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January 31st, 2014, 17:10
wow, another one, , very sad
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... escue.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2549051/Man-overboard-Dramatic-footage-panic-tourist-dive-boat-starts-sink-Thailand-nearby-boat-comes-rescue.html)

Nirish guy
February 1st, 2014, 03:30
Wow, dramatic footage, the survivors were SO lucky that that other boat just happened to be close by otherwise I'm sure it would have been a very different outcome.

And the guy who actually jumped into the water off the safe rescue boat to go to the aid of the people still trapped on the sinking boat or those to frightened to leave it should be given a medal as that was raw courage and true bravery of the highest order as as the ship was going down and due to the suction etc he very much risked his own life to help others.

Mind you in reverse it always makes me wonder about what type of people are the ones who are actually standing videoing such incidents taking place right in front of them while people are possibly dying and they are more interested in getting a good clip for youtube or Facebook - a hero on one hand and cowards / people unaware of the possible result of their LACk of action while recording a possible tragedy on the another it seems.

February 1st, 2014, 12:26
Hey, Nirish. You have no idea who was taking the video. In fact, anybody jumping in 'to help' is immediately in danger of being somebody else who needs to be rescued. If it was somebody of my vintage taking the video then for sure if he had jumped in somebody else would have had to rescue him.

The moral to this story is 'don't jump to conclusions'.

February 1st, 2014, 12:36
Hey, Nirish. You have no idea who was taking the video. In fact, anybody jumping in 'to help' is immediately in danger of being somebody else who needs to be rescued. If it was somebody of my vintage taking the video then for sure if he had jumped in somebody else would have had to rescue him.

The moral to this story is 'don't jump to conclusions'.

Very true. Videographer could have been in a wheelchair or unable to swim. Most of us would do nothing but gawk, so
I commend the videographer for his/her efforts. Judge not..

Nirish guy
February 1st, 2014, 15:49
Yeah right guys, I'll remind you of that if you're ever on a sinking ship and look up to see someone, old or wheelchair bound or not !) standing videoing your death as opposed to doing WHATEVER they can do to try and save you, whether that amounts to nothing more than throwing a life belt or helping the injured aboard as ANYTHING must be better than doing nothing more than Videoing people's possible deaths rather than trying to help - and if they REALLY can't help for some physical reason then have the human decency to turn the bloody video camera off as people around you are dying.

February 1st, 2014, 16:12
You have no idea who was taking the video. ... If it was somebody of my vintage taking the video then for sure if he had jumped in somebody else would have had to rescue him.

Videographer could have been in a wheelchair or unable to swim.

Ladies, it is commonly known that a reading age of 12 is all that is required for the Daily Mail, and if you had cared to read the text accompanying the coloured pictures, you would have understood that "Swedish diver Dennis Karlsson, 46, who was on board the Peter Pan, took the footage of the boat sinking and the dramatic rescue."

Now, jimnbkk hasnтАЩt told us his own exact vintage and the article doesnтАЩt specifically excluded catawampuscats hypotheses that the camerman might be confined to a wheelchair or non-swimmer, but he was a 46 year old diverтАж

You might also have read that "тАжall 13 passengers are saved". So it all turned out well.

February 1st, 2014, 16:17
Firstly, nobody died, so it's sheer sensationalism to claim that someone was videotaping while others were dying. Secondly, according to a report on ThaiVisa, the reason why the passengers ultimately had to go overboard in a hurry was that they took care of their possessions before taking care of their lives. I'm not sure if the latter is in fact true, but let me tell you this, I wouldn't be surprised.

Nirish guy
February 1st, 2014, 16:56
Sorry did you actually watch the clip - if you think people couldn't have died in that incident you need to watch it again, the person that was filming didn't know people WEREN'T dying so no sensationalism it isn't.

February 1st, 2014, 19:03
I've got better things to do than watching videos of people who are in the progress of drowning. What a sick way to spend my Saturday would that be? I am, however, interested in the story itself and in the outcome, so I'm glad that nobody has died. With boat accidents in Thailand, unfortunately that's often not the case.

I'm not saying that it was right to videotape that scene, mind you. I'm not a potential viewer of that sick crap, and if there were no takers, maybe there would be less incentive to film as well? Now that you made me think about it, isn't it funny that those who complain that someone videotaped it have watched the video and ask me to watch it as well? So, Nirish guy, as you're apparently sick enough to watch real-life people drowning, let me ask you: Aren't you well pleased that this video was taken for your enjoyment?

Nirish guy
February 1st, 2014, 19:10
where did you get the word enjoyment from ? now that IS sick.

February 1st, 2014, 21:00
Just tell us then, what did you watch it for? Education, see how long it takes until people go under? Seriously, what good is such a video for? Or watching it?

Nirish guy
February 1st, 2014, 23:28
You're mistaking me for someone who wishes to have a debate with you about this, I don't as I couldn't be fucked arguing with you to put in plainly.

The article states quite clearly from the outset and before any video might be clicked on that no one died in this incident but that a tourist dive boat sank, I'm a sailor, that has a passing interest for me, how did the boat sink, did it hit a submerged object, was it bad skippering by the Captain ( as the last fatal marine tourist accident in Thailand was).

Accordingly I STILL stand over my original comments that for anyone ( especially a presumably fit able bodied diver) to stand and watch people in the water, very possibly drowning in front of his very eyes with him trying to do SOMETHING / ANYTHING he could to help because as he was too busy videoing it is lame to say the least, to me that doesn't need explaining or justifying it's just plain fact.

If you don't agree, there you go we'll just have to disagree about that then as this is my last comment on the matter, but I just hope neither of us ever find ourselves on a sinking boat and when trying with the last of our energy as the waves come over our heads try desperately to swim to the safety of another boat as we see someone who can perhaps throw us a lifeline or help us aboard their boat and save our lives, only to hear "oh, could you just hang on a sec, I need to change the battery in my video camera first".

Have a nice day.

February 2nd, 2014, 03:10
Yeah I agree with you Irish I get sick of watching the tv news where journalists show us video from places like Syria of people fighting. They need to get in there and start fighting themselves. Unfeeling bloody wankers.

February 2nd, 2014, 13:19
If you don't agree, there you go we'll just have to disagree about that then as this is my last comment on the matter, but I just hope neither of us ever find ourselves on a sinking boat and when trying with the last of our energy as the waves come over our heads try desperately to swim to the safety of another boat as we see someone who can perhaps throw us a lifeline or help us aboard their boat and save our lives, only to hear "oh, could you just hang on a sec, I need to change the battery in my video camera first".
I agree, 100%.