View Full Version : Heard any good scams recently

January 3rd, 2014, 15:52
As many of us are well aware, Thailand is better described as the Land of Scams than the Land of Smiles. I thought I'd tell my story of a somewhat elaborate scam someone has tried out on me while I've been here

On one of the gay chat sites a very attractive and seductively posed schoolboy approached me and said that he had to pay his school fees and could I "lend" him the money. "Oh", I replied,"surely the school year is almost over?' (It ends in March). The story then changed. He was in arrears and the school would not let him resume in January if he hadn't paid the arrears. Always prepared to see how far these things will go I asked if he had a copy of the invoice that I could see for myself. His original request for "3,000 maybe 5,000" baht so an invoice would at least provide some precision. Yes he did so have. I then suggested I accompany him to the school's office and I would pay the invoice to them direct myself. Ah. Slight problem. The school office was closed until New Year and he needed the money before then in order to be allowed to start classes again.

Since he'd already volunteered that the school in question was Bangkok Christian College I knew that to be a lie since I walked past it several times (including that day) and there were school employees around. Perhaps I could deposit straight into their bank account?? He happily provided me with a bank account number. One of the advantages of the instant transfer facility that the Thai banks offer is that when you enter the account number they'll display the account name. Needless to say the account number didn't belong to Bangkok Christian College. When challenged on that point I was told that it belonged to "the head of the accounting department [of the school]". A schoolboy knows that terminology? The English throughout had been of a very high standard - even better than a447's, just to pluck out a member's name at random - another give away. I said I needed further confirmation (without ever accusing him that it was a scam). "OK, how about 1,000 baht, I'm desperate."

I thought I'd leave it at that point but on the balance of probabilities (what I base things on these days) it's a scam. Quite a good one, and of course boys desperate for learning but unable to pay are always juicy bait for Westerners who know the value of education themselves. The seductive pose also helped. The over-confident use of English was a red flag.

January 3rd, 2014, 17:23
Ah, that's a classic, it seems!

Here's my very similar story: A number of years ago, probably in 2008, a rather cute and charming guy I met in the Sathorn area (not your typical college kid hangout, mind you) asked me to help him with his college tuition. I was pretty sure that he wasn't actually studying, but anyway: I thought if it's true, I'll help! Like Sooty, I also asked him for the invoice, explaining that I'll go to the bank on my way to work. That was the end of it, he never actually produced the invoice or raised the subject again.

Unfortunately for him, I had paid for quite some (real) college terms for others before, so I was well familiar with the procedures, forms and typical due dates. That said, I agree with Sooty that it's a good scam - many foreigners coming to Thailand are happy to help when someone claims he's eager to study. Myself included. I don't regret helping those who really studied, but I'd never just hand over cash without seeing the actual papers from the school.

January 7th, 2014, 01:05
Now I'm curious if I'm being scammed. My boy has just made a similar request. He's asking for 15,000 baht saying he needs to pay his tuition. I've known this boy for over 6 year's, and have always helped him out, during this time, but for some reason I have a funny feeling about this request. =((

January 7th, 2014, 06:29
" ... I was pretty sure that he wasn't actually studying ... "
When you get that 'funny feeling', it's time to lego that boy.

January 7th, 2014, 06:56
Now I'm curious if I'm being scammed. My boy has just made a similar request. He's asking for 15,000 baht saying he needs to pay his tuition. I've known this boy for over 6 year's, and have always helped him out, during this time, but for some reason I have a funny feeling about this request. =((Tuition for what? English courses or a trade school course such as hairdressing can easily be that amount and more. It's not as if it's a complete stranger or a boy with a history of unusual requests asking for the money which seems to be the two examples given in this thread.

January 23rd, 2014, 11:06
I had several requests for money for studying this month, so when is the time tuition fees for school or university are due? And how much is it?

January 23rd, 2014, 14:07
Both the time when tuition is due and the amount depend on the school / college / university in question. Terms don't start and end at the same time at each and every institution.

It's usually due when the enrollment into courses for the upcoming term takes place. Payment is either required for enrollment or has to be made shortly after.
Amounts I've personally seen range from 1,000+ to 40,000+ baht per term. Private or government school? Full-time or part-time studies? Undergraduate or Graduate? Many factors!

My advice, as per above: Don't pay anything without getting your hands on the original of the official invoice.

January 25th, 2014, 10:45
If I were serious, I would ask for an official document.

But I like these little lies: I prefer it when the boys ask me for money (for whichever reason), because I don't like to offer them money. (In the end it's the same, paying for sex, but I prefer it either in a place where it's out of questions or when the boys asks for money and sex is implied.)

February 3rd, 2014, 00:09
honestly sometimes i think u guys over analyse everything...clearly they are money boys in disguise..if they are to your taste....negotiate a reasonable amount and climb on!! I love it when on GR after exchanging 2 or 3 messages the money request comes through...finally the negotiation anmd fun can begin.