View Full Version : I saw this link on lonely planet thorn tree

June 12th, 2006, 01:03
It has nothing to do with being gay but it has a lot to do with Thailand:

Check out this video:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yRtLEc5 ... h=thailand (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yRtLEc5YAE&search=thailand)



June 12th, 2006, 01:34
Thanks for that item.
Why not show it here, this site is banned in Thailand anyway.
Yet another reason why dissolving TRT will be no big loss ...
Anyway, who cares if they were Thai people or not, brutality like that is wrong no matter what nationality.

June 12th, 2006, 18:22
A truly appalling video of brutality and violence against unarmed people.

In years gone by I was a member of Amnesty International. I joined in my teens when my own government in the UK was convicted of using torture on its own citizens in Northern Ireland. It was not a comfortable feeling to find that such things could happen in my own country, where we have taken pride in our democracy and our fair and liberal laws. I learned then that our own press and information services are only as free as the governement allows them to be.

From the little I have read, the King and Queen of Thailand have tried to intervene and enable communication and a more reasonable approach to the muslim people in the south of Thailand, whose wish to separate from Thailand perhaps indicates that they do not view themselves as Thai people??

Complex as these issues always are, this kind of violence and oppression can never be the answer.

June 12th, 2006, 19:12
The problem in trying to resolve these sorts of disputes between peoples is that two wrongs don't make a right. While it may well be that Muslim separatists in the South are causing enormous problems for the Thai authorities, treating them like this will not help to find a solution to the problem, rather it will only fan the flames of hatred and resentment, destroy trust and goodwill, and ultimately play into the hands of the very people you don't want to be playing into the hands of.

If people break the law arrest them by all means and bring them to justice; don't beat and shoot them first. To resolve the problem in the south the Thai government is going to have to win the hearts and minds of Thai Muslims in the south, and you won't do that if you are cracking their skulls under a jack-boot.

June 12th, 2006, 20:33
Looks like maybe the Thai Police Department has had some training by the LAPD...

June 12th, 2006, 20:56
Good for the Thai Police! Its about time scum insurgants and terrorists no matter where theyre from get a taste of leather in there teeth. Pitty a few more scum terrorists dont get the same. To many liberal do gooders have taken a lot of countries to violence and bad times thanks to lack of disapline in schools and in general no respect for law and order.

June 13th, 2006, 01:47
Good for the Thai Police! Its about time scum insurgants and terrorists no matter where theyre from get a taste of leather in there teeth. Pitty a few more scum terrorists dont get the same. To many liberal do gooders have taken a lot of countries to violence and bad times thanks to lack of disapline in schools and in general no respect for law and order.

I hope one day to sit on the first line to watch the Thai police get a taste of leather in the theet of FAT MIDGET AUSSIE BARE BACKERS, go have not any respect for the Thai people.

Violence can bring back respect for Thais, and if not , just lack the FAT MIDGET AUSSIE BARE BACKERS.

June 13th, 2006, 03:16
Hey matey Baziel, Maybe your one of the liberal twerps i was speaking about, your certainly soft in the head. Aussie barebackers mmmm you dick head wrong thread and wrong guy your talkin too. Derrrrrrrrrr wrong continent you stupid wop sounding ore. Georgy boy there r still maggots who think you live in UK and Aus. Thing is slag Baziel im no midget at 6foot 7 inches, and im certainly not fat.
As i say boot leather in terrorists mouths, just the job

June 13th, 2006, 04:20
Georgy boy there r still maggots who think you live in UK and Aus. Thing is slag Baziel im no midget at 6foot 7 inches, and im certainly not fat.


You barrel it ?