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View Full Version : A death threat for Smiles ....

February 11th, 2014, 14:28
. . . . OR, he's finally done it!

Nice to see that the 'Cinema Noir' trend has caught The Bitch Board in a fever. Half a century late mind you, but that's them Bitches.
Must admit to enjoying this new take on my avatar more than my last viewing of 'Kill Bill 1'. I must remember to add new locks to our fortress-like town house as things like farangs getting their heads blown off are not unknown in this town.
All this for taking more than a few stabs at ridiculing Neal B-) ... which is hardly difficult, a complete moron being quite able to come up with a few good hee haws on the subject.

Though I appreciate the thought and the creativity involved. Hugely.

February 11th, 2014, 15:21
Pure hatred spews out of that forum. Men wasting their final days consumed with hatred.

February 11th, 2014, 15:57
I visited that site once about 2 years ago and after about 30 seconds (of laughing) hit the back button.

Obviously a place for a handful of over-the-hill queens feeding off each others venom to keep their warped (and perverted) personalities well-maintained. It doesn't take a genius to identify the members (few as there appear to be) as being nothing more than a misfit bunch of social outcasts. Don't open the door and they are as harmless as a ladybug.

February 12th, 2014, 07:30
Hey! I'm in the Holding Room. WTF?
Now no one will know that I just blew my own head off. No fair.

February 12th, 2014, 14:14
Actually, it seems to be quite a popular thread so far...it must be that "Kill Bill" sort of appeal.
It has also increased the amount of attempts these guys are making to try to register under new aliases to try and view the thread now that it's here. Sorry about that Smiles.

I've also had to upgrade our software this week to keep them out. If you have any difficulties accessing the Board, please send me an email (surfcrest@hotmail.com) or wait a few minutes for the filter to lapse.

One not so wise man once asked, "What's a BFOC?" :))


March 1st, 2014, 06:53
It has also increased the amount of attempts these guys are making to try to register under new aliases to try and view the thread now that it's here.
Amazing how spilling a little blood & gore all over the place attracts the under-rock-dwellers in droves to view a dumb little thread like this one.
By the way ... apparently Smiles (AKA 'Smirks') is now the new Admin of Sawatdee, according to those same dwellers. Where Surfcrest is now still seems to be a mystery. Just a few words will screw those dudes up completely. Lots of fun.

March 2nd, 2014, 00:45
The Holding Room is only accessible to members, members who are logged in. I am pleased when they periodically confirm for me that they cannot view the Holding Room by wrongly assuming Holding Room threads have been deleted.
They continually try to register a new account, which I deactivate. I can ban them from viewing the forum as a guest, even with a proxy with the push of a button.

Provided they just visit to view the forum and not try and register or download content or any of the other games they've been caught at...I would leave them be.
But they can't...they just can't help themselves because they want so desperately to get our attention...and that's not working for them.

They think these measures prevent new members from registering or affect other members. With the exception of two members, who were temporarily affected...it has not.
These measures are directed at our banned members only and I care little about their complaints when I decide to push a few buttons.
