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View Full Version : Finding a travel buddy for a certain kind of trip...

February 7th, 2014, 04:11
Last year I visited Bangkok for work and didn't have any time to have any fun. It was mostly meetings and such. I'd like to take a trip later this year but meet up with someone that would be interested in exploring the bars and having some mutual fun with the talent. Is this sort of thing common? I'd think so, but can't find a forum for it.

I'm envisioning a trip where we'd have several days of non stop fun, the more the merrier. You only live once. I love Thailand and all it has to offer, but this is really about sex. :)

February 7th, 2014, 10:45
Last year I visited Bangkok for work and didn't have any time to have any fun. It was mostly meetings and such. I'd like to take a trip later this year but meet up with someone that would be interested in exploring the bars and having some mutual fun with the talent. Is this sort of thing common? I'd think so, but can't find a forum for it.

I'm envisioning a trip where we'd have several days of non stop fun, the more the merrier. You only live once. I love Thailand and all it has to offer, but this is really about sex. :)

The tricky part is finding a compatible friend.
For instance, if you abstain from alcohol, bar flies and alcoholics won't be optimal as mates.
If you like Twinkie fem boys and your new friends only like Tawan bar, also not optimal
if you are tight with money or a big spender, not optimal if new mate is not same.
If you are in your twenties, do you want to drag gramps around with you?

February 7th, 2014, 10:47
"mutual" fun, eh? What are you proposing - a spit roast with a bar boy between you?

February 7th, 2014, 20:57
I translated mutual fun as un manage a trois ?

February 8th, 2014, 08:38
I translated mutual fun as un manage a trois ?

That's presumably a cross between a man├иge (variously meaning a merry-go-round, a riding school, or a little trick - all perhaps appropriate in OP's idea) and a m├йnage (usually meaning a household or, in other usages, either domestic rows or buying household goods/set up house, etc. - all of which could result from the threesomes, foursomes, or whatever)?

February 8th, 2014, 22:10
Exactement, cottmann; m├йnage ├а trois a household of three (a threesome or threesum) . Although I do like the sound of manage a trio.

At times my computer doesn't allow me to use the correct accents and I also make typos. :D

February 10th, 2014, 06:25
Perhaps you meant 'mutual fund' Francois?
The French apparently love money more than sex ... oops sorry, I meant the Thai: my old man gets a hard on when I show him how much my (his?) 'mutual funs' are "standing up" since the beginning or 2013. Yep ... Thais can get it up for 12 months straight (oops, I meant gay).

February 12th, 2014, 01:19
I can understand the the want for a travel buddy...some of my best fun has been with a very good buddy...a top too....share a room...sorta compete in offing boys....share them...love the look on he boys face when I share him around...like he was a power tool.....

February 12th, 2014, 14:06
Is this sort of thing common? I'd think so, but can't find a forum for it.

No. (Answer in full sentence: This sort of thing is not common.)

February 13th, 2014, 06:20
Sounds like it could be fun. I might be up for it. I'm a total top, by the way. Private message me if you (or anyone) wants to discuss it.

February 15th, 2014, 05:10
Yes, this is more the type of trip that latintopxxx is describing. I figure that there are a lot of guys that would be into it. And I would argue that it's not common... Probably more than you think.

Brad the Impala
February 17th, 2014, 01:37
Is this a roger someone senseless sort of scenario?

February 23rd, 2014, 06:25
Is this a roger someone senseless sort of scenario?They're senseless to begin with, no rogering required.

April 12th, 2014, 20:46
I can do this just to go out on the city , I live close by .