportion of those lovely people -the Christians-that live there.
The area around C.R. has recently been infested by agressive evengelicals of the Kentucky Fried Christian variety-all self-appointed experts on the hebrew pentatuch and the Greek gospels though hardly able to string a coherent english sentence together.
As for homophobia from visitors here, hang out anywhere with the beer-bellied, tattooed, pussy lickers and you're sure to find it.

March 10th, 2014, 08:35
Thai society is very conservative. None of this is really a surprise, however sad the stories are.

March 15th, 2014, 16:38
Generally a poorly written article that gives mainly lesbian examples, without realizing that there is a huge difference in Thailand between the almost complete lack of tolerance for lesbianism, and the relative tolerance (but not real acceptance) of male homosexuality. Hence "gay activism" in Thailand is often mainly lesbian, as they have had more to fight against. While Anjaree is reported as a Thai "LGBT" rights groups, it's actually a lesbian group AFAIK.

March 15th, 2014, 16:55
... "gay activism" in Thailand is often mainly lesbian.....While Anjaree is reported as a Thai "LGBT" rights groups, it's actually a lesbian group AFAIK...

Nothing unusual about that - it will match (probably) the vast majority of sexual equality groups in the world where the Lesbian "sector" has taken over and runs the show entirely to their tune.

We used to have "gay rights" groups and societies, but now we have LGBT organisations - and whilst I'm all for being inclusive, there's a reason they've made sure the "L" comes first.

In the UK you will find most management boards of LGBT groups are packed with the lesbian chattering classes - and by God they make sure their voice is heard above all others. After all, when you get a bunch of lesbians together, tongues are guaranteed to wag one way or another.


March 15th, 2014, 17:06
.. we have LGBT organisations - and whilst I'm all for being inclusive, there's a reason they've made sure the "L" comes first.

Yes, that's because a BLT-G is a Bacon Lettuce and Tomato on Granery

March 17th, 2014, 21:18
guys, please get real, homophobia exists everywhere and the only reason it is not as apparent in Thailand is due to poverty, or do you think young (lots straight) guys really enjoy being used as sex objects by old fat guys...???? I'm under no illusion when I hook up with a gogo boy that I've picked off stage that he's into me...he had no/limited choice...he wants the cash..I have the cash..end of story.

Nirish guy
March 17th, 2014, 21:28
In the UK you will find most management boards of LGBT groups are packed with the lesbian chattering classes

Generally I've no problem with that .....as at least it means theres always someone to put the tea on and put out the biscuits after the meeting !!

(he he this is probably one of the few last places you can get away with such a JOKE without incurring the wrath of angry lessers !) lol

March 17th, 2014, 22:23
..... homophobia exists everywhere and the only reason it is not as apparent in Thailand is due to poverty.....

Explain Zimbabwe then - plenty of poverty and rampant homophobia.

March 18th, 2014, 17:35
scotty ...see your point but u do have to concede that poverty does play a big role...the easiest/cheapest commercial sex is generally available in poor coubtries...my best hunting grounds are Brazil, Thailand and South Africa....

March 20th, 2014, 02:03
But there's not a direct correlation.

I've been to neighboring Myanmar and Laos and Cambodia. All have more poverty. All have more homophobia.

I think Thailand has the least homophobia of any country in the world.

March 21st, 2014, 02:08
ok, i got a lot less experience with those countries...and u probably got a point, like Brazil is richer than Thailand but the biys still want all the shiny stuff like iphones so are happy to sell their arse ....

March 21st, 2014, 18:23

Yes indeed the boys want the shiny stuff, but some of them do enjoy the sex.

And I don't think people in Laos are more homophobic than Thais. They are certainly distracted by the flashy ladyboys. :(