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December 28th, 2013, 18:30
Sitting in Soi 4 on a Saturday night. Empty table after empty table after empty table outside Balcony. Telephone issomewhat better but nothing to get excited about. Many straights wandering up and down the Soi and even a straight family sitting at Balcony. Two sons but a little early to be introducing them to sodomy I think

December 28th, 2013, 22:58
Yeah, well, it's a long weekend for the residents, as next Monday has been declared a special holiday. So that's Saturday to Wednesday for an extra long New Year break for many, so I'm not surprised that quite a number of locals and expats have taken the opportunity to leave Bangkok... In fact, that's why I like to stay in Bangkok over New Year - it's very relaxing traffic-wise and in general!

Add to this that tourist numbers in Bangkok might also be down quite a bit because of the recent unrest.

December 29th, 2013, 07:15
" ... Two sons but a little early to be introducing them to sodomy ... "
You mean that stopped you? Wimp.

" ... I'm not surprised that quite a number of locals and expats have taken the opportunity to leave Bangkok ... "
Yes, and they are all trying desperately to drive south right through the heart of Hua Hin! Over the last week it's almost impossible to cross Petchkasem Rd here on foot. It's good for the Hua Hin economy I suppose. The local gay bars (all two of them) are quite busy ... as are the many lady bars.
The crowded roads are even more so if you add in the thousands of yellow shirts from The South who have gotten tired of blowing whistles and sitting outside all day are now heading back home ... right through this town.

December 29th, 2013, 10:00
The local gay bars (all two of them) are quite busy ... as are the many lady bars.Does Pa Kettle get to downtown HH much?

December 29th, 2013, 11:35
The local gay bars (all two of them) are quite busy ... as are the many lady bars.Does Pa Kettle get to downtown HH much?
Assuming that I, myself, have been designated as 'Pa' (not an easy assumption considering Soot's obtuseity [sp?] or NSW ... Christian, help me out here!) . . . then yes, I bin der. I live there, downtown HH that is. Petchksem Rd is my own personal Grand Canal ~ otherwise known as 'Route Canal'.

December 29th, 2013, 12:11
Sitting in Soi 4 on a Saturday night. Empty table after empty table after empty table outside Balcony. Telephone issomewhat better but nothing to get excited about. Many straights wandering up and down the Soi and even a straight family sitting at Balcony. Two sons but a little early to be introducing them to sodomy I think

This silly post doesn't even warrant a reply but I feel that I ought to just in case this is taken seriously by people thinking of going to soi 4 and is putting them off.
Are you judging a 'high season' by the amount of people out and about before 7:30 (your posting time)?
I arrived at soi 4 at 9:30 and the soi was heaving with people. All the bars were full and by about 10:00 there were no seats to be had with customers having to stand in the bars or in the soi itself with their drinks (this, if you know Bangkok nightlife at all, is almost unheard of).
I left Balcony way after the normal closing time of 02:00 a.m. and it was still going strong (even though the staff had to be in early today for their afternoon barbecue).
Perhaps the O.P. might try again tonight a but little later (unless it is past his bedtime), reassess and then post those comments.
The comments about a family are offensive and I really will not comment on them.

December 29th, 2013, 13:06
The local gay bars (all two of them) are quite busy ... as are the many lady bars.Does Pa Kettle get to downtown HH much?
Assuming that I, myself, have been designated as 'Pa' (not an easy assumption considering Soot's obtuseity [sp?] or NSW ... Christian, help me out here!) . . . then yes, I bin der. I live there, downtown HH that is. Petchksem Rd is my own personal Grand Canal ~ otherwise known as 'Route Canal'.You may be an old queen Smiles, but definitely not an old king.

December 29th, 2013, 13:24
At 9:30, Patanawet, I was indeed safely in bed, and if I recall correctly half way up a bar boy's arse. That's why I come to Thailand.

December 29th, 2013, 13:31
Intense traffic last night in South Pattaya.
Surprised Funny Boys mostly empty at prime time.. Maybe half filled when we left.
Plenty of hot Thai guys. Saw several customers buying boys drinks but they left without offing.
Saw early show at XBoyland. Lots of hot guys here too but few customers.
Wild West boys had a few customers but ear blasting music and cigarette smokers dissuaded us from
going in. Saw some hot guys but only at a glance.
Doesn't feel like the height of high season except for traffic jams.
Dong tan beach in Jomtien was very busy on Friday with lots of younger farangs and few Thai guys.

December 29th, 2013, 13:34
Sitting in Soi 4 on a Saturday night. Empty table after empty table after empty table outside Balcony. Telephone issomewhat better but nothing to get excited about.

This photo of The Balcony's terrace was taken on Friday night, 27 December 2013 at about 10.15pm.
On Saturday night, 28 December 2013 at the same time The Balcony and Soi 4 were even busier.


Can someone help kommentariat with the name of a good optician?

December 29th, 2013, 14:21
Sitting in Soi 4 on a Saturday night. Empty table after empty table after empty table outside Balcony. Telephone issomewhat better but nothing to get excited about.

This photo of The Balcony's terrace was taken on Friday night, 27 December 2013 at about 10.15pm.
On Saturday night, 28 December 2013 at the same time The Balcony and Soi 4 were even busier.

Can someone help kommentariat with the name of a good optician?Are you able to identify kommentariat in the crowd??

December 29th, 2013, 17:24
Sooty has pretty well age dated himself by referring to someone as Pa Kettle. I would imagine his bedtime would be about 7:30pm.

December 29th, 2013, 17:42
kommentariat is what the legal profession would call an unreliable witness.
I think most board members would consider him to be a troll or a trouble maker.
Maybe he's an unsuccessful bar owner in competition with Balcony?

December 29th, 2013, 22:42
I have a friend that works at Balcony. About a month ago he said it was slow but now he tells me its busy and he is tired.

December 30th, 2013, 06:54
Sooty has pretty well age dated himself by referring to someone as Pa Kettle. I would imagine his bedtime would be about 7:30pm.Another member who fears old age? Or is this simple ageism from someone who would scream "homophobia" if a disparaging remark were made about gay people?

December 30th, 2013, 09:15
In defense of kommentariat, there was no time/ date stamp on Balcony owner's photo.
The photo looked professional to me.
I am certainly not calling bar owner a liar but awful convenient to have photo proof
and some might think too convenient.

December 30th, 2013, 11:40
Perhaps this reply belongs on the why I don't post on this board anymore. I was at Balcony around an hour after that photo. Both sides of the street were packed with customers at every table on the soi. After midnight a few tables were open. The owner told me he posted a photo in reply to this post--perhaps he should have had one of the waters hold up a copy of Saturday's Bangkok Post.

This board is still infected with trolls and fakes posting lies.

December 30th, 2013, 13:20
Trongpai, so here are two posts from customers who were actually there and still the naysayers disbelieve. Are they suggesting that we are liars?
At first, I wasn't going to reply to the OP but then I thought a little more about it and realised that a message like that could have two effects a)do harm to a business and staff trying hard to give customers a good time and b) deprive holidaymakers of a fun time.
You and I have lived here long enough and contributed/lurked on these boards long enough to recognise the mischievous messages but occasional holidaymakers may not.

The owner told me he posted a photo in reply to this post--perhaps he should have had one of the waiters hold up a copy of Saturday's Bangkok Post.
At first, your suggestion seemed a good idea but it would only bring out the usual suspects crying 'Photoshop'.
At least the owner can be flattered by someone thinking that his attempts at photography are 'professional' looking.

December 30th, 2013, 13:47
I'm not sure what all you old queens were doing at 7:30pm when I originally posted but this old queen was having a drink before dinner in Soi 4. I've had a pre-dinner drink there on numerous occasions and that was the quietest I've ever seen it. August/September mid-week was busier

December 30th, 2013, 14:21
I'm not sure what all you old queens were doing at 7:30pm when I originally posted but this old queen was having a drink before dinner in Soi 4. I've had a pre-dinner drink there on numerous occasions and that was the quietest I've ever seen it. August/September mid-week was busierIf you happen to be there tomorrow night (New Year's Eve) and spot a large black lady in a kaftan that may well be me. Do come and say hullo. I won't have a prostitute in tow so we won't have to spend time trying not to talk about upcoming funerals, cunts like Suthep and Thaksin, and all the other things you can't discuss with Thais. With any luck we can also avoid pompous bores like Patanawet so definitely win-win.

December 30th, 2013, 16:34
The last time you threw over your kaftan Sooty, you raised quite a stir!


That isn't you bumping and grinding with Christian from time to time is it?


December 30th, 2013, 22:25
I'm a bit out of touch on who are the trolls on this board but to Sooty and Kommentariat, you're both invited to meet me face to face, mano-o-mano at Balcony tomorrow night at 2100 to late. I promise not to call you a troll and you can call me anything you want. Drinks on me. I am unarmed.

Look for the waiter named "V" and ask him to point out Michael to you. I should be on the first row closest to the For Fun Bar.

December 31st, 2013, 04:59
Can someone help kommentariat with the name of a good optician?

Nope. No need for the poster to go looking for glasses.
Twice in mid December, both times in the middle of the week, at around 11pm I walked through soi 4. Your place was half empty, and so was Telephone.

But you know that. So maybe be honest, and admit this has been the slowest high season in the past 10 years. Everybody knows that.

Yes it is buzy now. But this is the busiest 2 weeks out of the whole year, week before and after new year.

Maybe post a pic taken at new years eve, to prove everything is well, the place is packed every night.

December 31st, 2013, 05:43
The last time you threw over your kaftan Sooty, you raised quite a stir!


That isn't you bumping and grinding with Christian from time to time is it?


thank you for posting that link I thought the forum was getting overloaded with posh people correcting english in responses. I now understand sooty what a waste of time

December 31st, 2013, 06:45
I'm a bit out of touch on who are the trolls on this board but to Sooty and Kommentariat, you're both invited to meet me face to face, mano-o-mano at Balcony tomorrow night at 2100.I've absolutely no intention of wasting my time on someone who spends his time in post after post referring to other posters as "trolls" and "liars" and then somehow thinks there's a "man-to-man" element to his contemptible behaviour.

December 31st, 2013, 07:04
I'm a bit out of touch on who are the trolls on this board but to Sooty and Kommentariat, you're both invited to meet me face to face, mano-o-mano at Balcony tomorrow night at 2100.I've absolutely no intention of wasting my time on someone who spends his time in post after post referring to other posters as "trolls" and "liars" and then somehow thinks there's a "man-to-man" element to his contemptible behaviour.

These man to man challenges on web boards are always funny!

Love these people who think we are 17th century French noble men, challenging the offending Count to a duel in Luxembourg Gardens in Paris!

December 31st, 2013, 07:47

French noblemen?

We all know it would be more like a hair-pulling, blouse-ripping, wrestle in the mud bitch fight.

December 31st, 2013, 07:57
:D :D :D

December 31st, 2013, 08:26
Sooty wearing a large kaftan, I guess he is going as Ma Kettle.

December 31st, 2013, 10:36
Sooty wearing a large kaftan, I guess he is going as Ma Kettle.Ma Kettle, like Pa Kettle, is safely ensconced in Hua Hin although somewhat more incapacitated. I thought everyone knew that.

December 31st, 2013, 11:44
Observations from Monday, 30.12.2013

Arrived at 10 pm with a Thai friend. No table for 2 at Balcony or Telephone left. The only free table we found was at 4 Sports, so we settled there. Later they brought more tables and chairs to extend into the Soi. When we left 1:30 am, the Soi was still busy (but now at about 50% capacity).

There is the usual problem with smokers. If you want smoke free, you have to go inside. But if you want to sit outside with out cigarett moke? Sorry.

But the music level is ok now. I remember a year ago, when every bar played their own music, trying to be louder than their neighbor. Now I could hear only one song, and the level was such that I could talk with my friend in normal voice. Incredible! But later, when ForFun started their band, we had to shout again. At least their music was to my liking. (The worst that can happen: music I don't like played so loud that I have to shout at my friend.)

Soi 4 experiences a similar fate as the gay beach: there are few cute boys (by my standards), and these are in company of Farang.

In defense of kommentariat, there was no time/ date stamp on Balcony owner's photo.
The photo looked professional to me.
I am certainly not calling bar owner a liar but awful convenient to have photo proof
and some might think too convenient.

Professional? There is no focus in the picture, everything is blurry.

Convenient? If I had nothing better to do, I could have taken a picture yesterday in the soi with my mobile phone and posted it while sitting there.

December 31st, 2013, 14:02
Each to his own I guess. I walked into Classic Bar last night and walked straight out again because of the farang sat right in front of the stage ostentatiously smoking a cigar. I was in the mood to take a boy and went immediately to another bar. I'm told that the cigar smoker having lost the bar at least one customer departed empty handed.

December 31st, 2013, 15:05
Each to his own I guess. I walked into Classic Bar last night and walked straight out again because of the farang sat right in front of the stage ostentatiously smoking a cigar. I was in the mood to take a boy and went immediately to another bar. I'm told that the cigar smoker having lost the bar at least one customer departed empty handed.Naughty NAUGHTY kommentariat. Francois will be on your case before you can turn around, changing the topic of this thread on page 3. Civilisations have fallen for less of a reason (especially French ones). BTW I've sent you a PM about this evening - slight change of plan. I do hope you'll come along.

December 31st, 2013, 15:46
I've absolutely no intention of wasting my time on someone who spends his time in post after post referring to other posters as "trolls" and "liars" and then somehow thinks there's a "man-to-man" element to his contemptible behaviour.

Dam, my hopes are dashed that at least one of the posters on this board is not posting from the day room internet connection of some mental care facility or as the character in 'Sling Blade' said, the nervous hospital.

Happy New Year's to all including the trolls wherever you may be.

December 31st, 2013, 17:43
Happy New Year's to all including the trolls wherever you may be.Happy New Year's what? Or do you mean (multiple) "Happy New Years" or a "Happy New Year"?

December 31st, 2013, 17:50
FFS why does surfcrest allow you to remain on the forum. If he spent more time here than chasing up Neal and running his other channel Asia gay net, you would be gone.

Why do we need you to stuff up this forum?

December 31st, 2013, 21:53
FFS why does surfcrest allow you to remain on the forum. If he spent more time here than chasing up Neal and running his other channel Asia gay net, you would be gone.

Why do we need you to stuff up this forum?


I hardly ever post, mostly read other peoples posts.
Why should board Admin kick me out, please?

December 31st, 2013, 21:59

Whitemouse, I don't think Witchunt's post was aimed at you.


January 1st, 2014, 01:16
FFS why does surfcrest allow you to remain on the forum. If he spent more time here than chasing up Neal and running his other channel Asia gay net, you would be gone.

I've always quite enjoyed Sooty, so much so that I went out and bought my own kaftan as well for special occasions ;)
Sooty's Bangkok trip report was a very interesting read.

Apart from glancing at his caller ID when he calls me at all hours, I spend no time thinking...chasing...or you name it, about Neal.

While I love to read asiaguys.net I can't take any credit for this site either.
AsiaGuys is a member here as well as a member on Gay Thailand (buckbee).


January 1st, 2014, 02:59

Whitemouse, I don't think Witchunt's post was aimed at you.


Hmmm... Who was it aimed at then? To all Sawadee members?

If user Witchunt disagrees with some users, or the board in general, why not ignore the user he has issues with, or, why simply not deactivate and delete the account. Another way to go about is to put ALL members on ignore, that way no one's post will ever offend user Witchhunt.
If user Witchhunt cant find the 'delete account' menu, I shall offer my services. I shall provide a link.

I understand perfectly well that for many people internet is a new thing, and navigating through web forum settings can be confusing. There is no shame asking fellow board members for help.

User Witchhunt, send me a PS (PS means private message in internet lingo), and I will try to help to sort out the confusing menues, and submenues, to find 'delete account' option!

January 1st, 2014, 05:35
FFS why does surfcrest allow you to remain on the forum. If he spent more time here than chasing up Neal and running his other channel Asia gay net, you would be gone.

Why do we need you to stuff up this forum?


I hardly ever post, mostly read other peoples posts.
Why should board Admin kick me out, please?

whitemouse there were 7 posts after yours. you must have a big ego to think your post was the only one referred to

January 1st, 2014, 07:14
Why do we need you to stuff up this forum?Someone has to do it! It's a burden, I know, but I'm prepared to make the sacrifice.

January 1st, 2014, 09:10
Look for the waiter named "V" and ask him to point out Michael to you. I should be on the first row closest to the For Fun Bar.I had almost forgotten the Kenny Everett character Cupid Stunt and her monologues with a cardboard cutout of Michael Parkinson. Sooty hadn't, and a star turn of last night's party at Sooty's host was a Cupid Stunt monologue by Sooty about "Michael" and his pet waiter "V (for Vagina)".

January 1st, 2014, 11:52
Sitting in Soi 4 on a Saturday night. Empty table after empty table after empty table outside Balcony. Telephone issomewhat better but nothing to get excited about. Many straights wandering up and down the Soi and even a straight family sitting at Balcony. Two sons but a little early to be introducing them to sodomy I think
Was it 5.30 p.m? Or maybe 1.30 a.m.?

I was at The Balcony almost every night from Dec 18-28, I believe almost a record Christmas for them, packed in the usual hours [9.00 - 12.00) but steady from 6.00 onwards...There have always been many straight families eating/drinking at the Balcony on a regular basis, what is so strange about that? It is that sort of place, relaxed and not in your face!

January 1st, 2014, 12:17
Just to put a final note on this thread and my last post on this topic. No surprise that neither Kommentaial or Sooty showed up. Like Thai ghosts they don't really exist in solid form. Five other posters did show looking for the elusive couple for reasons they did not divulge.

January 1st, 2014, 13:59
Just to put a final note on this thread and my last post on this topic. No surprise that neither Kommentaial or Sooty showed up. Like Thai ghosts they don't really exist in solid form. Five other posters did show looking for the elusive couple for reasons they did not divulge.
BTW I've sent you a PM about this evening - slight change of plan. I do hope you'll come along.Clearly people aren't paying attention. I posted that comment in this thread during the morning yesterday.

January 1st, 2014, 21:59
Trongpai, I don't know about kommentariat, but I think you should make allowances for Sooty's zimmer frame - it tends to slow him down and he is often late for appointments.

January 4th, 2014, 08:52
Look for the waiter named "V"Finally worked who V is but frankly I never look at their names I'm too busy trying to decide how their legs would look in the air when the boy is flat on his back. I've always had him picked as self important so I guess you make a good team.

January 4th, 2014, 13:28
I'm too busy trying to decide how their legs would look in the air when the boy is flat on his back.

That's why he's called "V"

January 6th, 2014, 09:45
I'm too busy trying to decide how their legs would look in the air when the boy is flat on his back.That's why he's called "V" :))

February 3rd, 2014, 11:42
I wonder how the civil unrest is affecting tourist numbers overall (not just the gay scene)... Even most of the Thais I know don't want to travel there to visit family/friends right now.

February 3rd, 2014, 15:03
I read somewhere tourist arrivals down 6% though such statistics may not be trustable. Anecdotally I am usually in bkk in January and there are far fewer farang in Silom/Sathorn. Massage workers in Patong Beach and Chiang Mai complain of fewer customers and blame the bkk problem. Hotels seem busy in CM and quieter and cheaper in bkk.