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June 11th, 2006, 23:13
Am I the only member to mourn the passing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi this week? Here was a man who kept to the forefront the struggle of the Iraqi people - the Shittites and all those other little people - against the oppressive regime of the Bushites.

June 12th, 2006, 02:28
Am I the only member to mourn the passing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi this week? Here was a man who kept to the forefront the struggle of the Iraqi people - the Shittites and all those other little people - against the oppressive regime of the Bushites.

I think you are the only sawatdee forum member , but I'm sure a lot of Al-Qaeda members mourn his passing too.
Personally I'm happy that this scumbag is bombed to pieces, and I hope that his 12 virgins in the eternal desert all have a nasty STD :cherry:

June 13th, 2006, 06:19
" ... Am I the only member to mourn the passing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi this week? ... ".
No, probably not. I'm sure Nelson will be right there with you (whoever you are :blackeye: )
Nelson has never met a be-header or a car bomber who ~ with some spectacular intellectual contortions ~ couldn't be morphed into a "victim" in some fashion.

Cheers ...

June 13th, 2006, 13:46
I cranked up the old Victrola, put on Golliwogs Cakewalk and cake walked all over the house!...
Burned off lunch and a bit more! (No whale-tail for me this summer.)
Meanwhile; many from the Muslim community here were doing the same thing--In the streets! Men dancing with men, linked elbow to elbow! A man who shot, beheaded, blew-up, murdered, at least, 102 people deserved nothing less than a rip-rousing send off.
Too bad it didn't happen a month later: we'd have had sky-rockets and Catherine-wheels!... And the kiddies could run, nearly naked, playing with their little firecrackers and waving their sparklers on high!
:cherry: :bom: I do so adore Bastille Day!

June 13th, 2006, 14:32
... A man who shot, beheaded, blew-up, murdered, at least, 102 people deserved nothing less than a rip-rousing send off...

I'm not so sure the woman and child in the house deserved the same dramatic ending!

June 13th, 2006, 17:16
Share a house with a terrorist and, well, one of these days you'll be "in the wrong place at the wrong time".

June 14th, 2006, 19:37
Well I have it on good authority that the dear boy nearly went to pieces over the whole experience, he was terribly shook up. Apparently it was the most explosive moment of his life, but others just thought it was a bomb. And I never knew he had blue eyes! Yes one blew this way and the other blew that way.

Thank goodness the Americans finally took out the trash.

June 15th, 2006, 10:27
Well I have it on good authority that the dear boy nearly went to pieces over the whole experience, he was terribly shook up. Apparently it was the most explosive moment of his life, but others just thought it was a bomb. And I never knew he had blue eyes! Yes one blew this way and the other blew that way.

Thank goodness the Americans finally took out the trash.

... that you never lose a loved one as a casualty of war, terrorism or indeed that anyone makes a joke at your expense or the expense of a deceased loved one, you callous piece of shit.

June 15th, 2006, 12:36

You assassinтАЩs apologist. I spit on you.

Next minute you'll be telling me what a lovely joker Adolf was.

June 15th, 2006, 14:17
From the look of her blog, I'd say that Hedda is now catering specifically to neo-Nazis.

June 15th, 2006, 15:29

You assassinтАЩs apologist. I spit on you.

Next minute you'll be telling me what a lovely joker Adolf was.

This American farmer - www.wbay.com/Global/story.asp?S=5029655 (http://www.wbay.com/Global/story.asp?S=5029655) - believes Hitler was seriously misunderstood and has turned his back 40 acres into a memorial to him.

June 15th, 2006, 17:49
Was she another Eva Braun or Claretta Pettacci or the cleaner were it the difference between what happened and his escaping.... Well, the poor man he beheaded had a family, too.

One report indicated she might have been his beard--To cover his love of dressing-up in leopard-print ladies lingerie.

June 16th, 2006, 17:21
Ok Hedda something like that. Blind to everything but the heart.

June 21st, 2006, 00:53
How kind of Smiles to remember me after all this time. Sorry to respond so late but when his witty comment was posted I was still in Palestine in a refugee camp. I'm sorry to disappoint the State Department but my reason for being there was completely innocent; I was opening a playground , the first one the kids of the camp have had since their forebears were transported there for protection by the British Army in 1948. They were told that they could soon return home to Lod once the Zionists' killing-spree was over.
They are still waiting, of course, because their village was covered in concrete and now lies under the runway of Tel Aviv Airport. At least they know what playgrounds look like (even if the Zionists don't allow them travel) because, three hundred yards away, the illegal Zionist settlement which is built on land stolen from a Christian village , has plenty.
I know that Smiles finds this offensive as well as complex, and so I had better explain its relevance to Hedda's posting; it is the great injustice of the Nakba (the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948) and its continuation into this century, as well as the crusader mentality (which Smiles exhibits so spectacularly) that produced a monster like al Zaqari. And others will take his place until that injustice is put right and Palestine (as well as Iraq) are free.
If Smiles can tear himself away from Fox News for a moment, he may like to read W.H. Auden (oops, I forgot; a Commie!)

I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn;
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return. (Sepetember 3, 1939)

June 21st, 2006, 08:26
I was opening a playgroundHow reassuring to know that queens are still undertaking their traditional duties

June 21st, 2006, 10:39
Am I the only member to mourn the passing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi this week? Here was a man who kept to the forefront the struggle of the Iraqi people - the Shittites and all those other little people - against the oppressive regime of the Bushites.
I think one can conclude this poster is not the real Hedda that we all use to love or hate. (Just look at the date joined.)