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December 23rd, 2013, 00:27
I have a buddy staying in Le Cafe Royale, and he has told me his room hasn't been cleaned for 3 days now, when he asked at the reception, he was told they only have 1 cleaner, and that he would have to wait for her to get to his floor! what is going on there? /:)

December 23rd, 2013, 03:46
Wow. If the cleaning staff has been reduced so much, did they reduce the waiter staff also. Just checking because lots of them were friends. Thought I read somewhere too that they no longer have 24 hour room service. @-)

December 23rd, 2013, 12:37
I always thought daily cleanings were a bit too much,
but don't they just have three floors with five rooms per floor?
Anyway sounds like they are busy now- good for them.
Vacationers should dwindle down substantially in a couple weeks.

December 23rd, 2013, 13:13
All these remarks mainly show how little you seem to be aware of what is happening in the real world around you.
Staff SHORTAGEs are enormous. Cleaning work is not very populair. Even the seemingly endless supply of staff from Cambodia or Burma is drying up.
Little tip: demand reduction in price, cut up elbows and do it himself-or hire yet another BF for much more ''as he is so poor''.

December 24th, 2013, 20:15
staff shortages or not, there is no excuse for NOT cleaning the rooms, do you seriously think the rooms in The Hilton are cleaned every 3 days, they seem to have sufficient staff, as do the surrounding Hotels, and it is correct that they no longer have 24 hour room serivce, the restaurant and bar close at 1am most nights. Ian and Robbie would turn in their graves!

December 24th, 2013, 23:08
wow the restaurant and bar are still open.
great news, good to know, thanks

December 27th, 2013, 05:30
Wow. If the cleaning staff has been reduced so much, did they reduce the waiter staff also. Just checking because lots of them were friends. Thought I read somewhere too that they no longer have 24 hour room service. @-)

Yes. Lots of guys from even 1 year ago are gone. The evening shift, only 4 guys from former staff are still working there, 3 straight guys, one of them with shaved head, and 2 shift managers, both straight guys, very nice guys, and very proffessional. They have hired 3 new gay guys as waiters. And the new manager for last 1 month or so is a ladyboy, but without make up.
Day shift both Cha and Mack are still working there.
There are big changes coming to Le Cafe in few months, they were considering a straight karaoke bar, thank f**k it now seems its not gonna happen. If the boys know what the future will be, they are not telling. I go there pretty much every night.

December 27th, 2013, 05:34
All these remarks mainly show how little you seem to be aware of what is happening in the real world around you.

Really? Expecting a 1400 baht a night hotel room to be cleaned daily, is expecting too much, and not being aware of 'real world'?


December 27th, 2013, 06:06
Thanks whitemouse for the update. I have been going to Caf├й Royale since 1998, but have not been there for about a year. Like I said a lot of the staff became friends during this time. May have to make different plans for Songran (Thai New Year).

December 29th, 2013, 06:25
I think the golden days of the caf├й came to an end when both Ian and Robbie passed away . It seems to have been downwards ever since. If I was paying upwards of 1400 bht anight , I would want my room cleaned every day , Its a hotel after all

December 31st, 2013, 05:36
I think the golden days of the caf├й came to an end when both Ian and Robbie passed away . It seems to have been downwards ever since. If I was paying upwards of 1400 bht anight , I would want my room cleaned every day , Its a hotel after all

The last years, when Ian was around, Le Cafe was the greatest place in Boyztown. After all other places closed at around 1am, Le Cafe was pretty much packed, and everybody, the working boys and customers went there, cos the restaurant was open 24 hrs. Great fun.

Then Robby took over, and rules changed little bit, money boys were not welcomed any more, and there was no point to go there after Panorama closed at 1 or so. Why go there, if there are no Thai guys there to party with.
Around that time larger gay clubs came around, Nab, Dave... People who started their evening at Panorama and few other terrasses in Boyztown hopped on mitorboys, and headed to those clubs. Le Cafe became quiet, there was nothing to do there, no boys = no customers. And it rapidly went down hill from then on.

Le Cafe has always had the nicest staff of any gay venue, for the guys who work or worked there, we must thank Ian.
The place is falling apart now. There is no purpose for it to be there, no reason to go there, other than few of the remaining old staff members.

Its over.

March 17th, 2014, 01:49
Just returned from a two week stay there.
No, the place isn't falling apart.
Rooms freshened up with new artwork
and LCD TV's.

Each day I was asked about cleaning my room,
totally unnecessary if you ask me.
What an ecological waste - cleaning the sheets and bed linens each day.
Usually told the maid every other day -
room not need- relax, and tipped her the same.