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View Full Version : The Pattaya Mail

January 22nd, 2014, 06:23
Is the pattaya mail embarssed about reporting stories which show the pattaya police in a bad light? In a major uk news paper there was an item about a brit named Ian Tracy released early this month from pattaya prison after being locked up for 14 months after being falsely accoused of being a paedophile, after a mix up of surnames,, Up to now the so called leading English newspaper from the eastern region has not even mentioned it Does the Indian owner of this rag and also tv stations not want to upset the boys in brown

January 22nd, 2014, 15:40
I think we have to accept that the cosy, complacent - and dull - Pattaya Mail operates under entirely different rules from those most of us are used to, so that the end product often resembles a lightweight magazine rather than a true journal of record. Much of its content is mere puffery that, I suspect, often derives from unquestioned press releases and other PR material. Investigative journalism - for which, you might imagine, Pattaya offers plenty of scope - does not appear to feature to any great extent on its radar.

Factors such as pressure from the authorities, the owner's personal conformist outlook, a limited budget, the desire to appease existing advertisers and to attract new ones, fear of frightening tourists away by featuring too many negative stories, etc. may all be contributory factors.

January 22nd, 2014, 17:31
"Factors such as pressure from the authorities, the owner's personal conformist outlook, a limited budget, the desire to appease existing advertisers and to attract new ones, fear of frightening tourists away by featuring too many negative stories, etc. may all be contributory factors."

-Yes and similar remarks could apply to certain gay forums in Thailand, where to suit the owners personal agenda postings are edited, censored or removed. We know to whom I am referring?

January 22nd, 2014, 21:45

ask them?
bring this up on their facebook?


January 23rd, 2014, 02:15
-Yes and similar remarks could apply to certain gay forums in Thailand, where to suit the owners personal agenda postings are edited, censored or removed. We know to whom I am referring?
Every single one of them?

January 23rd, 2014, 09:42
It works as a bit of a balance because Pattayaonenews would have you believe that witth all the murders, drownings, motorbike deaths, people falling out of apartments and general crime the chances of surviving a visit to Pattaya unscathed is virtually nil.

January 24th, 2014, 21:19
If these are the same as Pattaya People TV I have never, ever, seen such an appalling Channel, even in America